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QC/T 1177-2022: Condenser for automotive air conditioning
QC/T 1177-2022
ICS 43.040.60
CCS T 26
Condenser for automotive air conditioning
Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's
Republic of China
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 6
1 Scope ... 7
2 Normative references ... 7
3 Terms and definitions ... 7
4 Technical requirements ... 8
5 Test methods ... 11
6 Inspection rules ... 15
7 Marks, packaging, transportation and storage ... 16
This document was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2020
"Directives for standardization - Part 1: Rules for the structure and drafting of
standardizing documents".
This document was proposed by and shall be under the jurisdiction of National
Technical Committee on Automobile of Standardization Administration of China
(SAC/TC 114).
The drafting organizations of this document: Longquan Industrial Innovation Service
Center, Automobile Air Conditioning Committee of China Association of Automobile
Manufacturers, Shanghai Kallang Songzhi Automotive Air Conditioning Co., Ltd.,
Longquan Huibo Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Longteng Air Conditioning Co., Ltd.,
South Intel Air Conditioning Co., Ltd., Air Conditioning International (Shanghai ) Co.,
Ltd., Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd. Technology Center, Zhejiang University,
Chongqing Chaoli High-Tech Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Xinjin Air Conditioning Equipment
Co., Ltd., Shanghai Tianmiao Air Treatment Equipment Co., Ltd., Shanghai Satake
Cooling and Heat Control Technology Co., Ltd., Technical Institute of Physics and
Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jilin University, Shenyang Ziweiheng
Testing Equipment Co., Ltd., Tianjin Gertes Testing Equipment Technology
Development Co., Ltd., Shenyang Huifuxiang Precision Machinery Co., Ltd., Yuxin
Automobile Thermal Management Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Three Hua
Research Institute Co., Ltd., Zhongyuan Institute of Technology, Zhengzhou Kelin
Automotive Air Conditioning Co., Ltd., Yinbang Metal Composite Materials Co., Ltd.,
Wuhu Tonglian Auto Parts Co., Ltd., China FAW Group Co., Ltd. Research and
Development Institute, China Automotive Research Institute Inspection Center (Tianjin)
Co., Ltd., Dongfeng Motor Co., Ltd., BYD Auto Industry Co., Ltd., Helong Shuanghao
High-tech Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Lantong Air Conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd., Zhejiang
Innovation Automobile Air Conditioning Co., Ltd.
Main drafters of this document: Xiong Shusheng, Ye Jun, Xue Qingfeng, Guo Guoqi,
Qin Feng, Tong Guohai, Sun Lei, Yang Jinhui, Shen Jie, Jing Xiaoping, Zhou Linsen,
Ye Fangping, He Lijiang, Fan Liqun, Zou Huiming, Li Ming, Zhang Jinsheng, Cai
Zhixiong, Liu Hui, Chen Yong, Wu Zhaosu, Dong Junqi, Ji Liyou, Li Peng, Ji Zhihao,
Liu Liu, Xie Yanan, Liu Zhao, Zhou Guanghui, Shi Hongchen, Zhang Xiaojun, Bian
Jiachen, Xu Minli, Gao Yanan, He Genping, Chen Xuefeng, Chen Dairong, Xu Minwu,
Ye Weifeng, Ye Jianjie, Zhang Li.
This document is issued for the first time.
Condenser for automotive air conditioning
1 Scope
This document specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and
marks, packaging, transportation and storage of condensers for automotive air
conditioning (condensers for short).
This document applies to air-cooled condensers for exterior use, heat pump type interior
air-cooled condensers and air-cooled condensers with liquid storage tanks using HFC-
134a and HFO-1234yf as refrigerants.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 191, Packaging and storage marks
GB/T 6287, Connecting devices - Flat quick-connect terminations for electrical
copper conductors - Safety requirements
GB/T 10125, Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests
GB/T 21361, Motor vehicle air-conditioning unit
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions defined in GB/T 21361 as
well as the followings apply.
3.1 condenser
A heat exchanger that cools and condenses gaseous refrigerant into a liquid state.
3.2 stable state
During the test, the state that the fluctuation range of the relevant test parameters is less
than the specified value.
3.3 heat exchange
Operating under the specified test conditions, the heat dissipated into the air by the
condenser per unit time.
