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JT/T 1178.1-2018: Safety specification for commercial vehicle for cargos transportation - Part 1: Goods vehicle
JT/T 1178.1-2018
ICS 43.080.10
T 43
Filing No.:
Safety specification for commercial vehicle for cargos
transportation - Part 1: Goods vehicle
Issued by: Ministry of Transport of PRC
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 6
4 Complete vehicle ... 6
5 Braking system ... 7
6 Safety protection ... 9
7 Load layout identification and securing points... 10
8 Alarms and reminders ... 10
9 Transition period for standard implementation ... 11
Appendix A (Normative) Performance requirements and test methods of
emergency safety devices for automobile flat tire ... 12
Appendix B (Normative) Test method for passability of vehicles on right-angle
curves ... 15
Appendix C (Normative) Test method for cab structure strength AND
requirements for dummy for survival space inspection ... 17
Appendix D (Informative) Drawing of load layout identification curve ... 29
Appendix E (Normative) The number, installation location and strength
requirements of vehicle securing points ... 34
Safety specification for commercial vehicle for cargos
transportation - Part 1: Goods vehicle
1 Scope
This part of JT/T 1178 specifies the safety technical requirements and test
methods, for the complete vehicle, braking system, safety protection, load
layout identification and securing points, alarms and reminders of goods
This part is applicable to goods vehicles of category N1, N2, N3. It is not
applicable to towing vehicles and semi-trailers.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) is applicable to this standard.
GB/T 3730.1 Motor vehicles and trailers - Types - Terms and definitions
GB/T 5922 Motor vehicles and towed vehicles - Pressure test connection for
compressed-air pneumatic braking equipment
GB/T 6323-2014 Controllability and stability test procedure for automotive
GB 7258 Safety specifications for power-driven vehicles operating on roads
GB/T 8170 Rules of rounding off for numerical values and expression and
judgement of limiting values
GB 11551 The protection of the occupants in the event of a frontal collision
for motor vehicle
GB 11567 Motor vehicles and trailers-lateral and rear underrun protection
GB/T 12534 Motor vehicles - General rules of road test method
GB 12676 Technical requirements and testing methods for commercial
vehicle and trailer braking systems
JT/T 884 Anti-rollover stability test procedure for commercial vehicles -
Steady static circular test procedure
JT/T 1046 Explosion suppression safety technical requirements for road
transportation vehicle fuel tank and liquid fuel transportation tank
JT/T 1094-2016 Safety specifications for commercial bus
QC/T 480 Criterion threshold and evaluation of controllability and stability for
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions as defined in GB/T 3730.1, GB/T 6323, GB/T 15089,
GB 26512, as well as the following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Commercial vehicle for cargos transportation
Vehicles, semi-trailer tractors, towing vehicles, trailers, which are used for
commercial cargo transportation.
Note: Rewrite JT/T 719-2016, definition 3.1.
4 Complete vehicle
4.1 The specific power of goods vehicles (except electric vehicles) shall be
greater than or equal to 6.0 kW/t.
4.2 Goods vehicles (except tank cars) shall be subjected to the rollover stability
bench test, according to the test method specified in GB/T 14172. The rollover
stability angle shall meet the following requirements:
- Under no-load and static conditions, the rollover stability angles tilted to the
left and right shall be greater than or equal to 35°;
- Under full load and static conditions, the rollover stability angle to the left
and right shall be greater than or equal to 23°. It may also carry out
simulated calculations, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 6 of
GB 28373-2012, under the loading conditions specified by the enterprise.
4.3 The goods vehicles shall undergo a steady-state rotation test, under full
load, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 10 of GB/T 6323-2014. The
under-steering degree shall be greater than or equal to 0 °/(m/s2) AND less than
or equal to 1.0 °/ (m/s2).
5.3 The air cylinder and brake air chamber of the brake system of goods
vehicles shall be equipped with a pressure test connector for the pneumatic air
brake device. The performance of the pressure test connector shall meet the
requirements of GB/T 5922.
5.4 Goods vehicles shall be equipped with anti-lock braking devices AND be
equipped with signal devices for alarm, when the anti-lock braking devices fail.
