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GB 20941-2016: Good manufacturing practice for fish products processing factory
GB 20941-2016
National Food Safety Standard ?€?
Production Hygienic Code for Aquatic Products
Issued by. National Health and Family Planning Commission of PRC;
China Food and Drug Administration
3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically and
immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Terms and Definitions ... 4
3 Site Location and Factory Environment ... 4
4 Factory and workshop ... 5
5 Facilities and Devices ... 5
6 Hygienic Management ... 7
7 Raw Materials, Food Additives and Relevant Food Products ... 8
8 Food Safety Control during the Processing Period ... 9
9 Inspection ... 11
10 Storage and Transportation of Aquatic Products ... 12
11 Product Recall Management ... 12
12 Training ... 12
13 Management System and Personnel ... 12
14 Record and Document Management ... 12
Appendix A Guidelines for Microbial Monitoring Procedures during the
Processing Period of Aquatic Products ... 13
This Standard replaced GB/T 20941-2007 Good Manufacturing Practice for Fish
Products Processing Factory, and GB/T 23871-2009 Code of Hygienic Practice for
Fish and Fishery Products Processing Establishment.
Compared with GB/T 20941-2007, and GB/T 23871-2009, this Standard has the major
changes as follows.
--- Modify the standard name as ?€?National Food Safety Standard ?€? Production
Hygienic Code for Aquatic Products?€?;
--- Modify the standard structure;
--- Modify the standard scope;
--- Modify and supplement the terms and definitions;
--- Emphasize the food safety control requirements against the whole production
process of aquatic products like the raw materials, processing, and products
storage and transportation; and make the major measures to control the
biological, chemical and physical contamination;
--- Add Appendix A ?€?Guidelines for Microbial Monitoring Procedures during the
Processing Period of Aquatic Products?€?.
National Food Safety Standard ?€?
Production Hygienic Code for Aquatic Products
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the basic requirements and management principles for the site,
facilities, personnel in the raw materials purchasing, accepting, processing, packaging,
storing, transporting, and the like links.
This Standard is applicable to the production of aquatic products.
2 Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions in GB 14881-2013 are applicable to this Standard.
2.1 Aquatic products
The processed food with fish, shrimp and crabs, cephalopods, shellfish, echinoderms,
cavity intestines, algae and other edible aquatic organisms as the main raw materials.
2.2 Temporary culture
The operation process that the living aquatic products are put in clean water to breed
for a certain time.
2.3 Shellfish purification
The process of capturing the live shellfish from the area consistent with the fishery
industry water quality standard, then put into the natural or artificial clean seawater for
a period of time, so that reduce the number of microbes in the shellfish body.
3 Site Location and Factory Environment
3.1 Site location
It shall conform to the provisions of 3.1 stipulated in GB 14881-2013.
3.2 Factory environment
3.2.1 It shall conform to the provisions of 3.2 stipulated in GB 14881-2013.
7 Raw Materials, Food Additives and Relevant Food
7.1 General requirements
It shall conform to the provisions of 7.1 stipulated in GB 14881-2013.
7.2 Raw materials
7.2.1 It shall conform to the provisions of 7.2 stipulated in GB 14881-2013.
7.2.2 All raw materials come from the waters that meet the requirements of relevant
national standards.
7.2.3 The water quality for temporarily culturing and transporting of seawater aquatic
products and freshwater aquatic products shall meet the requirements of relevant
national standards.
7.2.4 The raw materials of animal aquatic products shall meet the requirements of
GB 2733; while the raw materials of algae products shall meet the requirements of GB
7.2.5 The raw materials of aquatic products taking aquatic animal viscera, eggs, skin,
fins, scales, bones, shells, and other non-muscle tissue shall meet the requirements
of GB 2733.
7.2.6 The dead eel, crayfish, crab, shellfish shall not be used as the raw materials for
production and processing.
7.2.7 If necessary, purify the Bivalve.
7.2.8 Detect the toxins in the Bivalve, puffer fish and other aquatic product raw
materials with biological toxins; accept and treat as per relevant provisions; so that
ensure the safety of the raw materials.
7.2.9 When eating the raw aquatic product raw materials, the pathogens, virus,
parasites and eggs shall be detected.
