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GB 27887-2024: Child restraint systems for power-driven vehicles
GB 27887-2024
ICS 43.040.60
CCS T 26
Replacing GB 27887-2011
Child restraint systems for power-driven vehicles
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
National Standardization Administration.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 8
2 Normative references ... 8
3 Terms and definitions ... 9
4 General requirements ... 22
5 Performance requirements ... 37
6 Test methods ... 50
7 Test report ... 73
8 Marking ... 74
9 Instruction guidance documents ... 81
10 Determination of the same type ... 85
11 Implementation of standard ... 86
Appendix A (Normative) Requirements for additional anchorages for rearward-facing
child restraint systems fixed by seat belts on specific vehicles ... 87
Appendix B (Normative) Standard seat belt ... 88
Appendix C (Normative) Height measuring device and measurement method of booster
cushion ... 92
Appendix D (Normative) Lower torso test ... 95
Appendix E (Normative) Internal dimensions ... 97
Appendix F (Normative) i-Size support leg size assessment body and support leg and
foot assessment body ... 105
Appendix G (Normative) Energy absorption test method ... 110
Appendix H (Normative) Method for determining the head impact area ... 112
Appendix I (Normative) Description of sled ... 113
Appendix J (Normative) Determination of dynamic test performance index ... 123
Appendix K (Normative) Corrosion test ... 124
Appendix L (Normative) Load application device ... 126
Appendix M (Normative) Time function curve of sled braking deceleration or
acceleration... 130
Appendix N (Normative) Front impact test procedure ... 133
Appendix O (Normative) Rear impact test procedure ... 135
Appendix P (Normative) Dummy and calibration procedure ... 138
Appendix Q (Normative) Buckle strength test method ... 164
Appendix R (Normative) Micro-slip test ... 165
Appendix S (Normative) Layout of dust test equipment ... 166
Appendix T (Normative) Abrasion test ... 167
Appendix U (Normative) Adjustment device durability test method ... 169
References ... 171
Child restraint systems for power-driven vehicles
1 Scope
This document defines the terms and definitions of child restraint systems for power-
driven vehicles (hereinafter referred to as "child restraint systems", CRS); specifies
general requirements, performance requirements, test reports, marking and instructional
guidance documents; describes the corresponding test methods.
This document applies to the following types of child occupant restraint systems
suitable for installation in power-driven vehicles:
a) Integral universal ISOFIX child restraint system (i-Size child restraint system);
b) Integral ISOFIX child restraint system for specific vehicle models;
c) Integral universal belted child restraint system;
d) Integral seat belt fixed child restraint system for specific vehicle models;
e) Non-integral universal child restraint system with backrest (i-Size booster seat);
f) Non-integral child restraint system with back for specific vehicle (booster seat for
specific vehicle models);
g) Non-integral universal child restraint system without backrest (universal booster
h) Non-integral child restraint system without backrest for specific vehicle models
(booster cushion for specific vehicle models).
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute the essential provisions of this
document through normative references in the text. Among them, for referenced
documents with dates, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this
document; for referenced documents without dates, the latest version (including all
amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 231.1 Metallic materials - Brinell hardness test - Part 1: Test method
GB/T 3505 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Profile
method - Terms, definitions and surface texture parameters
strap clip shall not affect the path of the seat belt. Booster cushions shall not be used for children with a height of less than 125
cm. It shall be ensured that the top of the child's head is not lower than the horizontal
plane 770 mm above the Cr axis when the child is riding. The inspection method is in
accordance with Appendix C.
Note: Not applicable to built-in child restraint systems.
4.2 Structure
4.2.1 The structure of the child restraint system shall meet the following requirements.
a) The child restraint system shall provide the necessary protection in any specified
position. The insert of the seat surface shall be one layer; the use of additional
comfort cushions (such as mats) is permitted; however, the requirements of 4.3.1
and 5.1.5 shall be met when no comfort cushions are used. For "special needs
restraint systems", the primary restraint method shall provide the necessary
protection in the specified position of the child restraint system, even without the
help of any additional restraint device.
b) Children shall be easily restrained or removed. For child restraint systems that use
child harness belts or Y-shaped belts without retractors to restrain children, each
shoulder strap shall be able to maintain relative movement with the lap strap
during the process specified in In this case, the seat belt installed in the
child restraint system may be designed as two or more connected parts. It is
generally believed that the additional restraint device of the "special needs
restraint system" will limit the speed at which the child is restrained or removed;
the additional device shall be designed to be released as quickly as possible.
c) If the child restraint system is adjustable in inclination, it shall not be necessary
to manually readjust other components of the child restraint system when
adjusting the inclination. The adjustment of the inclination of the child restraint
system needs to be completed through intentional manual operation.
d) In order to prevent the body from sliding down due to impact or the child's own
movement, all integral forward-facing child restraint systems shall be equipped
with a crotch strap, which together with the shoulder strap and the lap strap
constitute a complete child harness belt. For child restraint systems that use a
impact protection device instead of a child harness belt, the impact protection
device shall cover the entire width of the child's body and be placed at the pelvic
e) For all child restraint systems with a lap strap, it shall be ensured that the lap strap
can transfer the load to the pelvic area of the child occupant. The restraint system
shall not exert excessive pressure on the weaker parts of the child's body
surface or occupant clothing;
- The rigid parts of the child restraint system shall not have sharp edges that cause
strap wear at any part of the contact with the strap.
