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JY/T 0587-2020: General rules for X-ray polycrystalline diffractometry
JY/T 0587-2020
ICS 03.180
Y 51
Replacing JY/T 009-1996
General rules for X-ray polycrystalline diffractometry
Issued by: Ministry of Education of PRC
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 4
1 Scope ... 6
2 Normative references ... 6
3 Terms and definitions... 6
4 Principles of analysis methods ... 11
4.1 Qualitative analysis of phases ... 11
4.2 Quantitative analysis of phase ... 12
4.3 Determination of grain size and lattice distortion ... 13
4.4 Determination of unit cell parameters of cubic crystals ... 15
4.5 Solving the crystal structure from ab initio polycrystalline diffraction data ... 16
4.6 High and low temperature diffraction ... 16
5 Reagents and materials ... 17
5.1 Standard material ... 17
5.2 Organic solvents ... 17
5.3 Sieves ... 17
5.4 Sample preparation tools ... 17
5.5 Microscope ... 17
5.6 Specimen plate ... 17
6 Instruments ... 18
6.1 Composition of the instrument ... 18
6.2 Verification or calibration ... 18
7 Samples ... 19
7.1 Pretreatment of samples ... 19
7.2 Filling of the specimen plate ... 19
7.3 Judge whether the specimen plate is available ... 20
8 Analysis steps ... 20
8.1 Startup and parameter setting of the instrument ... 20
8.2 Steps of phase qualitative analysis ... 21
8.3 Steps for phase quantitative analysis ... 23
8.4 Determination of grain size and lattice distortion by linewidth method ... 24
8.5 Procedure for determination of unit cell parameters of cubic crystals ... 25
8.6 Analysis steps for solving crystal structure by ab initio polycrystalline diffraction data
... 26
8.7 High temperature and low temperature polycrystalline diffraction ... 27
8.8 Crystallinity analysis procedure ... 28
8.9 Inspection after determination ... 29
9 Results report ... 29
9.1 Basic information ... 29
9.2 Presentation of analysis results ... 29
10 Safety precautions ... 30
10.1 X-ray protection ... 30
10.2 Water and electricity safety protection ... 30
10.3 Safety protection for experiment personal ... 30
Appendix A (Informative) PDF descriptions ... 32
Appendix B (Informative) Various standard materials and standard data ... 36
Appendix C (Informative) Calibration of diffraction peak positions (2θ) ... 40
Appendix D (Informative) Crystallinity analysis method ... 44
References ... 48
General rules for X-ray polycrystalline diffractometry
1 Scope
This standard specifies the analysis method principles, reagents and materials,
instruments, samples, analysis steps, result reports, safety precautions, for using
polycrystalline X-ray diffractometers, to analyze the phase composition of various
polycrystalline materials.
This standard applies to conventional polycrystal X-ray diffractometers. X-ray
diffractometers, which are equipped with two-dimensional surface detectors, can refer
to this method.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the dated version applies to this document. For undated references, the
latest edition (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 13869-2008 General guide for safety of electric user
GB 18871-2002 Basic standards for protection against ionizing radiation and for the
safety of radiation sources
JY/T 009-1996 General rules for X-ray polycrystalline diffractometry
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions, which are defined in JY/T 009-1996, as well as the following
terms and definitions, apply to this document.
Electromagnetic waves, which have wavelengths from 10-3 nm to 10 nm.
Note: The X-ray wavelength, which is used for crystal diffraction, is 0.05 nm ~ 0.25 nm.
A generalized crystal is a solid, which has a definite diffraction pattern. Its atoms,
molecules or ions are arranged in the space a highly ordered manner, according to
certain rules, including traditional periodic crystals and non-periodic crystals.
A solid powder or bulk object, which is formed by agglomeration of many small
grains. It is also known as polycrystalline material.
Space lattice
In crystallography, the tool used to express the periodic arrangement of structural
units in a crystal, which is a collection of periodically repeating points in three-
dimensional space.
