GB 9969.1-1998 English PDF (GB9969.1-1998)
GB 9969.1-1998 English PDF (GB9969.1-1998)
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GB 9969.1-1998: General principles for preparation of instructions for use of industrial products
GB 9969.1-1998
ICS 01.110
A 12
Replacing GB 9969.1-88
General principles for preparation of instructions for use of
industrial products
Issued by: State Bureau of Technical Supervision
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Basic requirements ... 4
4 Preparation of instructions for use ... 6
Appendix A (Normative) Main contents of the instructions for use ... 11
General principles for preparation of instructions for use of
industrial products
1 Scope
This standard stipulates the basic requirements and preparation methods of instructions
for use of industrial products (hereinafter referred to as instructions for use).
This standard is applicable to the preparation of instructions for use of non-consumable
industrial products.
Note: The preparation of instructions for use of industrial products is carried out in accordance
with GB 5296.1-1997 "Instructions for use of products of consumer interest - General
2 Normative references
Clauses contained in the following standards constitute the clauses of this standard by
being quoted in this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were
valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties using this standard shall explore
the possibility of using the latest editions of the standards listed below.
GB/T 1.1-1993 Directives for the work of standardization - Unit 1: Drafting and
presentation of standards - Part 1: General rules for drafting standards
GB 5296.1-1997 Instructions for use of products of consumer interest - General
3 Basic requirements
3.1 Instructions for use must be prepared when necessary. The instructions for use are
an integral part of the delivered product.
3.2 The instructions for use shall clearly state the purpose and scope of application of
the product, meanwhile give the main structure, performance, type, specification,
methods of correct lifting, installation, use, operation, maintenance, service, storage
according to the characteristics and needs of the product, as well as the safety measures
to protect operators and products. See Appendix A (Normative) for details.
3.3 For products related to the environment and energy, the instructions for use shall
specify the necessary content on environmental protection and energy conservation.
3.4 For products that are flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive, or radioactive, the
instructions for use shall include precautions, protective measures, emergency
treatment methods in case of accidents.
3.5 When the product structure, performance, etc. are changed, the relevant content of
the instructions for use must be revised, in a timely manner according to the prescribed
procedures. Manufacturers shall provide users with instructions for use corresponding
to the products.
3.6 The instructions for use can be prepared, according to the product model, OR
according to the product series and complete sets of products. When compiling by series
and complete sets of products, the parts with different contents and parameters must be
clearly distinguished.
For complex products and complete sets of equipment, instructions for use can be
prepared separately for functional units and complete machines, then combined into
system instructions for use, according to product models and uses.
3.7 For the material products, such as metallurgy, minerals, building materials,
chemicals, as well as components and other products used in supporting OEM, if the
technical documents such as quality certificates and product manuals can meet the
needs of users for the instructions for use, they can be used instead of the instructions
for use.
3.8 For products that require safety restrictions or have a valid period, it shall provide
the production date, validity period and storage period of the product.
3.9 The publication date of the instructions for use shall be indicated (4.10 in GB
3.10 The instructions for use shall be consistent with the information about the same
product, which is issued by the producer and manufacturer, such as the content on the
advertisement or package (4.11 in GB 5296.1-1997).
3.11 When necessary, it shall be marked on the package or the cover of the instructions
for use: "Please read the instructions for use before installing and using the product"
(4.12 in GB 5296.1-1997).
3.12 The instructions for use shall indicate the serial number of the standard
implemented by the product AND the production license number; the certification mark
may be marked.
4 Preparation of instructions for use
4.1 Text, language
4.1.1 Industrial products for domestic users must provide instructions for uses in
Chinese. Instructions for use, in Chinese and other languages, can also be provided as
needed. At this time, the position of the Chinese instructions shall be eye-catching and
4.1.2 Industrial products for export must provide instructions for use, which are written
in the official language of the sales area. When it is necessary to provide instructions
for use in more than one language, the various languages shall be clearly distinguished.
4.1.3 The instructions for use shall use the simplified Chinese characters, which are
officially promulgated and implemented by the State Council. For the instructions for
uses for products, which are sold abroad or in Macao and Taiwan, traditional Chinese
characters can be used, if required by users.
4.1.4 When the instructions for use is translated from one language to another language,
authoritative language experts and technical experts shall complete the whole process
of translation, including review (8.6.5 in GB 5296.1-1997).
4.1.5 See 4.7.2, for the wording requirements on safety content in the instructions for
4.2 Principles of expression
4.2.1 The expression of the content of the instructions for use shall be scientific,
reasonable, in line with the operating procedures, so that users can quickly understand
and master it. For example: Instructions for use of fire extinguishers must ensure that
readers can understand and use them, in the shortest possible time.