The performance of the anti-lock brake device shall meet the requirements of
GB/T 13594. The electromagnetic compatibility shall meet the level 3
requirements of GB/T 18655 AND the requirements of GB/T 17619.
5.5 The goods vehicles shall be tested in accordance with the method specified
in GB 12676. The response time of the pneumatic braking system shall be less
than or equal to 0.6 s.
5.6 When a goods vehicle is fully loaded, the vehicle shall remain within the
lane, during full braking, at an initial speed of 50 km/h, on a flat arc lane, which
has an adhesion coefficient less than or equal to 0.5, a lane centerline radius
of 150 m, a width of 3.7 m.
5.7 The performance of the brake linings of the goods vehicle's drum brake
shoe assembly or disc brake shoe assembly, shall meet the following
a) When tested according to GB/T 22309, the minimum shear strength of
drum brake shoe assembly and disc brake shoe assembly is greater than
or equal to 2.5 MPa;
b) When tested according to GB/T 22311, the normal temperature
compression of the drum brake shoe assembly is less than or equal to 2%;
the compression at 200 °C is less than or equal to 4%;
c) When tested according to GB/T 22311, the normal temperature
compression of the disc brake shoe assembly is less than or equal to 2%;
the compression at 400 °C is less than or equal to 5%.
5.8 When a goods vehicle, which has a total mass greater than or equal to
12000 kg, adopts pneumatic braking, the rated working air pressure of the brake
system's air cylinder shall be greater than or equal to 1000 kPa.
5.9 For goods vehicle, which has a total mass greater than or equal to 12000
kg AND a maximum speed greater than 90 km/h, all steering wheels shall be
equipped with disc brake. When the disc brake's linings need to be replaced,
acoustic or optical alarms shall be used to alarm the driver. The alarm device
shall meet the requirements of GB 12676.
5.10 For goods vehicle, which has a total mass greater than or equal to 12000
6.8 Gas-fueled vehicles shall be equipped with automobile static conductive
rubber tow belt. The performance of automobile static conductive rubber tow
belt shall meet the requirements of JT/T 230.
7 Load layout identification and securing points
7.1 For goods vehicles (except tank cars and dump trucks), they shall be
provided with permanently maintained load layout marks, at the easily visible
position of the vehicle. The load layout mark's curve shall be drawn according
to Appendix D; the marking size shall not be less than 160 mm x 100 mm.
7.2 The load layout mark shall use the simplified vehicle diagram (excluding the
bodywork structure) as background. The load distribution curve shall take the
position of the goods mass center as the abscissa AND the maximum allowable
load mass as the ordinate. It shall also meet the following constraints:
a) Do not exceed the maximum allowable axle load limit of the front axle;
b) Do not exceed the maximum allowable axle load limit of the rear axle
c) Do not exceed the maximum design total mass of the vehicle;
d) The minimum load of the steering shaft meets the vehicle's design
e) The minimum load of the drive shaft (group) meets the vehicle's design
7.3 For the categories N2 and N3 goods vehicles (except tank cars and dump
trucks), the number, installation position, strength of the securing points of
cargo box, shall meet the requirements of Appendix E, as well as Appendix C
of JT/T 882-2014, respectively.
8 Alarms and reminders
8.1 For goods vehicles, which have a total mass greater than 18000 kg AND a
maximum speed greater than 90 km/h, they shall have the lane departure
warning function and the vehicle forward collision warning function. The lane
departure warning function shall comply with the provisions of JT/T 883. The
vehicle forward collision warning function shall meet the requirements of GB/T
8.2 Gas-fueled vehicles shall be equipped with gas leakage alarm devices;
there shall be no gas leakage at all pipe joints.
Appendix C
Test method for cab structure strength AND requirements for
dummy for survival space inspection
C.1 Test requirements
C.1.1 The structural strength test methods of the cab include the frontal collision
test of the cab (Test A), the double A-pillar collision test of the cab (Test B), the
strength test of the top of the cab (Test C), the strength test of the rear enclosure
of the cab (Test D), which can be performed on 1 ~ 4 cabs.
