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TB/T 3137-2006: Rules for railway product identification code
TB/T 3137-2006
ICS 45.020
S 04
Rules for railway product identification code
Issued by. People's Republic of China Ministry of Railways
3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically and
immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope .. 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 4
4 Rules for identification codes of railway product, product item ... 5
5 Structure and management of railway product identification code, product
item identification code ... 6
Annex A (normative) Calculation method for verification code .. 8
Annex B (informative) Preparation programs and examples for product
identification code and product item identification code ... 9
Annex C (informative) Application examples of product identification code and
product item identification code ... 14
Bibliography ... 16
Annex A of this Standard is normative. Annex B and Annex C are informative.
This Standard was proposed by and shall be under the jurisdiction of National
Technical Committee on Ministry of Railways Standard Metrology Institute.
The drafting organizations of this Standard. Ministry of Railways Standard
Metrology Institute, Zhengzhou Railway Bureau, Shanghai Railway Bureau,
Xi'an Railway Bureau, Shuo Huang Railway Development Co., Ltd., Beijing
Ruixin Logistics Technology Co., Ltd.
Main drafters of this Standard. Yang Qi, Zhu Mei, Wang Hui, Jin Zhiyong, Li
Dongyan, Liao Xiangyang, Liu Chengde.
Rules for railway product identification code
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the terms and definitions, preparing principle, structure
and management of railway product identification code, product item
identification code.
This Standard applies to codes required as product identification and relevant
information processing, exchange and share carrier in railway product
NOTE. Railway product management includes production management, product access,
product quality supervision and tracking, material management, operation management, asset
management, material accounting, planning and statistics.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain the provisions which, through reference in this
Standard, constitute the provisions of this Standard. For dated references,
subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to
this Standard. However, the parties who enter into agreement based on this
Standard are encouraged to investigate whether the latest versions of these
documents are applicable. For undated reference documents, the latest
versions apply to this Standard.
GB/T 10113, Definition of common terms used in classification and coding
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions defined in GB/T
10113 and the following ones apply.
3.1 product
the result of a set of interrelated or interacting activities that convert input into
NOTE. Common product categories include services (such as transport), software (such as
computer programs, databases), hardware (such as engine mechanical parts, electronic
components), process materials (such as lubricants). The product in this Standard specially
refers to hardware and process materials, of which.
1) the hardware is usually a tangible product, the amount of which is counted;
2) the process materials are usually tangible products, the amount of which has a
characteristic of continuity.
3.2 product item
a group irrelevant to manufacturer, divided according to the basic attribute
NOTE. The basic attribute refers to the specifications, geometry, size, material, performance
and production process characteristics for which the product can be distinguished from other
3.3 product identification code
a set of numbers used to identify a particular product of manufacturer
3.4 product item identification code
a set of numbers used to identify a particular product item of manufacturer
3.5 railway product
an industrial product used on railway that meet the requirements for quality,
safety of this product
4 Rules for identification codes of railway product,
product item
4.1 Principle of uniqueness
4.1.1 The same product of same enterprise shall be assigned with same
product identification code. The different product of same enterprise or the
same product of different enterprise shall be assigned with different product
identification code.
4.1.2 The product of same name and same basic attribute shall be assigned
with same product item identification code. For the product of different name or
of same name, different basic attribute shall be assigned with different product
item identification code.
4.2 Principle of no meaning
In addition to the preset identification, each digit in the identification code does
not represent any specific information related to the product and the product
Annex A
Calculation method for verification code
A.1 The verification code is 1 number. The verification code is calculated by
a certain mathematical algorithm based on the numerical sequence. The
calculation steps are as follows.
step 1. prepare code weights from left to right, with a weight of 1 from the left
odd and 3 of an even number;
step 2. multiply by left-to-right numbers and weights, sum all multiplication
step 3. after the sum of step 2 is divided by modulo 10, take the remainder;
step 4. If the remainder is 0, the verification code shall be 0; if the remainder is
not 0, the result of subtracting the remainder obtained in step 3 from
the modulo 10 shall be the verification code.
A.2 Example for calculation of verification code. see Table A.1 for calculation
of verification code of code 15254400005X.
