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GB 15982-2012: Hygienic standard for disinfection in hospitals
GB 15982-2012
ICS 11.080
C 59
Replacing GB 15982-1995
Hygienic standard for disinfection in hospitals
ISSUED ON: JUNE 29, 2012
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3??
1 Scope ... 5??
2 Normative references ... 5??
3 Terms and definitions ... 6??
4 Hygiene requirements for disinfection in hospitals ... 8??
5 Requirements for disinfection management in hospitals ... 10??
Annex A (normative) Sampling and inspection methods ... 14??
Annex B (normative) Reagents and mediums... 22??
Hygienic standard for disinfection in hospitals
1 Scope
This Standard specifies hygienic standard for disinfection in hospitals,
requirements for disinfection management in hospitals as well as inspection
This Standard is applicable to medical institutions at all levels. Disease
prevention and control institutions at all levels and blood collection and supply
institutions shall refer to this Standard for implementation.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
GB 4789.3, Microbiological examination of food hygiene - Detection of
Coliform bacteria
GB 4789.4, National food safety standard - Microbiological examination of
food - Examination of salmonella
GB/T 4789.11, Microbiological Examination of Food - Hygiene-Examination
of Streptococcus hemolyticus
GB 5749, Standards for drinking water quality
GB 7918.4, Standard methods of microbiological examination for cosmetics;
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
GB 7918.5, Standard methods of microbiological examination for cosmetics;
Staphylococcus aureus
GB 18466, Discharge standard of water pollutants for medical organization
GB 19082, Technical requirements for single-use protective clothing for
medical use
GB 19083, Technical requirements for protective face mask for medical use
infection during use, it is divided into critical device/items, semi-critical
device/items and no-critical device/items
3.2.1 critical device/items
equipment that enters normal sterile tissues, vasculature, or has sterile body
fluids (such as blood) flowing through, once it is contaminated by
microorganisms, it will cause a high risk of infection
3.2.2 semi-critical device/items
equipment that directly or indirectly touches the mucosa
3.2.3 no-critical device/items
equipment that only comes into contact with intact skin and not mucosa
3.3 sterilization
treatment to kill or remove all microorganisms on medical equipment; the
sterility assurance level of sterilization shall reach 10-6
3.4 high-level disinfection
disinfection treatment to kill various bacterial propagules, viruses, fungi and
their spores and most bacterial spores
3.5 intermediate-level disinfection
disinfection treatment to kill various pathogenic microorganisms except
bacterial spores
3.6 low-level disinfection
disinfection treatment that can only kill bacterial propagules (except
mycobacteria) and lipophilic viruses
3.7 multidrug-resistant organism; MDRO
bacteria that are resistant to three or more types of antibacterial drugs in clinical
use; common multidrug-resistant organism includes methicillin-resistant
staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE),
extended-spectrum ??-lactamase (ESBLs) producing bacteria, carbapenem-
resistant enterobacteriaceae (CRE) (such as enterobacteriaceae that produce
type I New-Delhi metal ??-lactamase [NDM-1] or carbapenemase [KPC]),
carbapenem-resistant antibacterial drugs Acinetobacter baumannii (CR-AB),
multidrug-resistant/pan-resistant pseudomonas aeruginosa (MDR/PDR-PA)
and multidrug-resistant mycobacterium tuberculosis.
4.3.1 Critical device/items shall be sterile.
4.3.2 The total number of colonies of semi-critical device/items shall be
???20CFU/piece (CFU/g or CFU/100cm2). No pathogenic microorganisms must
be detected.
4.3.3 The total number of colonies of no-critical device/items shall be
???200CFU/piece (CFU/g or CFU/100cm2). No pathogenic microorganisms must
be detected.
4.4 Treatment water
Hemodialysis-related treatment water shall meet the requirements of YY 0572.
Other treatment water shall meet the corresponding sanitary standards.
4.5 Protective supplies
Protective supplies such as medical protective masks, surgical masks and
disposable protective clothing shall meet the requirements of GB 19083, YY
0469 and GB 19082.