C.1.2 For the category N1 vehicles, AND the category N2 vehicles, which have
a maximum designed total mass not exceeding 7500 kg, they shall be subjected
to test A, test C, test D.
C.1.3 For the category N3 vehicles, AND the category N2 vehicles, which have
a maximum designed total mass exceeding 7500 kg, they shall be subjected to
test A, test B, test C, and test D.
C.1.4 Test A is only applicable to flat-head vehicles.
C.1.5 Test C is only applicable to vehicles, where the cab connects the vehicle
frame through a mechanism AND the cab is independent of the cargo box.
C.1.6 Every seat in the cab shall be inspected for survival space.
C.1.7 When the model meets the requirements of GB 11551, it is deemed to
have passed the test A.
C.1.8 When inspecting the survival space of the driver's cab after the test, the
following dummy or alternatives can be used:
a) The dummy, which is specified in C.4;
b) Disassemble the dummy, which is specified in C.4; adjust the seat position;
put it in the cab AND then assemble the dummy; make its H point coincide
with the R point of seat; finally move the seat forward to the middle position,
to assess survival space;
c) 50% Hybrid II or 50% Hybrid III dummy.
C.2 Test method
C.2.1 Test preparation
C.2.1.1 Before the test, the door of the cab shall be closed but not locked.
C.2.1.2 For the test A, the vehicle shall be equipped with an engine, OR a model
which has the installation mass, size, installation device equivalent to that of
the engine.
C.2.1.3 The cab shall be equipped with steering mechanism, steering wheel,
instrument panel, driver's seat, passenger seats. The position of the steering
wheel and the seat shall be adjusted to the intermediate position, which is
specified by the manufacturer.
C.2.1.4 The vehicle or frame shall be fixed in a manner as described in C.3.
The cab shall be fixed in accordance with the following requirements:
a) For the test A, the cab shall be installed on the vehicle;
b) For the test B, test C, test D, the manufacturer can choose to install the
cab on the vehicle or on an independent frame.
C.2.2 Frontal collision test (test A)
C.2.2.1 The impactor shall be made of steel, which has uniform mass
distribution. The mass of the impactor is greater than or equal to 1500 kg. The
collision surface of the impactor shall be a flat rectangle; the fillet radius of the
edges is (10 ± 5) mm, as shown in Figure C.1.
C.2.2.2 The impactor assembly shall be a rigid structure. The impactor shall be
rigidly fixed on two freely suspended swing arms.
C.2.2.3 The suspension position of the impactor shall be such, that it meets the
following requirements when in a vertical position:
a) The impact surface of the impactor is in contact with the foremost part of
the vehicle;
b) The center of mass (CA) of the impactor shall be lower than the R
point of the driver's seat; meanwhile it shall be located on the longitudinal
center plane of the vehicle, as shown in Figure C.1;
c) The center of mass of the impactor shall be located on the longitudinal
center plane of the vehicle.
a) The impactor shall be made of steel, which has uniform mass distribution.
The mass of the impactor is not less than 1500 kg;
b) The impact surface of the impactor shall be flat and rectangular, which
shall be large enough (generally 2500 mm x 2500 mm), to ensure that
when the impactor is at the impact position, the cab does not touch the
edge of the impactor. If the impactor is a pendulum, the pendulum shall
be rigidly fixed on two freely suspended swing arms; the spacing between
the swing arms (fc) is not less than 1000 mm; the length of the swing arm
(LC) (from the suspension axis to the geometric center of the pendulum)
is not less than 3500 mm;
c) At the moment of impact, the position of the impactor shall meet the
following requirements:
1) The angle (αc), BETWEEN the impact surface of the impactor AND the
longitudinal center plane of the cab, is 20°;
2) When the impactor impacts, the cab can be tilted by 20°; OR the impact
surface of the impactor can be tilted by 20°. If the impactor is a
pendulum, the cab cannot be tilted by 20°. The cab shall be installed
on a horizontal surface;
3) The impact surface of the impactor shall cover the entire length of the
side top of the cab;
4) The longitudinal centerline of t...