3.4 air pressure drop
Operating under the specified test conditions, the pressure difference1 between the air
inlet surface and the air outlet surface of the condenser.
3.5 refrigerant pressure drop
Operating under the specified test conditions, the pressure difference between the
refrigerant inlet and outlet of the condenser.
3.6 subcooling condenser
A heat exchanger that cools the high-temperature and high-pressure gaseous refrigerant
entering the condenser into a high-temperature and high-pressure liquid refrigerant, and
the liquid refrigerant at the outlet of the condenser has a certain degree of subcooling.
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Dimensional tolerance and appearance requirements
Inspect according to 5.1. The dimensional tolerance and appearance requirements of
the product shall comply with the agreement between the supplier and the purchaser.
4.2 Heat exchange, air pressure drop and refrigerant pressure drop
Test according to 5.2. The air side heat exchange, refrigerant side heat exchange, air
pressure drop and refrigerant pressure drop of the condenser shall be in accordance with
the agreement between the supplier and the purchaser.
4.3 Airtight performance
4.3.1 Airtight performance of helium test
Carry out airtight performance test of helium test according to 5.3.1. The helium
leakage rate of the product shall not be greater than 1×10-3 Pa·L/s (refrigerant
equivalent leakage rate is 2 g/y).
4.3.2 Airtight performance of water test
Carry out airtight performance test of water test according to 5.3.2. The product shall
be free of air bubbles.
4.4 Residual impurities in the inner cavity
1 Pressures in this document are gauge pressures unless otherwise specified.
Carry out the test according to 5.4. The mass of residual impurities in the product cavity
shall not exceed 20 mg/m2. The diagonal outer diameter of particles shall not be greater
than 0.2mm.
4.5 Residual water amount in the inner cavity
Carry out the test according to 5.5. The residual water amount in the inner cavity of the
product shall not exceed 40 mg/m2.
4.6 Pressure resistance
Carry out the test according to 5.6. The product shall be free from damage and abnormal
deformation and meet the requirements of 4.3.2.
4.7 Burst pressure
Carry out the test according to 5.7. The product shall not break under the pressure of
8.8 MPa.
4.8 Vacuum resistance
Carry out the test according to 5.8. The product shall be free from leakage, damage and
abnormal deformation. The pressure rise rate after the test shall not exceed 0.5 kPa/min.
4.9 Pressure alternating performance
Carry out the test according to 5.9. The product shall have no abnormal deformation or
crack and meet the requirements of 4.3.2.
4.10 Vibration resistance
Carry out the test according to 5.10. The product shall be free from looseness, damage
and leakage and meet the requirements of 4.3.2.
4.11 Corrosion resistance
Carry out the test according to 5.11.1. The heat pump type air-cooled condenser in the
vehicle shall be tested according to 5.11.2 .The outer surface of the product shall be free
of air bubbles or peeling off and meet the requirements of 4.3.2.
4.12 High temperature storage
Carry out the test according to 5.12. The appearance of the product shall be free from
abnormal deformation or damage and meet the requirements of 4.3.2.
4.13 Low temperature storage
Carry out the test according to 5.13. The appearance of the product shall be free from
abnormal deformation or damage and meet the requirements of 4.3.2.
total duration shall not be less than 30 min. Take the arithmetic mean value of the
parameters read within this time period as the measurement result.
5.2.4 If the heat exchange ratio of the air side and the refrigerant side is less than 95%,
the data shall be re-measured.
5.3 Air tightness test
5.3.1 Air tightness test of helium test
Use vacuum box type helium leak detection equipment. Fill the cavity with helium at a
pressure of 0.8 MPa. The pressure holding time is 1 min.
5.3.2 Air tightness test of water test
Seal one end of the condenser inlet and outlet pipe. The other end is fed with dry air or
nitrogen. Hold the pressure at 3.5MP±0.1MPa. Place the product in water. The test time
is 3 min.
5.4 Mass test of residual impurities in the inner cavity
5.4.1 Inject about 60% of the volume of isooctane into the inner cavity of the tested
product. Shake up and down, left and right, and back and forth 4~5 times. Then recover
the dissolved matter in a special container. Filter and dry with 8μm filter paper.
Determine the mass of residual material. Use industrial analytical tools to measure. The
measurement accuracy is ±0.1 mg. Particle size is measured microscopically.
