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GB 17354-2024: Front and rear protective devices for passenger cars
ICS 43.040.60
CCS T 26
Replacing GB 17354-1998
Front and rear protective devices for passenger cars
Issued by. State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People?€?s Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword... 3
1 Scope... 5
2 Normative references... 5
3 Terms and definitions... 5
4 Technical requirements... 7
5 Test methods... 8
6 Determination of the same type... 11
7 Implementation of the standard... 11
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be
the subject of patent rights. The issuing authority of this document shall not be held
responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document was proposed by and shall be under the jurisdiction of Ministry of
Industry and Information Technology of the People?€?s Republic of China.
This document was first issued in 1998 and this is the first revision.
Front and rear protective devices for passenger cars
1 Scope
This document specifies the technical requirements, test methods and determination of
the same type of front and rear protection devices for passenger cars.
This document applies to the front and rear protection devices of M1 vehicles.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 4785 Prescription for installation of the external lighting and light-signaling
devices for motor vehicles and their trailers
3 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
protective device
A device located at the front and rear ends of a vehicle to protect the vehicle from
serious damage in the event of a low-speed collision.
NOTE. It includes the bumper skin and its fixings, foam parts, crossbeams and their connecting
parts, rear apron, longitudinal beams and energy-absorbing components, as well as other
components installed on the bumper skin.
reference line
When the A plane of the impactor (see Figure 1) is perpendicular to the horizontal
ground, the intersection of the symmetrical horizontal plane of the impact and the
contour of the impact head itself.
reference height The test is divided into two collision tests in front of the vehicle and two
collision tests in the rear. The two collision tests in each direction are carried out at the
curb weight state and the test vehicle loaded weight state, respectively. For the two collision tests in each direction, it shall be ensured that the impact
head contour of the impactor does not exceed the area defined by the two planes passing
through the corners of bumper and parallel to the longitudinal symmetry plane of the
vehicle; for the second collision test in each direction, the position of the median
vertical plane of the impactor shall be not less than 300 mm from the position in the
first collision test. The A plane of the impactor shall be kept perpendicular to the ground, the
reference line shall be kept horizontal, and the reference height shall be 450 mm. Adjust the position of the vehicle so that the front and rear protection devices
located between the corners of bumper contact the impactor without causing the
impactor to shake, and the longitudinal symmetry plane of the vehicle shall be kept
perpendicular to the A plane of the impactor. The collision speed shall be 4 ?????????.?????? km/h, and the measurement accuracy shall
be not less than 1 %. After each test, check whether the test vehicle meets the requirements of 4.2 to
5.4.2 Collision test on corner of bumper When the vehicle is at the curb weight state, a collision test shall be conducted
on the front and rear corners of bumper of the vehicle respectively; when the vehicle is
loaded, a collision test shall be conducted on the front and rear corners of bumper of
the other side of the vehicle, respectively. The A plane of the impactor shall be vertical to the ground, the reference line
shall be horizontal, and the reference height shall be 450 mm. Adjust the position of the vehicle so that the corner of bumper contacts the
impactor without causing the impactor to shake, and the following conditions shall also
be met.
a) The A plane of the impactor forms an angle of 60?? ?? 2?? with the longitudinal
symmetry plane of the vehicle;
b) When colliding, the first contact point between the impactor and the vehicle is on
the median vertical plane of the impactor (deviation ??25 mm). The collision speed is 2.5 ?????????.?????? km/h, and the measurement accuracy shall be
no less than 1 %. After each test, check whether the test vehicle meets the requirements of 4.2 to
5.4.3 Other provisions Between collision tests, the front and rear protection devices and connection
devices are allowed to be repaired and replaced. If there are materials that can recover automatically in the front and rear
protection devices, between collision tests, time shall be allowed for the material to
recover automatically as specified by the manufacturer. At the manufacturer?€?s request, each collision test is allowed to use a vehicle that
has completed other tests (including vehicles with other structural damages except for
the front and rear protection devices) or a new vehicle of the same model. At the manufacturer?€?s request, the equivalent mass and/or collision speed of the
collision device is allowed to be higher than the requirements of,, and
6 Determination of the same type
If the following provisions are met, it is considered to be the same type.
a) The body model is the same, the model, material and connection method of the
bumper skin are the same;
b) The layout position of the engine or drive motor (front, rear or middle) is the same;
c) The curb weight of the vehicle is the same or reduced, or increased by no more
than 8 %;
d) Changes in the vehicle suspension structure, type, etc. do not change the height
of the bumper from the ground;
e) The number of seats in the vehicle is the same or reduced;
f) The number of cameras and sensors installed on the front and rear protection
devices is the same or reduced, and the installation position is the same.
7 Implementation of the standard
For new models applying for type approval, implementation will begin from the date
of implementation of this document.
For models that have obtained type approval, implementation will begin from the 25th
month from the date of implementation of this document.