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JT/T 1178.1-2018: Safety specification for commercial vehicle for cargos transportation - Part 1: Goods vehicle
JT/T 1178.1-2018
ICS 43.080.10
T 43
Filing No.:
Safety specification for commercial vehicle for cargos
transportation - Part 1: Goods vehicle
Issued by: Ministry of Transport of PRC
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 6
4 Complete vehicle ... 6
5 Braking system ... 7
6 Safety protection ... 9
7 Load layout identification and securing points... 10
8 Alarms and reminders ... 10
9 Transition period for standard implementation ... 11
Appendix A (Normative) Performance requirements and test methods of
emergency safety devices for automobile flat tire ... 12
Appendix B (Normative) Test method for passability of vehicles on right-angle
curves ... 15
Appendix C (Normative) Test method for cab structure strength AND
requirements for dummy for survival space inspection ... 17
Appendix D (Informative) Drawing of load layout identification curve ... 29
Appendix E (Normative) The number, installation location and strength
requirements of vehicle securing points ... 34
Safety specification for commercial vehicle for cargos
transportation - Part 1: Goods vehicle
1 Scope
This part of JT/T 1178 specifies the safety technical requirements and test
methods, for the complete vehicle, braking system, safety protection, load
layout identification and securing points, alarms and reminders of goods
This part is applicable to goods vehicles of category N1, N2, N3. It is not
applicable to towing vehicles and semi-trailers.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) is applicable to this standard.
GB/T 3730.1 Motor vehicles and trailers - Types - Terms and definitions
GB/T 5922 Motor vehicles and towed vehicles - Pressure test connection for
compressed-air pneumatic braking equipment
GB/T 6323-2014 Controllability and stability test procedure for automotive
GB 7258 Safety specifications for power-driven vehicles operating on roads
GB/T 8170 Rules of rounding off for numerical values and expression and
judgement of limiting values
GB 11551 The protection of the occupants in the event of a frontal collision
for motor vehicle
GB 11567 Motor vehicles and trailers-lateral and rear underrun protection
GB/T 12534 Motor vehicles - General rules of road test method
GB 12676 Technical requirements and testing methods for commercial
vehicle and trailer braking systems
JT/T 884 Anti-rollover stability test procedure for commercial vehicles -
Steady static circular test procedure
JT/T 1046 Explosion suppression safety technical requirements for road
transportation vehicle fuel tank and liquid fuel transportation tank
JT/T 1094-2016 Safety specifications for commercial bus
QC/T 480 Criterion threshold and evaluation of controllability and stability for
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions as defined in GB/T 3730.1, GB/T 6323, GB/T 15089,
GB 26512, as well as the following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Commercial vehicle for cargos transportation
Vehicles, semi-trailer tractors, towing vehicles, trailers, which are used for
commercial cargo transportation.
Note: Rewrite JT/T 719-2016, definition 3.1.
4 Complete vehicle
4.1 The specific power of goods vehicles (except electric vehicles) shall be
greater than or equal to 6.0 kW/t.
4.2 Goods vehicles (except tank cars) shall be subjected to the rollover stability
bench test, according to the test method specified in GB/T 14172. The rollover
stability angle shall meet the following requirements:
- Under no-load and static conditions, the rollover stability angles tilted to the
left and right shall be greater than or equal to 35°;
- Under full load and static conditions, the rollover stability angle to the left
and right shall be greater than or equal to 23°. It may also carry out
simulated calculations, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 6 of
GB 28373-2012, under the loading conditions specified by the enterprise.
4.3 The goods vehicles shall undergo a steady-state rotation test, under full
load, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 10 of GB/T 6323-2014. The
under-steering degree shall be greater than or equal to 0 °/(m/s2) AND less than
or equal to 1.0 °/ (m/s2).
5.3 The air cylinder and brake air chamber of the brake system of goods
vehicles shall be equipped with a pressure test connector for the pneumatic air
brake device. The performance of the pressure test connector shall meet the
requirements of GB/T 5922.
5.4 Goods vehicles shall be equipped with anti-lock braking devices AND be
equipped with signal devices for alarm, when the anti-lock braking devices fail.