4.6 Disinfectant
4.6.1 Sterilizers, skin and mucous membrane disinfectants shall be prepared
with purified water or sterile water that complies with the Pharmacopoeia of the
People?€?s Republic of China. The preparation water of other disinfectants shall
meet the requirements of GB 5749.
4.6.2 The effective concentration of the disinfectant in use shall meet the use
requirements. Continuously used disinfectant shall be monitored for effective
concentration before daily use.
4.6.3 The total number of colonies of the disinfectant for sterilization shall be
0CFU/mL. The total number of colonies of the skin and mucous membrane
disinfectant shall meet the requirements of the corresponding standards. The
total number of colonies of other disinfectants in use shall be ???100CFU/mL. No
pathogenic microorganisms must be detected.
4.7 Disinfection equipment
4.7.1 The intensity of the sterilization factor of the disinfection equipment in use
shall meet the requirements of use. UV lamps shall meet the requirements of
GB 19258. The radiation illuminance value of the ultraviolet lamp (30W) in use
shall be ???70??W/cm2.
4.7.2 The concentration (strength) of harmful substances generated by
disinfection equipment in the working environment shall comply with relevant
hydrogen peroxide disinfectant shall be prepared as needed. Peracetic acid,
chlorine dioxide and other binary and multi-package disinfectants shall be used
immediately after being activated. Use chemically disinfected and sterilized
medical device/items. Before use, use sterile water (use filtered drinking water
for high-level sterilized endoscopes) to rinse thoroughly to remove residue. Do
not use expired and ineffective disinfectants. The natural fumigation of
formaldehyde shall not be used to disinfect medical device/items. The
glutaraldehyde fumigation method shall not be used to disinfect and sterilize
medical device/items such as lumen device/items.
5.2.3 If the sterilizer needs to be verified for the sterilization effect, it shall be
tested by the disinfection identification laboratory recognized by the health
administrative department above the provincial level. The sterility inspection of
sterilized items shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the
"Law of Sterility Inspection" in the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of
China. Disinfection staff who use disinfection equipment for sterilization shall
be trained and qualified before they can work.
5.3 Cleaning of reusable medical device/items
The cleaning procedures shall be executed according to WS 310.2. Medical
device/items contaminated by infectious disease pathogens with special
requirements shall be disinfected and then cleaned.
5.4 Selection principle for disinfection and sterilization methods
5.4.1 Critical device/items shall be sterilized before use. High-level disinfection
or intermediate-level disinfection shall be selected before use of semi-critical
device/items. Choose intermediate-level and low-level disinfection or keep
clean before using no-critical device/items.
5.4.2 Pressure steam sterilization shall be the first choice for medical
device/items that is resistant to humidity and heat. The device/items with
lumens and/or valves shall adopt the sterilization procedures confirmed by the
sterilization process verification device (PCD) or the sterilization method
provided by the external device supplier.
5.4.3 Dry heat sterilization shall be the first choice for glass device/items, oils
and dry powder items. Other methods shall meet the requirements of
"Disinfection technical specifications".
5.4.4 Medical device/items not heat-resistant or moisture-resistant shall be
sterilized at low temperatures approved by the national health administration
5.4.5 Reusable oxygen humidification bottles, suction bottles, baby incubator
water bottles and heating and humidification tanks shall be disinfected at high-
Annex A
Sampling and inspection methods
A.1 Sampling and inspection principle
A.1.1 The samples shall be tested for corresponding indicators as soon as
possible after sampling. The time for submission of testing shall not exceed 4h.
If the sample is stored at 0??C~4??C, the i time for submission of testing shall not
exceed 24h.
A.1.2 It is not recommended that hospitals routinely carry out sterility
inspections of sterilized items. When epidemiological investigations suspect
that nosocomial infections are related to sterilized items, perform a sterility
inspection of the corresponding items. Routine supervision and inspection may
not be tested for pathogenic microorganisms. When involving a suspected
nosocomial infection outbreak, investigation of a nosocomial infection outbreak,
or suspected microbial contamination at work, target microorganisms shall be
A.1.3 The verified on-site rapid detection instrument can be used to monitor
and screen the environment, surface and other microbial contamination and the
cleanliness of medical device/items. It can also be used for inspection of
hospital cleaning effect and cleaning procedure evaluation and verification.