Unit cell
The smallest building unit, in which atoms, molecules or ions are regularly arranged,
in long-range order, in three-dimensional space. Its shape is a parallelepiped.
Unit cell parameters
Parameters to describe the parallelepiped unit cell, namely the lengths of the three
sides a, b, c, as well as the included angle α (the angle between the b-side and the c-
side), β (the angle between the a-side and the c-side), γ (the angle between the a-side
and the b-side).
Lattice distortion
Inhomogeneous strains, that exist inside the lattice.
[JY/T 009-1996, Definition 3.7]
Crystal system
the horizontal and vertical divergence of the incident rays, the eccentricity of the
specimen surface, the absorption of the specimen, the degree of collimation of the
instrument, the misalignment of the 1:2 transmission relationship between the θ axis
and the 2θ axis, the zero point error, etc. Most of these influencing factors will decrease
or disappear, when θ approaches 90°. Therefore, a number of diffraction lines in the
high θ range are selected, the corresponding α is obtained according to their θhkl and hkl,
make the α-θ diagram, use the least square method to fit these points AND extrapolate
to θ = 90°, where α shall be the smallest error and closest to the true value. The cos2θ is
often used to extrapolate the abscissa; other trigonometric functions of θ can also be
used, such as cos2θ/sinθ, cos2θ/θ or their combinations.
4.4.3 Recommended method
It is recommended to use the full spectrum fitting method, to obtain the unit cell
Note: The content is quoted from references [19 ~ 24].
4.5 Solving the crystal structure from ab initio polycrystalline
diffraction data
For many materials, it is impossible to obtain complete small crystals, that can be used
to measure the bulk structure, by the single crystal method. The polycrystalline
diffraction spectrum loses the three-dimensional characteristics of single crystal
diffraction AND degenerates into a one-dimensional diffraction pattern. The essence of
solving the crystal structure from ab initio powder diffraction data, is to restore the one-
dimensional diffraction pattern to three-dimensional information; then use the ab initio
single crystal method, to solve the structure to obtain the crystal structure.
Note: The content is quoted from references [4, 24 ~ 25].
4.6 High and low temperature diffraction
Some materials often undergo phase change, when the temperature changes, so the high
and low temperature diffraction accessories of the diffractometer can be used to
dynamically test the change of the specimen diffraction pattern, which is caused by the
change of the specimen structure, during the process of heating, cooling or constant
temperature, thereby determining the process of phase transition and the result of phase
transition, meanwhile determining the phase transition temperature, solid phase
reaction temperature, compound decomposition temperature. It can characterize both
irreversible and reversible phase transitions.
5 Reagents and materials
5.1 Standard material
The most commonly used is silicon powder; the purity is better than 99.999%; the
particle size is between 5 μm and 30 μm; the crystal is perfect; there is no residual stress
and too many defects. Silica powder is suitable for the range of 2θ > 29°. When 2θ <
29°, mica is recommended. It is also recommended to use other secondary standard
materials. For the principles of selecting standard materials, the names of various
standard materials, the PDF card numbers for recording their standard diffraction data,
the standard diffraction data of silicon and mica, it may refer to Appendix B.
5.2 Organic solvents
Use organic solvents, such as ethanol and acetone, to clean the utensils.
5.3 Sieves
The mesh size of the sieve, which is used for sieving the sample, is 0.04 mm ~ 0.075
5.4 Sample preparation tools
Microscope slides, flat glass, agate mortars, clips and other sample preparation supplies.
5.5 Microscope
An optical microscope, which is used to observe the uniform particle size of the sample
AND determine whether the specimen plate is flat.
5.6 Specimen plate
Specimen plates without backing, such as hollow aluminum specimen plate, grooved
glass specimen plate, single crystal silica, or porous material.
with relevant verification procedures, calibration specifications or calibration methods.
7 Samples
7.1 Pretreatment of samples
The pretreatment of the sample includes grinding, polishing, etc. Equipment for
grinding samples includes pulverizers, ball mills, mortars, etc. Different grinding
equipment and accessories are selected, according to the hardness of the analyzed
specimen AND the influence of impurities that may be introduced.