The performance of the anti-lock brake device shall meet the requirements of
GB/T 13594. The electromagnetic compatibility shall meet the level 3
requirements of GB/T 18655 AND the requirements of GB/T 17619.
5.5 The goods vehicles shall be tested in accordance with the method specified
in GB 12676. The response time of the pneumatic braking system shall be less
than or equal to 0.6 s.
5.6 When a goods vehicle is fully loaded, the vehicle shall remain within the
lane, during full braking, at an initial speed of 50 km/h, on a flat arc lane, which
has an adhesion coefficient less than or equal to 0.5, a lane centerline radius
of 150 m, a width of 3.7 m.
5.7 The performance of the brake linings of the goods vehicle's drum brake
shoe assembly or disc brake shoe assembly, shall meet the following
a) When tested according to GB/T 22309, the minimum shear strength of
drum brake shoe assembly and disc brake shoe assembly is greater than
or equal to 2.5 MPa;
b) When tested according to GB/T 22311, the normal temperature
compression of the drum brake shoe assembly is less than or equal to 2%;
the compression at 200 °C is less than or equal to 4%;
c) When tested according to GB/T 22311, the normal temperature
compression of the disc brake shoe assembly is less than or equal to 2%;
the compression at 400 °C is less than or equal to 5%.
5.8 When a goods vehicle, which has a total mass greater than or equal to
12000 kg, adopts pneumatic braking, the rated working air pressure of the brake
system's air cylinder shall be greater than or equal to 1000 kPa.
5.9 For goods vehicle, which has a total mass greater than or equal to 12000
kg AND a maximum speed greater than 90 km/h, all steering wheels shall be
equipped with disc brake. When the disc brake's linings need to be replaced,
acoustic or optical alarms shall be used to alarm the driver. The alarm device
shall meet the requirements of GB 12676.
5.10 For goods vehicle, which has a total mass greater than or equal to 12000
6.8 Gas-fueled vehicles shall be equipped with automobile static conductive
rubber tow belt. The performance of automobile static conductive rubber tow
belt shall meet the requirements of JT/T 230.
7 Load layout identification and securing points
7.1 For goods vehicles (except tank cars and dump trucks), they shall be
provided with permanently maintained load layout marks, at the easily visible
position of the vehicle. The load layout mark's curve shall be drawn according
to Appendix D; the marking size shall not be less than 160 mm x 100 mm.
7.2 The load layout mark shall use the simplified vehicle diagram (excluding the
bodywork structure) as background. The load distribution curve shall take the
position of the goods mass center as the abscissa AND the maximum allowable
load mass as the ordinate. It shall also meet the following constraints:
a) Do not exceed the maximum allowable axle load limit of the front axle;
b) Do not exceed the maximum allowable axle load limit of the rear axle
c) Do not exceed the maximum design total mass of the vehicle;
d) The minimum load of the steering shaft meets the vehicle's design
e) The minimum load of the drive shaft (group) meets the vehicle's design
7.3 For the categories N2 and N3 goods vehicles (except tank cars and dump
trucks), the number, installation position, strength of the securing points of
cargo box, shall meet the requirements of Appendix E, as well as Appendix C
of JT/T 882-2014, respectively.
8 Alarms and reminders
8.1 For goods vehicles, which have a total mass greater than 18000 kg AND a
maximum speed greater than 90 km/h, they shall have the lane departure
warning function and the vehicle forward collision warning function. The lane
departure warning function shall comply with the provisions of JT/T 883. The
vehicle forward collision warning function shall meet the requirements of GB/T
8.2 Gas-fueled vehicles shall be equipped with gas leakage alarm devices;
there shall be no gas leakage at all pipe joints.
Appendix C
Test method for cab structure strength AND requirements for
dummy for survival space inspection
C.1 Test requirements
C.1.1 The structural strength test methods of the cab include the frontal collision
test of the cab (Test A), the double A-pillar collision test of the cab (Test B), the
strength test of the top of the cab (Test C), the strength test of the rear enclosure
of the cab (Test D), which can be performed on 1 ~ 4 cabs.
