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GB 22448-2008: Protection rules for industrial X-ray radiographic equipment up to 500kV
GB 22448-2008
ICS 13.280; 19.100
N 78
Protection rules for industrial X-ray
radiographic equipment up to 500kV
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People?€?s Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People?€?s Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3??
1 Scope ... 4??
2 Normative references ... 4??
3 Requirements ... 4??
4 X-ray protection and monitoring during use ... 7??
5 Service regulations ... 9??
6 Monitoring ... 12??
Chapters 1 and 2 of this Standard are recommended clauses, while others are
mandatory clauses.
This Standard is not equivalent to German industrial standards DIN
54113.1.1992 Non-destructive testing - Radiation protection rules for the
technical application of X-ray equipment up to 500kV - General technical safety
requirements and DIN 54113.2.1992 Non-destructive testing - Radiation
protection rules for the technical application of X-ray equipment up to 500kV -
General technical safety requirements and testing for the manufacture,
installation and operation.
This Standard was formulated on the basis of JB 7788-1995.
This Standard was proposed by China Machinery Industry Federation.
This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of Liaoning Instrument Research
Institute (now known as ?€?Liaoning Instrument Research Institute Co., Ltd?€?).
Responsible drafting organization of this Standard. Liaoning Instrument
Research Institute (now known as ?€?Liaoning Instrument Research Institute Co.,
Participating drafting organizations of this Standard. Dandong Radiative
Instrument Co., Ltd, Dandong Wanquan NDT Equipment Factory, Dandong
Health Inspection Institute, Shanghai Advanced NDT Equipment Co., Ltd and
Dandong NDT Equipment Co., Ltd.
Main drafters of this Standard. Yu Zhijun, Li Yibin, Zhang Hong, Jian Jieli, Chen
Ninglong and Bao Ruling.
Protection rules for industrial X-ray
radiographic equipment up to 500kV
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the protective property requirements of industrial X-ray
radiographic equipment up to 500kV (hereinafter referred to as ?€?X-ray
equipment?€?, including the X-ray equipment with general structure, X-ray
equipment with fine structure, X-ray equipment for special protection, X-ray
equipment for full protection, etc.), the structural protection requirements of X-
ray equipment, and the requirements for X-ray protection during use, service
regulations and monitoring.
This Standard is applicable to the design, manufacture, installation and
operation of the X-ray equipment up to 500kV.
2 Normative references
The provisions in the following documents become the provisions of this
Standard through reference in this Standard. For dated references, the
subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to
this Standard. However, parties who reach an agreement based on this
Standard are encouraged to study if the latest editions of these documents are
applicable. For undated references, the latest editions apply to this Standard.
GB/T 17150-1997 Radiological protection monitoring procedure - Part 1.
Industrial X-ray detection
GB 18871-2002 Basic standards for protection against Ionizing radiation and
for the safety of radiation sources
3 Requirements
3.1 Limits for the leakage-ray air kerma rate of the X-ray equipment
(hereinafter referred to as ?€?leakage-ray kerma rate?€?)
3.1.1 X-ray equipment with general structure
X-ray equipment with general structure includes the instruments with general
structure of the stationary X-ray equipment, mobile X-ray equipment and
areas belong to the workplaces. The symbols shall be clear and distinct, along
with the words ?€?no entry into the X-ray region?€? in orange.
4.3.2 Monitoring areas in mobile workplaces
The monitoring areas in mobile workplaces refer to the areas outside the control
areas, along with the leakage-ray air kerma rates of greater than 25 ??Gy/h.
5 Service regulations
5.1 Protection director and protection agent
The application registrant of the X-ray instrument is the person responsible for
the radiation protection. This person in charge shall delegate necessary number
of properly trained radiation protection agents in written form, shall stipulate
their terms of reference within the enterprise, and shall report to the regulatory
authorities for filing.
5.2 Guidance
The staff members using the X-ray equipment shall master necessary radiation
protection expertise. The person responsible for the radiation protection shall
pay attention to regular training and guidance for these personnel, both before
and after their first induction. The training contents and time shall be noted down
as well.
