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GB 16796-2022: Security alarm equipment -- Safety requirements and test methods
GB 16796-2022
ICS 13.310
CCS A 91
Replacing GB 16796-2009
Security alarm equipment - Safety requirements and test
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People?€?s Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 4
1 Scope ... 6
2 Normative references ... 6
3 Terms and definitions ... 7
4 Safety protection design principles ... 12
5 Requirement for protection from electric shock ... 12
5.1 Accessible parts ... 12
5.2 Insulation ... 14
5.3 Protective conductor ... 14
5.4 Fuse ... 15
5.5 Lightning protection ... 16
5.6 Battery ... 16
6 Requirements for protection from mechanical injury ... 16
6.1 Protection of sharp edges/acute angles ... 16
6.2 Protection of moving parts ... 16
6.3 Mechanical stability ... 16
6.4 Mechanical strength ... 16
7 Requirements for thermal burn protection ... 17
8 Requirements for fire prevention ... 18
8.1 Basic requirements ... 18
8.2 Enclosure structure ... 18
8.3 Flame retardant ... 19
9 Requirements for radiation protection ... 19
9.1 Protection against light radiation ... 19
9.2 Protection against ionization radiation ... 19
9.3 Protection against microwave radiation ... 20
10 Indicative requirements for safety protection ... 20
10.1 General provisions ... 20
10.2 Safety protection of sharp edges and acute angles ... 20
10.3 Safety protection of moving parts ... 20
10.4 Safety protection of equipment containing light sources ... 20
10.5 Safety protection of equipment of high voltage or high current ... 20
11 Requirements for equipment marking and instruction manual ... 21
11.1 Marking ... 21
11.2 Instruction manual... 23
12 Test methods ... 23
12.1 General test conditions ... 23
12.2 Anti-shock test ... 26
12.3 Test of protection from mechanical injury ... 32
12.4 Thermal burn protection test ... 33
12.5 Fire prevention test ... 34
12.6 Radiation protection test ... 34
12.7 Inspection of safety protection instructions ... 35
12.8 Inspection of markings and instructions ... 35
Appendix A (Normative) Test fixtures for accessible parts ... 37
A.1 Articulated test fixtures ... 37
A.2 Non-articulated test fixtures ... 38
A.3 Blunt test fixtures ... 38
Bibliography ... 39
Security alarm equipment - Safety requirements and test
1 Scope
This document establishes the safety protection design principles for security alarm
equipment, stipulates the requirements for protection from electric shock, requirements
for protection from mechanical injury, requirements for thermal burn protection,
requirements for fire prevention, requirements for radiation protection, indicative
requirements for safety protection, requirements for markings and instructions, and
describes the test methods for each corresponding requirement.
This document applies to the design, manufacture, inspection and application of various
types of equipment in security systems.
Note: Various types of equipment include but are not limited to equipment in systems
such as intrusion and emergency alarm, video surveillance, entrance and exit
control, parking lot (warehouse) security management, explosion-proof safety
inspection, electronic inspection, building intercom, physical protection and
human biometric identification.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of
their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the
version corresponding to that date is applicable to this document; for undated references,
the latest version (including all amendments) is applicable to this document.
GB 4943.1-2022, Audio/video, information and communication technology
equipment - Part 1: Safety requirements
GB/T 5465.1-2009, Graphical symbols for use on electrical equipment - Part 1:
Overview and classification
GB 7247.1-2012, Safety of laser products - Part 1: Equipment classification and
GB 15208.1-2018, Micro-dose X-ray security inspection system - Part 1: General
technical requirements
GB/T 37958-2019, Requirements of optical radiation safety for active lighting units
of video surveillance systems
Note 3: Abnormal operating conditions may cause the failure of components, devices
or safety protection.
[Source: GB 4943.1-2022,]
single fault condition
Under normal operation conditions of the equipment, a single safety protection (rather
than an enhanced safety protection) or a single component or device fails.
Note: B.4 in GB 4943.1-2022 specifies single fault conditions.