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GB 17354-2024: Front and rear protective devices for passenger cars
ICS 43.040.60
CCS T 26
Replacing GB 17354-1998
Front and rear protective devices for passenger cars
Issued by. State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People?€?s Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword... 3
1 Scope... 5
2 Normative references... 5
3 Terms and definitions... 5
4 Technical requirements... 7
5 Test methods... 8
6 Determination of the same type... 11
7 Implementation of the standard... 11
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be
the subject of patent rights. The issuing authority of this document shall not be held
responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document was proposed by and shall be under the jurisdiction of Ministry of
Industry and Information Technology of the People?€?s Republic of China.
This document was first issued in 1998 and this is the first revision.
Front and rear protective devices for passenger cars
1 Scope
This document specifies the technical requirements, test methods and determination of
the same type of front and rear protection devices for passenger cars.
This document applies to the front and rear protection devices of M1 vehicles.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 4785 Prescription for installation of the external lighting and light-signaling
devices for motor vehicles and their trailers
3 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
protective device
A device located at the front and rear ends of a vehicle to protect the vehicle from
serious damage in the event of a low-speed collision.
NOTE. It includes the bumper skin and its fixings, foam parts, crossbeams and their connecting
parts, rear apron, longitudinal beams and energy-absorbing components, as well as other
components installed on the bumper skin.
reference line
When the A plane of the impactor (see Figure 1) is perpendicular to the horizontal
ground, the intersection of the symmetrical horizontal plane of the impact and the
contour of the impact head itself.
reference height The test is divided into two collision tests in front of the vehicle and two
collision tests in the rear. The two collision tests in each direction are carried out at the
curb weight state and the test vehicle loaded weight state, respectively. For the two collision tests in each direction, it shall be ensured that the impact
head contour of the impactor does not exceed the area defined by the two planes passing
through the corners of bumper and parallel to the longitudinal symmetry plane of the
vehicle; for the second collision test in each direction, the position of the median
vertical plane of the impactor shall be not less than 300 mm from the position in the
first collision test. The A plane of the impactor shall be kept perpendicular to the ground, the
reference line shall be kept horizontal, and the reference height shall be 450 mm. Adjust the position of the vehicle so that the front and rear protection devices
located between the corners of bumper contact the impactor without causing the
impactor to shake, and the longitudinal symmetry plane of the vehicle shall be kept
perpendicular to the A plane of the impactor. The collision speed shall be 4 ?????????.?????? km/h, and the measurement accuracy shall
be not less than 1 %. After each test, check whether the test vehicle meets the requirements of 4.2 to
5.4.2 Collision test on corner of bumper When the vehicle is at the curb weight state, a collision test shall be conducted
on the front and rear corners of bumper of the vehicle respectively; when the vehicle is
loaded, a collision test shall be conducted on the front and rear corners of bumper of
the other side of the vehicle, respectively. The A plane of the impactor shall be vertical to the ground, the reference line
shall be horizontal, and the reference height shall be 450 mm. Adjust the position of the vehicle so that the corner of bumper contacts the
impactor without causing the impactor to shake, and the following conditions shall also
be met.
a) The A plane of the impactor forms an angle of 60?? ?? 2?? with the longitudinal
symmetry plane of the vehicle;
b) When colliding, the first contact point between the impactor and the vehicle is on
the median vertical plane of the impactor (deviation ??25 mm). The collision speed is 2.5 ?????????.?????? km/h, and the measurement accuracy shall be
no less than 1 %. After each test, check whether the test vehicle meets the requirements of 4.2 to
5.4.3 Other provisions Between collision tests, the front and rear protection devices and connection
devices are allowed to be repaired and replaced. If there are materials that can recover automatically in the front and rear
protection devices, between collision tests, time shall be allowed for the material to
recover automatically as specified by the manufacturer. At the manufacturer?€?s request, each collision test is allowed to use a vehicle that
has completed other tests (including vehicles with other structural damages except for
the front and rear protection devices) or a new vehicle of the same model. At the manufacturer?€?s request, the equivalent mass and/or collision speed of the
collision device is allowed to be higher than the requirements of,, and
6 Determination of the same type
If the following provisions are met, it is considered to be the same type.
a) The body model is the same, the model, material and connection method of the
bumper skin are the same;
b) The layout position of the engine or drive motor (front, rear or middle) is the same;
c) The curb weight of the vehicle is the same or reduced, or increased by no more
than 8 %;
d) Changes in the vehicle suspension structure, type, etc. do not change the height
of the bumper from the ground;
e) The number of seats in the vehicle is the same or reduced;
f) The number of cameras and sensors installed on the front and rear protection
devices is the same or reduced, and the installation position is the same.
7 Implementation of the standard
For new models applying for type approval, implementation will begin from the date
of implementation of this document.
For models that have obtained type approval, implementation will begin from the 25th
month from the date of implementation of this document.