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GB 3836.14-2014: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres -- Part 14: Classification of hazardous areas
GB 3836.14-2014
Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres.Part 14. Classification of hazardous areas
ICS 29.260.20
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Replacing GB 3836.14-2000
Explosive atmospheres - Part 14. Classification of
Explosive atmosphere
(IEC 60079-10-1.2008, IDT)
Issued on. 2014-12-05
2015-10-16 implementation
Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China
Standardization Administration of China released
Table of Contents
Introduction Ⅲ
Introduction Ⅳ
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and definitions 2
4 General 4
4.1 Safety Principles 4
Objective 4.2 Location Category 5
5 Location Category 5 program
5.1 General 5
5.2 source of release 6
5.3 Area Type 6
5.4 6 regional
6 Ventilation 9
6.1 General 9
The main types of ventilation 6.2 9
6.3 Ventilation Level 9
6.4 ventilation effectiveness 9
7 file 9
7.1 General 9
7.2 drawings, records and data tables Table 10
Examples Appendix A (informative) source of release 11
Annex B (informative) Ventilation 16
Annex C (informative) Examples hazardous area classification 29
Annex D (informative) flammable mist 44
Figure C.1 hazardous location area is preferably 29 symbols
Figure C.2 Classification of hazardous areas schematic 43
Table A.1 influence through holes for different release levels of 12
Table B.1 independent influence of ventilation on type of zone 22
Table B.2 in V0 of multiple release summation program 22
Table B.3 1 release multiple-level summation procedure 23
Table C.1 hazardous area classification data sheet - Part 1. Details and characteristics of the flammable substance 42
Table C.2 hazardous area classification data sheet - Part 2. Released sources list 42
All technical content in this section is mandatory.
GB 3836 "explosive atmosphere" is divided into the following sections.
Part --- 1. Equipment General requirements;
Part --- 2. the flameproof enclosure "d" protection equipment;
--- Part 3. by the increased safety "e" protection equipment;
--- Part 4. Equipment protection by intrinsic safety "i";
--- Part 5. The type pressurized enclosure "p" protection equipment;
--- Part 6. from oil immersed "o" equipment protection;
--- Part 7. from Powder filling "q" equipment protection;
--- Part 8. the "n" type protective equipment;
--- Part 9. the Encapsulation "m" protection equipment;
--- Part 11. Determination of the maximum experimental safe gap;
--- Part 12. a mixture of gases or vapors according to their maximum experimental safe gaps and minimum igniting currents;
--- Part 13. Equipment repair, overhaul, repair and modification;
Part --- 14. Classification of explosive gas environment;
--- Part 15. Electrical installations design, selection and installation;
Part --- 16. Inspection and maintenance of electrical installations;
--- Part 17. Construction and use of rooms or buildings of positive pressure;
--- Part 18. Intrinsic safety systems;
--- Part 19. Fieldbus intrinsically safe concept (FISCO);
--- Part 20. Equipment protection level (EPL) for the Ga-class equipment.
This section drafted in accordance with GB/T 1.1-2009 given rules.
This is Part 14 GB 3836's.
This Part replaces GB 3836.14-2000 "Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 14. Classification of hazardous areas", and
GB 3836.14-2000 compared to major technical changes are as follows.
--- Increased flammability mist explosion hazard high flash point liquid under pressure release (see Appendix D);
--- Thermodynamics formulas given many liquids and gases release rate estimated at the rate of release (see A.3).
This section uses the translation method is equivalent to using IEC 60079-10-1.2008 "Explosive atmospheres - Part 10-1. Classification of explosive
Atmosphere "(in English).
This part is proposed by the China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association.
This part of the National explosion-proof electrical equipment Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC9) centralized.
This part mainly drafted by. Nanyang Explosion Electric Institute, the national explosion-proof electrical products for Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, Long a proof electrical
Ltd., Shenzhen City Jin-Ming Technology Co., Ltd., a new dawn Technology Co., Ltd., electro explosion-proof electrical Co., Sinopec Qingdao
Full Engineering Research Institute.