5.4.2 If the condenser is equipped with a filter drying bag, it shall be removed before
the test.
5.5 Cavity residual water test
5.5.1 Connect the condenser inlet to the nitrogen tank. The outlet is connected to the
inlet of the trace moisture meter. Introduce nitrogen into the condenser at a rate of 70
mL/min ± 20 mL/min. When the fluctuation of the test value does not exceed 0.1 mg
and lasts for more than 3 min, read the residual water amount as the test result. The
accuracy of the trace moisture meter is ±0.05 mg.
5.5.2 If the condenser is equipped with a filter drying bag, it shall be removed before
the test.
5.6 Pressure resistance test
One end of the inlet and outlet pipe of the condenser is sealed. The other end is passed
into water or hydraulic oil to pressurize. Pressurize at a rate of 1 MPa/min ± 0.5
MPa/min to 4.41 MPa ± 0.05 MPa. Hold the pressure for 3 min.
5.7 Burst pressure test
Evacuate the condenser first. Seal one end of the inlet and outlet pipe. The other end is
introduced to water or hydraulic oil. Pressurize at a rate of 1 MPa/min ± 0.05 MPa/min
to 8.8 MPa ± 0.05 MPa. Maintain 3 min. Then boost the pressure until it explodes.
Record the pressure value before the condenser burst.
5.8 Vacuum resistance test
Seal one end of the condenser's inlet and outlet pipe. The other end is evacuated to 2
kPa. Conduct 3 consecutive times. Maintain 5 min each time.
5.9 Pressure alternating performance test
Carry out alternating pressure test according to the requirements of Table 3. The test
medium is hydraulic oil.
5.10 Vibration resistance test
5.10.1 Test preparation
According to the actual vehicle installation status, install the condenser on the vibration
test bench.
5.10.2 Resonance frequency testing Set the vibration frequency to 8.3 Hz ~ 200 Hz. The vibration acceleration is
set to 9.8 m/s2. Carry out vibration test in up and down direction. The test time does not
exceed 20 min. If at a certain frequency, the measured acceleration is more than twice the input
acceleration, then this frequency is the resonance frequency. For products with no
resonant frequency detected, carry out the vibration resistance performance test
according to 5.10.3. For the products whose resonant frequency is measured, carry out
the vibration resistance performance test according to 5.10.4.
5.10.3 Vibration resistance performance test without resonance point
Set the vibration frequency to 33.3 Hz. The vibration acceleration is set to 32.3 m/s2.
Vibrate 7.5 × 105 times in the up and down direction. Vibrates 2.5 × 105 times along the
front and back.
5.10.4 Vibration resistance performance test with resonance point According to the resonance frequency range, complete the corresponding
vibration test according to the requirements in Table 4. If there is more than one resonant frequency range, the samples for vibration
tests of different frequency ranges may not be the same sample. After the test under the conditions specified in Table 4, the test without
resonance frequency as described in 5.10.3 shall be carried out.
5.11 Corrosion resistance test
5.11.1 Acid salt spray test
Put the condenser into the salt spray corrosion test chamber. Carry out the salt spray
test according to the test method of acetic acid salt spray test (AASS test) in GB/T
10125. The test time is 500 h.
5.11.2 Neutral salt spray test
Put the condenser into the salt spray corrosion test chamber. According to the provisions
of GB/T 10125, carry out 480 h neutral salt spray corrosion test.
5.12 High temperature storage test
Place at 120°C ± 3°C for 72 h. Recover to normal temperature.
5.13 Low temperature storage test
Place at -40°C ± 3°C for 72 h. Recover to normal temperature.
5.14 Temperature cycle test
Test according to Figure 1. Complete 10 temperature cycles. After the test, the samples
are left at room temperature for 20 min.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Inspection classification
6.1.1 Exit-factory inspection
Each condenser shall be exit-factory inspected. The inspection items, technical
requirements and test methods shall be carried out according to Table 5.
6.1.2 Type inspection Type inspection conditions
Type inspection shall be carried out under the following conditions. The inspection
items are carried out according to Table 5:
a) When product development is approved;
b) When there are major changes in the design, process, materials of the product;
c) When the production that has been discontinued for 1 year is resumed;
d) When the quality is unstable, and it is deemed nec...
