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QC/T 1171-2022: Automotive paint protection film
QC/T 1171-2022
ICS 43.020
CCS T 30
Automobile paint protection film
Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 6
1 Scope ... 7
2 Normative references ... 7
3 Terms and definitions ... 8
4 Classification and marking ... 9
5 Requirements ... 10
6 Test method ... 14
7 Inspection rules ... 29
8 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage ... 31
Appendix A (Normative) Method for sample preparation of automobile paint protection
film ... 33
Appendix B (Informative) Technical specification for installation of automobile paint
protection film ... 35
Automobile paint protection film
1 Scope
This document specifies the terms and definitions, classification and marking,
requirements, test methods, inspection rules and signs, packaging, transportation,
storage, sample preparation methods, installation technical requirements of automobile
paint protection films.
This document is applicable to the protection film, which is pasted on the exterior paint
surface of existing automobiles and auto parts. The protection film, which is pasted on
the surface of other cars and parts, can refer to this document.
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute the essential provisions of this
document through normative references in the text. Among them, for the referenced
documents marked with date H, only the version corresponding to the date is applicable
to this document; for the referenced documents without date, the latest version
(including all amendments) is applicable to this document.
GB/T 529 Rubber vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of tear strength
(Trouser, angle and crescent test pieces) (GB/T 529-2008, ISO 34-1:2004, MOD)
GB/T 1040.1 Plastics - Determination of tensile properties - Part 1: General
principles (GB/T 1040.1-2018, ISO 527-2:2012, IDT)
GB/T 1040.3-2006 Plastics - Determination of tensile properties - Part 3: Test
conditions for films and sheets (ISO 527-3:1995, IDT)
GB/T 2410 Determination of the luminous transmittance and haze of transparent
plastics (GB/T 2410-2008, ASTM Dl003:2007, MOD)
GB/T 2790 Adhesives, 180° peel strength test method for a flexible-bonded-to-rigid
test specimen assembly (GB/T 2790-1995, ISO 8510-2:1990, IDT)
GB/T 2792-2014 Measurement of peel adhesion properties for adhesive tapes (ISO
29862:2007, MOD)
GB/T 2828.1-2012 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 1:
Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot
inspection (ISO 2859-1:1999, IDT)
GB/T 6682 Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test methods
(GB/T 6682-2008, ISO 3696:1987, MOD)
GB/T 9754 Paints and varnishes - Determination of specular gloss of non-metallic
paint films at 20°, 60°and 85° (GB/T 9754-2007, ISO 2813:1994, IDT)
GB/T 16422.2-2014 Plastics - Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources - Part
2: Xenon-arc sources (ISO 4892-2:2006, IDT)
GB/T 17657-2013 Test methods of evaluating the properties of wood-based panels
and surface decorated wood-based panels
HG/T 3862-2006 Plastics - Yellow index test method
JG/T 304-2011 Anti-graffiti and/or stick-resist coatings for buildings
FZ/T 25001 Industrial felt
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Automobile paint protection film
A film layer, which usually contains a three-layer functional structure of adhesive
layer, base film, surface coating; is pasted on the car part or the whole car; has a
certain degree of protective and/or decorative effect on the automobile paint and the
outer paint surface of parts.
Unrecoverable traces, which are formed on the surface of the film layer, due to
external force extrusion.
Flow line
Traces, which are formed on the film surface, due to uneven production process.
4.1.2 According to the reflective characteristics of the surface, it is divided into:
a) Glossy automobile paint protection film;
b) Matte automobile paint protection film;
c) Pearlescent automobile paint protection film.
4.2 Marking
The product packaging shall be marked in the order of product name, material, color,
surface reflective characteristics, standard number. Use PPF to represent the automobile
paint protection film; use English abbreviations to represent the material; use English
words to represent the color; use Chinese pinyin abbreviations to represent the surface
reflective properties, that is, LG, YG, ZG represent glossy, matte, pearlescent,
Example 1:
Colorless gloss thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) type automobile paint protection film is
marked as: PPF-TPU-Clear-LG-QC/T xxxxx-xxxx.
