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DZ/T 0200-2002: Specification for iron, manganese and chromium mineral exploration
DZ/T 0200-2002
ICS 73.020; 73.060.01
D 12
Specifications for iron, manganese and
chromium mineral exploration
Issued by: Ministry of Land and Resources of PRC
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 4??
1 Scope ... 5??
2 Normative references ... 5??
3 Purpose and task of exploration ... 5??
3.1 Pre-review ... 5??
3.2 General review ... 6??
3.3 Detailed review ... 6??
3.4 Exploration ... 6??
4 Degree of exploration study ... 6??
4.1 Degree of geological study ... 6??
4.2 Study of ore quality ... 9??
4.3 Ore processing (melting) and processing technical conditions ... 10??
4.4 Study on technical conditions of deposit mining ... 10??
4.5 Comprehensive evaluation of comprehensive exploration ... 13??
5 Control level of exploration ... 14??
5.1 Principles for determining the type of deposit exploration ... 14??
5.2 Principles for determining the spacing of exploration projects ... 15??
5.3 Control level of exploration ... 15??
6 Exploration work and quality requirements ... 16??
6.1 Terrain and engineering survey ... 16??
6.2 Geological mapping ... 16??
6.3 Geophysical work ... 16??
6.4 Prospecting works ... 17??
6.5 Collection, processing, analysis of chemical samples ... 18??
6.6 Collection, analysis, test of ore processing sample ... 21??
6.7 Collection and test of test sample of physical-technical performance of rock ore ... 22??
6.8 Original geological catalogue, comprehensive data compilation, report preparation, etc. 22??
7 Feasibility evaluation ... 24??
7.1 Rough study ... 24??
7.2 Pre-feasibility study ... 24??
7.3 Feasibility study ... 25??
8 Classification and type conditions of mineral resources/reserve ... 25??
8.1 Basis for classification of mineral resources/reserves ... 25??
8.2 Types of mineral resources/reserves (Appendix A) ... 26??
9 Estimate of mineral resources/reserves ... 29??
9.1 Industry index of deposit ... 29??
9.2 General principles for estimate of mineral resources/reserves ... 30??
9.3 Results of estimation of mineral resources/reserves classification ... 31??
Appendix A (Normative) Classifications of solid mineral resources/reserves . 32??
Appendix B (Informative) Iron, manganese, chromium minerals and ore types
... 33??
B.1 Iron minerals and iron ore types ... 33??
B.2 Manganese minerals and manganese ore types ... 35??
B.3 Chromium minerals and chrome ore types ... 39??
Appendix C (Informative) Main types of iron, manganese, chrome deposits . 41??
C.1 Main types of iron deposits ... 41??
C.2 Main types of manganese deposits ... 46??
C.3 Main types of chrome deposit ... 50??
C.4 Classification of scales of iron, manganese, chrome deposits ... 52??
Appendix D (Informative) Requirements for control level of exploration ... 53??
D.1 Type of exploration ... 53??
D.2 Engineering spacing of exploration ... 66??
D.3 Control level of exploration ... 67??
D.4 Requirements for mineral resources/reserves in mine construction ... 68??
Appendix E (Informative) Estimate of mineral resources/reserve ... 69??
E.1 Industry index of deposit ... 69??
E.2 Estimate method of mineral resources/reserves ... 75??
E.3 Estimate results, by types, of mineral resources/reserves of xxx iron (manganese or
chromium) deposit ... 77??
Appendix F (Informative) Glossary ... 80??
F.1 Total iron (TFe) ... 80??
F.2 Magnetic iron (mFe) ... 80??
F.3 Iron sulfide (sfFe) ... 80??
F.4 Iron carbonate (cFe) ... 80??
F.5 Iron silicate (siFe) ... 81??
F.6 Red (brown) iron (oFe) ... 81??
F.7 Slag-making component ... 81??
F.8 Martite ... 81??
F.9 Discharge manganese ore ... 82??
