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QB/T 5133-2017: Requirement and test method for antibacterial and eliminating bacterial function for household and similar electrical dish washers
QB/T 5133-2017
ICS 97.040.32
Classification No.: Y62
Record No.: 58784-2017
Requirement and Test Method for Antibacterial and
Eliminating Bacterial Function for Household and
Similar Electrical Dish Washers
Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the
People’s Republic of China
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative References ... 4
3 Terms and Definitions ... 5
4 Requirements ... 6
5 Test Methods ... 6
6 Marking ... 6
Appendix A (Normative) Antibacterial Test Method ... 8
Appendix B (Normative) Eliminating Bacterial Test Method ... 12
Requirement and Test Method for Antibacterial and
Eliminating Bacterial Function for Household and
Similar Electrical Dish Washers
1 Scope
This Standard stipulates the terms, definitions, requirements, test methods and
marking for antibacterial and eliminating bacterial function for household and similar
electrical dish washers (hereinafter referred to as dish washers).
This Standard is applicable to dish washers for household and similar occasions; and
have explicitly instructed antibacterial and eliminating bacterial function on the
appliances, or, in the instructions for use.
2 Normative References
The following documents are indispensable to the application of this document. In
terms of references with a specified date, only versions with a specified date are
applicable to this document. In terms of references without a specified date, the latest
version (including all the modifications) is applicable to this document.
GB/T 411 Printed and Dyed Cotton Fabric
GB 1355-1986 Wheat Flour
GB 4789.2 National Food Safety Standard - Microbiological Examination of Food:
Aerobic Plate Count
GB 5296.2 Instructions for Use of Products of Consumer Interest - Part 2:
Household and Similar Electrical Appliances
GB 19489 Laboratories - General Requirements for Biosafety
GB/T 20290-2006 Electric Dishwashers for Household Use - Methods for
Measuring the Performance
GB 21551.1 General Requirement of Antibacterial and Cleaning Function for
Household and Similar Electrical Appliances
GB 21551.2-2010 Antibacterial and Cleaning Function for Household and Similar
Electrical Appliances - Particular Requirements of Material
4 Requirements
4.1 Antibacterial Properties
In terms of dish washers that have antibacterial function, the antibacterial rate of
antibacterial components shall not be less than 99.0%; or, the preventing mildew level
shall be Level-0 or Level-1.
Antibacterial properties shall merely be evaluated through materials used as utensils.
4.2 Eliminating Bacterial Properties
In terms of dish washers that have eliminating bacterial function, the eliminating
bacterial rate shall not be less than 99.9% (namely: eliminating bacterial activity shall
not be less than 3.0).
5 Test Methods
5.1 Test Environment
Laboratory environment shall comply with relevant requirements in GB 19489.
5.2 Antibacterial Test Method
5.2.1 Non-absorbent antibacterial components which may be made into a certain area
shall be tested in accordance with the method described in Appendix A in GB 21551.2-
5.2.2 Absorbent antibacterial components which may be made into a certain area shall
be tested in accordance with the method described in Appendix B in GB 21551.2-2010.
5.2.3 In terms of antibacterial components which have an irregular shape, please refer
to Appendix A in this Standard.
5.2.4 Components which have antifungal (mildew-preventing) function may be tested
in accordance with the method in Appendix C in GB 21551.2-2010.
5.3 Eliminating Bacterial Test Method
Please refer to Appendix B for eliminating bacterial test method.
6 Marking
6.1 Principle, Requirements and Content of Marking
The principle, requirements and content of marking shall comply with GB 5296.2 and
Appendix A
Antibacterial Test Method
A.1 Scope
This Method is applicable to test the antibacterial function of irregularly shaped
antibacterial components used by dish washers.
A.2 Method Overview
Place quantitative test sample in quantitative bacterial suspension. Through oscillation,
make the test sample and the bacterial suspension thoroughly contact with each other.
After a certain period of oscillating culture, respectively count the bacterial contained
in the test group and the control group; calculate the antibacterial rate.
A.3 Test Strains and Instruments
A.3.1 Test strains
A.3.1.1 Selection of test strains
Escherichia coli AS 1.0090
Staphylococcus aureus AS 1.0089
NOTE: in accordance with the requirements of usage, other bacterial strains may also be
selected as test strains.
All the bacterial strains shall be provided by corresponding national bacterial strain
conservation management centers. In addition, the name and classification No. of the
test bacterial strains shall be indicated in the report.
Laboratory shall safely use test microorganisms in accordance with relevant national
stipulations; try to select non-pathogenic or low-pathogenic microorganisms.
The various medium components used for strain culture shall comply with the
requirements of the bacterial strain conservation management centers.
All the utensils and materials that involve microbial operation shall be sterilized in
advance. Moist heat sterilization (121 °C, 20 min) is preferred here.
A.3.1.2 Conditions of culture
A. Conditions of strain culture
Commonly used instruments in the laboratory, such as: plates, test tubes, pipettes,
inoculation rings and alcohol lamps, etc.