5.3 Dose detection
USE the dosimeter specified by the regulatory authority and conforming to the
national standard to conduct dose monitoring to the staff members (for instance,
USE the dosimeter for general purpose). Furthermore, the personnel
responsible for radiation protection and the radiation protection agents shall be
able to independently use the measuring instruments and to conduct dose
monitoring at any time as required by the regulatory authority.
5.4 Installation
Before the installation of X-ray instruments, MAKE evaluation and field
verification for the protective properties of the radiation protection facilities that
shall be equipped with in structure, based on the expected operating condition.
The channels in the control areas shall meet the following conditions.
?€? It is able to observe the startup status of the X-ray equipment via the
5.6.3 Data that shall be provided by the organizations using the X-ray
a) inspection report and certificate issued by the expert (or experts);
b) equipment using organization?€?s certificate of authorization or a copy of the
c) plan of the radiation protection area and operating mode as the basis;
d) X-ray equipment operating instructions, including the radiation protection
measures, allowable operation methods and operating parameters.
COMBINE the X-ray equipment with other non-destructive flaw detectors and
accessories if necessary.
e) radiation protection marking.
5.7 Conditions of using the X-ray equipment in batches
When meeting all of the following conditions, it is allowed to use the X-ray
equipment that has been reported to the local regulatory authority but still
awaiting approval.
a) X-ray equipment?€?s structure has been approved.
b) X-ray equipment has already been inspected by an expert confirmed by the
regulatory authority.
c) Each X-ray protection agent shall be possessed of professional radiation
protection training certificate. Such expertise of the agents shall be obtained
by participating in a radiation protection course approved by the regulatory
authority and obtained by professional examination.
d) Other professionals shall master necessary expertise with regard to radiation
protection, which shall comply with the requirements of Sections 5.2 and
e) REPORT to local regulatory authority before using the X-ray instruments in
accordance with specified time limit. The report shall be attached with a copy
of allowable structural type certificate, including component inspection
certificate, expert inspection report, expertise investigation report, power of
attorney and the X-ray protection agents?€? professional training certificates on
radiation protection.
5.8 Conditions of using the X-ray equipment with special protection
without approval
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Historical versions (Master-website): GB 22448-2008
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GB 22448-2008: Protection rules for industrial X-ray radiographic equipment up to 500kV
GB 22448-2008
ICS 13.280; 19.100
N 78
Protection rules for industrial X-ray
radiographic equipment up to 500kV
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People?€?s Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People?€?s Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3??
1 Scope ... 4??
2 Normative references ... 4??
3 Requirements ... 4??
4 X-ray protection and monitoring during use ... 7??
5 Service regulations ... 9??
6 Monitoring ... 12??
Chapters 1 and 2 of this Standard are recommended clauses, while others are
mandatory clauses.
This Standard is not equivalent to German industrial standards DIN
54113.1.1992 Non-destructive testing - Radiation protection rules for the
technical application of X-ray equipment up to 500kV - General technical safety
requirements and DIN 54113.2.1992 Non-destructive testing - Radiation
protection rules for the technical application of X-ray equipment up to 500kV -
General technical safety requirements and testing for the manufacture,
installation and operation.
This Standard was formulated on the basis of JB 7788-1995.
This Standard was proposed by China Machinery Industry Federation.
This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of Liaoning Instrument Research
Institute (now known as ?€?Liaoning Instrument Research Institute Co., Ltd?€?).
Responsible drafting organization of this Standard. Liaoning Instrument
Research Institute (now known as ?€?Liaoning Instrument Research Institute Co.,
Participating drafting organizations of this Standard. Dandong Radiative
Instrument Co., Ltd, Dandong Wanquan NDT Equipment Factory, Dandong
Health Inspection Institute, Shanghai Advanced NDT Equipment Co., Ltd and
Dandong NDT Equipment Co., Ltd.
Main drafters of this Standard. Yu Zhijun, Li Yibin, Zhang Hong, Jian Jieli, Chen
Ninglong and Bao Ruling.
Protection rules for industrial X-ray
radiographic equipment up to 500kV
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the protective property requirements of industrial X-ray
radiographic equipment up to 500kV (hereinafter referred to as ?€?X-ray
equipment?€?, including the X-ray equipment with general structure, X-ray
equipment with fine structure, X-ray equipment for special protection, X-ray
equipment for full protection, etc.), the structural protection requirements of X-
ray equipment, and the requirements for X-ray protection during use, service
regulations and monitoring.