7.3 Food additives
7.3.1 It shall conform to the provisions of 7.3 stipulated in GB 14881-2013.
7.3.2 The use the food additives shall meet the requirements of GB 2760.
7.4 Food related products
implemented as per the requirements of Appendix A; if necessary, establish the
pathogen monitoring procedure during the processing period of aquatic products. When the monitoring index of aquatic products at the end of the production
line is abnormal, increase the sampling frequency of the environmental microbial
monitoring; meanwhile properly increase the sampling points as per the situation, and
take proper corrective measures. The working procedure or site that has the temperature control
requirements shall install temperature indicator. The operation that has the requirements for using steam shall guarantee
the adequate pressure and steam supply. The thawing time and temperature of raw materials of aquatic products
shall be strictly controlled. Microbial control of aquatic products with different processes Refrigerated aquatic products The processing workshop shall take the cooling measures. The processed aquatic products shall be moved to the refrigerated
environment as soon as possible, and the refrigerated room shall be equipped with
temperature indicator. Frozen aquatic products Determine the freezing time and freezing temperature according to the
natural state of aquatic products such as thickness, shape, production quantity and the
like characteristics; ensure to form strip through the maximum ice crystal as soon as
possible. When eating the raw aquatic products, ensure the adequate cold
treatment; so that ensure to kill the parasites that are harmful to the human. When products are packaged after freezing, the package operation shall
be performed in the environment where the temperature is controllable; so that ensure
the center temperature of frozen product to be lower than -18??C. Dry aquatic products The pest control and dust treatment shall be done during the drying
process. The dry products shall strictly control the dry time, dry temperature,
ambient humidity, so as to ensure the moisture activity of the dry products is within the
10 Storage and Transportation of Aquatic Products
10.1 General requirements
It shall conform to the relevant provisions of Clause 10 stipulated in GB 14881-2013.
10.2 Storage
10.2.1 The products in the warehouse shall keep a certain distance from the wall,
floor and ceiling; store in different stacks; and mark clearly.
10.2.2 The interior storage warehouse shall maintain clean, tidy; and meet the
requirements of food hygiene.
10.2.3 The temperature and humidity of storage warehouse shall meet the
requirements of product characteristics. The refrigerated warehouse temperature shall
be controlled at 0??C~4??C; while the frozen warehouse temperature shall be controlled
at -18??C below.
10.3 Transportation
During the transporting process, the refrigerated aquatic products and frozen aquatic
products shall take the heat-insulating and cooling measures; try to shorten the
transportation time and reduce the temperature fluctuation.
11 Product Recall Management
It shall conform to the relevant provisions of Clause 11 stipulated in GB 14881-2013.
12 Training
It shall conform to the relevant provisions of Clause 12 stipulated in GB 14881-2013.
13 Management System and Personnel
It shall conform to the relevant provisions of Clause 13 stipulated in GB 14881-2013.
14 Record and Document Management
It shall conform to the relevant provisions of Clause 14 stipulated in GB 14881-2013.
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GB 20941-2016: Good manufacturing practice for fish products processing factory
GB 20941-2016
National Food Safety Standard ?€?
Production Hygienic Code for Aquatic Products
Issued by. National Health and Family Planning Commission of PRC;
China Food and Drug Administration
3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically and
immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Terms and Definitions ... 4
3 Site Location and Factory Environment ... 4
4 Factory and workshop ... 5
5 Facilities and Devices ... 5
6 Hygienic Management ... 7
7 Raw Materials, Food Additives and Relevant Food Products ... 8
8 Food Safety Control during the Processing Period ... 9
9 Inspection ... 11
10 Storage and Transportation of Aquatic Products ... 12
11 Product Recall Management ... 12
12 Training ... 12
13 Management System and Personnel ... 12
14 Record and Document Management ... 12
Appendix A Guidelines for Microbial Monitoring Procedures during the
Processing Period of Aquatic Products ... 13
This Standard replaced GB/T 20941-2007 Good Manufacturing Practice for Fish
Products Processing Factory, and GB/T 23871-2009 Code of Hygienic Practice for
Fish and Fishery Products Processing Establishment.
Compared with GB/T 20941-2007, and GB/T 23871-2009, this Standard has the major
changes as follows.
--- Modify the standard name as ?€?National Food Safety Standard ?€? Production
Hygienic Code for Aquatic Products?€?;
--- Modify the standard structure;
--- Modify the standard scope;
--- Modify and supplement the terms and definitions;
--- Emphasize the food safety control requirements against the whole production
process of aquatic products like the raw materials, processing, and products
storage and transportation; and make the major measures to control the
biological, chemical and physical contamination;
--- Add Appendix A ?€?Guidelines for Microbial Monitoring Procedures during the
Processing Period of Aquatic Products?€?.
National Food Safety Standard ?€?
Production Hygienic Code for Aquatic Products
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the basic requirements and management principles for the site,
facilities, personnel in the raw materials purchasing, accepting, processing, packaging,
storing, transporting, and the like links.
This Standard is applicable to the production of aquatic products.
2 Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions in GB 14881-2013 are applicable to this Standard.
2.1 Aquatic products
The processed food with fish, shrimp and crabs, cephalopods, shellfish, echinoderms,
cavity intestines, algae and other edible aquatic organisms as the main raw materials.
2.2 Temporary culture
The operation process that the living aquatic products are put in clean water to breed
for a certain time.