Example 2:
Black matte polyvinyl chloride (PVC) type automobile paint protection film is marked as: PPF-
PVC-Black-YG-QC/T xxxxx-xxxx.
Example 3:
White pearlescent polyvinyl chloride (TPH) type automobile paint protection film is marked as:
PPF-TPH-White-ZG-QC/T xxxxx-xxxx.
5 Requirements
5.1 Appearance quality
Inspect according to 6.2. The appearance quality of the automobile paint protection film
shall meet the requirements in Table 1.
5.5 180° peel strength
Carry out the test according to 6.6. The 180° peel strength shall not be less than 5 N/25
5.6 Tensile strength and elongation at break
Carry out the test according to 6.7. The tensile strength shall not be less than 15 MPa;
the elongation at break of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) automobile paint
protection film shall not be less than 150%; the elongation at break of polyvinyl chloride
(PVC or TPH) automobile paint protection film shall not be less than 90%.
5.7 Tear strength
Carry out the test according to 6.8. The tear strength shall not be less than 40 kN/m.
5.8 Scratch resistance
Carry out the test according to 6.9. After the test, there shall be no continuous scratches
or obvious damage on the surface of the specimen.
5.9 Puncture resistance
Carry out the test according to 6.10. The puncture resistance of thermoplastic
polyurethane (TPU) automobile paint protection film shall not be less than 130 N; the
puncture resistance of vinyl (PVC or TPH) automobile paint protection film shall not
be lower than 60 N.
5.10 Wear resistance
The wear resistance of the glossy automobile paint protection film shall be tested
according to 6.11. The change of the haze of the specimen, before and after friction,
shall not be greater than 1.5%.
5.11 Thermal recovery of surface scratches
Carry out this performance test, on the glossy automobile paint protection film, which
has thermal recovery of surface scratches. Conduct the test according to 6.12. The haze
recovery rate should not be less than 15%.
5.12 Gravel impact resistance
Carry out the test according to 6.13. The number of damages on the surface of the
aluminum foil of the bottom plate, in the impact zone, shall not exceed 74; the size of
the damage shall not exceed 3 mm. At the same time, the paint protection film shall
have no obvious signs of penetration damage. After the test, the number and size of
damage on the surface of the aluminum foil can be graded, according to Table 3 and
Table 4, respectively.
Carry out the test according to 6.18. After the test, the specimen shall not produce
blisters, chalking, cracking, obvious discoloration, loss of gloss. The gloss and 180°
peel strength shall not attenuate. After peeling off the film at 45° to the horizontal
direction, the paint surface shall not have appearance changes AND there is no obvious
glue residue.
6 Test method
6.1 Test conditions
6.1.1 General
The environmental conditions for conditioning of the specimen are:
a) Temperature: 15 °C ~ 28 °C;
b) Relative humidity: 40% ~ 80%.
6.1.2 Specimen
According to the test requirements, the specimens are cut directly from the paint
protection film product, based on the specified size, OR pasted on the glass substrate
and (or) the mirror steel plate and the white paint plate, according to the provisions of
Appendix A. The glass substrate should be flat glass, which has a thickness of 3 mm, a
transmittance of visible light (380 nm ~ 780 nm) of 89.0% ± 1.0%, a haze of not be
greater than 0.3%. The mirror steel plate shall meet the requirements of 5.3.3 in GB/T
6.1.3 State conditioning
Unless otherwise specified, specimens pasted on glass substrates or mirror steel plates
shall be stored for 72 hours, under the environmental conditions of 6.1.1, after pasting.
6.1.4 Visual observation or inspection
Unless otherwise specified, visual observation or inspection shall be carried out, at a
distance of 500 mm from the front of the observed object, under good natural light or
scattered light background lighting conditions.
6.2 Appearance quality
6.2.1 Test device
The test device shall use a well-illuminated glass tabletop workbench. Under the
tabletop, daily-use fluorescent tubes should be used. The illuminance should not be
lower than 600 lx. A reading microscope, which has a division value of 0.01 mm, and
a steel ruler, which has a minimum scale of 1 mm, shall be used.
