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GB 11562-2014: Motor vehicles -- Forward visibility for drivers -- Requirements and measurement methods
GB 11562-2014
ICS 43.040.60
T 26
Replacing GB 11562-1994
Motor Vehicles forward Visibility for Drivers
- Requirements and Measurement Methods
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 6
2 Normative References ... 6
3 Terms and Definitions ... 6
4 Technical Requirements ... 12
5 Measuring Conditions ... 14
6 Determination Method of Driver?€?s Field of Vision ... 17
Appendix A (Informative) Comparison between Clause Numbers of this
Standard and Clause Numbers of ECE R 125 ... 20
Appendix B (Normative) Determination Method of Dimensional Relationship
between Primary Reference Marks of Vehicle and Three-Dimensional
Coordinate System ... 23
Appendix C (Normative) Determination Procedures of Vehicle Riding Position
H Point and Actual Seat-Back Angle ... 26
The Clause 4, 5, 6 of this Standard are mandatory, while the rest are
This Standard was drafted as per the rules specified in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This Standard replaced GB 11562-1994 Motor Vehicles ?€? Forward Visibility for Drivers
?€? Requirements and Measurement Methods; the major differences between this
Standard and GB 11562-1994 are as follows.
a) Delete GB/T 11563 Motor Vehicles ?€? Procedure for H-Point Determination, GB/T
11559 Motor Vehicles ?€? Use in Defining their Seating Accommodation ?€? Three-
Dimensional H-Point Machine (these two standards are obsolete) from the
normative references;
b) Change the term of ?€?three-dimensional coordinate system?€? in the original
standard into ?€?three-dimensional reference gird?€?; and add the following terms and
--- Vehicle type with regard to the field of vision (see Sub-clause 3.1);
--- Armoured vehicle (see Sub-clause 3.11);
--- Extended seat-adjustment range (see Sub-clause 3.18);
--- The angle of obstruction of the A pillar on the driver?€?s side (see Sub-clause
--- The angle of obstruction of the A pillar on the passenger side (see Sub-clause
--- Area ?€?S?€? (see Sub-clause 3.21);
--- Reference data (see Sub-clause 3.22);
--- Three-dimensional H point machine (see Sub-clause 3.23);
--- Torso-line (see Sub-clause 3.24);
--- Center plane of occupant (see Sub-clause 3.25);
--- Fiducial marks (see Sub-clause 3.26);
--- Vehicle measuring attitude (see Sub-clause 3.27);
c) Add the technical requirements for ?€?armoured (bulletproof) vehicle?€? (see Sub-
clause 4.2 of this Standard; Sub-clause 5.1.2 of ECE R125)
d) Add the requirements for steering wheel adjustable vehicle (see Sub-clause
4.4.1 of this Standard; Sub-clause of ECE R125)
This Standard adopts the re-drafting method to modify and use the Economic
Commission for Europe ECE R125 Rev.2/Add.124/Amend.3 (2011 Edition) Uniform
Provisions Concerning the Approval of Motor Vehicles with regard to the Forward Field
of Vision of the Motor Vehicle Driver.
The comparison list between the clause numbers of this Standard and clause number
of ECE R125 Regulation can refer to Appendix A of this Standard.
The technical differences and causes between this Standard and ECE R 125
Regulation are as follows.
--- Delete Sub-clause 1.2, 1.3 in Clause 1 of ECE R125 for the purpose of satisfying
the rules of GB/T 1.1-2009, and meeting the requirements for motor vehicles
driving on the right side of the road in China.
--- Delete Clause 3 ?€?Application for Certification?€?, Clause 4 ?€?Certification?€?, Clause 7
?€?Changes and Expansion of Vehicle Types?€?, Clause 8 ?€?Production Consistency?€?,
Clause 9 ?€?Punishment on Non-Production Consistency?€?, Clause 10 ?€?Shut down?€?,
Clause 11 ?€?Addresses and Names of Testing Agencies and their Administrative
Agencies?€?, information of manufacturer applying for certification in Annex 1,
format of certification marks in Annex 2, etc. for the purpose of keeping
consistent China?€?s motor vehicle management system, and for the benefit of the
implementation and operation of this Standard.