The main drafters of this section. Wang Jun, Xie Shao Jian, Wu Xudong, Zhengzhen Xiao, Dan Xiaoxian, Li Xiaoning, Zhang Weihua, Zhao Hongyu.
This part of the standard replaces the previous editions are.
--- GB 3836.14-2000.
May occur in flammable gas or vapor concentration reaches a dangerous level and the number of places, explosion-proof measures should be taken to avoid the risk of explosion
risk. GB 3836 presented in this section can prevent ignition hazard assessment of the basic principles, and given that can be used to reduce such hazards
Design and control parameters guide.
Explosive atmospheres - Part 14. Classification of
Explosive atmosphere
1 Scope
GB This section 3836 specifies the possible flammable gas, vapor or mist Classification of hazardous areas (see Note 1, Notes 2 and 3),
As support proper selection and installation of electrical equipment in hazardous locations such foundation.
This section applies under standard atmospheric conditions (see Note 4), due to flammable gases or vapors mixed with air could ignite
Dangerous place, but does not apply to the following locations.
a) coal mine gas;
b) Explosives processing and manufacturing;
c) a dangerous place combustible dust or fibers that may arise (see GB 12476.3);
d) beyond the section relates to exceptions catastrophic failure (see Note 5);
e) Medical Interior;
f) residential.
This section does not consider the impact of indirect damage caused.
Together with definitions and explanations put forward based on the main principles and procedures of hazardous area classification terminology.
For detailed requirements Hazardous Locations range of industry-specific or application-specific advice can refer to the relevant industry design specifications.
Note 1. flammable mist can be formed simultaneously with the flammable vapors or appear. Despite the release of the liquid under pressure may also have flammable mist, but this section does not test
Zoning considered dangerous liquids (due to the flash point), in these cases, the strict use of gases and vapors may not be suitable as a basis for device selection.
Flammable mist information in Appendix D.
Note 2. GB 3836.15 selection and installation of equipment based on the risk of mist is not required.
Note 3. For this part, the dangerous places refers to the three-dimensional region or space.
Note 4. If the changes affect the flammable substance explosion characteristics can be negligible, then the reference atmospheric conditions including temperature and atmospheric pressure 101.3kPa
Fluctuating change 20 ℃.
Note 5. The concept of catastrophic accidents in this section is among those unexpected accidents, such as pressure vessels burst or pipe rupture.
Note 6. In any processing device, regardless of its size, in addition to electrical equipment associated with an ignition source, but also there are many possible sources of ignition. in this sense,
To ensure security, the need to take appropriate precautions in this section may be used to judge other ignition source.
2 Normative references
The following documents for the application of this document is essential. For dated references, only the dated version suitable for use herein
Member. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 2900.35-2008 Electrotechnical terminology explosive atmospheres equipment [IEC 60050 (426).2008, IDT]
GB 3836.1-2010 Explosive atmospheres - Part 1. General requirements for equipment (IEC 60079-0.2007, MOD)
Temperature test method GB/T 5332-2007 flammable liquids and gases ignited (IEC 60079-4. 1975, IDT)
IEC 60079-4A to IEC 60079-4. 1966 the 1st supplementary electrical equipment for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 4. ignition
Temperature Test Method [FirstsupplementtoIEC 60079-4 (1966), Electricalapparatusforexplosivegasatmos-
pheres-Part 4. Methodoftestforignitiontemperature]
IEC 60079-20 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 20. combustible gas and steam and electrical equipment related to the use
Gas data (Electricalapparatusforexplosivegasatmospheres-Part 20. Dataforflammablegasesand
vapours, relatingtotheuseofelectricalapparatus)
3 Terms and Definitions
GB 3836.1-2010 defined in the following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Note. Other terms and explosive atmospheres as defined in GB/T 2900.35-2008.
Explosive atmosphere explosiveatmosphere
Under atmospheric conditions, of flammable material in the form of gas, vapor, dust, fibers, or catkins with air to form a mixture, after being lit,
Able to maintain self-propagating combustion environment.