The difference -- between the total thickness measured according to 6.3.1 and the
nominal thickness -- is the thickness deviation.
6.3.3 Base film thickness
The thickness of the base film is the thickness of the film layer, in the center between
the surface coating and the adhesive layer, which is observed and measured by an
optical microscope, expressed as the average value of the measured values of the base
film thickness, at the center of the long side of the three samples, in μm; the results are
rounded to single digits.
6.4 Gloss
6.4.1 Specimen preparation
Cut the paint protection film, which is prepared by the same raw material and the same
process; the size is at least 100 mm x 100 mm; the quantity is 3 pieces. Stick it on the
glass substrate, that meets the requirements of 6.1.2, according to the provisions of
Appendix A. Prepare the specimen, after state conditioning according to 6.1.3.
6.4.2 Test device and procedure
The test device adopts a gloss meter, which is specified in GB/T 9754.
Place the specimen on a black non-reflective fleece. Conduct the test under the 60°
geometrical condition, in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 9754. The test results
are expressed as the average value of the test values of 3 specimens, retaining one
decimal place.
6.5 Haze
6.5.1 Specimen preparation
Cut the paint protection film, which is prepared by the same raw material and the same
process; the size is 100 mm x 100 mm; the quantity is 3 pieces. Stick it on the glass
substrate, which meets the requirements of 6.1.2 according to the provisions of
Appendix A. Prepare the specimen, after state conditioning according to 6.1.3.
6.5.2 Test device and procedure
The test device adopts the equipment conforming to the haze meter method or
spectrophotometer method, which is specified in GB/T 2410.
Measure the prepared specimen, according to the provisions of GB/T 2410. The film
surface faces the light source when measuring. Measure 3 points for each specimen;
take the average value. The haze value is represented by the arithmetic mean of 3
specimens, retaining one decimal place.
TS - Tear strength, in kilonewtons per meter (kN/m)
F - The maximum value of the tearing force of the specimen, in Newton (N)
d - The thickness of the specimen, in millimeters (mm).
The test results are expressed as the arithmetic mean of 5 specimens; the values are
accurate to single digits.
6.9 Scratch resistance
6.9.1 Specimen preparation
Cut out the paint protection film, which is prepared by the same raw material and the
same process; the size is 100 mm x 100 mm; the quantity is 3 pieces. Paste it on the
mirror steel plate, that meets the requirements of 6.1.2, according to the provisions of
Appendix A. Prepare the specimen, after state conditioning according to 6.1.3.
6.9.2 Test devices and procedures
Use a scratch tester, that complies with the provisions in 4.39.2 of GB/T 17657-2013.
Conduct the test, in accordance with the test procedures specified in 4.39.5 of GB/T
17657-2013. The load is 5.0 N. Scratch 1 full circle. Observe and record the situation
of the scratched parts, on the surface of the specimen.
6.10 Puncture resistance
6.10.1 Specimen preparation
Cut 5 pieces of specimens, which have a size of 75 mm x 25 mm, from the products of
the same raw material and the same process. The specimen shall be conditioned for at
least 2 h under the environmental conditions of 6.1.1 before the test. Remove the surface
protection film and release film during the test.
6.10.2 Test device
The test device adopts a universal testing machine, which has an accuracy of not less
than grade 0.5. The test fixture is as shown in Figure 3.
6.10.3 Test procedure Install the test fixture on the universal testing machine. Zero-adjust the data of
the testing machine, to eliminate the influence of the test fixture's own weight and
friction. Then align the protection film specimen with the center of the fixture hole. Close the impact device. Take down the specimen. Visually inspect the damage
of the 102 mm x 102 mm paint protection film and the aluminum foil on the black-
painted board in the central area. Record the damage size and quantity.