Table A.1 -- Calculation for verification code of code 15254400005X
Step Example calculation explanation
1 Number from left to right
2 Multiply by left-to-right numbers and weights; sum all multiplication results 1+15+2+15+4+12+0+0+0+0+5=54 ○1
3 Divide ○1 by the modulus to take the remainder
54 (and) / 10 (modulus) = 5, the
remainder is 4 ②
If the remainder is 0, the verification code shall be
0; if the remainder is not 0, the result of
subtracting the remainder obtained in step 3 from
the modulo 10 shall be the verification code.
Verification code X = 10 (modulus) - 4
(remainder) = 6 ③
Table B.2 -- Product information
Product basic information
Product name
Product main technical
Indicator name (including product
model) Corresponding value
Implementation product
technical standard
Product additional information
Product identification
information Accreditation body
certificate number
Product certification
information Certification body Certificate number
Certification body Certificate number
Product certification
information Certification body Certificate number
National industrial
production permit
Issuing agency Certificate No.
Railway industrial
product license
Issuing agency Certificate No.
Model approval
information Accreditation body Certificate No.
Other access
Access organization Access certificate
Access organization Access certificate
Product brief
B.1.2 The designated agency shall, based on the information provided by the
reporting enterprise, confirm and regulate according to the standard provisions.
If an enterprise named XX applies for the code of " Bar porcelain insulators used
for electrified railway catenary", see Table 3 for the confirmation and regulation.
The designated agency shall assign the product identification code
"153044000167" to the product for which it applies for the identification code.
Table 3 -- Information regulation example
Enterprise declaration information Regulation information
Product name Subway, light rail insulators Standard product name
Bar porcelain
insulators used
for electrified
railway catenary
[1] GB/T 7027-2002, Basic principles and methods for information classifying
and coding
[2] GB/T 7635.1-2002, National central product classification and codes - Part
1. Transportable product
[3] GB/T 12904-2003, Bar code for commodity
[4] GB/T 20001.3-2001, Rules for drafting STANDARDs - Part 3. Information
classifying and coding
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TB/T 3137-2006: Rules for railway product identification code
TB/T 3137-2006
ICS 45.020
S 04
Rules for railway product identification code
Issued by. People's Republic of China Ministry of Railways
3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically and
immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope .. 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 4
4 Rules for identification codes of railway product, product item ... 5
5 Structure and management of railway product identification code, product
item identification code ... 6
Annex A (normative) Calculation method for verification code .. 8
Annex B (informative) Preparation programs and examples for product
identification code and product item identification code ... 9
Annex C (informative) Application examples of product identification code and
product item identification code ... 14
Bibliography ... 16
Annex A of this Standard is normative. Annex B and Annex C are informative.
This Standard was proposed by and shall be under the jurisdiction of National
Technical Committee on Ministry of Railways Standard Metrology Institute.
The drafting organizations of this Standard. Ministry of Railways Standard
Metrology Institute, Zhengzhou Railway Bureau, Shanghai Railway Bureau,
Xi'an Railway Bureau, Shuo Huang Railway Development Co., Ltd., Beijing
Ruixin Logistics Technology Co., Ltd.
Main drafters of this Standard. Yang Qi, Zhu Mei, Wang Hui, Jin Zhiyong, Li
Dongyan, Liao Xiangyang, Liu Chengde.
Rules for railway product identification code
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the terms and definitions, preparing principle, structure
and management of railway product identification code, product item
identification code.
This Standard applies to codes required as product identification and relevant
information processing, exchange and share carrier in railway product
NOTE. Railway product management includes production management, product access,
product quality supervision and tracking, material management, operation management, asset
management, material accounting, planning and statistics.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain the provisions which, through reference in this
Standard, constitute the provisions of this Standard. For dated references,
subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to
this Standard. However, the parties who enter into agreement based on this
Standard are encouraged to investigate whether the latest versions of these
documents are applicable. For undated reference documents, the latest
versions apply to this Standard.
GB/T 10113, Definition of common terms used in classification and coding
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions defined in GB/T
10113 and the following ones apply.