2.3 Shellfish purification
The process of capturing the live shellfish from the area consistent with the fishery
industry water quality standard, then put into the natural or artificial clean seawater for
a period of time, so that reduce the number of microbes in the shellfish body.
3 Site Location and Factory Environment
3.1 Site location
It shall conform to the provisions of 3.1 stipulated in GB 14881-2013.
3.2 Factory environment
3.2.1 It shall conform to the provisions of 3.2 stipulated in GB 14881-2013.
7 Raw Materials, Food Additives and Relevant Food
7.1 General requirements
It shall conform to the provisions of 7.1 stipulated in GB 14881-2013.
7.2 Raw materials
7.2.1 It shall conform to the provisions of 7.2 stipulated in GB 14881-2013.
7.2.2 All raw materials come from the waters that meet the requirements of relevant
national standards.
7.2.3 The water quality for temporarily culturing and transporting of seawater aquatic
products and freshwater aquatic products shall meet the requirements of relevant
national standards.
7.2.4 The raw materials of animal aquatic products shall meet the requirements of
GB 2733; while the raw materials of algae products shall meet the requirements of GB
7.2.5 The raw materials of aquatic products taking aquatic animal viscera, eggs, skin,
fins, scales, bones, shells, and other non-muscle tissue shall meet the requirements
of GB 2733.
7.2.6 The dead eel, crayfish, crab, shellfish shall not be used as the raw materials for
production and processing.
7.2.7 If necessary, purify the Bivalve.
7.2.8 Detect the toxins in the Bivalve, puffer fish and other aquatic product raw
materials with biological toxins; accept and treat as per relevant provisions; so that
ensure the safety of the raw materials.
7.2.9 When eating the raw aquatic product raw materials, the pathogens, virus,
parasites and eggs shall be detected.
7.3 Food additives
7.3.1 It shall conform to the provisions of 7.3 stipulated in GB 14881-2013.
7.3.2 The use the food additives shall meet the requirements of GB 2760.
7.4 Food related products
implemented as per the requirements of Appendix A; if necessary, establish the
pathogen monitoring procedure during the processing period of aquatic products. When the monitoring index of aquatic products at the end of the production
line is abnormal, increase the sampling frequency of the environmental microbial
monitoring; meanwhile properly increase the sampling points as per the situation, and
take proper corrective measures. The working procedure or site that has the temperature control
requirements shall install temperature indicator. The operation that has the requirements for using steam shall guarantee
the adequate pressure and steam supply. The thawing time and temperature of raw materials of aquatic products
shall be strictly controlled. Microbial control of aquatic products with different processes Refrigerated aquatic products The processing workshop shall take the cooling measures. The processed aquatic products shall be moved to the refrigerated
environment as soon as possible, and the refrigerated room shall be equipped with
temperature indicator. Frozen aquatic products Determine the freezing time and freezing temperature according to the
natural state of aquatic products such as thickness, shape, production quantity and the
like characteristics; ensure to form strip through the maximum ice crystal as soon as
possible. When eating the raw aquatic products, ensure the adequate cold
treatment; so that ensure to kill the parasites that are harmful to the human. When products are packaged after freezing, the package operation shall
be performed in the environment where the temperature is controllable; so that ensure
the center temperature of frozen product to be lower than -18??C. Dry aquatic products The pest control and dust treatment shall be done during the drying
process. The dry products shall strictly control the dry time, dry temperature,
ambient humidity, so as to ensure the moisture activity of the dry products is within the
10 Storage and Transportation of Aquatic Products
10.1 General requirements
It shall conform to the relevant provisions of Clause 10 stipulated in GB 14881-2013.
10.2 Storage
10.2.1 The products in the warehouse shall keep a certain distance from the wall,
floor and ceiling; store in different stacks; and mark clearly.
10.2.2 The interior storage warehouse shall maintain clean, tidy; and meet the
requirements of food hygiene.
10.2.3 The temperature and humidity of storage warehouse shall meet the
requirements of product characteristics. The refrigerated warehouse temperature shall
be controlled at 0??C~4??C; while the frozen warehouse temperature shall be controlled
at -18??C below.
10.3 Transportation
During the transporting process, the refrigerated aquatic products and frozen aquatic
products shall take the heat-insulating and cooling measures; try to shorten the
transportation time and reduce the temperature fluctuation.
11 Product Recall Management
It shall conform to the relevant provisions of Clause 11 stipulated in GB 14881-2013.
12 Training
It shall conform to the relevant provisions of Clause 12 stipulated in GB 14881-2013.
13 Management System and Personnel
It shall conform to the relevant provisions of Clause 13 stipulated in GB 14881-2013.
14 Record and Document Management
It shall conform to the relevant provisions of Clause 14 stipulated in GB 14881-2013.