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DB13/ 2322-2016: Emission Control Standard of Volatile Organic Compounds for Industrial Enterprises
DB13/ 2322-2016
Local Standard of Hebei Province
ICS 13.020.40
Z 05
Emission Control Standard of Volatile Organic
Compounds for Industrial Enterprises
Issued by: Hebei Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision;
Hebei Provincial Department of Environmental Protection.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3??
1 Scope ... 4??
2 Normative references ... 4??
3 Terms and definitions ... 5??
4 Pollutant emission control requirements ... 9??
5 Pollutant monitoring requirements ... 17??
6 Implementation and supervision ... 19??
Annex A (Normative) Production process and management requirements for
controlling volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions ... 20??
Emission Control Standard of Volatile Organic
Compounds for Industrial Enterprises
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the control requirements, pollutant monitoring
requirements, implementation and supervision requirements for emission
control standard of volatile organic compounds.
This Standard is applicable to emission management of volatile organic
compounds in waste gas from existing and new industrial enterprises or
production facilities; as well as construction projects?€? environmental impact
assessment, design of environmental protection facilities, completion
acceptance of environmental protection AND discharge management of volatile
organic compounds after-production.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
GB/T 15516, Air quality - Determination of formaldehyde - Acetylacetone
spectrophotometric method
GB/T 16157, The determination of particulates and sampling methods of
gaseous pollutants emitted from exhaust gas of stationary source
GB/T 8017, Petroleum Products - Determination of Vapor Pressure - Reid
HJ/T 32, Stationary source emission - Determination of phenols - 4-Amino-
antipyrine spectrophotometric method
HJ/T 33, Stationary source emission - Determination of methanol - Gas
HJ/T 38, Stationary source emission - Determination of nonmethane
hydrocarbons - Gas chromatography
HJ/T 55, Technical guidelines for fugitive emission monitoring of air pollutants
HJ/T 75, Specifications for continuous emissions monitoring of flue gas
emitted from stationary sources (on trial)
HJ/T 76, Specification and test procedures for continuous emission
monitoring systems of flue gas emitted from stationary sources (on trial)
HJ/T 373, Technical specifications of quality assurance and quality control
for monitoring of stationary pollution source (on trial)
HJ/T 397, Technical specifications for emission monitoring of stationary
HJ 583, Ambient air - Determination of benzene and its analogies using
sorbent adsorption thermal desorption and Gas Chromatography
HJ 584, Ambient air - Determination of benzene and its analogies by
activated charcoal adsorption carbon disulfide desorption and gas
HJ 644, Ambient air - Determination of volatile organic compounds - Sorbent
adsorption and thermal desorption/gas chromatography mass spectrometry
HJ 683, Ambient air - Determination of aldehyde and ketone compounds -
High performance liquid chromatography
HJ 732, Emission from stationary sources - Sampling of volatile organic
compounds - Bags method
HJ 733, Guideline for the Determination of Volatile Organic Compound Leaks
and Uncovered Liquid Surface Emissions
HJ 734, Stationary source emission - Determination of volatile organic
compounds - Sorbent adsorption and thermal desorption gas
chromatography mass spectrometry method (For Release)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 Pharmaceutical manufacturing industry
chemical raw material manufacturing, proprietary Chinese medicine production,
biological medicine manufacturing, veterinary medicine manufacturing, in which
chemical raw material medicine manufacturing can be divided into fermentation,
chemical synthesis (including semi-synthetic) and extraction according to
different production processes
3.10 Surface coating industry
the industry that coats the surface of a coated object with a coating film to
protect or decorate the object
3.11 Printing industry
reproduction industry that transfers coloring agents/colorants (such as ink) to
substrates by using analog or digital image carriers
3.12 Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
organic compounds involved in atmospheric photochemical reactions, or
organic compounds determined or accounted for according to a prescribed
3.13 Non-methane total hydrocarbon
the general name of the hydrocarbons other than methane (in terms of carbon)
by using the specified monitoring method
3.14 Standard state
the state that the temperature is 0??C and the pressure is 101325 Pa; the
standard values specified in this Standard are based on dry exhaust in the
standard state
3.15 Exhaust height
the height from the ground plane where the exhaust pipe (or its main building
structure) is located to the outlet of the exhaust pipe
3.16 Leak detection value
the net value of the volatile organic matter at the point of leak of the equipment
(pump, compressor, etc.) or pipeline components (valves, flanges, etc.) that is
detected by the test instrument after the environmental background value (in
terms of carbon) is deduced by using the specified monitoring method
3.17 Background concentration value
instrument reading of randomly measured volatile organic matter that the
volatile organic detector is located 1-2 m above the wind position of the
equipment or pipeline assembly being tested; if the measurement location has
interference from other nearby equipment or pipeline components, the distance
shall not be less than 25 cm
3.18 Volatile organic liquid
Organic waste
gas outlets of
70 70% (1)
Benzene 1 --
Total toluene
and xylene 30 --
exhaust gas
60 70% (1)
Benzene 1 --
Total toluene
and xylene 20 --
exhaust gas
50 70% (1)
Benzene 1 --
Total toluene
and xylene 15 --
r in
exhaust gas
80 --
Benzene 1 --
Total toluene
and xylene 40 --
NOTE: (1) For the wastewater treatment organic waste gas collection and treatment device, the
organic waste gas discharge port mainly based on water-based materials does not require
the minimum removal efficiency.