4.2.3 Removable or movable parts designed for maintenance or adjustment shall only
be removed or moved with the help of special tools. Any possibility of incorrect
assembly or use of these parts shall be avoided. The assembly and disassembly process
shall be detailed in the user manual of the child restraint system. Child harness belts
shall be adjustable within their adjustment range without disassembly.
4.2.4 Special needs restraint systems may have additional restraint devices, which shall
be designed to avoid incorrect assembly; their release method and operation mode shall
be obvious to rescuers in an emergency.
4.2.5 Child restraint systems are allowed to cover any size range when designed.
4.2.6 Child restraint systems with inflatable parts shall be designed to ensure that the
environment (pressure, temperature, humidity) in which they are used will not affect
the performance requirements of this document.
4.2.7 During the test specified in Appendix D, the booster cushion shall not be
completely pulled out of the three-point seat belt and the lower torso shall not be
separated from the booster cushion.
4.3 Basic requirements for child restraint systems
4.3.1 Materials The manufacturer of child restraint systems shall declare in writing that the limit
requirements for migratable elements in the materials used for the parts of the child
restraint system that are easily accessible to children comply with the provisions of GB
Note: Not applicable to non-integral child restraint systems. The manufacturer of child restraint systems shall declare in writing that the
materials used in child restraint systems meet the following requirements.
- For non-built-in child restraint systems, the materials used shall be tested in
accordance with the method specified in GB 6675.3. The flame spread rate shall
not exceed 30 mm/s, or the flame shall self-extinguish before reaching the second
marking line. When multiple fabrics are combined together, they shall be tested as
a composite material. When different materials are intermittently connected
together, these materials shall not be considered as composite materials and shall
be tested separately. Integral circuits shall be tested as composite materials.
- For built-in child restraint systems, the combustion characteristics of the materials
used shall comply with the provisions of GB 8410.
4.3.2 General characteristics General requirements
The manufacturer shall declare the various usage modes of the child restraint system
and the corresponding applicable height range.
The child restraint system shall be adjusted so that its external dimensions meet the
requirements of; the applicable height range shall be verified by measuring the
internal dimensions according to the provisions of Internal dimensions
The internal dimensions of the child restraint system shall comply with the requirements
of Appendix E. The shoulder width, hip width, seat height in all states within the height
range declared by the manufacturer shall meet the minimum dimension requirements.
For booster cushions, only the minimum dimension requirements of the hip width
corresponding to the highest height declared by the manufacturer need to be met; no
other internal dimension requirements need to be met. In addition:
- For integral child restraint systems, the shoulder height within the height range
declared by the manufacturer shall also meet the maximum and minimum
dimension requirements.
- For integral child restraint systems with impact protection devices, within the
height range declared by the manufacturer, they shall also be able to be adjusted to
a state that meets the following requirements:
● While meeting the minimum shoulder height, the minimum thigh thickness and
the minimum abdominal thickness are met;
● While meeting the maximum shoulder height, shoulder width, hip width, seat
height, the maximum thigh thickness and the maximum abdominal thickness are
- For booster seats, the maximum shoulder height requirement shall also be met in
all states within the height range declared by the manufacturer. External dimensions Integral child restraint system
The maximum length, width, height of the child restraint system and the position of the
ISOFIX anchorage system (if any) connected to it shall be determined by the ISOFIX
vehicle seat fixture and meet the following requirements.
During inspection, the booster seat is adjusted to a state suitable for children with a
height of 135 cm, or when the maximum height of the applicable child is less than 135
cm, it is adjusted to the state of the maximum height of the applicable child. When
checking the width, the load applied to the side shall not exceed 135 N.
When performing external dimension inspections, the side energy absorbers can be
removed. For non-removable side energy absorbers, at least one position shall be within
the range of the fixture.
The i-Size booster seat shall be located within the booster seat fixture at any angle (90°
~ 110°). The booster seat can be adjusted by adjusting its inclination or position to
confirm whether it is located in different booster seat fixtures.
If the child restraint system has an adjustable inclination angle, at least one inclination
position shall be within the range of the test fixture; if other inclination positions are
outside the range of the test fixture, it shall be noted in the instruction manual that these
inclination positions of the child restraint system may not be applicable to all models.
For booster seats with a maximum applicable child height of more than 135 cm, if the
maximum applicable height within the range of the booster seat test fixture is less than
135 cm, the booster seat is classified as an i-Size booster seat within this maximum
applicable height range; but the part beyond this maximum applicable height range is
classified as a booster seat for specific vehicles. If the maximum applicable height
within the range of the booster seat test fixture is not less than 135 cm, the booster seat
is classified as an i-Size booster seat in all height ranges; however, if the external
dimensions exceed the range of the test fixture when adjusted to the maximum
applicable height state, it shall be noted in the instruction manual that the child restraint
system may not be applicable to all models. Booster cushion
The maximum external dimensions of the length, width, height of the child restraint
system and the position of the ISOFIX anchorage system (if any) connected to it shall
be determined by the i-Size booster seat test fixture and meet the following
a) Universal booster cushions shall be located within the ISO/B2 test fixture.
b) Booster cushions for specific vehicle models shall be located in one of the
following two situations:
1) The compatible vehicle model listed in the list;
2) Within the ISO/B2 or ISO/B3 test fixture. Mass
the B-pillar, the C-pillar, the roof. I...
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