[GB 3836.1-2010, the definition 3.22]
Explosive gas atmospheres explosivegasatmosphere
Under atmospheric conditions, a mixture of flammable substances in the form of gas or vapor and air to form, after being lit, to keep from burning
Line propagation environment.
[GB 3836.1-2010, the definition 3.24]
Note 1. Although the mixture concentrations exceeding the upper explosive limit (UEL) is not an explosive atmosphere, but in some cases, the place is classified it as an explosion
Gas environmental considerations are considered reasonable.
NOTE 2. Some explosive gas concentration of 100%.
(Explosive gas atmospheres) hazardous locations hazardousarea (onaccountofexplosivegasatmospheres)
Explosive atmosphere present or expected number may appear sufficient to require construction of electrical equipment, installation and use of special
Door area measures.
(Explosive gas atmospheres) non-hazardous places non-hazardousarea (onaccountofexplosivegasatmospheres)
Explosive atmosphere is not expected to occur that do not require a lot of electrical equipment for construction, installation and use to take special precautions
Regional zones
According to the frequency and duration of an explosive gas atmospheres dangerous places into the emerging area of 3.6 to 3.8.
Zone 0 zone0
Explosive atmosphere continuously or frequently or for long periods of place.
Zone 1 zone1
In normal operation, place an explosive gas atmosphere may occasionally occur.
Zone 2 zone2
In normal operation, an explosive gas atmosphere impossible, if only for a short time existing sites.
Note. Indicators Frequency and duration occurring above can be obtained from the relevant norms in a particular industry or application.
Release source sourceofrelease
Flammable gas, vapor, mist or liquid may be released can form an explosive atmosphere of the site or location.
[IEV426-03-06, modify]
Release level gradesofrelease
To minimize the frequency and the possibility of generating explosive gas atmosphere appears, will release the source is divided into three basic levels.
a) successive stages;
b) Level 1;
c) Level 2.
Sources said the release could lead to the release of the source level in any one source of release, or a combination of more than one source of release.
Continuous order release continuousgradeofrelease
Continuous release or release is expected to release frequent or long-term release.
Level 1 release primarygradeofrelease
In normal operation, expected to be released periodically or occasionally released.
Level 2 release secondarygradeofrelease
In normal operation, the release can not be expected, if the release is only occasional and short-term release is released.
The release rate releaserate
Unit time emit flammable gases, vapors or mist from the amount of released source.
Running normaloperation
It refers to equipment operating conditions within its design parameters range.
Note 1. the release of a small amount of flammable material can be considered normal operation. For example. When the transmission fluid by the pump can be seen from the release of a small amount of sealing port release.
Note 2. Fault (for example. pump seals, flange gasket damage or leakage by accident, etc.), including emergency repairs or emergency shutdown can not be regarded as normal
Run, nor can it be regarded as a catastrophic accident.
Note 3. The normal operation including start and stop the situation.
Ventilation ventilation
Because of the wind, temperature gradients, or artificial ventilation (such as a blower or fan) effect can cause air circulation and fresh air with the original set air
Change phenomenon.
Lower Explosive Limit lowerexplosivelimit; LEL
Air flammable gas, vapor or mist concentrations below the concentration of explosive atmosphere can not be formed.
Air, can not form a flammable gas environment of explosive gas, vapor or mist concentration minimum value.
Upper explosive limit upperexplosivelimit; UEL
Air flammable gas, vapor or mist concentrations higher than the concentration of explosive atmosphere can not be formed.
Air, can not form a flammable gas environment of explosive gas, vapor or mist concentrations of the highest value.
The relative density of gas or vapor relativedensityofagasorvapour
At the same pressure and temperature of gas or vapor density relative to the density of the air (air density of 1.0).
Flammable substance flammablematerial (flammablesubstance)
Flammable itself, or it can produce flammable gas, vapor or mist substances.
Flammable liquid flammableliquid
Under any foreseeable operating conditions, can produce flammable vapors or mist of liquid.
NOTE. Handling flammable liquid at a temperature near or above its flash point temperature is foreseeable operating conditions instance.