6.14 Resistance to organic solvents
6.14.1 Specimen preparation
Cut out the paint protection film, which is prepared by the same raw material and the
same process; the size should be 125 mm x 50 mm; the number of each organic solvent
specimen is 3, a total of 9 pieces of specimens. Paste it on the glass substrate or mirror
steel plate, that meets the requirements of 6.1.2 according to the provisions of Appendix
A. Prepare the specimen, afte...
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QC/T 1171-2022: Automotive paint protection film
QC/T 1171-2022
ICS 43.020
CCS T 30
Automobile paint protection film
Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 6
1 Scope ... 7
2 Normative references ... 7
3 Terms and definitions ... 8
4 Classification and marking ... 9
5 Requirements ... 10
6 Test method ... 14
7 Inspection rules ... 29
8 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage ... 31
Appendix A (Normative) Method for sample preparation of automobile paint protection
film ... 33
Appendix B (Informative) Technical specification for installation of automobile paint
protection film ... 35
Automobile paint protection film
1 Scope
This document specifies the terms and definitions, classification and marking,
requirements, test methods, inspection rules and signs, packaging, transportation,
storage, sample preparation methods, installation technical requirements of automobile
paint protection films.
This document is applicable to the protection film, which is pasted on the exterior paint
surface of existing automobiles and auto parts. The protection film, which is pasted on
the surface of other cars and parts, can refer to this document.
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute the essential provisions of this
document through normative references in the text. Among them, for the referenced
documents marked with date H, only the version corresponding to the date is applicable
to this document; for the referenced documents without date, the latest version
(including all amendments) is applicable to this document.
GB/T 529 Rubber vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of tear strength
(Trouser, angle and crescent test pieces) (GB/T 529-2008, ISO 34-1:2004, MOD)
GB/T 1040.1 Plastics - Determination of tensile properties - Part 1: General
principles (GB/T 1040.1-2018, ISO 527-2:2012, IDT)
GB/T 1040.3-2006 Plastics - Determination of tensile properties - Part 3: Test
conditions for films and sheets (ISO 527-3:1995, IDT)
GB/T 2410 Determination of the luminous transmittance and haze of transparent
plastics (GB/T 2410-2008, ASTM Dl003:2007, MOD)
GB/T 2790 Adhesives, 180° peel strength test method for a flexible-bonded-to-rigid
test specimen assembly (GB/T 2790-1995, ISO 8510-2:1990, IDT)
GB/T 2792-2014 Measurement of peel adhesion properties for adhesive tapes (ISO
29862:2007, MOD)
GB/T 2828.1-2012 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 1:
Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot
inspection (ISO 2859-1:1999, IDT)
GB/T 6682 Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test methods
(GB/T 6682-2008, ISO 3696:1987, MOD)
GB/T 9754 Paints and varnishes - Determination of specular gloss of non-metallic
paint films at 20°, 60°and 85° (GB/T 9754-2007, ISO 2813:1994, IDT)
GB/T 16422.2-2014 Plastics - Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources - Part
2: Xenon-arc sources (ISO 4892-2:2006, IDT)
GB/T 17657-2013 Test methods of evaluating the properties of wood-based panels
and surface decorated wood-based panels
HG/T 3862-2006 Plastics - Yellow index test method
JG/T 304-2011 Anti-graffiti and/or stick-resist coatings for buildings
FZ/T 25001 Industrial felt
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Automobile paint protection film
A film layer, which usually contains a three-layer functional structure of adhesive
layer, base film, surface coating; is pasted on the car part or the whole car; has a
certain degree of protective and/or decorative effect on the automobile paint and the
outer paint surface of parts.
Unrecoverable traces, which are formed on the surface of the film layer, due to
external force extrusion.
Flow line
Traces, which are formed on the film surface, due to uneven production process.
4.1.2 According to the reflective characteristics of the surface, it is divided into:
a) Glossy automobile paint protection film;
b) Matte automobile paint protection film;
c) Pearlescent automobile paint protection film.
4.2 Marking
The product packaging shall be marked in the order of product name, material, color,
surface reflective characteristics, standard number. Use PPF to represent the automobile
paint protection film; use English abbreviations to represent the material; use English
words to represent the color; use Chinese pinyin abbreviations to represent the surface
reflective properties, that is, LG, YG, ZG represent glossy, matte, pearlescent,
Example 1:
Colorless gloss thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) type automobile paint protection film is
marked as: PPF-TPU-Clear-LG-QC/T xxxxx-xxxx.