7.1.1 Grinding
If the sample particles are too large, use an agate mortar and sieve, to make the particles
meet the requirements. Grinding often causes decomposition (dehydration) and crystal
transformation of the sample. Therefore, the diffractograms shall be compared before
and after grinding, to judge the influence of grinding.
7.1.2 Proportion mixing of sample and standard sample
The components shall be pre-dried and ground, to the appropriate particle size, to make
the particles meet the requirements. Accurately weigh the sample and standard sample
according to the proportioning requirements. Mix the components, so that each
component is evenly mixed. There are several mixing methods as follows:
quantitatively transfer the powder of each component to be mixed, into a glass vial.
Vibrate the vial OR use a shaker to mix, while rotating the vial. Vibrate and rotate it,
until the sample is evenly mixed. It may also use an agate mortar, to thoroughly grind
and mix the powder. Respectively prepare the specimen into suspensions. Then mix and
dry to obtain it, provided that the specimens cannot react with the dispersion liquid. If
mixing in a viscous substance (such as Vaseline), the precondition is that the specimen
cannot react with viscous substances.
7.1.3 Judging whether the mixture is uniform
Take specimens, which have different mixing times, to perform diffraction scanning. If
the obtained spectrum is basically the same, it means that the mixing is uniform. If the
diffraction intensity of different phases, on the obtained spectrum, changes greatly, it
means that the mixing is not uniform, AND it is necessary to continue mixing.
7.2 Filling of the specimen plate
7.2.1 Usually, use a grooved specimen plate. Evenly fill the specimen in the groove.
The surface of the specimen is slightly higher than the surface of the specimen plate.
Use a glass slide to press the specimen tightly, so that the surface of the specimen and
the surface of the specimen plate are on the same plane.
7.2.2 When there are few specimens, use a non-porous and back-less specimen plate,
which is made of single crystal or porous material, to mix the specimen with a volatile
solvent, that neither dissolves nor reacts with it. Drop the mixed droplet on the front of
the specimen plate. Let it spread. After the solvent evaporates, obtain a thin layer of
specimen, on the front of the specimen plate, for measurement.
7.3 Judge whether the specimen plate is available
Quickly scan the specimen plate. If the diffraction line intensity sequence of each
substance is similar to that listed in the PDF card, it means that there is no serious
preferred orientation, so this specimen plate is available. Otherwise, the specimen plate
shall be refilled.
8 Analysis steps
8.1 Startup and parameter setting of the instrument
8.1.1 Power on
Start the instrument, according to the instrument operating procedures.
8.1.2 Setting of instrument parameters Selection of radiation
Radiation of suitable wavelength shall not cause the specimen to produce strong
fluorescent radiation AND increase the background of the spectrum. If the number of
diffraction lines is large, the interval between diffraction lines is small, AND the overlap
is large, THEN, it shall select the radiation of longer wavelength; otherwise, it shall
select the radiation of shorter wavelength. The most commonly used radiation is CuKα
radiation. Selection of tube pressure and tube flow
The tube pressure, tube flow, total power used shall not exceed the maximum tube
pressure, maximum tube flow, total power, which is allowed by the X-ray tube used.
The tube pressure used is generally 3 times ~ 5 times the K excitation voltage of the
target material. Unless otherwise specified, the power used usually does not exceed 80%
of the full scale. Slit selection
First do a quick scan of 2θ, from about 3° ~ 100°. Determine the scan range, according
to the actual position of the peak. The starting angle of the low-angle side scan shall be
determined, according to the 2θ position of the first diffraction line. Determine the scan method
Select step scanning or continue scanning, to obtain diffraction patterns.
8.2.3 Data processing Peak searching, calculation of d value and I/I1
When the computer automatically searches for peaks, it is necessary to select various
parameters, for background and noise removal, smoothing, peak searching, to avoid
missing peaks or multiple peaks. According to the peak-searching results, the computer
gives the diffraction angle 2θ, the interplanar spacing d value, the relative intensity I/I1
of the diffrac...