4.2.2 For complex operating procedures, the instructions for use shall use diagrams,
charts, operating procedure diagrams to illustrate, so as to help users master it smoothly.
4.2.3 For the instructions for use of a product, which has several different and
independent functions, the basic and common functions of the product shall be
introduced first, then other functions shall be introduced.
4.2.4 Instructions for use shall try to imagine the problems that users may encounter,
such as the problems that the product may encounter at different times (seasons),
different locations, different environmental conditions, so as to provide prevention and
4.2.5 Concise titles and notes shall be used, to help users quickly find what they need.
4.5 Printing
4.5.1 The printed materials of the instructions for use shall be strong and durable, which
can ensure the availability of the instructions for use within the product life cycle.
4.5.2 The instructions for use for mass-produced stereotyped products shall generally
be printed with offset or lead printing.
4.5.3 The text, symbols, figures, tables, photos, etc. of the instructions for use shall be
clear and neat. If it is printed on both sides, the reading shall not be affected by reasons,
such as see-through.
4.5.4 The cover of the instructions for use shall have a name that can accurately identify
the product type (such as product model, designation, series, etc.), product name, words
of "instructions for use". Meanwhile, there shall be the name of the production or
manufacturing enterprise (factory name). In the instructions for use of the export
product, the word "People's Republic of China" shall be added before the name of the
4.5.5 The instructions for use must have the detailed address, zip code, telephone
number of the manufacturer, on the back cover or inside cover.
4.5.6 It is allowed to print photos, graphics, approved marks (such as registered
trademarks, factory logos, etc.) on the cover.
4.6 Text
4.6.1 The format of the instructions for use can be 64K, 32K, 16K; other formats can
be used if necessary.
4.6.2 Figures, tables, etc. are allowed to be lengthened horizontally; they may also be
lengthened vertically, if necessary. Large-format figures and tables in large quantities
can be bound separately.
4.6.3 The instructions for use can be single-page, folding-page or multi-page, according
to the content. Multiple pages shall be bound into a volume.
4.7 Safety warnings
4.7.1 The instructions for use shall give safety warnings for the contents related to safety.
4.7.2 The content of safety warnings shall be expressed in larger font size or different
fonts, OR emphasized with special symbols or colors.
4.7.3 For best results, the compilation of safety statements and safety warnings shall
consider the following points:
- Content and illustrations shall be concise;
- The location, content, form of safety warnings shall be conspicuous;
- Ensure that the user can see the danger warning, from the position of use when
using the product normally;
- Explain the nature of the injury (and, if necessary, the cause of the injury);
- Give clear instructions on how to do it correctly;
- Give clear instructions on how to avoid the hazard;
- The language, graphic symbols, illustrations used shall be clear and accurate;
- If safety and health explanations are required at the same time, safety explanations
shall be given priority;
- Remember that frequent repetition of warnings and false warnings can weaken the
effectiveness of necessary warnings.
4.7.4 The instructions for use must remind the user, according to the following levels
and warning words:
- "Danger" means to be alert to high danger;
- "Warning" means to be alert to moderate danger;
- "Caution" indicates attention to a minor danger.
4.7.5 For products with high and moderate dangers, the safety warning shall be
permanently installed in a conspicuous position of the product, so that users can clearly
see it, during the product's lifespan. The instructions for use shall point out the location
of safety warnings. to attract the attention of users.
4.7.6 In order to convey important information such as hazard warnings, standardized
terms and/or safety signs or pictorial symbols shall be used, at appropriate locations.
These terms and signs and their location requirements shall be specified in the
instructions for use.
4.7.7 The position of visible and audible warnings, the management and maintenance
of warning devices, safety protection products and equipment, etc. shall be stipulated
in the instructions for use.
4.8 Content arrangement
4.8.1 For the content arrangement of the instructions for use, the contents of appendix
A (Normative) can be added, deleted, arranged in a reasonable order, according to the
characteristics and use requirements of specific products.
Appendix A
Main contents of the instructions for use
A1 Overview
a) Product features;
b) Main purpose and scope of application (including scope of inapplicability, if
c) Types and specifications;
d) The composition of the model and its representative meaning;
e) Environmental conditions of use;
f) Working conditions;
g) Impact on the environment and energy;
h) Safety.
A2 Structural features and working principle
a) The overall structure and its working principle and working characteristics;
b) The structure, function, working principle of main components or functional units;
c) The electromechanical connection between each unit structure, the working
principle of the system, the fault alarm system;
d) Functional structure, working principle, working characteristics of auxiliary
A3 Technical features
a) Main performance;
b) Main parameters.