4.1.2 The main production processes and devices for the production of volatile
organic compounds must be integrated with overall or local gas collection
systems and purification treatment devices. The emission shall meet the
standard requirements.
4.1.3 The emission concentration and removal efficiency of organic waste gas
discharge ports in petroleum refining and petrochemical industries must meet
the requirements of the standard.
4.1.4 The emission concentration and removal efficiency of organic waste gas
discharge ports in pharmaceutical manufacturing, organic chemicals, wood
processing, furniture manufacturing, transportation equipment manufacturing,
surface coating and printing industry shall meet the requirements of this
Standard. If the removal efficiency does not meet the corresponding
requirements, an unorganized emission monitoring point for the production
workshop or production equipment shall be added. And the emission limits shall
be implemented in accordance with Table 3.
Obase - Dry flue gas reference oxygen content, %
Oactual - Actual measured dry flue gas oxygen content, %;
??actual - Actual measured atmospheric pollutant emission concentration, mg/Nm3.
4.1.7 The height of the enterprise exhaust pipe should not be lower than 15m.
The height of the exhaust pipe shall be more than 5m above the building with a
radius of 200m. If the height is not up to the specified level, it shall be executed
at 50% of the emission limit.
4.2 Pollution control requirements for volatile organic liquid storage tank
4.2.1 New enterprises shall implement the following pollution control
requirements for volatile organic liquid storage tanks from the date of
implementation of this Standard. The existing enterprises shall implement since
January 1, 2017.
4.2.2 The volatile organic liquids of true vapor pressure ???76.6 kPa shall use
pressure storage tank.
4.2.3 The storage tanks for volatile organic liquid of true vapor pressure ???
5.2kPa but < 27.6kPa and of design capacity ??? 150m3, as well as the storage
tanks for volatile organic liquid of true vapor pressure ??? 27.6kPa but < 76.6kPa
and of design capacity ??? 75m3 shall comply with one of the following provisions:
a) using inner floating roof tank; the liquid floating type, mechanical shoe type,
double-sealed and other high-efficiency sealing methods shall be adopted
between the floating plate and the tank wall of the inner floating roof tank;
b) using outer floating roof tank; the double-sealed seal shall be used
between the floating plate and the tank wall of the outer floating roof tank,
and the primary seal adopts high-efficiency sealing method such as liquid
mosaic type and mechanical shoe type;
c) using fixed top tank; a closed exhaust system shall be installed to the
organic waste gas recovery or treatment device, and the air pollutant
emission shall comply with the requirements of Table 1.
4.2.4 The opening on the floating roof tank floating plate, the gap sealing device,
and the sealing device between the floating plate and the tank wall should be
sealed in working condition. If it is detected that the sealing device cannot be
sealed, it shall be repaired within 15 days. It is technically impossible to perform
maintenance within 15 days without shutting down the process unit, and
maintenance can be delayed, but not later than the latest downtime. The leak
that cannot be repaired within 15 days shall be recorded in advance and
repaired immediately when conditions are met.
d) equipment and pipeline components through which volatile organic liquids
flow shall be visually observed weekly; check for leaks at the seal.