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JY/T 0587-2020: General rules for X-ray polycrystalline diffractometry
JY/T 0587-2020
ICS 03.180
Y 51
Replacing JY/T 009-1996
General rules for X-ray polycrystalline diffractometry
Issued by: Ministry of Education of PRC
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 4
1 Scope ... 6
2 Normative references ... 6
3 Terms and definitions... 6
4 Principles of analysis methods ... 11
4.1 Qualitative analysis of phases ... 11
4.2 Quantitative analysis of phase ... 12
4.3 Determination of grain size and lattice distortion ... 13
4.4 Determination of unit cell parameters of cubic crystals ... 15
4.5 Solving the crystal structure from ab initio polycrystalline diffraction data ... 16
4.6 High and low temperature diffraction ... 16
5 Reagents and materials ... 17
5.1 Standard material ... 17
5.2 Organic solvents ... 17
5.3 Sieves ... 17
5.4 Sample preparation tools ... 17
5.5 Microscope ... 17
5.6 Specimen plate ... 17
6 Instruments ... 18
6.1 Composition of the instrument ... 18
6.2 Verification or calibration ... 18
7 Samples ... 19
7.1 Pretreatment of samples ... 19
7.2 Filling of the specimen plate ... 19
7.3 Judge whether the specimen plate is available ... 20
8 Analysis steps ... 20
8.1 Startup and parameter setting of the instrument ... 20
8.2 Steps of phase qualitative analysis ... 21
8.3 Steps for phase quantitative analysis ... 23
8.4 Determination of grain size and lattice distortion by linewidth method ... 24
8.5 Procedure for determination of unit cell parameters of cubic crystals ... 25
8.6 Analysis steps for solving crystal structure by ab initio polycrystalline diffraction data
... 26
8.7 High temperature and low temperature polycrystalline diffraction ... 27
8.8 Crystallinity analysis procedure ... 28
8.9 Inspection after determination ... 29
9 Results report ... 29
9.1 Basic information ... 29
9.2 Presentation of analysis results ... 29
10 Safety precautions ... 30
10.1 X-ray protection ... 30
10.2 Water and electricity safety protection ... 30
10.3 Safety protection for experiment personal ... 30
Appendix A (Informative) PDF descriptions ... 32
Appendix B (Informative) Various standard materials and standard data ... 36
Appendix C (Informative) Calibration of diffraction peak positions (2θ) ... 40
Appendix D (Informative) Crystallinity analysis method ... 44
References ... 48
General rules for X-ray polycrystalline diffractometry
1 Scope
This standard specifies the analysis method principles, reagents and materials,
instruments, samples, analysis steps, result reports, safety precautions, for using
polycrystalline X-ray diffractometers, to analyze the phase composition of various
polycrystalline materials.
This standard applies to conventional polycrystal X-ray diffractometers. X-ray
diffractometers, which are equipped with two-dimensional surface detectors, can refer
to this method.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the dated version applies to this document. For undated references, the
latest edition (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 13869-2008 General guide for safety of electric user
GB 18871-2002 Basic standards for protection against ionizing radiation and for the
safety of radiation sources
JY/T 009-1996 General rules for X-ray polycrystalline diffractometry
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions, which are defined in JY/T 009-1996, as well as the following
terms and definitions, apply to this document.
Electromagnetic waves, which have wavelengths from 10-3 nm to 10 nm.
Note: The X-ray wavelength, which is used for crystal diffraction, is 0.05 nm ~ 0.25 nm.
A generalized crystal is a solid, which has a definite diffraction pattern. Its atoms,
molecules or ions are arranged in the space a highly ordered manner, according to
certain rules, including traditional periodic crystals and non-periodic crystals.
A solid powder or bulk object, which is formed by agglomeration of many small
grains. It is also known as polycrystalline material.
Space lattice
In crystallography, the tool used to express the periodic arrangement of structural
units in a crystal, which is a collection of periodically repeating points in three-
dimensional space.