[Source: GB 4943.1-2022,]
4 Safety protection design principles
The safety protection design principles are as follows.
a) Prevent and reduce equipment safety risks under normal operation conditions,
abnormal operating conditions and single fault conditions.
b) Prevent and reduce safety risks of equipment in special use environments (such
as strong electromagnetic interference, extreme climate, explosion-proof places),
special working conditions (such as continuous long-term work) and specific
installation conditions (such as hoisting, wall hanging). For outdoor equipment
used in extremely cold and hot areas, when metal materials are used as the
enclosure, appropriate protective measures should be taken in the design.
c) Prevent and reduce safety risks caused by equipment components and parts, such
as implosion or explosion, ultrasonic or infrasonic damage.
d) Design or select a suitable protective enclosure that is provided with functions
such as protection from electric shock, protection from mechanical injury and
ignition prevention.
e) Select materials that meet the relevant requirements for pollution control of
electronic information products and are compatible with the requirements for
flame retardant grade, aging performance and mechanical strength of the
5 Requirement for protection from electric shock
5.1 Accessible parts
5.1.1 Steady-state voltage or steady-state touch current limits
5.5 Lightning protection
Equipment intended to use coaxial cables to transmit data between different buildings
or between outdoor antennas and buildings shall be able to meet the electrical strength
requirements of 5.2.2 after undergoing the pulse test (without damp and hot
pretreatment); the above-mentioned equipment with antenna terminals shall also
undergo a voltage impact test, after which it shall be able to meet the electrical strength
requirements of 5.2.2 (without damp and hot pretreatment).
5.6 Battery
For equipment equipped with batteries, the batteries shall comply with the requirements
of 7.6 in GB 4943.1-2022.
6 Requirements for protection from mechanical injury
6.1 Protection of sharp edges/acute angles
When there are accessible sharp edges and/or acute angles on the equipment, protective
measures shall be taken to prevent harm to the human body.
Special equipment whose basic functions are achieved by using accessible sharp
edges/acute angles shall be provided with safety protection instructions.
6.2 Protection of moving parts
When there are accessible moving parts on the equipment, protective measures shall be
taken to prevent harm to the human body.
Special equipment whose basic functions are achieved by using moving parts shall be
provided with safety protection instructions.
6.3 Mechanical stability
Non-fixed floor-standing equipment with a mass greater than or equal to 25 kg shall not
tip over after the test specified in 12.3.3.
6.4 Mechanical strength
After the enclosure strength test in Table 4 and the drop test in Table 5, the equipment
shall meet the following requirements:
a) The enclosure shall not have cracks that may cause danger;
b) The insulation of internal wires shall not be damaged;
c) The internal baffle shall not be damaged or loose;
9.3 Protection against microwave radiation
For equipment containing microwave devices, the power density of stray microwave
radiation at a distance of 50 mm from the outer surface of the equipment (frequency
range 1 GHz ~ 40 GHz) shall be less than or equal to 10 W/m2.
10 Indicative requirements for safety protection
10.1 General provisions
Safety protection instructions shall be completely marked on the equipment, or graphic
symbols or warning text shall be marked on the equipment and complete instructions
shall be provided in the instructions. If only warning text is used, the text shall begin
with the words ?€?WARNING?€?, ?€?CAUTION?€? or similar text. Safety instructions marked
on the equipment shall be close to hazardous parts.
10.2 Safety protection of sharp edges and acute angles
Indicative requirements for safety protection of sharp edges and acute angles shall
include the following:
-- Graphical symbol: the symbol numbered 6043 in IEC 60417 (2011-01);
-- Warning text: ?€?Beware of sharp edges?€? or similar text.
10.3 Safety protection of moving parts
Indicative requirements for safety protection of moving parts shall include the
-- Graphical symbol: the symbol numbered 6057 in IEC 60417 (2011-05);
-- Warning text: ?€?Caution of moving parts?€? or similar text.
