GB 10765-2010 English PDF (GB10765-2010)
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GB 10765-2010: National food safety standard -- Infant formula
GB 10765-2010
National Food Safety Standard
Infant Formula
Issued by. Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China
Table of Contents
1 Scope ... 3
2 Normative references ... 3
3 Terms and Definitions ... 3
4 Technical requirements ... 3
5 Others ... 9
Annex A ... 10
Annex B ... 11
National Food Safety Standard
Infant Formula
1 Scope
This Standard is applicable to infant formula.
2 Normative references
Documents referenced in this Standard are indispensable for application of this Standard.
For dated references, only the dated edition is applicable to this Standard. For undated
references, the latest edition (including all amendments) is applicable to this Standard.
3 Terms and Definitions
3.1 Infants
Babies at the age of 0 - 12 months.
3.2 Infant formula
3.2.1 Milk-based infant formula. It refers to the liquid or powdered products that are made
mainly from milk and milk protein products, with addition of adequate amount of vitamins,
mineral substances and/or other ingredients, and produced and processed by physical
methods only, suitable for normal infants. Their energy and nutrition ingredients can meet
normal nutritional requirements of infants 0 - 6 months.
3.2.2 Soybean-based infant formula. It refers to the liquid or powdered products that are made
mainly from soybean and soybean protein products, with addition of adequate amount of
vitamins, mineral substances and/or other ingredients, and produced and processed by
physical methods only, suitable for normal infants. Its energy and nutrition ingredients can
meet normal nutritional requirements of infants 0 - 6 months.
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Requirements for raw materials
Raw materials used in the products shall conform to appropriate safety standards and/or
related regulations. It shall ensure the safety of infants and satisfy nutritional requirements.
And it shall not contain substances harmful to nutrition and health of infants.
Raw materials and food additives used shall not contain glutelin.
Hydrogenated oil and fat shall not be used.
Radiation-treated raw materials shall not be used.
4.2 Sensory requirements. It shall comply with the provisions in Table 1.
5 Others
5.1 Label
5.1.1 Product labels shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB 13432. The content “per
100 kJ” shall be additionally labelled for content labelling of nutrients and optional
5.1.2 Labels shall clearly indicate category, attribute (e.g. milk-based and/or soybean-based
products and product status) and applicable age of the products. Formula for infants at the
age more than 6 months shall be labelled with “Complementary food shall be added for
infants older than 6 months”.
5.1.3 Infant formula shall be labelled with “The ideal food for babies at the age of 0 – 6 months
is breast milk. This product can be used in case of lack or loss of breast milk”.
5.1.4 Labels must not have the images of infants and women. It must not use “Humanized” or
approximate terminology.
5.2 Instructions for use
5.2.1 Use and preparation guidance, illustrations and storage conditions of products shall be
clearly stated on the labels. Illustrations may not be marked when the maximum surface
area of packages is less than 100 cm2 or the product weight is less than 100 g.
5.2.2 Guidance shall give warning explanation on health hazards caused by improper preparation
and use.
5.3 Package
Carbon dioxide and (or) nitrogen at food grade or those whose purity is not less than
99.9% may be taken as a packaging medium.
B.6 L-Lysine
B.6.1 Name and source
Name. L-histidine α-amino-β – imidazolyl propionic acid
Source. non-animal derived raw-material
B.6.2 Chemical structure, molecular formula and molecular weight
Chemical structure.
Molecular formula. C6H9N3O2
Molecular weight. 155.15
B.6.3 Physiochemical properties. White crystal free-flowing or crystalline powder
B.6.4 Physiochemical indexes. It shall comply with the provisions in Table B.6.