3.1 product
the result of a set of interrelated or interacting activities that convert input into
NOTE. Common product categories include services (such as transport), software (such as
computer programs, databases), hardware (such as engine mechanical parts, electronic
components), process materials (such as lubricants). The product in this Standard specially
refers to hardware and process materials, of which.
1) the hardware is usually a tangible product, the amount of which is counted;
2) the process materials are usually tangible products, the amount of which has a
characteristic of continuity.
3.2 product item
a group irrelevant to manufacturer, divided according to the basic attribute
NOTE. The basic attribute refers to the specifications, geometry, size, material, performance
and production process characteristics for which the product can be distinguished from other
3.3 product identification code
a set of numbers used to identify a particular product of manufacturer
3.4 product item identification code
a set of numbers used to identify a particular product item of manufacturer
3.5 railway product
an industrial product used on railway that meet the requirements for quality,
safety of this product
4 Rules for identification codes of railway product,
product item
4.1 Principle of uniqueness
4.1.1 The same product of same enterprise shall be assigned with same
product identification code. The different product of same enterprise or the
same product of different enterprise shall be assigned with different product
identification code.
4.1.2 The product of same name and same basic attribute shall be assigned
with same product item identification code. For the product of different name or
of same name, different basic attribute shall be assigned with different product
item identification code.
4.2 Principle of no meaning
In addition to the preset identification, each digit in the identification code does
not represent any specific information related to the product and the product
Annex A
Calculation method for verification code
A.1 The verification code is 1 number. The verification code is calculated by
a certain mathematical algorithm based on the numerical sequence. The
calculation steps are as follows.
step 1. prepare code weights from left to right, with a weight of 1 from the left
odd and 3 of an even number;
step 2. multiply by left-to-right numbers and weights, sum all multiplication
step 3. after the sum of step 2 is divided by modulo 10, take the remainder;
step 4. If the remainder is 0, the verification code shall be 0; if the remainder is
not 0, the result of subtracting the remainder obtained in step 3 from
the modulo 10 shall be the verification code.
A.2 Example for calculation of verification code. see Table A.1 for calculation
of verification code of code 15254400005X.
Table A.1 -- Calculation for verification code of code 15254400005X
Step Example calculation explanation
1 Number from left to right
2 Multiply by left-to-right numbers and weights; sum all multiplication results 1+15+2+15+4+12+0+0+0+0+5=54 ○1
3 Divide ○1 by the modulus to take the remainder
54 (and) / 10 (modulus) = 5, the
remainder is 4 ②
If the remainder is 0, the verification code shall be
0; if the remainder is not 0, the result of
subtracting the remainder obtained in step 3 from
the modulo 10 shall be the verification code.
Verification code X = 10 (modulus) - 4
(remainder) = 6 ③
Table B.2 -- Product information
Product basic information
Product name
Product main technical
Indicator name (including product
model) Corresponding value
Implementation product
technical standard
Product additional information
Product identification
information Accreditation body
certificate number
Product certification
information Certification body Certificate number
Certification body Certificate number
Product certification
information Certification body Certificate number
National industrial
production permit
Issuing agency Certificate No.
Railway industrial
product license
Issuing agency Certificate No.
Model approval
information Accreditation body Certificate No.
Other access
Access organization Access certificate
Access organization Access certificate
Product brief
B.1.2 The designated agency shall, based on the information provided by the
reporting enterprise, confirm and regulate according to the standard provisions.
If an enterprise named XX applies for the code of " Bar porcelain insulators used
for electrified railway catenary", see Table 3 for the confirmation and regulation.
The designated agency shall assign the product identification code
"153044000167" to the product for which it applies for the identification code.
Table 3 -- Information regulation example
Enterprise declaration information Regulation information
Product name Subway, light rail insulators Standard product name
Bar porcelain
insulators used
for electrified
railway catenary
[1] GB/T 7027-2002, Basic principles and methods for information classifying
and coding
[2] GB/T 7635.1-2002, National central product classification and codes - Part
1. Transportable product
[3] GB/T 12904-2003, Bar code for commodity
[4] GB/T 20001.3-2001, Rules for drafting STANDARDs - Part 3. Information
classifying and coding