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GB 12942-2006 English PDF

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GB 12942-2006: Safety code for painting -- Technical requirements of safety for working in confined spaces
GB 12942-2006
ICS 13.100
C 65
Replacing GB 12942-1991
Safety code for painting - Technical requirements of safety
for working in confined spaces
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of PRC;
National Standardization Administration.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Terms and definitions ... 6
4 Basic requirements ... 6
5 Safety in painting and hot work works ... 9
6 Safety management ... 11
Safety code for painting - Technical requirements of safety
for working in confined spaces
1 Scope
This standard specifies the general safety technical requirements for painting and hot
work in confined spaces.
2 Normative references
The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this Standard through
reference in this Standard. For the dated references, the subsequent amendments
(excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to this Standard; however, parties who
reach an agreement based on this Standard are encouraged to study if the latest versions
of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the
referenced document applies.
GB 2893 Safety color (GB 2893-2001, neq ISO 3864:1984)
GB 2894 Safety signs (GB 2894-1996, neq ISO 3864:1984)
GB/T 3805 Extra-low voltage (ELV) - Limit values (GB/T 3805-1993, eqvIEC1201)
GB 3836.2 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 2: Flameproof
enclosure d (GB 3836.2-2000, eqv IEC 60079-1:1990)
GB 6514-1995 Safety code for painting - Safety, ventilation and air clean-up for
painting process
GB 7691-2003 Safety code for painting - Safety management general rule
GB 7692 Safety code for painting - Safety, ventilation and air clean-up for
pretreatment process of painting
GB 8958 Safety regulation for working under hazardous condition of the oxygen
GB/T 11651 Code of practice for selection of personal protective equipments
GB/T 14441-1993 Safety code for painting - Terminology
GB 14444 Safety code for painting - Safety rules for spraying booth
4.1.3 Disconnect the process pipelines leading into the confined space; it is strictly
prohibited to block the valves leading to the atmosphere outside the confined space.
4.1.4 The confined space must be secure to prevent rollover, rolling, falling. When the
container is manufactured and must be rotated due to confined space due to process
requirements, the maximum rotation speed shall be limited.
4.1.5 Liquids and solid sediments in the confined space must be removed in a timely
manner, OR other appropriate media must be used for cleaning and replacement;
sufficient ventilation must be maintained to discharge dangerous and harmful gases out
of the confined space and cool down at the same time, until safe work environments are
4.1.6 There shall be passages that are convenient for taking first aid measures and fire
escapes around the exposed surface of the confined space. Confined spaces with deeper
passages must have effective communication methods.
4.1.7 When working at high altitudes in a confined space, scaffolding must be set up
and firmly fixed; workers must wear safety harness and safety helmets.
4.2 Occupational safety and hygiene
4.2.1 The oxygen content in the air must be monitored on-site. Under normal pressure
conditions, the oxygen content in the air in a confined space shall be 19% ~ 23%. If the
oxygen content in the air is lower than 19%, there shall be an alarm signal.
4.2.2 The concentration of flammable gases on site must be monitored. The
concentration of flammable gases in the air in a confined space shall be less than 10%
of the flammable limit or the lower explosive limit. For the inspection and repair of
cargo oil tanks, fuel oil tanks, lubricating oil tanks of ships, as well as the inspection
and repair of oil tanks, the concentration of flammable gases in the air in a confined
space shall be less than 1% of the lower limit of flammable limit or lower limit of
explosion limit.
4.2.3 When it is necessary to enter a confined space lacking oxygen for work, the
regulations of GB 8958 shall be complied with. Mechanical ventilation must be used
when working to avoid acute poisoning.
4.2.4 According to the working environment and hazardous substances, effective
protective equipment for the head, eyes, skin, respiratory system shall be used in
accordance with GB/T 11651. If conditions permit, personal respiratory systems that
have been widely used abroad can be used or remote-controlled robots can be used.
4.2.5 Personnel who enter a confined space to engage in painting works must dress in
strict accordance with the requirements of GB/T 11651. The personal protective
equipment issued shall comply with the requirements of GB/T 11651. The personal
protective equipment shall be kept centrally by the organization and inspected regularly,
to ensure that its performance is effective.
4.2.6 When performing painting works in a confined space, mutual friction, impact,
peeling between objects shall be avoided. It is not allowed to take off clothes, hats,
gloves, shoes, etc. in the spray painting area.
4.3 Electrical equipment and lighting safety
4.3.1 It is strictly prohibited to use open flame lighting in confined spaces.
4.3.2 All electrical equipment and lighting facilities in the work area shall comply with
the requirements of GB 3836.2, to achieve overall electrical explosion-proof.