10.4 Safety protection of equipment containing light sources
Equipment containing laser light sources shall comply with the requirements marked in
Chapter 5 of GB 7247.1-2012; video surveillance equipment containing active lighting
components such as LEDs and xenon lamps with emission wavelengths 200 nm ~ 1
400 nm shall comply with the requirements of 6.3 in GB/T 37958-2019.
10.5 Safety protection of equipment of high voltage or high current
Indicative requirements for safety protection of equipment of high voltage or high
current shall include the following:
-- Graphical symbol: the symbol numbered 5036 in GB/T 5465.1-2009;
-- Warning text: ?€?Beware of electric shock?€? or similar text.
11 Requirements for equipment marking and instruction
11.1 Marking
11.1.1 Marking contents
The equipment shall be marked with at least the following.
a) Manufacturer?€?s name, responsible supplier?€?s name or registered trademark.
b) Model and name of the equipment.
c) Nature (AC, DC or both AC and DC) and polarity of the power source. For AC,
the symbol ~ numbered 5032 in GB/T 5465.1-2009 shall be used, and for DC, the
symbol numbered 5031 in GB/T 5465.1-2009 shall be used.
d) Rated value or rated voltage range of the supply voltage. For equipment powered
by AC mains power grid, the rated voltage or rated voltage range shall be marked
as 220 V or 380 V (applicable to three-phase equipment) or include the above
values, and be set to 220 V or 380 V at the factory; if the equipment has multiple
power connections and the connections have different rated voltages, each
connection shall be marked with the rated voltage.
e) AC rated frequency or rated frequency range. Equipment powered by AC mains
power grid shall be marked as 50 Hz or including 50 Hz.
f) Rated current or rated power. If the equipment is provided with a grid power output
socket, the rated current or power marked shall include the current or power
allocated to the output socket; if the equipment has multiple power connections,
each connection shall be marked with a rated current or power.
g) Rated current value, voltage value, fusing characteristics and model of the fuse
(fuse wire/tube). If the fuse is replaceable, it shall be marked near the fuse holder.
h) Protection category of the equipment against electric shock. The marking of
protection category against electric shock for Class I equipment and Class II
equipment shall meet the following requirements respectively:
-- Class I equipment:
The characteristics of the power supply used during the test (such as power supply
impedance, output voltage waveform) shall not have a significant impact on the test
results. For AC-DC dual-use products, the two power supplies must be supplied
12.1.3 Test sequence
The tests shall be carried out in the following order.
a) Tests carried out when the equipment is not powered on.
b) Tests carried out when the equipment is powered on, the test sequence is:
1) Tests under normal operation conditions;
2) Tests under abnormal operating conditions;
3) Tests under single fault conditions;
4) Other tests that may cause destructive effects.
12.1.4 normal operation conditions
Unless otherwise specified, the tests shall be conducted under the most unfavorable
conditions of the following factors.
a) Supply voltage. The most unfavorable supply voltage for a certain test shall be
determined based on the rated voltage of the equipment, the upper and lower
limits of the rated voltage range, and the rated voltage tolerance specified by the
manufacturer. Unless the manufacturer declares the use of wider tolerances, the
minimum tolerances for AC mains power supplies shall be +10% and -10% and
the minimum tolerances for DC mains power supplies shall be +20% and -15%.
b) Power frequency. The most unfavorable power frequency for a certain test shall
be determined based on different frequencies within the rated frequency range of
the equipment (for example, 50 Hz and 60 Hz).
c) Environmental conditions, such as the maximum ambient temperature specified
by the manufacturer.
d) Working mode, such as full load working conditions.
e) Adjustment of control buttons, knobs, etc.
12.1.5 Abnormal operating conditions
Before introducing abnormal operating conditions, the equipment shall be in normal
operation conditions. Each abnormal operating condition shall be imposed individually
12.2 Anti-shock test
12.2.1 Test of requirements for accessible parts Steady-state voltage or steady-state touch current test
The steady-state voltage or steady-state touch current test shall be carried out according
to the...