4.3.5 Identification of leak
There shall be leak in case of the followings:
a) for equipment and pipeline components through which organic gases and
volatile organic liquids flow, use a hydrogen flame ionization detector (with
methane or propane as the calibration gas), with a leak detection value of
2000 ??mol/mol or more;
b) for other equipment and pipeline components of volatile organic reactants,
use hydrogen flame ionization detector (with methane or propane as
calibration gas), with a leak detection value greater than or equal to 500
4.3.6 Leak repair
a) When a leak is detected, it shall be repaired as soon as practicable,
generally no later than 15 days after the leak is discovered.
b) The first (attempt) repair shall be no later than 5 days after the leak is
detected. The first attempt to repair shall include, but is not limited to, the
relevant measures described below: tightening the sealing nut or gland,
seal flushing at design pressure and temperature.
c) If the leak is detected and the technical maintenance is not feasible within
15 days without shutting down the process unit, the repair can be delayed,
but not later than the latest downtime. The leak that cannot be repaired
within 15 days shall be recorded in advance and repaired immediately
when conditions are met.
4.3.7 Recording requirements
Leak detection shall record the detection time and test instrument readings. The
repair time shall be recorded and the time to complete the repair shall be
recorded. Record the instrument reading after repair. Records shall be kept for
more than 1 year.
4.4 Pollution control requirements for unorganized monitoring point
4.4.1 Any 1h atmospheric pollutant concentration at the enterprise boundary
shall be subject to the limits specified in Table 2.
4.4.2 In the production process after the completion of environmental protection
and acceptance of existing enterprise production and construction projects, the
environmental protection department in charge of supervision shall monitor the
NOTE 1: (1) This limit is only executed if the exhaust pipe removal efficiency does not
meet the requirements.
NOTE 2: (2) The wood processing enterprises shall implement the standard limit
regulations for formaldehyde. And other types of enterprises involved in
the production of this substance shall refer to it for implementation.
NOTE 3: (3) The pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises implement the standard
limit regulations for methanol and acetone (the substances not involved in
production may not be implemented). And other types of enterprises
involved in the production of this substance shall refer to it for
4.5 Production process and management requirements for controlling
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions
See Annex A for the production process and management requirements for
controlling volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions.
5 Pollutant monitoring requirements
5.1 General requirements
5.1.1 Enterprises shall, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations,
establish monitoring systems, formulate monitoring plans, monitor pollutant
emission states, preserve original monitoring records, and publish monitoring
results in accordance with relevan...
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DB13/ 2322-2016: Emission Control Standard of Volatile Organic Compounds for Industrial Enterprises
DB13/ 2322-2016
Local Standard of Hebei Province
ICS 13.020.40
Z 05
Emission Control Standard of Volatile Organic
Compounds for Industrial Enterprises
Issued by: Hebei Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision;
Hebei Provincial Department of Environmental Protection.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3??
1 Scope ... 4??
2 Normative references ... 4??
3 Terms and definitions ... 5??
4 Pollutant emission control requirements ... 9??
5 Pollutant monitoring requirements ... 17??
6 Implementation and supervision ... 19??
Annex A (Normative) Production process and management requirements for
controlling volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions ... 20??
Emission Control Standard of Volatile Organic
Compounds for Industrial Enterprises
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the control requirements, pollutant monitoring
requirements, implementation and supervision requirements for emission
control standard of volatile organic compounds.