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GB 3836.14-2014: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres -- Part 14: Classification of hazardous areas
GB 3836.14-2014
Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres.Part 14. Classification of hazardous areas
ICS 29.260.20
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Replacing GB 3836.14-2000
Explosive atmospheres - Part 14. Classification of
Explosive atmosphere
(IEC 60079-10-1.2008, IDT)
Issued on. 2014-12-05
2015-10-16 implementation
Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China
Standardization Administration of China released
Table of Contents
Introduction Ⅲ
Introduction Ⅳ
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and definitions 2
4 General 4
4.1 Safety Principles 4
Objective 4.2 Location Category 5
5 Location Category 5 program
5.1 General 5
5.2 source of release 6
5.3 Area Type 6
5.4 6 regional
6 Ventilation 9
6.1 General 9
The main types of ventilation 6.2 9
6.3 Ventilation Level 9
6.4 ventilation effectiveness 9
7 file 9
7.1 General 9
7.2 drawings, records and data tables Table 10
Examples Appendix A (informative) source of release 11
Annex B (informative) Ventilation 16
Annex C (informative) Examples hazardous area classification 29
Annex D (informative) flammable mist 44
Figure C.1 hazardous location area is preferably 29 symbols
Figure C.2 Classification of hazardous areas schematic 43
Table A.1 influence through holes for different release levels of 12
Table B.1 independent influence of ventilation on type of zone 22
Table B.2 in V0 of multiple release summation program 22
Table B.3 1 release multiple-level summation procedure 23
Table C.1 hazardous area classification data sheet - Part 1. Details and characteristics of the flammable substance 42
Table C.2 hazardous area classification data sheet - Part 2. Released sources list 42
All technical content in this section is mandatory.
GB 3836 "explosive atmosphere" is divided into the following sections.
Part --- 1. Equipment General requirements;
Part --- 2. the flameproof enclosure "d" protection equipment;
--- Part 3. by the increased safety "e" protection equipment;
--- Part 4. Equipment protection by intrinsic safety "i";
--- Part 5. The type pressurized enclosure "p" protection equipment;
--- Part 6. from oil immersed "o" equipment protection;
--- Part 7. from Powder filling "q" equipment protection;
--- Part 8. the "n" type protective equipment;
--- Part 9. the Encapsulation "m" protection equipment;
--- Part 11. Determination of the maximum experimental safe gap;
--- Part 12. a mixture of gases or vapors according to their maximum experimental safe gaps and minimum igniting currents;
--- Part 13. Equipment repair, overhaul, repair and modification;
Part --- 14. Classification of explosive gas environment;
--- Part 15. Electrical installations design, selection and installation;
Part --- 16. Inspection and maintenance of electrical installations;
--- Part 17. Construction and use of rooms or buildings of positive pressure;
--- Part 18. Intrinsic safety systems;
--- Part 19. Fieldbus intrinsically safe concept (FISCO);
--- Part 20. Equipment protection level (EPL) for the Ga-class equipment.
This section drafted in accordance with GB/T 1.1-2009 given rules.
This is Part 14 GB 3836's.
This Part replaces GB 3836.14-2000 "Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 14. Classification of hazardous areas", and
GB 3836.14-2000 compared to major technical changes are as follows.
--- Increased flammability mist explosion hazard high flash point liquid under pressure release (see Appendix D);
--- Thermodynamics formulas given many liquids and gases release rate estimated at the rate of release (see A.3).
This section uses the translation method is equivalent to using IEC 60079-10-1.2008 "Explosive atmospheres - Part 10-1. Classification of explosive
Atmosphere "(in English).
This part is proposed by the China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association.
This part of the National explosion-proof electrical equipment Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC9) centralized.
This part mainly drafted by. Nanyang Explosion Electric Institute, the national explosion-proof electrical products for Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, Long a proof electrical
Ltd., Shenzhen City Jin-Ming Technology Co., Ltd., a new dawn Technology Co., Ltd., electro explosion-proof electrical Co., Sinopec Qingdao
Full Engineering Research Institute.