Unit cell
The smallest building unit, in which atoms, molecules or ions are regularly arranged,
in long-range order, in three-dimensional space. Its shape is a parallelepiped.
Unit cell parameters
Parameters to describe the parallelepiped unit cell, namely the lengths of the three
sides a, b, c, as well as the included angle α (the angle between the b-side and the c-
side), β (the angle between the a-side and the c-side), γ (the angle between the a-side
and the b-side).
Lattice distortion
Inhomogeneous strains, that exist inside the lattice.
[JY/T 009-1996, Definition 3.7]
Crystal system
the horizontal and vertical divergence of the incident rays, the eccentricity of the
specimen surface, the absorption of the specimen, the degree of collimation of the
instrument, the misalignment of the 1:2 transmission relationship between the θ axis
and the 2θ axis, the zero point error, etc. Most of these influencing factors will decrease
or disappear, when θ approaches 90°. Therefore, a number of diffraction lines in the
high θ range are selected, the corresponding α is obtained according to their θhkl and hkl,
make the α-θ diagram, use the least square method to fit these points AND extrapolate
to θ = 90°, where α shall be the smallest error and closest to the true value. The cos2θ is
often used to extrapolate the abscissa; other trigonometric functions of θ can also be
used, such as cos2θ/sinθ, cos2θ/θ or their combinations.
4.4.3 Recommended method
It is recommended to use the full spectrum fitting method, to obtain the unit cell
Note: The content is quoted from references [19 ~ 24].
4.5 Solving the crystal structure from ab initio polycrystalline
diffraction data
For many materials, it is impossible to obtain complete small crystals, that can be used
to measure the bulk structure, by the single crystal method. The polycrystalline
diffraction spectrum loses the three-dimensional characteristics of single crystal
diffraction AND degenerates into a one-dimensional diffraction pattern. The essence of
solving the crystal structure from ab initio powder diffraction data, is to restore the one-
dimensional diffraction pattern to three-dimensional information; then use the ab initio
single crystal method, to solve the structure to obtain the crystal structure.
Note: The content is quoted from references [4, 24 ~ 25].
4.6 High and low temperature diffraction
Some materials often undergo phase change, when the temperature changes, so the high
and low temperature diffraction accessories of the diffractometer can be used to
dynamically test the change of the specimen diffraction pattern, which is caused by the
change of the specimen structure, during the process of heating, cooling or constant
temperature, thereby determining the process of phase transition and the result of phase
transition, meanwhile determining the phase transition temperature, solid phase
reaction temperature, compound decomposition temperature. It can characterize both
irreversible and reversible phase transitions.
5 Reagents and materials
5.1 Standard material
The most commonly used is silicon powder; the purity is better than 99.999%; the
particle size is between 5 μm and 30 μm; the crystal is perfect; there is no residual stress
and too many defects. Silica powder is suitable for the range of 2θ > 29°. When 2θ <
29°, mica is recommended. It is also recommended to use other secondary standard
materials. For the principles of selecting standard materials, the names of various
standard materials, the PDF card numbers for recording their standard diffraction data,
the standard diffraction data of silicon and mica, it may refer to Appendix B.
5.2 Organic solvents
Use organic solvents, such as ethanol and acetone, to clean the utensils.
5.3 Sieves
The mesh size of the sieve, which is used for sieving the sample, is 0.04 mm ~ 0.075
5.4 Sample preparation tools
Microscope slides, flat glass, agate mortars, clips and other sample preparation supplies.
5.5 Microscope
An optical microscope, which is used to observe the uniform particle size of the sample
AND determine whether the specimen plate is flat.
5.6 Specimen plate
Specimen plates without backing, such as hollow aluminum specimen plate, grooved
glass specimen plate, single crystal silica, or porous material.
with relevant verification procedures, calibration specifications or calibration methods.
7 Samples
7.1 Pretreatment of samples
The pretreatment of the sample includes grinding, polishing, etc. Equipment for
grinding samples includes pulverizers, ball mills, mortars, etc. Different grinding
equipment and accessories are selected, according to the hardness of the analyzed
specimen AND the influence of impurities that may be introduced.