Specifications for iron, manganese and
chromium mineral exploration
1 Scope
This standard specifies the specifications of geological exploration for iron,
manganese, chrome minerals, including scope, normative references,
objectives and tasks of exploration, degree of investigation and study,
requirements for exploration control, exploration work and quality requirements,
feasibility evaluation, classifications of mineral resources/reserves, type
conditions, requirements for mineral resources/reserve estimates, etc.
This standard is applicable to geological exploration of iron, manganese and
chrome ore as well as the mineral resource/reserve estimate. It is also
applicable to the inspection and evaluation of exploration reports of iron,
manganese, chrome mineral. It may also be used as the basis for evaluating
and estimating mineral resources/reserves in such activities as mining rights
transfer, financing, fund-raising, stock listing for mineral exploration and
2 Normative references
The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this standard
through reference in this standard. For the dated references, the subsequent
amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to this standard;
however, parties who reach an agreement based on this standard are
encouraged to study if the latest versions of these documents are applicable.
For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies.
GB/T 13908-2002 General requirements for solid mineral exploration
3 Purpose and task of exploration
3.1 Pre-review
Through comprehensive study on geology, geophysical exploration,
geochemical exploration, remote-sensing in the region, preliminary field
observations, a very small number of engineering verification results,
comparison with deposits of known similar geological features, propose the
select prospecting areas, to carry out pre-review work. Make evaluation for the
geophysical anomalies, geochemical anomalies, remote-sensing anomalies,
mineralization points, ore deposits which have ore-forming conditions in the
pre-review region, to initially understand their characteristics and distribution
ranges, to provide a basis for further general check.
4.1.2 General review stage
Collect such data as geological, mineral, geophysical, geochemical, remote-
sensing geology, to understand regional geological features and prospects for
mineralization. Roughly identify the strata, lithology, thickness, occurrence,
distribution in the reviewed region. Roughly identify the distribution, scale,
occurrence of larger folds, faults, fracture zones. Roughly identify the type,
quantity, form, distribution of intrusive rocks or eruptive rocks. Evaluate all kinds
of geophysical anomalies, geochemical anomalies, remote-sensing anomalies,
ore deposits or mineralization points, to roughly identify their output
characteristics and distribution range. For mineral deposits (body) with further
working value in the region, it shall roughly identify the distribution, quantity,
location of occurrence, thickness, scale, occurrence, ore quality. It shall roughly
understand the development of the oxidation zone of the deposit (body), to
provide basis for further detailed review work.
4.1.3 Detailed review stage Regional geology: Further study such data as the stratum, structure,
magmatic rocks, metamorphic rocks, minerals related to mineralization in the
region. Based on such data as geophysical, geochemical, remote-sensing
geology, clarify the location, regional geological features, mineralization
conditions, mineralization prospects of iron, manganese, chromium minerals in
regional structures as well as the major minerals in the region. Mining region (bed) geology: Roughly identify the stratigraphic age,
sequence, lithology, thickness, occurrence, distribution. For sedimentary
deposits and metamorphic deposits, it shall also study the sedimentary
environment of ore-bearing strata (rock series), lithofacies, rock combination,
metamorphism, the distribution and change rule of ore-forming elements;
determine the ore-bearing stratum as well as the spatial distribution of ore
bodies in the stratum. Study the relationship between the structure of the mining
area and the spatial distribution of ore bodies. Roughly identify the nature, scale,
occurrence, mutual relationship, distribution law of the folds, faults, fracture
zones which control the ore body. For the large faults which have large
displacement and divide the ore body, it shall roughly understand its spatial
position, occurrence, displacement. For the small faults, it shall, based on the
surface engineering data, preliminarily describe their scope and distribution.
Study and basically identify the types, forms, scales, occurrences of intrusive
rocks and eruptive rocks. Understand the intrusion (eruption) era, period,
the degree of destructive impact of the structure or the veins on the ore body
after the mineralization. For the main ore body of the preliminary mining section,
it shall control its form, spatial location, occurrence in detail. For the small ore
bodies with industrial value on the main ore body of the preliminary mining area,
it shall also be controlled at the same time. If necessary, it may densify the
project to improve the degree of exploration and study. For open pit mining, in
order to determine the boundary of the open pit, it shall systematically control
the boundary around the main ore body and the orebody at the bottom of the
open pit; for the underground mining bed, it shall control the both ends, upper
and lower boundaries, extension of the main orebody, to determine the location
of the development project.