A.2 Inspection method for air microbial pollution
A.2.1 Sampling time
Conduct sampling in Class I environment after self-cleaning of the clean system
and before engaging in medical activities. Conduct sampling in II, III and IV
environments after disinfection or prescribed ventilation and before engaging in
medical activities.
A.2.2 Testing methods
A.2.2.1 Panel exposure method and air sampler method can be selected for
class I environment. Refer to requirements of GB 50333 "Architectural technical
code for hospital clean operating department" for testing. Level-six impact air
sampler or other verified air samplers can be chosen for air sampler method.
Place the sampler in the center of the room at a height of 0.8 m~1.5 m during
testing. Operate according to the sampler instruction manual. Each sampling
time shall not exceed 30min. For rooms larger than 10m2, add a sampling point
A.5 Inspection method for medical device/items
A.5.1 Sampling time
After disinfection or sterilization, conduct sampling during storage period.
A.5.2 Inspection method for sterilized medical device/items
A.5.2.1 Samples that can be sampled by destructive methods, such as
disposable infusion (blood) devices, syringes, and injection needles, shall be
conducted in accordance with the "Sterile Inspection Method" in the
Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China. For medical device/items
that cannot be sampled by destructive methods, it shall be in a one-way air area
or an isolation system with a local cleanliness of level 100 and an environmental
cleanliness of level 10000. Use a cotton swab soaked with sterile saline
sampling solution to apply on the surface of the test object. Take the whole
surface or not less than 100cm2 for sampling. Then take the cotton swab of
which the hand contact part is removed for sterility inspection.
A.5.2.2 Dental mobile phone: It shall be in a one-way air area or an isolation
system with a local cleanliness of level 100 and an environmental cleanliness
of level 10000. Put each mobile phone in a sterile large test tube (inner diameter
is 25mm) containing 20mL~25mL of sampling solution. The height of the liquid
level shall be greater than 4.0cm. Wash and shake on a vortex mixer for more
than 30s. Take the eluate for sterility inspection.
A.5.3 Inspection method for disinfection medical device/items
A.5.3.1 If the whole piece can be put into a sterile test tube, oscillate for more
than 30s after immersion in eluent. Take 1.0 mL of eluate to inoculate into a
petri dish. Pour 15mL~20mL of molten nutrient agar medium cooled to
40??C~45??C per dish. Inoculate in 36??C??1??C incubator for 48h. Count the
number of colonies (CFU/piece). Separate pathogenic microorganisms when
A.5.3.2 For those can be sampled by destructive method, weigh 1g~10g of
sample on a level-100 ultra-clean workbench. Put it into a test tube containing
10mL of sample solution for elution. Take 1.0mL of eluate to inoculate into a
petri dish. Count the number of colonies (CFU/g). Separate pathogenic
microorganisms when necessary. For medical device/items that cannot be
sampled by destructive method, on the level-100 ultra-clean workbench, use a
cotton swab soaked with sterile saline sampling solution to apply on the surface
of the object to be sampled. When the sampled surface is < 100cm2, take the
Total number of bacterial colonies
in the hands of medical staff
Average number of colonies per dish
?? dilution factor of sampling solution
A.8.3 Inspection method for irradiance value of in-use UV lamp
A.8.3.1 Instrument method. After turning on the UV lamp for 5min, place the UV
radiometer probe with a measuring wavelength of 253.7nm at the center of the
tested UV lamp at a vertical distance of 1m. After the meter is stable, the data
shown is the irradiance value of the ultraviolet lamp.
A.8.3.2 Indicator card method. After turning on the UV lamp for 5min, place the
indicator card at a vertical distance of 1m under the UV lamp. The patterned
side faces up. Irradiate for 1min....