The main drafters of this section. Wang Jun, Xie Shao Jian, Wu Xudong, Zhengzhen Xiao, Dan Xiaoxian, Li Xiaoning, Zhang Weihua, Zhao Hongyu.
This part of the standard replaces the previous editions are.
--- GB 3836.14-2000.
May occur in flammable gas or vapor concentration reaches a dangerous level and the number of places, explosion-proof measures should be taken to avoid the risk of explosion
risk. GB 3836 presented in this section can prevent ignition hazard assessment of the basic principles, and given that can be used to reduce such hazards
Design and control parameters guide.
Explosive atmospheres - Part 14. Classification of
Explosive atmosphere
1 Scope
GB This section 3836 specifies the possible flammable gas, vapor or mist Classification of hazardous areas (see Note 1, Notes 2 and 3),
As support proper selection and installation of electrical equipment in hazardous locations such foundation.
This section applies under standard atmospheric conditions (see Note 4), due to flammable gases or vapors mixed with air could ignite
Dangerous place, but does not apply to the following locations.
a) coal mine gas;
b) Explosives processing and manufacturing;
c) a dangerous place combustible dust or fibers that may arise (see GB 12476.3);
d) beyond the section relates to exceptions catastrophic failure (see Note 5);
e) Medical Interior;
f) residential.
This section does not consider the impact of indirect damage caused.
Together with definitions and explanations put forward based on the main principles and procedures of hazardous area classification terminology.
For detailed requirements Hazardous Locations range of industry-specific or application-specific advice can refer to the relevant industry design specifications.
Note 1. flammable mist can be formed simultaneously with the flammable vapors or appear. Despite the release of the liquid under pressure may also have flammable mist, but this section does not test
Zoning considered dangerous liquids (due to the flash point), in these cases, the strict use of gases and vapors may not be suitable as a basis for device selection.
Flammable mist information in Appendix D.
Note 2. GB 3836.15 selection and installation of equipment based on the risk of mist is not required.
Note 3. For this part, the dangerous places refers to the three-dimensional region or space.
Note 4. If the changes affect the flammable substance explosion characteristics can be negligible, then the reference atmospheric conditions including temperature and atmospheric pressure 101.3kPa
Fluctuating change 20 ℃.
Note 5. The concept of catastrophic accidents in this section is among those unexpected accidents, such as pressure vessels burst or pipe rupture.
Note 6. In any processing device, regardless of its size, in addition to electrical equipment associated with an ignition source, but also there are many possible sources of ignition. in this sense,
To ensure security, the need to take appropriate precautions in this section may be used to judge other ignition source.
2 Normative references
The following documents for the application of this document is essential. For dated references, only the dated version suitable for use herein
Member. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 2900.35-2008 Electrotechnical terminology explosive atmospheres equipment [IEC 60050 (426).2008, IDT]
GB 3836.1-2010 Explosive atmospheres - Part 1. General requirements for equipment (IEC 60079-0.2007, MOD)
Temperature test method GB/T 5332-2007 flammable liquids and gases ignited (IEC 60079-4. 1975, IDT)
IEC 60079-4A to IEC 60079-4. 1966 the 1st supplementary electrical equipment for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 4. ignition
Temperature Test Method [FirstsupplementtoIEC 60079-4 (1966), Electricalapparatusforexplosivegasatmos-
pheres-Part 4. Methodoftestforignitiontemperature]
IEC 60079-20 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 20. combustible gas and steam and electrical equipment related to the use
Gas data (Electricalapparatusforexplosivegasatmospheres-Part 20. Dataforflammablegasesand
vapours, relatingtotheuseofelectricalapparatus)
3 Terms and Definitions
GB 3836.1-2010 defined in the following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Note. Other terms and explosive atmospheres as defined in GB/T 2900.35-2008.
Explosive atmosphere explosiveatmosphere
Under atmospheric conditions, of flammable material in the form of gas, vapor, dust, fibers, or catkins with air to form a mixture, after being lit,
Able to maintain self-propagating combustion environment.