A4 Size, weight
a) Shape and installation dimensions (can be separated);
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GB 9969.1-1998: General principles for preparation of instructions for use of industrial products
GB 9969.1-1998
ICS 01.110
A 12
Replacing GB 9969.1-88
General principles for preparation of instructions for use of
industrial products
Issued by: State Bureau of Technical Supervision
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Basic requirements ... 4
4 Preparation of instructions for use ... 6
Appendix A (Normative) Main contents of the instructions for use ... 11
General principles for preparation of instructions for use of
industrial products
1 Scope
This standard stipulates the basic requirements and preparation methods of instructions
for use of industrial products (hereinafter referred to as instructions for use).
This standard is applicable to the preparation of instructions for use of non-consumable
industrial products.
Note: The preparation of instructions for use of industrial products is carried out in accordance
with GB 5296.1-1997 "Instructions for use of products of consumer interest - General
2 Normative references
Clauses contained in the following standards constitute the clauses of this standard by
being quoted in this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were
valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties using this standard shall explore
the possibility of using the latest editions of the standards listed below.
GB/T 1.1-1993 Directives for the work of standardization - Unit 1: Drafting and
presentation of standards - Part 1: General rules for drafting standards
GB 5296.1-1997 Instructions for use of products of consumer interest - General
3 Basic requirements
3.1 Instructions for use must be prepared when necessary. The instructions for use are
an integral part of the delivered product.
3.2 The instructions for use shall clearly state the purpose and scope of application of
the product, meanwhile give the main structure, performance, type, specification,
methods of correct lifting, installation, use, operation, maintenance, service, storage
according to the characteristics and needs of the product, as well as the safety measures
to protect operators and products. See Appendix A (Normative) for details.
3.3 For products related to the environment and energy, the instructions for use shall
specify the necessary content on environmental protection and energy conservation.
3.4 For products that are flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive, or radioactive, the
instructions for use shall include precautions, protective measures, emergency
treatment methods in case of accidents.
3.5 When the product structure, performance, etc. are changed, the relevant content of
the instructions for use must be revised, in a timely manner according to the prescribed
procedures. Manufacturers shall provide users with instructions for use corresponding
to the products.
3.6 The instructions for use can be prepared, according to the product model, OR
according to the product series and complete sets of products. When compiling by series
and complete sets of products, the parts with different contents and parameters must be
clearly distinguished.
For complex products and complete sets of equipment, instructions for use can be
prepared separately for functional units and complete machines, then combined into
system instructions for use, according to product models and uses.
3.7 For the material products, such as metallurgy, minerals, building materials,
chemicals, as well as components and other products used in supporting OEM, if the
technical documents such as quality certificates and product manuals can meet the
needs of users for the instructions for use, they can be used instead of the instructions
for use.
3.8 For products that require safety restrictions or have a valid period, it shall provide
the production date, validity period and storage period of the product.
3.9 The publication date of the instructions for use shall be indicated (4.10 in GB
3.10 The instructions for use shall be consistent with the information about the same
product, which is issued by the producer and manufacturer, such as the content on the
advertisement or package (4.11 in GB 5296.1-1997).
3.11 When necessary, it shall be marked on the package or the cover of the instructions
for use: "Please read the instructions for use before installing and using the product"
(4.12 in GB 5296.1-1997).
3.12 The instructions for use shall indicate the serial number of the standard
implemented by the product AND the production license number; the certification mark
may be marked.
4 Preparation of instructions for use
4.1 Text, language
4.1.1 Industrial products for domestic users must provide instructions for uses in
Chinese. Instructions for use, in Chinese and other languages, can also be provided as
needed. At this time, the position of the Chinese instructions shall be eye-catching and
4.1.2 Industrial products for export must provide instructions for use, which are written
in the official language of the sales area. When it is necessary to provide instructions
for use in more than one language, the various languages shall be clearly distinguished.
4.1.3 The instructions for use shall use the simplified Chinese characters, which are
officially promulgated and implemented by the State Council. For the instructions for
uses for products, which are sold abroad or in Macao and Taiwan, traditional Chinese
characters can be used, if required by users.
4.1.4 When the instructions for use is translated from one language to another language,
authoritative language experts and technical experts shall complete the whole process
of translation, including review (8.6.5 in GB 5296.1-1997).
4.1.5 See 4.7.2, for the wording requirements on safety content in the instructions for
4.2 Principles of expression
4.2.1 The expression of the content of the instructions for use shall be scientific,
reasonable, in line with the operating procedures, so that users can quickly understand
and master it. For example: Instructions for use of fire extinguishers must ensure that
readers can understand and use them, in the shortest possible time.
