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CQC-C0701-2017: China Compulsory Certification Implementation Detailed-Rules - Household and similar equipment
Serial No.. CQC-C0701-2017
Implementation Detailed-Rules for
China Compulsory Certification
Household and similar-use appliances
China Quality Certification Center
This Implementation Detailed-Rules is formulated on the basis of ?€?Implementation Rules
for China Compulsory Certification - Household Appliances?€? (CNCA-C07-01.2014). It is
issued by the China Quality Certification Center.
It was first-revised on October 01, 2017. For the certification mode of refrigerator
products for the category A and B enterprises, it was adjusted to be ?€?type test +
after-certification supervision?€?.
It was second-revised on October 31, 2017. Added the relevant requirements for electric
blanket products, which involve the following clauses. 1. Application scope; 2.
Certification-basis standards; 3. Certification mode (2); 6.1.2 Requirements for sample
quantity; 7.4 Frequency and time for after-certification supervision; Appendix 2 Factory
quality control testing requirements of compulsory certification of household appliances. It
also revised the routine testing items and test methods for the instant water heater.
On March 01, 2018, in accordance with the No.7 announcement of the National Standard
Administration, the 1077 compulsory national standards -- including controller -- were
converted into recommended national standards, so the relevant standards which are
involved in this Detailed-Rules were revised accordingly.
Formulating organization. China Quality Certification Center.
Table of Contents
0. General requirements??...??5??
0.1 Introduction??...??5??
0.2 Classification Principles of Manufacturing Enterprises??...??5??
1. Application scope??...??7??
2. Certification-basis standards??...??7??
3. Certification modes??...??9??
4. Division of certification units??...??10??
5. Certification entrusting??...??10??
5.1 Application for certification and acceptance??...??10??
5.2 Application material??...??10??
5.3 Implementation arrangement??...??11??
6. Certification implementation??...??11??
6.1 Type test??...??11??
6.1.1 Type test plan??...??11??
6.1.2 Type test sample requirements??...??12??
6.1.3 Type test items??...??13??
6.1.4 Implementation of type test??...??13??
6.1.5 Type test report??...??13??
6.2 Certification evaluation and decision??...??13??
6.3 Certification time-limit??...??14??
6.4 Initial factory inspection??...??14??
6.4.1 Inspection items??...??14??
6.4.2 Factory quality assurance capability inspection??...??14??
6.4.3 Product consistency inspection??...??14??
6.4.4 Inspection time??...??15??
6.4.5 Inspection conclusion??...??15??
7. After-certification supervision??...??15??
7.1 Follow-up inspection after certification??...??15??
7.1.1 Principles of follow-up inspection after certification??...??15??
7.1.2 Follow-up inspection items after certification??...??16??
7.2 Sample testing or inspection at the production on-site??...??16??
7.2.1 Sample testing or inspection principle at the production on-site??...??16??
7.2.2 Sample testing or inspection items at the production on-site??...??16??
7.3 Market sampling test or inspection??...??16??
7.3.1 Market sampling test or inspection principle??...??16??
7.3.2 Market sampling test or inspection??...??17??
7.4 Frequency and time of supervision after certification??...??17??
7.5 Records of after-certification supervision??...??17??
7.6 Evaluation of after-certification supervision results??...??17??
8. Certificate??...??18??
8.1 Maintenance of certificate...??18??
8.2 Change of product covered by the certificate??...??18??
8.2.1 Change delegation and requirements??...??18??
8.2.2 Change evaluation and approval??...??19??
8.2.3 Change registration??...??19??
8.3 Extension of product covered by certificate??...??19??
8.4 Cancellation, suspension and withdrawal of the certificate??...??20??
8.5 Use of the certificate??...??20??
9. Certification mark??...??20??
9.1 Mark style permitted to use??...??20??
9.2 Marking method??...??21??
10 Charges??...??21??
11 Certification responsibility??...??21??
12 Technical disputes and complaints??...??21??
Appendix 1 Factory quality assurance capability requirements for compulsory certification
of household and similar-use appliance??...??22??
