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GB 19153-2019: Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for displacement air compressors
GB 19153-2019
ICS 27.010
F 01
Replacing GB 19153-2009
Minimum Allowable Values of Energy Efficiency and
Energy Efficiency Grades for Displacement Air
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative References ... 5
3 Terms and Definitions ... 6
4 Energy Efficiency Grades ... 7
5 Energy Efficiency Limit Values ... 20
6 Test and Calculation Methods ... 20
Appendix A (Informative) Conversion between Input Specific Power and
Isentropic Efficiency, Transmission Power Efficiency ... 23
This Standard was drafted as per the rules specified in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This Standard replaced GB 19153-2009 Minimum Allowable Values of Energy
Efficiency and Energy Efficiency Grades for Displacement Air Compressors.
Compared with GB 19153-2009, this Standard has the following major technical
changes besides the editorial modifications:
--- Adjust the scope of the standard (see Clause 1 of this Edition; Clause 1 of 2009
--- Change the terms from actual volume flow rate to volume flow rate of packaged
compressor; from input power of air compressor to power of air compressor; from
input specific power of air compressor to the specific power of air compressor
(see 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 of this Edition; 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 of 2009 Edition);
--- Add the definition of variable speed rotary air compressor (see 3.5 of this Edition);
--- Delete the target energy efficiency limit value of air compressor and the energy
saving evaluation value of air compressor (3.5, 3.6 of 2009 Edition);
--- Increase the energy efficiency indicators for some products (see Table 1, Tables
3~6 of this Edition; Tables 1~7 of 2009 Edition);
--- Add the energy efficiency evaluation of variable speed oil-injected rotary
compressor (see 4.2 of this Edition);
--- Unify the energy efficiency indicators of general-use oil-injected screw air
compressor, oil-injected scroll air compressor, oil-injected vane air compressor
into the energy efficiency indicators of general-use oil-injected rotary air
compressor (see Tables 1 and 2 of this Edition; Tables 6 and 7 of 2009 Edition);
--- Unify the energy indicators of miniature, general-use reciprocating piston air
compressor into the energy efficiency indicators of reciprocating piston air
compressor (see Table 3 of this Edition; Tables 3 and 5 of 2009 Edition);
--- Modify and add the requirements for test and calculation method (see Clause 6
of this Edition; Clause 5 of 2009 Edition);
--- Delete the inspection rules (see Clause 6 of 2009 Edition);
--- Add the conversion of specific power of air compressor to isentropic efficiency of
air compressor and work efficiency of air compressor (see Appendix A).
This Standard was proposed by and under the jurisdiction of the Standardization
Minimum Allowable Values of Energy Efficiency and
Energy Efficiency Grades for Displacement Air
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the energy efficiency grades, energy efficiency limit values,
test and calculation methods for the displacement air compressors.
This Standard is applicable to:
a) General-use oil-injected rotary air compressors (including general-use oil-
injected screw air compressors, general-use single-screw air compressors,
general-use oil-injected vane air compressors and oil-injected scroll air
compressors with drive motor power of 1.5kW~630kW, exhaust pressure of
b) General-use variable-speed oil-injected rotary air compressors (including
general-use variable-frequency oil-injected screw air compressors and
integrated permanent-magnet variable-frequency screw air compressor) with
drive motor power of 2.2kW~315kW, exhaust pressure of 0.25MPa~1.4MPa;
c) General-use reciprocating piston air compressors (including miniature
reciprocating piston air compressors and general-use fixed reciprocating piston
air compressors) with driving motor power of 0.75kW~75kW and exhaust
pressure of 0.25MPa~1.4MPa;
d) Oil-free reciprocating piston air compressor with drive motor power of
0.55kW~22kW and exhaust pressure of 0.4MPa ~ 1.4MPa;
e) Directly drive portable reciprocating piston air compressor.
2 Normative References
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the
dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this
document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the
amendments) are applicable to this document.