Example 2:
Black matte polyvinyl chloride (PVC) type automobile paint protection film is marked as: PPF-
PVC-Black-YG-QC/T xxxxx-xxxx.
Example 3:
White pearlescent polyvinyl chloride (TPH) type automobile paint protection film is marked as:
PPF-TPH-White-ZG-QC/T xxxxx-xxxx.
5 Requirements
5.1 Appearance quality
Inspect according to 6.2. The appearance quality of the automobile paint protection film
shall meet the requirements in Table 1.
5.5 180° peel strength
Carry out the test according to 6.6. The 180° peel strength shall not be less than 5 N/25
5.6 Tensile strength and elongation at break
Carry out the test according to 6.7. The tensile strength shall not be less than 15 MPa;
the elongation at break of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) automobile paint
protection film shall not be less than 150%; the elongation at break of polyvinyl chloride
(PVC or TPH) automobile paint protection film shall not be less than 90%.
5.7 Tear strength
Carry out the test according to 6.8. The tear strength shall not be less than 40 kN/m.
5.8 Scratch resistance
Carry out the test according to 6.9. After the test, there shall be no continuous scratches
or obvious damage on the surface of the specimen.
5.9 Puncture resistance
Carry out the test according to 6.10. The puncture resistance of thermoplastic
polyurethane (TPU) automobile paint protection film shall not be less than 130 N; the
puncture resistance of vinyl (PVC or TPH) automobile paint protection film shall not
be lower than 60 N.
5.10 Wear resistance
The wear resistance of the glossy automobile paint protection film shall be tested
according to 6.11. The change of the haze of the specimen, before and after friction,
shall not be greater than 1.5%.
5.11 Thermal recovery of surface scratches
Carry out this performance test, on the glossy automobile paint protection film, which
has thermal recovery of surface scratches. Conduct the test according to 6.12. The haze
recovery rate should not be less than 15%.
5.12 Gravel impact resistance
Carry out the test according to 6.13. The number of damages on the surface of the
aluminum foil of the bottom plate, in the impact zone, shall not exceed 74; the size of
the damage shall not exceed 3 mm. At the same time, the paint protection film shall
have no obvious signs of penetration damage. After the test, the number and size of
damage on the surface of the aluminum foil can be graded, according to Table 3 and
Table 4, respectively.
Carry out the test according to 6.18. After the test, the specimen shall not produce
blisters, chalking, cracking, obvious discoloration, loss of gloss. The gloss and 180°
peel strength shall not attenuate. After peeling off the film at 45° to the horizontal
direction, the paint surface shall not have appearance changes AND there is no obvious
glue residue.
6 Test method
6.1 Test conditions
6.1.1 General
The environmental conditions for conditioning of the specimen are:
a) Temperature: 15 °C ~ 28 °C;
b) Relative humidity: 40% ~ 80%.
6.1.2 Specimen
According to the test requirements, the specimens are cut directly from the paint
protection film product, based on the specified size, OR pasted on the glass substrate
and (or) the mirror steel plate and the white paint plate, according to the provisions of
Appendix A. The glass substrate should be flat glass, which has a thickness of 3 mm, a
transmittance of visible light (380 nm ~ 780 nm) of 89.0% ± 1.0%, a haze of not be
greater than 0.3%. The mirror steel plate shall meet the requirements of 5.3.3 in GB/T
6.1.3 State conditioning
Unless otherwise specified, specimens pasted on glass substrates or mirror steel plates
shall be stored for 72 hours, under the environmental conditions of 6.1.1, after pasting.
6.1.4 Visual observation or inspection
Unless otherwise specified, visual observation or inspection shall be carried out, at a
distance of 500 mm from the front of the observed object, under good natural light or
scattered light background lighting conditions.
6.2 Appearance quality
6.2.1 Test device
The test device shall use a well-illuminated glass tabletop workbench. Under the
tabletop, daily-use fluorescent tubes should be used. The illuminance should not be
lower than 600 lx. A reading microscope, which has a division value of 0.01 mm, and
a steel ruler, which has a minimum scale of 1 mm, shall be used.
The difference -- between the total thickness measured according to 6.3.1 and the
nominal thickness -- is the thickness deviation.