This Standard is applicable to the design, manufacture, installation and
operation of the X-ray equipment up to 500kV.
2 Normative references
The provisions in the following documents become the provisions of this
Standard through reference in this Standard. For dated references, the
subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to
this Standard. However, parties who reach an agreement based on this
Standard are encouraged to study if the latest editions of these documents are
applicable. For undated references, the latest editions apply to this Standard.
GB/T 17150-1997 Radiological protection monitoring procedure - Part 1.
Industrial X-ray detection
GB 18871-2002 Basic standards for protection against Ionizing radiation and
for the safety of radiation sources
3 Requirements
3.1 Limits for the leakage-ray air kerma rate of the X-ray equipment
(hereinafter referred to as ?€?leakage-ray kerma rate?€?)
3.1.1 X-ray equipment with general structure
X-ray equipment with general structure includes the instruments with general
structure of the stationary X-ray equipment, mobile X-ray equipment and
areas belong to the workplaces. The symbols shall be clear and distinct, along
with the words ?€?no entry into the X-ray region?€? in orange.
4.3.2 Monitoring areas in mobile workplaces
The monitoring areas in mobile workplaces refer to the areas outside the control
areas, along with the leakage-ray air kerma rates of greater than 25 ??Gy/h.
5 Service regulations
5.1 Protection director and protection agent
The application registrant of the X-ray instrument is the person responsible for
the radiation protection. This person in charge shall delegate necessary number
of properly trained radiation protection agents in written form, shall stipulate
their terms of reference within the enterprise, and shall report to the regulatory
authorities for filing.
5.2 Guidance
The staff members using the X-ray equipment shall master necessary radiation
protection expertise. The person responsible for the radiation protection shall
pay attention to regular training and guidance for these personnel, both before
and after their first induction. The training contents and time shall be noted down
as well.
5.3 Dose detection
USE the dosimeter specified by the regulatory authority and conforming to the
national standard to conduct dose monitoring to the staff members (for instance,
USE the dosimeter for general purpose). Furthermore, the personnel
responsible for radiation protection and the radiation protection agents shall be
able to independently use the measuring instruments and to conduct dose
monitoring at any time as required by the regulatory authority.
5.4 Installation
Before the installation of X-ray instruments, MAKE evaluation and field
verification for the protective properties of the radiation protection facilities that
shall be equipped with in structure, based on the expected operating condition.
The channels in the control areas shall meet the following conditions.
?€? It is able to observe the startup status of the X-ray equipment via the
5.6.3 Data that shall be provided by the organizations using the X-ray
a) inspection report and certificate issued by the expert (or experts);
b) equipment using organization?€?s certificate of authorization or a copy of the
c) plan of the radiation protection area and operating mode as the basis;
d) X-ray equipment operating instructions, including the radiation protection
measures, allowable operation methods and operating parameters.
COMBINE the X-ray equipment with other non-destructive flaw detectors and
accessories if necessary.
e) radiation protection marking.
5.7 Conditions of using the X-ray equipment in batches
When meeting all of the following conditions, it is allowed to use the X-ray
equipment that has been reported to the local regulatory authority but still
awaiting approval.
a) X-ray equipment?€?s structure has been approved.
b) X-ray equipment has already been inspected by an expert confirmed by the
regulatory authority.
c) Each X-ray protection agent shall be possessed of professional radiation
protection training certificate. Such expertise of the agents shall be obtained
by participating in a radiation protection course approved by the regulatory
authority and obtained by professional examination.
d) Other professionals shall master necessary expertise with regard to radiation
protection, which shall comply with the requirements of Sections 5.2 and
e) REPORT to local regulatory authority before using the X-ray instruments in
accordance with specified time limit. The report shall be attached with a copy
of allowable structural type certificate, including component inspection
certificate, expert inspection report, expertise investigation report, power of
attorney and the X-ray protection agents?€? professional training certificates on
radiation protection.
5.8 Conditions of using the X-ray equipment with special protection
without approval