4.2.2 For complex operating procedures, the instructions for use shall use diagrams,
charts, operating procedure diagrams to illustrate, so as to help users master it smoothly.
4.2.3 For the instructions for use of a product, which has several different and
independent functions, the basic and common functions of the product shall be
introduced first, then other functions shall be introduced.
4.2.4 Instructions for use shall try to imagine the problems that users may encounter,
such as the problems that the product may encounter at different times (seasons),
different locations, different environmental conditions, so as to provide prevention and
4.2.5 Concise titles and notes shall be used, to help users quickly find what they need.
4.5 Printing
4.5.1 The printed materials of the instructions for use shall be strong and durable, which
can ensure the availability of the instructions for use within the product life cycle.
4.5.2 The instructions for use for mass-produced stereotyped products shall generally
be printed with offset or lead printing.
4.5.3 The text, symbols, figures, tables, photos, etc. of the instructions for use shall be
clear and neat. If it is printed on both sides, the reading shall not be affected by reasons,
such as see-through.
4.5.4 The cover of the instructions for use shall have a name that can accurately identify
the product type (such as product model, designation, series, etc.), product name, words
of "instructions for use". Meanwhile, there shall be the name of the production or
manufacturing enterprise (factory name). In the instructions for use of the export
product, the word "People's Republic of China" shall be added before the name of the
4.5.5 The instructions for use must have the detailed address, zip code, telephone
number of the manufacturer, on the back cover or inside cover.
4.5.6 It is allowed to print photos, graphics, approved marks (such as registered
trademarks, factory logos, etc.) on the cover.
4.6 Text
4.6.1 The format of the instructions for use can be 64K, 32K, 16K; other formats can
be used if necessary.
4.6.2 Figures, tables, etc. are allowed to be lengthened horizontally; they may also be
lengthened vertically, if necessary. Large-format figures and tables in large quantities
can be bound separately.
4.6.3 The instructions for use can be single-page, folding-page or multi-page, according
to the content. Multiple pages shall be bound into a volume.
4.7 Safety warnings
4.7.1 The instructions for use shall give safety warnings for the contents related to safety.
4.7.2 The content of safety warnings shall be expressed in larger font size or different
fonts, OR emphasized with special symbols or colors.
4.7.3 For best results, the compilation of safety statements and safety warnings shall
consider the following points:
- Content and illustrations shall be concise;
- The location, content, form of safety warnings shall be conspicuous;
- Ensure that the user can see the danger warning, from the position of use when
using the product normally;
- Explain the nature of the injury (and, if necessary, the cause of the injury);
- Give clear instructions on how to do it correctly;
- Give clear instructions on how to avoid the hazard;
- The language, graphic symbols, illustrations used shall be clear and accurate;
- If safety and health explanations are required at the same time, safety explanations
shall be given priority;
- Remember that frequent repetition of warnings and false warnings can weaken the
effectiveness of necessary warnings.
4.7.4 The instructions for use must remind the user, according to the following levels
and warning words:
- "Danger" means to be alert to high danger;
- "Warning" means to be alert to moderate danger;
- "Caution" indicates attention to a minor danger.
4.7.5 For products with high and moderate dangers, the safety warning shall be
permanently installed in a conspicuous position of the product, so that users can clearly
see it, during the product's lifespan. The instructions for use shall point out the location
of safety warnings. to attract the attention of users.
4.7.6 In order to convey important information such as hazard warnings, standardized
terms and/or safety signs or pictorial symbols shall be used, at appropriate locations.
These terms and signs and their location requirements shall be specified in the
instructions for use.
4.7.7 The position of visible and audible warnings, the management and maintenance
of warning devices, safety protection products and equipment, etc. shall be stipulated
in the instructions for use.
4.8 Content arrangement
4.8.1 For the content arrangement of the instructions for use, the contents of appendix
A (Normative) can be added, deleted, arranged in a reasonable order, according to the
characteristics and use requirements of specific products.
Appendix A
Main contents of the instructions for use
A1 Overview
a) Product features;
b) Main purpose and scope of application (including scope of inapplicability, if
c) Types and specifications;
d) The composition of the model and its representative meaning;
e) Environmental conditions of use;
f) Working conditions;
g) Impact on the environment and energy;
h) Safety.
A2 Structural features and working principle
a) The overall structure and its working principle and working characteristics;
b) The structure, function, working principle of main components or functional units;
c) The electromechanical connection between each unit structure, the working
principle of the system, the fault alarm system;
d) Functional structure, working principle, working characteristics of auxiliary
A3 Technical features
a) Main performance;
b) Main parameters.
A4 Size, weight
a) Shape and installation dimensions (can be separated);