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GB 16796-2022: Security alarm equipment -- Safety requirements and test methods
GB 16796-2022
ICS 13.310
CCS A 91
Replacing GB 16796-2009
Security alarm equipment - Safety requirements and test
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People?€?s Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 4
1 Scope ... 6
2 Normative references ... 6
3 Terms and definitions ... 7
4 Safety protection design principles ... 12
5 Requirement for protection from electric shock ... 12
5.1 Accessible parts ... 12
5.2 Insulation ... 14
5.3 Protective conductor ... 14
5.4 Fuse ... 15
5.5 Lightning protection ... 16
5.6 Battery ... 16
6 Requirements for protection from mechanical injury ... 16
6.1 Protection of sharp edges/acute angles ... 16
6.2 Protection of moving parts ... 16
6.3 Mechanical stability ... 16
6.4 Mechanical strength ... 16
7 Requirements for thermal burn protection ... 17
8 Requirements for fire prevention ... 18
8.1 Basic requirements ... 18
8.2 Enclosure structure ... 18
8.3 Flame retardant ... 19
9 Requirements for radiation protection ... 19
9.1 Protection against light radiation ... 19
9.2 Protection against ionization radiation ... 19
9.3 Protection against microwave radiation ... 20
10 Indicative requirements for safety protection ... 20
10.1 General provisions ... 20
10.2 Safety protection of sharp edges and acute angles ... 20
10.3 Safety protection of moving parts ... 20
10.4 Safety protection of equipment containing light sources ... 20
10.5 Safety protection of equipment of high voltage or high current ... 20
11 Requirements for equipment marking and instruction manual ... 21
11.1 Marking ... 21
11.2 Instruction manual... 23
12 Test methods ... 23
12.1 General test conditions ... 23
12.2 Anti-shock test ... 26
12.3 Test of protection from mechanical injury ... 32
12.4 Thermal burn protection test ... 33
12.5 Fire prevention test ... 34
12.6 Radiation protection test ... 34
12.7 Inspection of safety protection instructions ... 35
12.8 Inspection of markings and instructions ... 35
Appendix A (Normative) Test fixtures for accessible parts ... 37
A.1 Articulated test fixtures ... 37
A.2 Non-articulated test fixtures ... 38
A.3 Blunt test fixtures ... 38
Bibliography ... 39
Security alarm equipment - Safety requirements and test
1 Scope
This document establishes the safety protection design principles for security alarm
equipment, stipulates the requirements for protection from electric shock, requirements
for protection from mechanical injury, requirements for thermal burn protection,
requirements for fire prevention, requirements for radiation protection, indicative
requirements for safety protection, requirements for markings and instructions, and
describes the test methods for each corresponding requirement.
This document applies to the design, manufacture, inspection and application of various
types of equipment in security systems.
Note: Various types of equipment include but are not limited to equipment in systems
such as intrusion and emergency alarm, video surveillance, entrance and exit
control, parking lot (warehouse) security management, explosion-proof safety
inspection, electronic inspection, building intercom, physical protection and
human biometric identification.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of
their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the
version corresponding to that date is applicable to this document; for undated references,
the latest version (including all amendments) is applicable to this document.
GB 4943.1-2022, Audio/video, information and communication technology
equipment - Part 1: Safety requirements
GB/T 5465.1-2009, Graphical symbols for use on electrical equipment - Part 1:
Overview and classification
GB 7247.1-2012, Safety of laser products - Part 1: Equipment classification and
GB 15208.1-2018, Micro-dose X-ray security inspection system - Part 1: General
technical requirements
GB/T 37958-2019, Requirements of optical radiation safety for active lighting units
of video surveillance systems
Note 3: Abnormal operating conditions may cause the failure of components, devices
or safety protection.
[Source: GB 4943.1-2022,]
single fault condition
Under normal operation conditions of the equipment, a single safety protection (rather
than an enhanced safety protection) or a single component or device fails.
Note: B.4 in GB 4943.1-2022 specifies single fault conditions.