6.3.3 Base film thickness
The thickness of the base film is the thickness of the film layer, in the center between
the surface coating and the adhesive layer, which is observed and measured by an
optical microscope, expressed as the average value of the measured values of the base
film thickness, at the center of the long side of the three samples, in μm; the results are
rounded to single digits.
6.4 Gloss
6.4.1 Specimen preparation
Cut the paint protection film, which is prepared by the same raw material and the same
process; the size is at least 100 mm x 100 mm; the quantity is 3 pieces. Stick it on the
glass substrate, that meets the requirements of 6.1.2, according to the provisions of
Appendix A. Prepare the specimen, after state conditioning according to 6.1.3.
6.4.2 Test device and procedure
The test device adopts a gloss meter, which is specified in GB/T 9754.
Place the specimen on a black non-reflective fleece. Conduct the test under the 60°
geometrical condition, in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 9754. The test results
are expressed as the average value of the test values of 3 specimens, retaining one
decimal place.
6.5 Haze
6.5.1 Specimen preparation
Cut the paint protection film, which is prepared by the same raw material and the same
process; the size is 100 mm x 100 mm; the quantity is 3 pieces. Stick it on the glass
substrate, which meets the requirements of 6.1.2 according to the provisions of
Appendix A. Prepare the specimen, after state conditioning according to 6.1.3.
6.5.2 Test device and procedure
The test device adopts the equipment conforming to the haze meter method or
spectrophotometer method, which is specified in GB/T 2410.
Measure the prepared specimen, according to the provisions of GB/T 2410. The film
surface faces the light source when measuring. Measure 3 points for each specimen;
take the average value. The haze value is represented by the arithmetic mean of 3
specimens, retaining one decimal place.
TS - Tear strength, in kilonewtons per meter (kN/m)
F - The maximum value of the tearing force of the specimen, in Newton (N)
d - The thickness of the specimen, in millimeters (mm).
The test results are expressed as the arithmetic mean of 5 specimens; the values are
accurate to single digits.
6.9 Scratch resistance
6.9.1 Specimen preparation
Cut out the paint protection film, which is prepared by the same raw material and the
same process; the size is 100 mm x 100 mm; the quantity is 3 pieces. Paste it on the
mirror steel plate, that meets the requirements of 6.1.2, according to the provisions of
Appendix A. Prepare the specimen, after state conditioning according to 6.1.3.
6.9.2 Test devices and procedures
Use a scratch tester, that complies with the provisions in 4.39.2 of GB/T 17657-2013.
Conduct the test, in accordance with the test procedures specified in 4.39.5 of GB/T
17657-2013. The load is 5.0 N. Scratch 1 full circle. Observe and record the situation
of the scratched parts, on the surface of the specimen.
6.10 Puncture resistance
6.10.1 Specimen preparation
Cut 5 pieces of specimens, which have a size of 75 mm x 25 mm, from the products of
the same raw material and the same process. The specimen shall be conditioned for at
least 2 h under the environmental conditions of 6.1.1 before the test. Remove the surface
protection film and release film during the test.
6.10.2 Test device
The test device adopts a universal testing machine, which has an accuracy of not less
than grade 0.5. The test fixture is as shown in Figure 3.
6.10.3 Test procedure Install the test fixture on the universal testing machine. Zero-adjust the data of
the testing machine, to eliminate the influence of the test fixture's own weight and
friction. Then align the protection film specimen with the center of the fixture hole. Close the impact device. Take down the specimen. Visually inspect the damage
of the 102 mm x 102 mm paint protection film and the aluminum foil on the black-
painted board in the central area. Record the damage size and quantity.
6.14 Resistance to organic solvents
6.14.1 Specimen preparation
Cut out the paint protection film, which is prepared by the same raw material and the
same process; the size should be 125 mm x 50 mm; the number of each organic solvent
specimen is 3, a total of 9 pieces of specimens. Paste it on the glass substrate or mirror
steel plate, that meets the requirements of 6.1.2 according to the provisions of Appendix
A. Prepare the specimen, afte...