Table B.6 Physical and chemical indexes of L-histidine
Item Index
Specific rotation [α] / (D20) 11.5 – 13.5
Content (based on dry substances) / (%) ≥ 98.5
Moisture / (%) ≤ 0.2
pH value 7.0-8.5
Ash content / (%) ≤ 0.2
Lead (based on Pb) / (mg/kg) ≤ 0.3
Arsenic (based on As) / (mg/kg) ≤ 0.2
Newer version: (Delivered in 3 seconds) GB 10765-2021
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Historical versions (Master-website): GB 10765-2021
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GB 10765-2010: National food safety standard -- Infant formula
GB 10765-2010
National Food Safety Standard
Infant Formula
Issued by. Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China
Table of Contents
1 Scope ... 3
2 Normative references ... 3
3 Terms and Definitions ... 3
4 Technical requirements ... 3
5 Others ... 9
Annex A ... 10
Annex B ... 11
National Food Safety Standard
Infant Formula
1 Scope
This Standard is applicable to infant formula.
2 Normative references
Documents referenced in this Standard are indispensable for application of this Standard.
For dated references, only the dated edition is applicable to this Standard. For undated
references, the latest edition (including all amendments) is applicable to this Standard.
3 Terms and Definitions
3.1 Infants
Babies at the age of 0 - 12 months.
3.2 Infant formula
3.2.1 Milk-based infant formula. It refers to the liquid or powdered products that are made
mainly from milk and milk protein products, with addition of adequate amount of vitamins,
mineral substances and/or other ingredients, and produced and processed by physical
methods only, suitable for normal infants. Their energy and nutrition ingredients can meet
normal nutritional requirements of infants 0 - 6 months.
3.2.2 Soybean-based infant formula. It refers to the liquid or powdered products that are made
mainly from soybean and soybean protein products, with addition of adequate amount of
vitamins, mineral substances and/or other ingredients, and produced and processed by
physical methods only, suitable for normal infants. Its energy and nutrition ingredients can
meet normal nutritional requirements of infants 0 - 6 months.
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Requirements for raw materials
Raw materials used in the products shall conform to appropriate safety standards and/or
related regulations. It shall ensure the safety of infants and satisfy nutritional requirements.
And it shall not contain substances harmful to nutrition and health of infants.
Raw materials and food additives used shall not contain glutelin.
Hydrogenated oil and fat shall not be used.
Radiation-treated raw materials shall not be used.
4.2 Sensory requirements. It shall comply with the provisions in Table 1.
5 Others
5.1 Label
5.1.1 Product labels shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB 13432. The content “per
100 kJ” shall be additionally labelled for content labelling of nutrients and optional
5.1.2 Labels shall clearly indicate category, attribute (e.g. milk-based and/or soybean-based
products and product status) and applicable age of the products. Formula for infants at the
age more than 6 months shall be labelled with “Complementary food shall be added for
infants older than 6 months”.
5.1.3 Infant formula shall be labelled with “The ideal food for babies at the age of 0 – 6 months
is breast milk. This product can be used in case of lack or loss of breast milk”.
5.1.4 Labels must not have the images of infants and women. It must not use “Humanized” or
approximate terminology.
5.2 Instructions for use
5.2.1 Use and preparation guidance, illustrations and storage conditions of products shall be
clearly stated on the labels. Illustrations may not be marked when the maximum surface
area of packages is less than 100 cm2 or the product weight is less than 100 g.
5.2.2 Guidance shall give warning explanation on health hazards caused by improper preparation
and use.
5.3 Package
Carbon dioxide and (or) nitrogen at food grade or those whose purity is not less than
99.9% may be taken as a packaging medium.
B.6 L-Lysine
B.6.1 Name and source
Name. L-histidine α-amino-β – imidazolyl propionic acid
Source. non-animal derived raw-material
B.6.2 Chemical structure, molecular formula and molecular weight
Chemical structure.
Molecular formula. C6H9N3O2
Molecular weight. 155.15
B.6.3 Physiochemical properties. White crystal free-flowing or crystalline powder
B.6.4 Physiochemical indexes. It shall comply with the provisions in Table B.6.
Table B.6 Physical and chemical indexes of L-histidine
Item Index
Specific rotation [α] / (D20) 11.5 – 13.5
Content (based on dry substances) / (%) ≥ 98.5
Moisture / (%) ≤ 0.2
pH value 7.0-8.5
Ash content / (%) ≤ 0.2
Lead (based on Pb) / (mg/kg) ≤ 0.3
Arsenic (based on As) / (mg/kg) ≤ 0.2