[Source: GB 4943.1-2022,]
4 Safety protection design principles
The safety protection design principles are as follows.
a) Prevent and reduce equipment safety risks under normal operation conditions,
abnormal operating conditions and single fault conditions.
b) Prevent and reduce safety risks of equipment in special use environments (such
as strong electromagnetic interference, extreme climate, explosion-proof places),
special working conditions (such as continuous long-term work) and specific
installation conditions (such as hoisting, wall hanging). For outdoor equipment
used in extremely cold and hot areas, when metal materials are used as the
enclosure, appropriate protective measures should be taken in the design.
c) Prevent and reduce safety risks caused by equipment components and parts, such
as implosion or explosion, ultrasonic or infrasonic damage.
d) Design or select a suitable protective enclosure that is provided with functions
such as protection from electric shock, protection from mechanical injury and
ignition prevention.
e) Select materials that meet the relevant requirements for pollution control of
electronic information products and are compatible with the requirements for
flame retardant grade, aging performance and mechanical strength of the
5 Requirement for protection from electric shock
5.1 Accessible parts
5.1.1 Steady-state voltage or steady-state touch current limits
5.5 Lightning protection
Equipment intended to use coaxial cables to transmit data between different buildings
or between outdoor antennas and buildings shall be able to meet the electrical strength
requirements of 5.2.2 after undergoing the pulse test (without damp and hot
pretreatment); the above-mentioned equipment with antenna terminals shall also
undergo a voltage impact test, after which it shall be able to meet the electrical strength
requirements of 5.2.2 (without damp and hot pretreatment).
5.6 Battery
For equipment equipped with batteries, the batteries shall comply with the requirements
of 7.6 in GB 4943.1-2022.
6 Requirements for protection from mechanical injury
6.1 Protection of sharp edges/acute angles
When there are accessible sharp edges and/or acute angles on the equipment, protective
measures shall be taken to prevent harm to the human body.
Special equipment whose basic functions are achieved by using accessible sharp
edges/acute angles shall be provided with safety protection instructions.
6.2 Protection of moving parts
When there are accessible moving parts on the equipment, protective measures shall be
taken to prevent harm to the human body.
Special equipment whose basic functions are achieved by using moving parts shall be
provided with safety protection instructions.
6.3 Mechanical stability
Non-fixed floor-standing equipment with a mass greater than or equal to 25 kg shall not
tip over after the test specified in 12.3.3.
6.4 Mechanical strength
After the enclosure strength test in Table 4 and the drop test in Table 5, the equipment
shall meet the following requirements:
a) The enclosure shall not have cracks that may cause danger;
b) The insulation of internal wires shall not be damaged;
c) The internal baffle shall not be damaged or loose;
9.3 Protection against microwave radiation
For equipment containing microwave devices, the power density of stray microwave
radiation at a distance of 50 mm from the outer surface of the equipment (frequency
range 1 GHz ~ 40 GHz) shall be less than or equal to 10 W/m2.
10 Indicative requirements for safety protection
10.1 General provisions
Safety protection instructions shall be completely marked on the equipment, or graphic
symbols or warning text shall be marked on the equipment and complete instructions
shall be provided in the instructions. If only warning text is used, the text shall begin
with the words ?€?WARNING?€?, ?€?CAUTION?€? or similar text. Safety instructions marked
on the equipment shall be close to hazardous parts.
10.2 Safety protection of sharp edges and acute angles
Indicative requirements for safety protection of sharp edges and acute angles shall
include the following:
-- Graphical symbol: the symbol numbered 6043 in IEC 60417 (2011-01);
-- Warning text: ?€?Beware of sharp edges?€? or similar text.
10.3 Safety protection of moving parts
Indicative requirements for safety protection of moving parts shall include the
-- Graphical symbol: the symbol numbered 6057 in IEC 60417 (2011-05);
-- Warning text: ?€?Caution of moving parts?€? or similar text.