C.1.2 For the category N1 vehicles, AND the category N2 vehicles, which have
a maximum designed total mass not exceeding 7500 kg, they shall be subjected
to test A, test C, test D.
C.1.3 For the category N3 vehicles, AND the category N2 vehicles, which have
a maximum designed total mass exceeding 7500 kg, they shall be subjected to
test A, test B, test C, and test D.
C.1.4 Test A is only applicable to flat-head vehicles.
C.1.5 Test C is only applicable to vehicles, where the cab connects the vehicle
frame through a mechanism AND the cab is independent of the cargo box.
C.1.6 Every seat in the cab shall be inspected for survival space.
C.1.7 When the model meets the requirements of GB 11551, it is deemed to
have passed the test A.
C.1.8 When inspecting the survival space of the driver's cab after the test, the
following dummy or alternatives can be used:
a) The dummy, which is specified in C.4;
b) Disassemble the dummy, which is specified in C.4; adjust the seat position;
put it in the cab AND then assemble the dummy; make its H point coincide
with the R point of seat; finally move the seat forward to the middle position,
to assess survival space;
c) 50% Hybrid II or 50% Hybrid III dummy.
C.2 Test method
C.2.1 Test preparation
C.2.1.1 Before the test, the door of the cab shall be closed but not locked.
C.2.1.2 For the test A, the vehicle shall be equipped with an engine, OR a model
which has the installation mass, size, installation device equivalent to that of
the engine.
C.2.1.3 The cab shall be equipped with steering mechanism, steering wheel,
instrument panel, driver's seat, passenger seats. The position of the steering
wheel and the seat shall be adjusted to the intermediate position, which is
specified by the manufacturer.
C.2.1.4 The vehicle or frame shall be fixed in a manner as described in C.3.
The cab shall be fixed in accordance with the following requirements:
a) For the test A, the cab shall be installed on the vehicle;
b) For the test B, test C, test D, the manufacturer can choose to install the
cab on the vehicle or on an independent frame.
C.2.2 Frontal collision test (test A)
C.2.2.1 The impactor shall be made of steel, which has uniform mass
distribution. The mass of the impactor is greater than or equal to 1500 kg. The
collision surface of the impactor shall be a flat rectangle; the fillet radius of the
edges is (10 ± 5) mm, as shown in Figure C.1.
C.2.2.2 The impactor assembly shall be a rigid structure. The impactor shall be
rigidly fixed on two freely suspended swing arms.
C.2.2.3 The suspension position of the impactor shall be such, that it meets the
following requirements when in a vertical position:
a) The impact surface of the impactor is in contact with the foremost part of
the vehicle;
b) The center of mass (CA) of the impactor shall be lower than the R
point of the driver's seat; meanwhile it shall be located on the longitudinal
center plane of the vehicle, as shown in Figure C.1;
c) The center of mass of the impactor shall be located on the longitudinal
center plane of the vehicle.
a) The impactor shall be made of steel, which has uniform mass distribution.
The mass of the impactor is not less than 1500 kg;
b) The impact surface of the impactor shall be flat and rectangular, which
shall be large enough (generally 2500 mm x 2500 mm), to ensure that
when the impactor is at the impact position, the cab does not touch the
edge of the impactor. If the impactor is a pendulum, the pendulum shall
be rigidly fixed on two freely suspended swing arms; the spacing between
the swing arms (fc) is not less than 1000 mm; the length of the swing arm
(LC) (from the suspension axis to the geometric center of the pendulum)
is not less than 3500 mm;
c) At the moment of impact, the position of the impactor shall meet the
following requirements:
1) The angle (αc), BETWEEN the impact surface of the impactor AND the
longitudinal center plane of the cab, is 20°;
2) When the impactor impacts, the cab can be tilted by 20°; OR the impact
surface of the impactor can be tilted by 20°. If the impactor is a
pendulum, the cab cannot be tilted by 20°. The cab shall be installed
on a horizontal surface;
3) The impact surface of the impactor shall cover the entire length of the
side top of the cab;
4) The longitudinal centerline of t...