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QC/T 1177-2022: Condenser for automotive air conditioning
QC/T 1177-2022
ICS 43.040.60
CCS T 26
Condenser for automotive air conditioning
Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's
Republic of China
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 6
1 Scope ... 7
2 Normative references ... 7
3 Terms and definitions ... 7
4 Technical requirements ... 8
5 Test methods ... 11
6 Inspection rules ... 15
7 Marks, packaging, transportation and storage ... 16
This document was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2020
"Directives for standardization - Part 1: Rules for the structure and drafting of
standardizing documents".
This document was proposed by and shall be under the jurisdiction of National
Technical Committee on Automobile of Standardization Administration of China
(SAC/TC 114).
The drafting organizations of this document: Longquan Industrial Innovation Service
Center, Automobile Air Conditioning Committee of China Association of Automobile
Manufacturers, Shanghai Kallang Songzhi Automotive Air Conditioning Co., Ltd.,
Longquan Huibo Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Longteng Air Conditioning Co., Ltd.,
South Intel Air Conditioning Co., Ltd., Air Conditioning International (Shanghai ) Co.,
Ltd., Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd. Technology Center, Zhejiang University,
Chongqing Chaoli High-Tech Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Xinjin Air Conditioning Equipment
Co., Ltd., Shanghai Tianmiao Air Treatment Equipment Co., Ltd., Shanghai Satake
Cooling and Heat Control Technology Co., Ltd., Technical Institute of Physics and
Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jilin University, Shenyang Ziweiheng
Testing Equipment Co., Ltd., Tianjin Gertes Testing Equipment Technology
Development Co., Ltd., Shenyang Huifuxiang Precision Machinery Co., Ltd., Yuxin
Automobile Thermal Management Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Three Hua
Research Institute Co., Ltd., Zhongyuan Institute of Technology, Zhengzhou Kelin
Automotive Air Conditioning Co., Ltd., Yinbang Metal Composite Materials Co., Ltd.,
Wuhu Tonglian Auto Parts Co., Ltd., China FAW Group Co., Ltd. Research and
Development Institute, China Automotive Research Institute Inspection Center (Tianjin)
Co., Ltd., Dongfeng Motor Co., Ltd., BYD Auto Industry Co., Ltd., Helong Shuanghao
High-tech Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Lantong Air Conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd., Zhejiang
Innovation Automobile Air Conditioning Co., Ltd.
Main drafters of this document: Xiong Shusheng, Ye Jun, Xue Qingfeng, Guo Guoqi,
Qin Feng, Tong Guohai, Sun Lei, Yang Jinhui, Shen Jie, Jing Xiaoping, Zhou Linsen,
Ye Fangping, He Lijiang, Fan Liqun, Zou Huiming, Li Ming, Zhang Jinsheng, Cai
Zhixiong, Liu Hui, Chen Yong, Wu Zhaosu, Dong Junqi, Ji Liyou, Li Peng, Ji Zhihao,
Liu Liu, Xie Yanan, Liu Zhao, Zhou Guanghui, Shi Hongchen, Zhang Xiaojun, Bian
Jiachen, Xu Minli, Gao Yanan, He Genping, Chen Xuefeng, Chen Dairong, Xu Minwu,
Ye Weifeng, Ye Jianjie, Zhang Li.
This document is issued for the first time.
Condenser for automotive air conditioning
1 Scope
This document specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and
marks, packaging, transportation and storage of condensers for automotive air
conditioning (condensers for short).
This document applies to air-cooled condensers for exterior use, heat pump type interior
air-cooled condensers and air-cooled condensers with liquid storage tanks using HFC-
134a and HFO-1234yf as refrigerants.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 191, Packaging and storage marks
GB/T 6287, Connecting devices - Flat quick-connect terminations for electrical
copper conductors - Safety requirements
GB/T 10125, Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests
GB/T 21361, Motor vehicle air-conditioning unit
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions defined in GB/T 21361 as
well as the followings apply.
3.1 condenser
A heat exchanger that cools and condenses gaseous refrigerant into a liquid state.
3.2 stable state
During the test, the state that the fluctuation range of the relevant test parameters is less
than the specified value.
3.3 heat exchange
Operating under the specified test conditions, the heat dissipated into the air by the
condenser per unit time.