10.4 Safety protection of equipment containing light sources
Equipment containing laser light sources shall comply with the requirements marked in
Chapter 5 of GB 7247.1-2012; video surveillance equipment containing active lighting
components such as LEDs and xenon lamps with emission wavelengths 200 nm ~ 1
400 nm shall comply with the requirements of 6.3 in GB/T 37958-2019.
10.5 Safety protection of equipment of high voltage or high current
Indicative requirements for safety protection of equipment of high voltage or high
current shall include the following:
-- Graphical symbol: the symbol numbered 5036 in GB/T 5465.1-2009;
-- Warning text: ?€?Beware of electric shock?€? or similar text.
11 Requirements for equipment marking and instruction
11.1 Marking
11.1.1 Marking contents
The equipment shall be marked with at least the following.
a) Manufacturer?€?s name, responsible supplier?€?s name or registered trademark.
b) Model and name of the equipment.
c) Nature (AC, DC or both AC and DC) and polarity of the power source. For AC,
the symbol ~ numbered 5032 in GB/T 5465.1-2009 shall be used, and for DC, the
symbol numbered 5031 in GB/T 5465.1-2009 shall be used.
d) Rated value or rated voltage range of the supply voltage. For equipment powered
by AC mains power grid, the rated voltage or rated voltage range shall be marked
as 220 V or 380 V (applicable to three-phase equipment) or include the above
values, and be set to 220 V or 380 V at the factory; if the equipment has multiple
power connections and the connections have different rated voltages, each
connection shall be marked with the rated voltage.
e) AC rated frequency or rated frequency range. Equipment powered by AC mains
power grid shall be marked as 50 Hz or including 50 Hz.
f) Rated current or rated power. If the equipment is provided with a grid power output
socket, the rated current or power marked shall include the current or power
allocated to the output socket; if the equipment has multiple power connections,
each connection shall be marked with a rated current or power.
g) Rated current value, voltage value, fusing characteristics and model of the fuse
(fuse wire/tube). If the fuse is replaceable, it shall be marked near the fuse holder.
h) Protection category of the equipment against electric shock. The marking of
protection category against electric shock for Class I equipment and Class II
equipment shall meet the following requirements respectively:
-- Class I equipment:
The characteristics of the power supply used during the test (such as power supply
impedance, output voltage waveform) shall not have a significant impact on the test
results. For AC-DC dual-use products, the two power supplies must be supplied
12.1.3 Test sequence
The tests shall be carried out in the following order.
a) Tests carried out when the equipment is not powered on.
b) Tests carried out when the equipment is powered on, the test sequence is:
1) Tests under normal operation conditions;
2) Tests under abnormal operating conditions;
3) Tests under single fault conditions;
4) Other tests that may cause destructive effects.
12.1.4 normal operation conditions
Unless otherwise specified, the tests shall be conducted under the most unfavorable
conditions of the following factors.
a) Supply voltage. The most unfavorable supply voltage for a certain test shall be
determined based on the rated voltage of the equipment, the upper and lower
limits of the rated voltage range, and the rated voltage tolerance specified by the
manufacturer. Unless the manufacturer declares the use of wider tolerances, the
minimum tolerances for AC mains power supplies shall be +10% and -10% and
the minimum tolerances for DC mains power supplies shall be +20% and -15%.
b) Power frequency. The most unfavorable power frequency for a certain test shall
be determined based on different frequencies within the rated frequency range of
the equipment (for example, 50 Hz and 60 Hz).
c) Environmental conditions, such as the maximum ambient temperature specified
by the manufacturer.
d) Working mode, such as full load working conditions.
e) Adjustment of control buttons, knobs, etc.
12.1.5 Abnormal operating conditions
Before introducing abnormal operating conditions, the equipment shall be in normal
operation conditions. Each abnormal operating condition shall be imposed individually
12.2 Anti-shock test
12.2.1 Test of requirements for accessible parts Steady-state voltage or steady-state touch current test
The steady-state voltage or steady-state touch current test shall be carried out according
to the...