For the sake of usage, the following editorial changes are made against the ECE R125
a) Change cm2 into mm2;
b) Add informative appendix.
This Standard was proposed by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the
People?€?s Republic of China.
This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee for
Standardization of Automobiles (SAC/TC 114).
Drafting organizations of this Standard. Dongfeng Motor Corporation, Natinoal
Automobile Quality Supervision and Test Center (Xiangyang), China FAW Co., Ltd.
R and D Center, China Quality Certification Center, European Automobile Manufacturers?€?
Association, Hubei Qixing Truck and Cabin Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and China
National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment.
Motor Vehicles forward Visibility for Drivers
- Requirements and Measurement Methods
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the requirements and measurement methods of the direct
visual filed within 180?? range in front of the driver.
This Standard is applicable to the Type-M1 automobile.
2 Normative References
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the
dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this
document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the
amendments) are applicable to this document.
GB 11555-2009 Motor Vehicles- Windshield Demisting and Defrosting Systems ?€?
Performance Requirements and Test Methods
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions are applicable to this document.
3.1 Vehicle type with regard to the field of vision
The vehicles with no difference in the following aspects.
--- The external and internal shapes and arrangement that may influence the field
of visions within 180?? range in front of the driver;
--- Shape, dimension and installation mode of front windshield glass.
3.2 Three-dimensional reference grid
The coordinate system consisting of three orthogonal datum planes that is determined
by the vehicle manufacturer at the initial design stage (see Figure B.1). These three
datum planes are as follows.
X datum plane --- vertical plane perpendicular to the Y datum plane; usually defined
by passing the left and right front wheel center;
Y datum plane ?€? vehicle longitudinal symmetry plane;
Z datum plane ?€? the horizontal plane perpendicular to the Y and X datum planes.
The three-dimensional coordinate system is used to determine the dimension
relationship between the positions of design points on the drawing and the positions of
these points on the vehicle.
The coordinate value relevant to zero plane shall be determined on the basis of vehicle
running state plus a front passenger [passenger mass is (75??1) kg].
If the vehicle is equipped with an adjustable clearance suspension away from the
ground, it shall be tested in the state of normal use specified by the vehicle
3.3 Primary reference marks
The holes on the vehicle body, surface, mark, identification symbols. The type of used
reference marks and the positions of each mark on the X, Y, Z coordinates of the three-
dimensional coordinate system, and on the relative design ground level shall be
specified by the vehicle manufacturer. These reference marks can be used as the
control points for the vehicle body assembly.
3.4 Seat-back angle
The angle between the seat-back and the vertical line.
3.5 Actual seat-back angle
The angle between the vertical line of H point and torso-line of three-dimensional H
point machine when the seat is in the lowest and most rear positions within the normal
range. The actual seat-back angle is theoretically equivalent to the designing seat-
back angle.
3.6 Design seat-back angle
The angle between the vertical line of R point and torso-line of three-dimensional H
point machine on the seat-back position specified by the vehicle manufacturer.
3.7 V points
In the passenger compartment, pass through the longitudinal vertical plane of the
centerline position of front outside seat; it is relevant to the R point and design seat-
back angle. Such point is used for checking whether the visual filed of vehicle meets
the requirements.
The normal range of the driver?€?s seat adjusted in the X-axis direction as specified by
the vehicle manufacturer.
3.18 Extended seat-adjustment range
The range of the seat adjusted upward in the X-axis direction beyond the normal range
specified in Sub-clause 3.17, and also specified by the vehicle manufacturer; so that
convert the seat into bed or facilitate to access to the vehicle.
3.19 The angle of obstruction of the A pillar on the driver?€?s side
The angle between straight line passing through E2 point and paralleling to the tangent
line of the outer edge of S2 section that passes through E1 point, and the tangent line
of the inner edge of the S1 section that passes through E2 p...

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