Appendix 2 Factory quality control testing requirements for compulsory certification of
household and similar-use appliances??...??29??
Appendix 3 Technical decision on relevant requirements for critical components and
materials for compulsory product for household and similar-use appliances??...??38??
0. General requirements
0.1 Introduction
?€?Implementation Detailed-Rules for China Compulsory Certification - Household
Appliances?€? (hereinafter referred to as Detailed-Rules) is compiled based on the
requirements of ?€?Implementation Rules for China Compulsory Certification - Household
Appliances?€? (CNCA-C07-01.2014) (hereinafter referred to as Implementation-Rules). This
Detailed-Rules is used together with the Implementation-Rules as supportive document.
The product scope, certification basis and all other contents of this Detailed-Rules shall
comply with relevant provisions of Implementation Rules. It shall also be adjusted in
accordance with the Notices such as defined directory and directory adjustment that are
issued by Certification and Accreditation Administration of China (hereafter referred to as
In accordance with the provisions of Implementation Rules, following the principles of
maintaining the effectiveness of product certification, improving quality of product, serving
certification enterprises and controlling risk of certification, and defining the certification
implementation requirements, CQC formulates and issues this Detailed-Rules.
0.2 Classification Principles of Manufacturing Enterprises
CQC collects and sorts-out all the information related to certification products and quality
related to manufacturing enterprises, and based on which classify the manufacturing
enterprise. The certification-entrusting client [hereafter abbreviated as CLIENT],
manufacturer and manufacturing enterprise shall make cooperation with it.
CQC classifies the manufacturing enterprises into 4 categories - which are respectively
represented by A, B, C and D.
Quality information that is based to classify the manufacturing enterprises shall at least
include the following aspects.
(1) Results of factory inspection (including the initial factory inspection and
after-certification follow-up inspection);
(2) Results of supervision sampling test (including production on-site sampling or
market sampling);
(3) Inspection results of national-level or provincial-level quality-supervision sampling,
to be used, they shall be executed in accordance with the announcement of the relevant
standards required by the National Certification and Accreditation Administration.
3. Certification modes
The optional certification modes for household and similar application appliance are.
Mode 1. Type test + after-certification supervision.
Mode 2. Type test + initial factory inspection + after-certification supervision.
After-certification supervision refers to one or a combination of three methods.
after-certification follow-up inspection, production on-site sampling testing or inspection,
market sampling testing or inspection.
(1) For the manufacturers of air conditioners, electric motors-compressors and
Category A and category B manufacturing enterprises. it may use the mode 1 to
perform certification;
Category C and category D manufacturing enterprises. it may use the mode 2 to
perform certification.
(2) For electric fans, household electric washing machines, electric water heaters -
storage water heaters, electric water heaters - instant water heaters, indoor heaters,
vacuum cleaners, skin and hair care appliances, electric irons, Induction cookers,
electric ovens (portable grill, bread toaster and similar cooking utensils), electric
food processing appliance (food processing machine (kitchen machinery)),
microwave oven, electric range cooker, cooktop, oven and similar appliances
(standing electric oven, stationary grill and similar cooking appliances), range
hoods, liquid heaters, hot-cold water dispensers, rice cookers, electric blankets,
electric heating pads and similar flexible heating products manufacturers, in
Category A manufacturing enterprises. it may use the mode 1 to perform
Category B, C, and D manufacturing enterprises. it shall use the mode 2 to perform
For enterprises that adopt mode 1 certification, it may also choose the mode 2
freely to perform certification.
For enterprises that are certified by the mode 1 certification, in principle, the first
(5) Product description information, if necessary, may include. model specifications,
technical parameters, critical components and/or materials lists, electrical
schematics, assembly drawings, and descriptions of differences between products
of different specifications included in the same certification unit;
(6) For the change application, the supportive documents of the relevant change
(7) Other required documents.