GB/T 3853 Displacement Compressor - Acceptance Tests
GB/T 4975 Displacement Compressors Vocabulary - General
GB/T 13279 Stationary Reciprocating Piston Air Compressor for General Use
GB/T 13928 Reciprocating Piston Micro Air Compressor
GB/T 26967 Oil Injected Single Screw Air Compressor for General Use
JB/T 4253 Oil Flooded Sliding Vane Air Compressor for General Use
JB/T 6430 Oil Injected Screw Air Compressor for General Use
JB/T 7662 Displacement Compressor Vocabulary - Rotating Compressor
JB/T 8933 Oil-Free Reciprocating Piston Air Compressors
JB/T 8934 Direct Drive Portable Reciprocating Piston Air Compressors
JB/T 9107 Reciprocating Compressors - Vocabulary
JB/T 10972 General-Use Variable-Frequency Oil-Injected Screw Air Compressor
JB/T 11423 Oil-Injected Scroll Air Compressor for General Use
JB/T 13345 Integrated Permanent-Magnet Conversion Frequency Screw Air
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purpose of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 3853, GB/T
4975, GB/T 13279, GB/T 13928, GB/T 26967, JB/T 4253, JB/T 6430, JB/T 7662, JB/T
8933, JB/T 8934, JB/T 9107, JB/T 10972, JB/T 11423 and JB/T 13345 and the
following apply.
3.1 Volume flow rate of packaged compressor
The actual air volume flow at the standard exhaust position of the air compressor unit,
which is converted to the full temperature, full pressure, and component status of the
standard intake position.
3.2 Packaged compressor input power; input power of air compressor
The total input power required by the air compressor unit to complete the compressed
air output.
NOTE: The total input power does not include the power used by the compressed air
aftertreatment equipment integrated in the air compressor unit.
3.3 Specific energy requirement of a packaged compressor; input specific power
Under specified operating conditions, the ratio of the power of the air compressor unit
to the volumetric flow rate of the unit.
3.4 Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency for air compressor
The maximum unit specific power allowed by the air compressor under specified
3.5 Variable speed rotary air compressor
The air compressor, during the running process, the speed of the main drive motor is
automatically adjusted through technologies such as frequency conversion to achieve
a change in volume flow.
NOTE: Frequency conversion technology is only used to set the speed of the compressor's
main motor; and the compressor whose rated speed cannot be changed during running period
is not a variable speed air compressor.
4 Energy Efficiency Grades
4.1 The energy efficiency grade of air compressors is divided into 3 grades, of which
Grade-1 has the highest energy efficiency. The energy efficiency value of each grade
of the air compressor under the specified operating conditions shall be no greater than
the values specified in Tables 1~6.
4.2 The energy efficiency grades of all types of air compressors shall comply with the
provisions in Tables 1~6. among them:
a) The energy efficiency grade of general-use oil-injected rotary air compressors
shall meet the requirements of Table 1;
b) The energy efficiency grade of general-use variable-speed oil-injected rotary air
compressors shall meet the requirements of Table 2;
c) The energy efficiency grade of general-use reciprocating piston air compressors
shall meet the requirements of Table 3;
d) The energy efficiency grade of the oil-free reciprocating piston air compressor
shall meet the requirements of Table 4;
e) The energy efficiency grade of directly drive portable reciprocating piston air
6.2 Test method
The air compressor energy efficiency test is performed as specified in GB/T 3853; and
the suction temperature shall be measured in the range of 5??C ~ 40??C.
6.3 Input specific power
6.3.1 The calculation method for the input specific power test shall be in accordance
with GB/T 3853.
6.3.2 The input specific power of the air compressor is calculated according to Formula
eVC ?€? input specific power of air compressor, in kW/(m3/min)
Pcorr ?€? input specific power measured and calculation-corrected as per GB/T 3853, in
qv,corr ?€? volume flow rate of packaged compressor measured and calculation-corrected
as per GB/T 3853, in m3/min;
K14 ?€? Suction temperature correction coefficient of the input specific power,
dimensionless, it shall be calculated as per the Formula (2):
Tx ?€? actually-measured suction temperature of air compressor, in K.
6.3.3 The input specific power of the variable-speed oil-injected rotary air compressor
shall be calculated by weighting the input specific power at 100%, 70% and 40%
volume flow rate of the full-load compressor according to Formula (3):
eVC ?€? input specific power of variable-speed oil-injected rotary air compressor, in

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