4.2 Study of ore quality
4.2.1 Pre-review stage
Preliminarily understand the mineral composition, chemical composition, main
elements of the ore.
4.2.2 General review phase
Roughly identify the ore minerals, gangue minerals, ore grades, structural
constructions, natural types of ore. Roughly understand the content and
distribution of useful, beneficial, harmful components, to provide basis for
determining whether it is industrially applicable.
4.2.3 Detailed review stage
Basically identify the ore minerals, types and contents of gangue mineral, ore
structural characteristics. Basically identify the type, content, occurrence state,
law of distribution of the useful, beneficial, harmful components. Preliminarily
divide the natural types and industrial types of ores; study the law of distribution.
Provide a basis for the overall planning of the mining area, the project proposal
for the mine construction, the pre-feasibility study.
4.2.4 Exploration stage
Identify the types and contents of ore minerals and gangue minerals in detail.
Study the interrelationship and distribution of ore minerals. Identify the content,
occurrence state, distribution of useful, beneficial, harmful components in detail.
Study the structure and distribution characteristics of ore in detail. Identify the
grain size and embedding characteristics of iron, manganese, chromium
minerals and major gangue minerals. According to such factors as the mineral
composition, content, structure and oxidation degree of the ore, determine the
natural types in detail. Determine the boundary of oxidation zone, the mixed
zone, the original ore. On the basis of dividing the natural type of ore, according
pre-review, it shall collect the regional hydrogeology, engineering geology,
environmental geological data, to provide a basis for further work.
4.4.2 General review stage
On the basis of collecting regional hydrogeology, engineering geology and
environmental geological data of the study area, understand the distribution of
surface water bodies in the mining area, understand the stability of the
surrounding rock and ore of the ore body (stratum) as well as the environmental
geological conditions, to provide a basis for further work.
4.4.3 Detailed review stage Hydrogeological study: Based on the understanding of regional
hydrogeological conditions and the collection of local hydrological and
meteorological data, basically identify the lithology, thickness, distribution,
occurrence, burial conditions of the aquifer and water-confining layer, the water-
richness of aquifer, the hydraulic connection of each aquifers, the stability of the
aquifer and degree of water isolation. Basically identify the surface water
distribution in the mining area as well as its hydraulic connection with the main
aquifer. Study the groundwater level (water pressure), water quality, water
temperature, water quantity, dynamic change and recharge, runoff, discharge
conditions; preliminarily determine the mine pit?€?s water filling factors; predict the
water inflow of the mine pit. Preliminarily divide the hydrogeological types of
deposit; determine the complexity of hydrogeological conditions. Propose the
direction of water resources for industrial and domestic use of mine. Engineering geological study: Determine the mechanical properties of
the main rock ore in the mining area; study its stability. Basically identify the
distribution of fault fracture zone, joints, fissures, weathering belt, mudding belt,
sand-flowing layer, weak interlayer in the mining area; evaluate the influence
on the stability of the ore body and its surrounding rock strata. Propose the
evaluation opinions on the stability of the side slope of open pit. Investigate the
distribution, filling and water accumulation of the old cavity and the goaf.
Preliminarily determine the engineering geological type of the deposit and
determine the complexity of engineering geological conditions. Environmental geological study: Basically identify the composition and
content of elements, radioactive and other harmful gases which are harmful to
the human body in rocks, ores and groundwater (including hot water). Propose
the preliminary evaluation opinions on whether there is any harm to the human
body. Collect relevant data on natural geological disasters such as earthquakes,
debris flows, landslides, karst, etc.; analyze their impact on mine production.
Predict the possible impact of mining on the environment and ecology of the
earthquake and new tectonic activity; clarify...
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