3.4 air pressure drop
Operating under the specified test conditions, the pressure difference1 between the air
inlet surface and the air outlet surface of the condenser.
3.5 refrigerant pressure drop
Operating under the specified test conditions, the pressure difference between the
refrigerant inlet and outlet of the condenser.
3.6 subcooling condenser
A heat exchanger that cools the high-temperature and high-pressure gaseous refrigerant
entering the condenser into a high-temperature and high-pressure liquid refrigerant, and
the liquid refrigerant at the outlet of the condenser has a certain degree of subcooling.
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Dimensional tolerance and appearance requirements
Inspect according to 5.1. The dimensional tolerance and appearance requirements of
the product shall comply with the agreement between the supplier and the purchaser.
4.2 Heat exchange, air pressure drop and refrigerant pressure drop
Test according to 5.2. The air side heat exchange, refrigerant side heat exchange, air
pressure drop and refrigerant pressure drop of the condenser shall be in accordance with
the agreement between the supplier and the purchaser.
4.3 Airtight performance
4.3.1 Airtight performance of helium test
Carry out airtight performance test of helium test according to 5.3.1. The helium
leakage rate of the product shall not be greater than 1×10-3 Pa·L/s (refrigerant
equivalent leakage rate is 2 g/y).
4.3.2 Airtight performance of water test
Carry out airtight performance test of water test according to 5.3.2. The product shall
be free of air bubbles.
4.4 Residual impurities in the inner cavity
1 Pressures in this document are gauge pressures unless otherwise specified.
Carry out the test according to 5.4. The mass of residual impurities in the product cavity
shall not exceed 20 mg/m2. The diagonal outer diameter of particles shall not be greater
than 0.2mm.
4.5 Residual water amount in the inner cavity
Carry out the test according to 5.5. The residual water amount in the inner cavity of the
product shall not exceed 40 mg/m2.
4.6 Pressure resistance
Carry out the test according to 5.6. The product shall be free from damage and abnormal
deformation and meet the requirements of 4.3.2.
4.7 Burst pressure
Carry out the test according to 5.7. The product shall not break under the pressure of
8.8 MPa.
4.8 Vacuum resistance
Carry out the test according to 5.8. The product shall be free from leakage, damage and
abnormal deformation. The pressure rise rate after the test shall not exceed 0.5 kPa/min.
4.9 Pressure alternating performance
Carry out the test according to 5.9. The product shall have no abnormal deformation or
crack and meet the requirements of 4.3.2.
4.10 Vibration resistance
Carry out the test according to 5.10. The product shall be free from looseness, damage
and leakage and meet the requirements of 4.3.2.
4.11 Corrosion resistance
Carry out the test according to 5.11.1. The heat pump type air-cooled condenser in the
vehicle shall be tested according to 5.11.2 .The outer surface of the product shall be free
of air bubbles or peeling off and meet the requirements of 4.3.2.
4.12 High temperature storage
Carry out the test according to 5.12. The appearance of the product shall be free from
abnormal deformation or damage and meet the requirements of 4.3.2.
4.13 Low temperature storage
Carry out the test according to 5.13. The appearance of the product shall be free from
abnormal deformation or damage and meet the requirements of 4.3.2.
total duration shall not be less than 30 min. Take the arithmetic mean value of the
parameters read within this time period as the measurement result.
5.2.4 If the heat exchange ratio of the air side and the refrigerant side is less than 95%,
the data shall be re-measured.
5.3 Air tightness test
5.3.1 Air tightness test of helium test
Use vacuum box type helium leak detection equipment. Fill the cavity with helium at a
pressure of 0.8 MPa. The pressure holding time is 1 min.
5.3.2 Air tightness test of water test
Seal one end of the condenser inlet and outlet pipe. The other end is fed with dry air or
nitrogen. Hold the pressure at 3.5MP±0.1MPa. Place the product in water. The test time
is 3 min.
5.4 Mass test of residual impurities in the inner cavity
5.4.1 Inject about 60% of the volume of isooctane into the inner cavity of the tested
product. Shake up and down, left and right, and back and forth 4~5 times. Then recover
the dissolved matter in a special container. Filter and dry with 8μm filter paper.
Determine the mass of residual material. Use industrial analytical tools to measure. The
measurement accuracy is ±0.1 mg. Particle size is measured microscopically.