[GB 3836.1-2010, the definition 3.22]
Explosive gas atmospheres explosivegasatmosphere
Under atmospheric conditions, a mixture of flammable substances in the form of gas or vapor and air to form, after being lit, to keep from burning
Line propagation environment.
[GB 3836.1-2010, the definition 3.24]
Note 1. Although the mixture concentrations exceeding the upper explosive limit (UEL) is not an explosive atmosphere, but in some cases, the place is classified it as an explosion
Gas environmental considerations are considered reasonable.
NOTE 2. Some explosive gas concentration of 100%.
(Explosive gas atmospheres) hazardous locations hazardousarea (onaccountofexplosivegasatmospheres)
Explosive atmosphere present or expected number may appear sufficient to require construction of electrical equipment, installation and use of special
Door area measures.
(Explosive gas atmospheres) non-hazardous places non-hazardousarea (onaccountofexplosivegasatmospheres)
Explosive atmosphere is not expected to occur that do not require a lot of electrical equipment for construction, installation and use to take special precautions
Regional zones
According to the frequency and duration of an explosive gas atmospheres dangerous places into the emerging area of 3.6 to 3.8.
Zone 0 zone0
Explosive atmosphere continuously or frequently or for long periods of place.
Zone 1 zone1
In normal operation, place an explosive gas atmosphere may occasionally occur.
Zone 2 zone2
In normal operation, an explosive gas atmosphere impossible, if only for a short time existing sites.
Note. Indicators Frequency and duration occurring above can be obtained from the relevant norms in a particular industry or application.
Release source sourceofrelease
Flammable gas, vapor, mist or liquid may be released can form an explosive atmosphere of the site or location.
[IEV426-03-06, modify]
Release level gradesofrelease
To minimize the frequency and the possibility of generating explosive gas atmosphere appears, will release the source is divided into three basic levels.
a) successive stages;
b) Level 1;
c) Level 2.
Sources said the release could lead to the release of the source level in any one source of release, or a combination of more than one source of release.
Continuous order release continuousgradeofrelease
Continuous release or release is expected to release frequent or long-term release.
Level 1 release primarygradeofrelease
In normal operation, expected to be released periodically or occasionally released.
Level 2 release secondarygradeofrelease
In normal operation, the release can not be expected, if the release is only occasional and short-term release is released.
The release rate releaserate
Unit time emit flammable gases, vapors or mist from the amount of released source.
Running normaloperation
It refers to equipment operating conditions within its design parameters range.
Note 1. the release of a small amount of flammable material can be considered normal operation. For example. When the transmission fluid by the pump can be seen from the release of a small amount of sealing port release.
Note 2. Fault (for example. pump seals, flange gasket damage or leakage by accident, etc.), including emergency repairs or emergency shutdown can not be regarded as normal
Run, nor can it be regarded as a catastrophic accident.
Note 3. The normal operation including start and stop the situation.
Ventilation ventilation
Because of the wind, temperature gradients, or artificial ventilation (such as a blower or fan) effect can cause air circulation and fresh air with the original set air
Change phenomenon.
Lower Explosive Limit lowerexplosivelimit; LEL
Air flammable gas, vapor or mist concentrations below the concentration of explosive atmosphere can not be formed.
Air, can not form a flammable gas environment of explosive gas, vapor or mist concentration minimum value.
Upper explosive limit upperexplosivelimit; UEL
Air flammable gas, vapor or mist concentrations higher than the concentration of explosive atmosphere can not be formed.
Air, can not form a flammable gas environment of explosive gas, vapor or mist concentrations of the highest value.
The relative density of gas or vapor relativedensityofagasorvapour
At the same pressure and temperature of gas or vapor density relative to the density of the air (air density of 1.0).
Flammable substance flammablematerial (flammablesubstance)
Flammable itself, or it can produce flammable gas, vapor or mist substances.
Flammable liquid flammableliquid
Under any foreseeable operating conditions, can produce flammable vapors or mist of liquid.
NOTE. Handling flammable liquid at a temperature near or above its flash point temperature is foreseeable operating conditions instance.