4.3.3 Explosion-proof lighting fixtures shall be used; the voltage shall comply with the
requirements of GB 3805; the illumination shall comply with the requirements of GB
4.3.4 Lighting lines introduced into a confined space must be suspended and fixed to
avoid working spaces; lighting fixtures are not allowed to be suspended by wires;
lighting lines shall have no connectors.
4.3.5 For temporary lighting fixtures or portable lighting fixtures, in addition to
complying with the provisions of 4.3.3, the connection between the lighting fixtures
and the wires shall be safe and reliable insulated heavy-duty mobile universal rubber-
sheathed cables; the exposed metal parts must be well connected to the ground wire.
4.3.6 For wet storage tanks, storage tanks partially filled with liquid and the water side
of the boiler, it must use batteries, extra-low voltage (12 V) or lighting systems with
grounding fuses.
4.4 Safety of machinery and equipment
4.4.1 When working in a confined space, the power supply of machinery and equipment
or rotating devices with rotating parts in the confined space must be cut off; warning
signs must be installed.
4.4.2 If the power source of the equipment cannot be controlled, the rotating part shall
be disconnected from other machine linkage equipment.
4.4.3 The high-pressure hoses for spray painting must be undamaged; all hoses must
not be kinked. It is not allowed to drag or pull equipment with hoses. The metal joints
of hoses must be properly wrapped with insulating tape, to avoid spark from friction
with steel plates when the hoses are dragged.
4.4.4 The connector wire of the high-voltage paint spraying machine must be well
around their waists, so that external supervisors can him pull out of the confined space
when necessary.
5.1.6 After the painting work is completed, the remaining paint, solvents, etc. must be
cleared out of the confined space and stored in a designated safe place.
5.1.7 When carrying out painting works in a confined space, regardless of whether
flammable gases or dusts are present, it is strictly prohibited to bring appliances or fires
that can produce smoke, open flames, or sparks into the confined space.
5.2 Hot work safety
5.2.1 Workers must hold both a confined space work permit and a hot work permit
before entering a confined space to perform hot work; work rotation and supervision
measures shall be adopted.
5.2.2 When hot work is carried out in a confined space, it must arrange supervisory
personal outside the site. In case of emergency, a call for help shall be sent immediately.
5.2.3 Personnel performing hot work in a confined space with only top access must, in
addition to wearing personal protective equipment, also wear a lifeline around their
waists, so that external supervisory personal can pull them out of the confined space
when necessary.
5.2.4 No combustible substances are allowed to remain inside all pipelines and
containers; the combustible gas concentration in the confined space must comply with
the provisions of 4.2.2 before work can be performed.
5.2.5 When painting and hot work are required in a confined space or near a confined
space, the hot work is generally performed first and then the painting. It is strictly
prohibited to perform both works at the same time.
5.2.6 Oxygen pipes, acetylene pipes, cutting torches (cutting knives), welding guns, etc.
brought into a confined space for gas cutting and welding works must be taken out of
the confined space, when the workers leave, which are not allowed to remain in the
confined space.
5.2.7 When performing hot work on a working surface that has been coated with primer
(including workshop primer), sufficient ventilation must be maintained and harmful
substances must be eliminated at any time.
5.2.8 When performing welding hot work in a confined space, the air flow and
ventilation volume must be reasonably organized; effective dust collection devices must
be selected, to reduce the concentration of asphyxiating gases and eliminate smoke and
5.2.9 In wet conditions, welding workers are not allowed to touch the conductors of the
secondary circuit; good insulators shall be laid on the ground near the working point.
5.2.10 Welding workers shall dress in accordance with GB/T 11651 and must maintain
good insulation from the parts to be welded.
6 Safety management
When working in a confined space, in addition to complying with the provisions of this
standard, it shall also comply with the provisions of GB 7691.
6.1 Work safety
6.1.1 The relevant departments of the organization are responsible for work safety
management. Personnel engaged in confined space works shall be issued a work permit.
A confined space work permit must be issued by the person in charge of production
6.1.2 To issue an work permit, the following conditions shall be met:
a) Have trained and qualified work personnel, monitoring personnel, testing
personnel, certified work personnel;
b) Have testing instruments that have passed the inspection;
c) Have special protective equipment and electrical lighting equipment that meet
national standards and have passed inspections.
6.1.3 Personnel entering a confined space and their belongings shall be counted one by
one; the time shall be recorded. After the work is completed and it is confirmed that
there are no remains and no fire, it can be evacuated and close the confined space.
6.1.4 Establish a work record system for each shift and keep files.
6.2 Work approval
6.2.1 When applying for a confined space work permit, the following contents shall be
a) Operation procedures, work locations, work content, work methods, work
personnel, work persons in charge, work guardians, work safety countermeasures
for confined spaces (including possible escape routes in confined spaces and
corresponding measures taken);
b) Delimitation of warning areas and setting of warning signs in confined space
c) Schematic diagram of the internal structure of a confined space (including the

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