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YB/T 105-2014: Methods of physical testing for metallmgieal lime
YB/T 105-2014
ICS 73.080
D 52
Replacing YB/T 105-2005
Methods of physical testing for metallurgical lime
ISSUED ON: MAY 06, 2014
Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 4
4 Activity testing methods ... 5
5 Particle size test method ... 8
Appendix A (Normative) Acceptance procedure flow chart of specimen analysis result
... 10
Methods of physical testing for metallurgical lime
Warning: Personnel to whom this standard applies shall have practical experience
in formal laboratory work. This standard does not address all possible safety
issues. Users are responsible for taking appropriate safety and health measures
and ensuring compliance with the conditions stipulated in relevant national
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, method principles, test methods,
calculation of results for the determination of reactivity and particle size composition
of metallurgical lime.
This standard is applicable to the determination of reactivity and particle size
composition of metallurgical lime.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated
documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document;
for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is
applicable to this standard.
GB/T 2007.7 General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in
bulk. The method for determination of size by manual sieving
GB/T 6003.2 Test sieves of perforated metal plate
GB/T 8170 Rules of rounding off for numerical values and expression and judgement
of limiting values
YB/T 042 Lime for metallurgical
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
The reaction rate of lime hydration, which is expressed as the number of milliliters
of 4 mol/L hydrochloric acid consumed in 10 minutes.
4 Activity testing methods
4.1 Principle
Hydrate a certain amount of the specimen. At the same time, use a certain concentration
of hydrochloric acid, to neutralize the calcium hydroxide produced during the lime
hydration process. From the beginning of adding the lime specimen to the end of the
test, it must always be carried out at a certain stirring speed AND the isometry point
during the neutralization process shall be maintained. Accurately record the
consumption of hydrochloric acid, at 10 minutes.
4.2 Reagents
4.2.1 Hydrochloric acid (4 mol/L).
4.2.2 Phenolphthalein indicator solution (5 g/L): Weigh 0.5 g of phenolphthalein. Add
50 mL of ethanol to dissolve. Add water to dilute it to 100 mL.
4.3 Test equipment and tools
4.3.1 Jaw crusher 60 mm × 100 mm.
4.3.2 Sampling sieve: 1 mm and 5 mm round hole sieve.
4.3.3 Ground mouth bottle: 500 mL.
4.3.4 Flat brown brush: The width is 20 mm.
4.3.5 Balance: The maximum weighing capacity is not less than 100 g; the weighing
sensitivity is not more than 0.l g.
4.3.6 Specimen shovel: The length and width are not less than 30 mm; the side height
is not less than 10 mm.
4.3.7 Watch glass: The diameter is 120 mm.
4.3.8 Dryer: The diameter is 250 mm.
4.3.9 Beaker: 3000 mL.
4.3.10 Graduated cylinder: 2000 mL.
4.3.11 Burette: 500 mL, minimum scale not larger than 1 mL.
4.3.12 Thermometer: The maximum temperature is 100 °C; the scale is not greater than
1 °C.
4.3.13 Dropper bottle: 50 mL.
beaker. Start the stirrer. Use a thermometer to measure the water temperature. When the water temperature drops to 40 °C ± 1 °C. Add 8 ~ 10 drops of
phenolphthalein indicator solution (4.2.2). Pour the specimen into water for digestion
at one time. Start timekeeping at the same time. When the digestion begins to turn red, use hydrochloric acid (4.2.1) for digestion.
Titrate and maintain the solution until the red color just disappears. When red color
appears again, continue to add hydrochloric acid dropwise. Keep titrating the solution
throughout the process, until the red color just disappears. Record the number of
milliliters of hydrochloric acid (4.2.1), which is consumed at the 10th minute. If
necessary, it may also record the number of milliliters of hydrochloric acid (4.2.1),
which is consumed at any time.
Note: In the later stage of titration, if the color change is not obvious, it may supplementally
add 2 ~ 4 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution appropriately.
4.5.2 Automatic hydrochloric acid titration method Turn on the hot water heater. (After the temperature reaches the requirement)
automatically inject 2000 mL of 40 °C ± 1 °C hot water, into the 3000 mL beaker. Start the equipment and the stirring paddle will turn on automatically. The
system enters the test state. The pH value detector detects the pH value. It controls the
pH value to 7.0 ± 0.1. Accurately weigh 50.0 g of the specimen, which has a particle size of 1 mm ~ 5
mm. Pour it into a beaker for testing. The instrument will automatically titrate. When
the pH value is greater than 7.1, the instrument will add hydrochloric acid (4.2.1). When
the pH value is less than 6.9, stop adding hydrochloric acid (4.2.1). The instrument will
automatically complete the test; record the number of milliliters of hydrochloric acid
(4.2.1), which is consumed at the 10th minute.