This Standard is applicable to emission management of volatile organic
compounds in waste gas from existing and new industrial enterprises or
production facilities; as well as construction projects?€? environmental impact
assessment, design of environmental protection facilities, completion
acceptance of environmental protection AND discharge management of volatile
organic compounds after-production.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
GB/T 15516, Air quality - Determination of formaldehyde - Acetylacetone
spectrophotometric method
GB/T 16157, The determination of particulates and sampling methods of
gaseous pollutants emitted from exhaust gas of stationary source
GB/T 8017, Petroleum Products - Determination of Vapor Pressure - Reid
HJ/T 32, Stationary source emission - Determination of phenols - 4-Amino-
antipyrine spectrophotometric method
HJ/T 33, Stationary source emission - Determination of methanol - Gas
HJ/T 38, Stationary source emission - Determination of nonmethane
hydrocarbons - Gas chromatography
HJ/T 55, Technical guidelines for fugitive emission monitoring of air pollutants
HJ/T 75, Specifications for continuous emissions monitoring of flue gas
emitted from stationary sources (on trial)
HJ/T 76, Specification and test procedures for continuous emission
monitoring systems of flue gas emitted from stationary sources (on trial)
HJ/T 373, Technical specifications of quality assurance and quality control
for monitoring of stationary pollution source (on trial)
HJ/T 397, Technical specifications for emission monitoring of stationary
HJ 583, Ambient air - Determination of benzene and its analogies using
sorbent adsorption thermal desorption and Gas Chromatography
HJ 584, Ambient air - Determination of benzene and its analogies by
activated charcoal adsorption carbon disulfide desorption and gas
HJ 644, Ambient air - Determination of volatile organic compounds - Sorbent
adsorption and thermal desorption/gas chromatography mass spectrometry
HJ 683, Ambient air - Determination of aldehyde and ketone compounds -
High performance liquid chromatography
HJ 732, Emission from stationary sources - Sampling of volatile organic
compounds - Bags method
HJ 733, Guideline for the Determination of Volatile Organic Compound Leaks
and Uncovered Liquid Surface Emissions
HJ 734, Stationary source emission - Determination of volatile organic
compounds - Sorbent adsorption and thermal desorption gas
chromatography mass spectrometry method (For Release)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 Pharmaceutical manufacturing industry
chemical raw material manufacturing, proprietary Chinese medicine production,
biological medicine manufacturing, veterinary medicine manufacturing, in which
chemical raw material medicine manufacturing can be divided into fermentation,
chemical synthesis (including semi-synthetic) and extraction according to
different production processes
3.10 Surface coating industry
the industry that coats the surface of a coated object with a coating film to
protect or decorate the object
3.11 Printing industry
reproduction industry that transfers coloring agents/colorants (such as ink) to
substrates by using analog or digital image carriers
3.12 Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
organic compounds involved in atmospheric photochemical reactions, or
organic compounds determined or accounted for according to a prescribed
3.13 Non-methane total hydrocarbon
the general name of the hydrocarbons other than methane (in terms of carbon)
by using the specified monitoring method
3.14 Standard state
the state that the temperature is 0??C and the pressure is 101325 Pa; the
standard values specified in this Standard are based on dry exhaust in the
standard state
3.15 Exhaust height
the height from the ground plane where the exhaust pipe (or its main building
structure) is located to the outlet of the exhaust pipe
3.16 Leak detection value
the net value of the volatile organic matter at the point of leak of the equipment
(pump, compressor, etc.) or pipeline components (valves, flanges, etc.) that is
detected by the test instrument after the environmental background value (in
terms of carbon) is deduced by using the specified monitoring method
3.17 Background concentration value
instrument reading of randomly measured volatile organic matter that the
volatile organic detector is located 1-2 m above the wind position of the
equipment or pipeline assembly being tested; if the measurement location has
interference from other nearby equipment or pipeline components, the distance
shall not be less than 25 cm
3.18 Volatile organic liquid
Organic waste
gas outlets of
70 70% (1)
Benzene 1 --
Total toluene
and xylene 30 --
exhaust gas
60 70% (1)
Benzene 1 --
Total toluene
and xylene 20 --
exhaust gas
50 70% (1)
Benzene 1 --
Total toluene
and xylene 15 --
r in
exhaust gas
80 --
Benzene 1 --
Total toluene
and xylene 40 --
NOTE: (1) For the wastewater treatment organic waste gas collection and treatment device, the
organic waste gas discharge port mainly based on water-based materials does not require
the minimum removal efficiency.
4.1.2 The main production processes and devices for the production of volatile
organic compounds must be integrated with overall or local gas collection
systems and purification treatment devices. The emission shall meet the
standard requirements.
4.1.3 The emission concentration and removal efficiency of organic waste gas
discharge ports in petroleum refining and petrochemical industries must meet
the requirements of the standard.
4.1.4 The emission concentration and removal efficiency of organic waste gas
discharge ports in pharmaceutical manufacturing, organic chemicals, wood
processing, furniture manufacturing, transportation equipment manufacturing,
surface coating and printing industry shall meet the requirements of this
Standard. If the removal efficiency does not meet the corresponding
requirements, an unorganized emission monitoring point for the production
workshop or production equipment shall be added. And the emission limits shall
be implemented in accordance with Table 3.
Obase - Dry flue gas reference oxygen content, %
Oactual - Actual measured dry flue gas oxygen content, %;
??actual - Actual measured atmospheric pollutant emission concentration, mg/Nm3.
4.1.7 The height of the enterprise exhaust pipe should not be lower than 15m.
The height of the exhaust pipe shall be more than 5m above the building with a
radius of 200m. If the height is not up to the specified level, it shall be executed
at 50% of the emission limit.