7.1.1 Grinding
If the sample particles are too large, use an agate mortar and sieve, to make the particles
meet the requirements. Grinding often causes decomposition (dehydration) and crystal
transformation of the sample. Therefore, the diffractograms shall be compared before
and after grinding, to judge the influence of grinding.
7.1.2 Proportion mixing of sample and standard sample
The components shall be pre-dried and ground, to the appropriate particle size, to make
the particles meet the requirements. Accurately weigh the sample and standard sample
according to the proportioning requirements. Mix the components, so that each
component is evenly mixed. There are several mixing methods as follows:
quantitatively transfer the powder of each component to be mixed, into a glass vial.
Vibrate the vial OR use a shaker to mix, while rotating the vial. Vibrate and rotate it,
until the sample is evenly mixed. It may also use an agate mortar, to thoroughly grind
and mix the powder. Respectively prepare the specimen into suspensions. Then mix and
dry to obtain it, provided that the specimens cannot react with the dispersion liquid. If
mixing in a viscous substance (such as Vaseline), the precondition is that the specimen
cannot react with viscous substances.
7.1.3 Judging whether the mixture is uniform
Take specimens, which have different mixing times, to perform diffraction scanning. If
the obtained spectrum is basically the same, it means that the mixing is uniform. If the
diffraction intensity of different phases, on the obtained spectrum, changes greatly, it
means that the mixing is not uniform, AND it is necessary to continue mixing.
7.2 Filling of the specimen plate
7.2.1 Usually, use a grooved specimen plate. Evenly fill the specimen in the groove.
The surface of the specimen is slightly higher than the surface of the specimen plate.
Use a glass slide to press the specimen tightly, so that the surface of the specimen and
the surface of the specimen plate are on the same plane.
7.2.2 When there are few specimens, use a non-porous and back-less specimen plate,
which is made of single crystal or porous material, to mix the specimen with a volatile
solvent, that neither dissolves nor reacts with it. Drop the mixed droplet on the front of
the specimen plate. Let it spread. After the solvent evaporates, obtain a thin layer of
specimen, on the front of the specimen plate, for measurement.
7.3 Judge whether the specimen plate is available
Quickly scan the specimen plate. If the diffraction line intensity sequence of each
substance is similar to that listed in the PDF card, it means that there is no serious
preferred orientation, so this specimen plate is available. Otherwise, the specimen plate
shall be refilled.
8 Analysis steps
8.1 Startup and parameter setting of the instrument
8.1.1 Power on
Start the instrument, according to the instrument operating procedures.
8.1.2 Setting of instrument parameters Selection of radiation
Radiation of suitable wavelength shall not cause the specimen to produce strong
fluorescent radiation AND increase the background of the spectrum. If the number of
diffraction lines is large, the interval between diffraction lines is small, AND the overlap
is large, THEN, it shall select the radiation of longer wavelength; otherwise, it shall
select the radiation of shorter wavelength. The most commonly used radiation is CuKα
radiation. Selection of tube pressure and tube flow
The tube pressure, tube flow, total power used shall not exceed the maximum tube
pressure, maximum tube flow, total power, which is allowed by the X-ray tube used.
The tube pressure used is generally 3 times ~ 5 times the K excitation voltage of the
target material. Unless otherwise specified, the power used usually does not exceed 80%
of the full scale. Slit selection
First do a quick scan of 2θ, from about 3° ~ 100°. Determine the scan range, according
to the actual position of the peak. The starting angle of the low-angle side scan shall be
determined, according to the 2θ position of the first diffraction line. Determine the scan method
Select step scanning or continue scanning, to obtain diffraction patterns.
8.2.3 Data processing Peak searching, calculation of d value and I/I1
When the computer automatically searches for peaks, it is necessary to select various
parameters, for background and noise removal, smoothing, peak searching, to avoid
missing peaks or multiple peaks. According to the peak-searching results, the computer
gives the diffraction angle 2θ, the interplanar spacing d value, the relative intensity I/I1
of the diffrac...