4.6 Calculation of results
4.6.1 If the results of two independent measurements of the same specimen are not
greater than the allowable difference (see 4.6.2), THEN take the arithmetic mean as the
test result. If the results of two independent measurements are greater than the allowable
difference, increase the number of tests and determine the test results as specified in
Appendix A. The test results are rounded to integers, in accordance with GB/T 8170.
4.6.2 Allowable difference
The absolute value of the difference -- between two independent measurement results
of the same specimen -- shall not be greater than 4% of the average value.
5 Particle size test method
5.1 Key points of method
The specimens are classified for particle size, according to the prescribed sieve mesh
and operating methods. The test results are expressed as the percentage of the quality
of each particle size.
5.2 Test equipment and tools
5.2.1 Square hole sieve: The sieve hole specifications and size deviations comply with
GB/T 6003. The size of the sieve surface is approximately 800 mm × 600 mm; the
height of the sieve frame is approximately 120 mm; handles are installed at both ends
of the sieve frame.
5.2.2 Sample container: It is made of metal or other materials, that do not absorb
5.2.3 Weighing instrument: The weighing sensitivity shall not exceed 10 g.
5.2.4 Specimen shovel, plate, brush, broom, etc.
5.3 Specimens
Follow the provisions of YB/T 042.
5.4 Screening steps
5.4.1 The specimen is screened from large holes to small holes. The height of the sieve
from the ground, steel plate or receiving plate shall not exceed 200 mm.
5.4.2 For specimens which have a maximum particle size greater than 50 mm, the
amount of material to be screened each time shall not exceed 20 kg. For specimens,
which have a maximum particle size less than or equal to 50 mm, the feeding amount
for each screening shall not exceed 10 kg.
5.4.3 When feeding, spread the specimen evenly on the sieve, which has the largest hole
size, in the series of sieves. Pick out the lime blocks, that are significantly larger than
the sieve aperture; place them in a spare specimen tray.
5.4.4 Shake the sieve in the horizontal direction, at a shaking frequency of about 30
times per minute. The shaking distance does not exceed 200 mm; no impact force is
5.4.5 Combine the material above the sieve into the picked lime blocks. Use the same
method for the lime under sieve, to continue to sieve it on the smaller sieve in the
selected series of sieves. The following is same, until the screening is completed.
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YB/T 105-2014: Methods of physical testing for metallmgieal lime
YB/T 105-2014
ICS 73.080
D 52
Replacing YB/T 105-2005
Methods of physical testing for metallurgical lime
ISSUED ON: MAY 06, 2014
Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 4
4 Activity testing methods ... 5
5 Particle size test method ... 8
Appendix A (Normative) Acceptance procedure flow chart of specimen analysis result
... 10
Methods of physical testing for metallurgical lime
Warning: Personnel to whom this standard applies shall have practical experience
in formal laboratory work. This standard does not address all possible safety
issues. Users are responsible for taking appropriate safety and health measures
and ensuring compliance with the conditions stipulated in relevant national
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, method principles, test methods,
calculation of results for the determination of reactivity and particle size composition
of metallurgical lime.
This standard is applicable to the determination of reactivity and particle size
composition of metallurgical lime.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated
documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document;
for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is
applicable to this standard.
GB/T 2007.7 General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in
bulk. The method for determination of size by manual sieving
GB/T 6003.2 Test sieves of perforated metal plate
GB/T 8170 Rules of rounding off for numerical values and expression and judgement
of limiting values
YB/T 042 Lime for metallurgical
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
The reaction rate of lime hydration, which is expressed as the number of milliliters
of 4 mol/L hydrochloric acid consumed in 10 minutes.
4 Activity testing methods
4.1 Principle
Hydrate a certain amount of the specimen. At the same time, use a certain concentration
of hydrochloric acid, to neutralize the calcium hydroxide produced during the lime
hydration process. From the beginning of adding the lime specimen to the end of the
test, it must always be carried out at a certain stirring speed AND the isometry point
during the neutralization process shall be maintained. Accurately record the
consumption of hydrochloric acid, at 10 minutes.
4.2 Reagents
4.2.1 Hydrochloric acid (4 mol/L).
4.2.2 Phenolphthalein indicator solution (5 g/L): Weigh 0.5 g of phenolphthalein. Add
50 mL of ethanol to dissolve. Add water to dilute it to 100 mL.
4.3 Test equipment and tools
4.3.1 Jaw crusher 60 mm × 100 mm.
4.3.2 Sampling sieve: 1 mm and 5 mm round hole sieve.
4.3.3 Ground mouth bottle: 500 mL.
4.3.4 Flat brown brush: The width is 20 mm.
4.3.5 Balance: The maximum weighing capacity is not less than 100 g; the weighing
sensitivity is not more than 0.l g.