A.4 Sample Requirements and Preparation
A.4.1 Control sample
Medium bleaching medium plain cloth that complies with the requirements in GB/T 411,
with (21 ± 2) wraps and (21 ± 2) wefts. Through de-sizing pretreatment, make it into
10 mm x 10 mm sample blocks.
A.4.2 Test sample
Directly cut from test samples which have already received antibacterial treatment. Cut
the test samples into 10 mm x 10 mm sample blocks. If the original area of the samples
is not sufficient to be cut into such size, then, conduct the test in accordance with the
original shape of the samples.
A.4.3 Sample preparation
Before the test, at 121 °C, conduct high pressure sterilization of the control samples
and the test samples for 20 min. If the test samples cannot endure high temperature
and high pressure, irradiate them under UV lamp for at least 30 min, or, use sterile
water to rinse them, then, naturally dry them.
A.5 Test Procedures
A.5.1 Preparation of test solutions
Respectively weigh-take (1.0 ± 0.05) g of samples from the control group and the test
group; place them into a conical flask. Add 95 mL of PBS that contains 0.1% (volume
fraction) of Tween-80; thoroughly mix it up. Then, add 5.0 mL of bacterial suspension.
Each time, respectively adopt 3 parallels in the control group and the test group.
A.5.2 Determination of initial bacterial concentration in control group
Before oscillation, take a proper amount of sample solution in the control group.
Through proper dilution, select an appropriate dilution ratio. Pour the panel. At (37 ±
1) °C, culture for 24 h ~ 48 h, then, count it.
A.5.3 Oscillating culture
Place the conical flask of the control group and the test group in an oscillating incubator.
At (37 ± 1) °C and 150 r/min, culture for 24 h ~ 48 h.
A.5.4 Recycling
After oscillating culture of the control group and the test group completes, respectively
Appendix B
Eliminating Bacterial Test Method
B.1 Scope
This Method is applicable to test dish washers’ eliminating bacterial function of
bacteria-contaminated tableware.
B.2 Method Overview
Put a coating of microbial suspension on tableware. After drying it, load it into the
appliance. Operate the appliance in accordance with the appointed eliminating
bacterial program. Record the bacterial count on the bacteria-contaminated tableware
before and after the operation of the eliminating bacterial program. Calculate the
eliminating bacterial rate and the eliminating bacterial activity.
B.3 Test Strains and Instruments
B.3.1 Test strains
B.3.1.1 Selection of test strains
Escherichia coli AS 1.0090
Staphylococcus aureus AS 1.0089
NOTE: in accordance with the requirements of usage, other bacterial strains may also be
selected as test strains.
All the bacterial strains shall be provided by corresponding national bacterial strain
conservation management centers. In addition, the name and classification No. of the
test bacterial strains shall be indicated in the report.
Laboratory shall safely use test microorganisms in accordance with relevant national
stipulations; try to select non-pathogenic or low-pathogenic microorganisms.
The various medium components used for strain culture shall comply with the
requirements of the bacterial strain conservation management centers.
All the utensils and materials that involve microbial operation shall be sterilized in
advance. Moist heat sterilization (121 °C, 20 min) is preferred here.
B.3.1.2 Conditions of culture
Pressure steam sterilizer
Commonly used instruments in the laboratory, such as: plates, test tubes, pipettes,
inoculation rings and alcohol lamps, etc.
B.4 Test Requirements
B.4.1 Test conditions
Test conditions shall comply with the requirements in Chapter 5 in GB/T 20290-2006.
B.4.2 Environmental requirements
In order to avoid environmental pollution, the process of loading contaminated
tableware into the dish washer shall be conducted in Level-2 biosafety laboratory (BSL-
2, with cleanliness level: 100,000).
B.4.3 Preparation before test
Dish washer shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements and
put into trial operation.
The specification and loading method of tableware for tests shall comply with the
requirements in Appendix A in GB/T 20290-2006.
Dish washer to be tested: before test, under no-load state, consecutively operate 2
nominal eliminating bacterial programs. After the operation completes, within 4 h,
conduct the eliminating bacterial test. The dish washer shall not add any chemical
substances, for example, detergent or rinsing agent.
Tableware: before test, use drying box (160 °C, 2 h) to conduct sterilization of
tableware. Wait till the temperature of the tableware decreases to below 37 °C, then,
the tableware can be used. Please make sure that there is no residue of additives used
in the previous time on the tableware.
B.4.4 Preparation of tableware
Evenly put a coating of test pollutants on 50% place settings. Please refer to Table B.1
for the amount of pollutants coated on each place setting. After the coating of pollutants,
at room temperature, dry them for around 1 h. When there is no obvious water stain
on the surface, the drying can be stopped. Then, place them with place settings that
are not coated with test pollutants in cross arrangement in the dish washer. In the test,
the dish washer shall operate under full-load state.
In terms of tableware with only one surface being used, such as plates and cups, when
putting a coating of test pollutants on them, reserve a 2 cm space on the edges. In
terms of tableware with both surfaces being used, such as knives and forks, when
putting a coating of test pollutants on them, merely coat the position being used; leave

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