The CLIENT shall be responsible for the authenticity of the information provided.
CQC manages, preserves, and maintains confidentiality of the certification materials
provided by the CLIENT.
5.3 Implementation arrangement
CQC will formulate specific program for certification implementation after acceptance, and
notify the CLIENT. The specific implementation of the certification program usually
includes the following.
(1) The certification mode used;
(2) A list of application materials that need to be submitted;
(3) Laboratory information;
(4) Contact information about CQC staffs;
(5) Other matters that need to be explained.
6. Certification implementation
6.1 Type test
6.1.1 Type test plan
CQC develops a type test plan after the material review (the test plan includes the type
test sample requirements and quantity, test standard items, laboratory information, etc.)
and informs the CLIENT.
Sample requirements and quantities, testing standard items, etc., are as shown in clauses
6.3 Certification time-limit
The time-limit for the acceptance of the certification is set out in clause 5.1 of this
The time-limit for type test is given in clause 6.1.4 of this Detailed-Rules.
Under normal circumstances, the certificate will be issued to the CLIENT within 90 days
from the acceptance of the certification.
6.4 Initial factory inspection
6.4.1 Inspection items
The initial factory inspections are factory quality assurance capability inspections and
product consistency inspection.
6.4.2 Factory quality assurance capability inspection
It is performed in accordance with the Appendix 1 ?€?Quality Assurance Ability
Requirements for Compulsory Certification for Household and Similar-Use Appliance?€? and
Appendix 2 ?€?Factory Quality Control Testing Requirements for Compulsory Certification
for Household and Similar-Use Appliance?€? in this Detailed-Rules.
6.4.3 Product consistency inspection
During factory inspection, it shall perform the consistency inspection for the products to be
certified at production on-site. The consistency inspection is usually the following.
(1) The contents of the mark on the certified product and the necessary instructions
are consistent with the type test report;
(2) The structure of the certified product (mainly for structures involving safety and
electromagnetic compatibility) is consistent with the type test report;
(3) The critical components and materials used for safety certification of the products
as well as the critical components that have an impact on EMC performance are
consistent with the type test report.
7.1.2 Follow-up inspection items after certification
The items of the follow-up inspection after certification are. factory quality assurance
capability inspection and certification product consistency inspection.
The items of the conformity inspection of the certified products is the same as those in
6.4.3 of the Detailed-Rules.
In addition, the use of the ?€?CCC?€? certification mark and certification certificate shall also be
7.2 Sample testing or inspection at the production on-site
7.2.1 Sample testing or inspection principle at the production on-site
In accordance with the quality risk of certified products and the classification management
requirements of manufacturing enterprises, if necessary, the CQC performs production
on-site sampling testing against the product which obtains certificate; the samples for
sampling testing shall be randomly taken from the qualified products.
7.2.2 Sample testing or inspection items at the production on-site
The items specified in the standards used for certification testing can be used as sampling
inspection items.
CQC tests some or all of the items based on the quality of the different products and their
impact on product safety or electromagnetic compatibility.
For laboratories accredited by ISO/IEC 17025 by the IAC Protocol Mutual Recognition
and Accreditation Body, in compliance with CQC-related requirements, it may use the
manufacturing enterprise testing resources to perform testing or witnessed testing.
7.3 Market sampling test or inspection
7.3.1 Market sampling test or inspection principle
CQC, according to the situation of certification risk and enterprise's classification
management, if necessary, conducts market sampling. The CLIENT, manufacturers, and
manufacturing enterprises shall actively cooperate, such as providing sales information
for certified products, as well as information on users, distributors, and/or sales outlets.
7. Change of the quality system of the manufacturing enterprise (for example,
ownership, organization structure or managers have changed);
8. Other.
The application procedure for change is described in the Detailed-Rules 5. Certification
For the change of the same product and the sa...
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