5.4.2 If the condenser is equipped with a filter drying bag, it shall be removed before
the test.
5.5 Cavity residual water test
5.5.1 Connect the condenser inlet to the nitrogen tank. The outlet is connected to the
inlet of the trace moisture meter. Introduce nitrogen into the condenser at a rate of 70
mL/min ± 20 mL/min. When the fluctuation of the test value does not exceed 0.1 mg
and lasts for more than 3 min, read the residual water amount as the test result. The
accuracy of the trace moisture meter is ±0.05 mg.
5.5.2 If the condenser is equipped with a filter drying bag, it shall be removed before
the test.
5.6 Pressure resistance test
One end of the inlet and outlet pipe of the condenser is sealed. The other end is passed
into water or hydraulic oil to pressurize. Pressurize at a rate of 1 MPa/min ± 0.5
MPa/min to 4.41 MPa ± 0.05 MPa. Hold the pressure for 3 min.
5.7 Burst pressure test
Evacuate the condenser first. Seal one end of the inlet and outlet pipe. The other end is
introduced to water or hydraulic oil. Pressurize at a rate of 1 MPa/min ± 0.05 MPa/min
to 8.8 MPa ± 0.05 MPa. Maintain 3 min. Then boost the pressure until it explodes.
Record the pressure value before the condenser burst.
5.8 Vacuum resistance test
Seal one end of the condenser's inlet and outlet pipe. The other end is evacuated to 2
kPa. Conduct 3 consecutive times. Maintain 5 min each time.
5.9 Pressure alternating performance test
Carry out alternating pressure test according to the requirements of Table 3. The test
medium is hydraulic oil.
5.10 Vibration resistance test
5.10.1 Test preparation
According to the actual vehicle installation status, install the condenser on the vibration
test bench.
5.10.2 Resonance frequency testing Set the vibration frequency to 8.3 Hz ~ 200 Hz. The vibration acceleration is
set to 9.8 m/s2. Carry out vibration test in up and down direction. The test time does not
exceed 20 min. If at a certain frequency, the measured acceleration is more than twice the input
acceleration, then this frequency is the resonance frequency. For products with no
resonant frequency detected, carry out the vibration resistance performance test
according to 5.10.3. For the products whose resonant frequency is measured, carry out
the vibration resistance performance test according to 5.10.4.
5.10.3 Vibration resistance performance test without resonance point
Set the vibration frequency to 33.3 Hz. The vibration acceleration is set to 32.3 m/s2.
Vibrate 7.5 × 105 times in the up and down direction. Vibrates 2.5 × 105 times along the
front and back.
5.10.4 Vibration resistance performance test with resonance point According to the resonance frequency range, complete the corresponding
vibration test according to the requirements in Table 4. If there is more than one resonant frequency range, the samples for vibration
tests of different frequency ranges may not be the same sample. After the test under the conditions specified in Table 4, the test without
resonance frequency as described in 5.10.3 shall be carried out.
5.11 Corrosion resistance test
5.11.1 Acid salt spray test
Put the condenser into the salt spray corrosion test chamber. Carry out the salt spray
test according to the test method of acetic acid salt spray test (AASS test) in GB/T
10125. The test time is 500 h.
5.11.2 Neutral salt spray test
Put the condenser into the salt spray corrosion test chamber. According to the provisions
of GB/T 10125, carry out 480 h neutral salt spray corrosion test.
5.12 High temperature storage test
Place at 120°C ± 3°C for 72 h. Recover to normal temperature.
5.13 Low temperature storage test
Place at -40°C ± 3°C for 72 h. Recover to normal temperature.
5.14 Temperature cycle test
Test according to Figure 1. Complete 10 temperature cycles. After the test, the samples
are left at room temperature for 20 min.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Inspection classification
6.1.1 Exit-factory inspection
Each condenser shall be exit-factory inspected. The inspection items, technical
requirements and test methods shall be carried out according to Table 5.
6.1.2 Type inspection Type inspection conditions
Type inspection shall be carried out under the following conditions. The inspection
items are carried out according to Table 5:
a) When product development is approved;
b) When there are major changes in the design, process, materials of the product;
c) When the production that has been discontinued for 1 year is resumed;
d) When the quality is unstable, and it is deemed nec...