4.2 Pollution control requirements for volatile organic liquid storage tank
4.2.1 New enterprises shall implement the following pollution control
requirements for volatile organic liquid storage tanks from the date of
implementation of this Standard. The existing enterprises shall implement since
January 1, 2017.
4.2.2 The volatile organic liquids of true vapor pressure ???76.6 kPa shall use
pressure storage tank.
4.2.3 The storage tanks for volatile organic liquid of true vapor pressure ???
5.2kPa but < 27.6kPa and of design capacity ??? 150m3, as well as the storage
tanks for volatile organic liquid of true vapor pressure ??? 27.6kPa but < 76.6kPa
and of design capacity ??? 75m3 shall comply with one of the following provisions:
a) using inner floating roof tank; the liquid floating type, mechanical shoe type,
double-sealed and other high-efficiency sealing methods shall be adopted
between the floating plate and the tank wall of the inner floating roof tank;
b) using outer floating roof tank; the double-sealed seal shall be used
between the floating plate and the tank wall of the outer floating roof tank,
and the primary seal adopts high-efficiency sealing method such as liquid
mosaic type and mechanical shoe type;
c) using fixed top tank; a closed exhaust system shall be installed to the
organic waste gas recovery or treatment device, and the air pollutant
emission shall comply with the requirements of Table 1.
4.2.4 The opening on the floating roof tank floating plate, the gap sealing device,
and the sealing device between the floating plate and the tank wall should be
sealed in working condition. If it is detected that the sealing device cannot be
sealed, it shall be repaired within 15 days. It is technically impossible to perform
maintenance within 15 days without shutting down the process unit, and
maintenance can be delayed, but not later than the latest downtime. The leak
that cannot be repaired within 15 days shall be recorded in advance and
repaired immediately when conditions are met.
d) equipment and pipeline components through which volatile organic liquids
flow shall be visually observed weekly; check for leaks at the seal.
4.3.5 Identification of leak
There shall be leak in case of the followings:
a) for equipment and pipeline components through which organic gases and
volatile organic liquids flow, use a hydrogen flame ionization detector (with
methane or propane as the calibration gas), with a leak detection value of
2000 ??mol/mol or more;
b) for other equipment and pipeline components of volatile organic reactants,
use hydrogen flame ionization detector (with methane or propane as
calibration gas), with a leak detection value greater than or equal to 500
4.3.6 Leak repair
a) When a leak is detected, it shall be repaired as soon as practicable,
generally no later than 15 days after the leak is discovered.
b) The first (attempt) repair shall be no later than 5 days after the leak is
detected. The first attempt to repair shall include, but is not limited to, the
relevant measures described below: tightening the sealing nut or gland,
seal flushing at design pressure and temperature.
c) If the leak is detected and the technical maintenance is not feasible within
15 days without shutting down the process unit, the repair can be delayed,
but not later than the latest downtime. The leak that cannot be repaired
within 15 days shall be recorded in advance and repaired immediately
when conditions are met.
4.3.7 Recording requirements
Leak detection shall record the detection time and test instrument readings. The
repair time shall be recorded and the time to complete the repair shall be
recorded. Record the instrument reading after repair. Records shall be kept for
more than 1 year.
4.4 Pollution control requirements for unorganized monitoring point
4.4.1 Any 1h atmospheric pollutant concentration at the enterprise boundary
shall be subject to the limits specified in Table 2.
4.4.2 In the production process after the completion of environmental protection
and acceptance of existing enterprise production and construction projects, the
environmental protection department in charge of supervision shall monitor the
NOTE 1: (1) This limit is only executed if the exhaust pipe removal efficiency does not
meet the requirements.
NOTE 2: (2) The wood processing enterprises shall implement the standard limit
regulations for formaldehyde. And other types of enterprises involved in
the production of this substance shall refer to it for implementation.
NOTE 3: (3) The pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises implement the standard
limit regulations for methanol and acetone (the substances not involved in
production may not be implemented). And other types of enterprises
involved in the production of this substance shall refer to it for
4.5 Production process and management requirements for controlling
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions
See Annex A for the production process and management requirements for
controlling volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions.
5 Pollutant monitoring requirements
5.1 General requirements
5.1.1 Enterprises shall, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations,
establish monitoring systems, formulate monitoring plans, monitor pollutant
emission states, preserve original monitoring records, and publish monitoring
results in accordance with relevan...