4.3.6 Specimen shovel: The length and width are not less than 30 mm; the side height
is not less than 10 mm.
4.3.7 Watch glass: The diameter is 120 mm.
4.3.8 Dryer: The diameter is 250 mm.
4.3.9 Beaker: 3000 mL.
4.3.10 Graduated cylinder: 2000 mL.
4.3.11 Burette: 500 mL, minimum scale not larger than 1 mL.
4.3.12 Thermometer: The maximum temperature is 100 °C; the scale is not greater than
1 °C.
4.3.13 Dropper bottle: 50 mL.
beaker. Start the stirrer. Use a thermometer to measure the water temperature. When the water temperature drops to 40 °C ± 1 °C. Add 8 ~ 10 drops of
phenolphthalein indicator solution (4.2.2). Pour the specimen into water for digestion
at one time. Start timekeeping at the same time. When the digestion begins to turn red, use hydrochloric acid (4.2.1) for digestion.
Titrate and maintain the solution until the red color just disappears. When red color
appears again, continue to add hydrochloric acid dropwise. Keep titrating the solution
throughout the process, until the red color just disappears. Record the number of
milliliters of hydrochloric acid (4.2.1), which is consumed at the 10th minute. If
necessary, it may also record the number of milliliters of hydrochloric acid (4.2.1),
which is consumed at any time.
Note: In the later stage of titration, if the color change is not obvious, it may supplementally
add 2 ~ 4 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution appropriately.
4.5.2 Automatic hydrochloric acid titration method Turn on the hot water heater. (After the temperature reaches the requirement)
automatically inject 2000 mL of 40 °C ± 1 °C hot water, into the 3000 mL beaker. Start the equipment and the stirring paddle will turn on automatically. The
system enters the test state. The pH value detector detects the pH value. It controls the
pH value to 7.0 ± 0.1. Accurately weigh 50.0 g of the specimen, which has a particle size of 1 mm ~ 5
mm. Pour it into a beaker for testing. The instrument will automatically titrate. When
the pH value is greater than 7.1, the instrument will add hydrochloric acid (4.2.1). When
the pH value is less than 6.9, stop adding hydrochloric acid (4.2.1). The instrument will
automatically complete the test; record the number of milliliters of hydrochloric acid
(4.2.1), which is consumed at the 10th minute.
4.6 Calculation of results
4.6.1 If the results of two independent measurements of the same specimen are not
greater than the allowable difference (see 4.6.2), THEN take the arithmetic mean as the
test result. If the results of two independent measurements are greater than the allowable
difference, increase the number of tests and determine the test results as specified in
Appendix A. The test results are rounded to integers, in accordance with GB/T 8170.
4.6.2 Allowable difference
The absolute value of the difference -- between two independent measurement results
of the same specimen -- shall not be greater than 4% of the average value.
5 Particle size test method
5.1 Key points of method
The specimens are classified for particle size, according to the prescribed sieve mesh
and operating methods. The test results are expressed as the percentage of the quality
of each particle size.
5.2 Test equipment and tools
5.2.1 Square hole sieve: The sieve hole specifications and size deviations comply with
GB/T 6003. The size of the sieve surface is approximately 800 mm × 600 mm; the
height of the sieve frame is approximately 120 mm; handles are installed at both ends
of the sieve frame.
5.2.2 Sample container: It is made of metal or other materials, that do not absorb
5.2.3 Weighing instrument: The weighing sensitivity shall not exceed 10 g.
5.2.4 Specimen shovel, plate, brush, broom, etc.
5.3 Specimens
Follow the provisions of YB/T 042.
5.4 Screening steps
5.4.1 The specimen is screened from large holes to small holes. The height of the sieve
from the ground, steel plate or receiving plate shall not exceed 200 mm.
5.4.2 For specimens which have a maximum particle size greater than 50 mm, the
amount of material to be screened each time shall not exceed 20 kg. For specimens,
which have a maximum particle size less than or equal to 50 mm, the feeding amount
for each screening shall not exceed 10 kg.
5.4.3 When feeding, spread the specimen evenly on the sieve, which has the largest hole
size, in the series of sieves. Pick out the lime blocks, that are significantly larger than
the sieve aperture; place them in a spare specimen tray.
5.4.4 Shake the sieve in the horizontal direction, at a shaking frequency of about 30
times per minute. The shaking distance does not exceed 200 mm; no impact force is
5.4.5 Combine the material above the sieve into the picked lime blocks. Use the same
method for the lime under sieve, to continue to sieve it on the smaller sieve in the
selected series of sieves. The following is same, until the screening is completed.