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SL 470-2010: Basic parameters and technical requirements for irrigation filters
SL 470-2010
ICS 65.060.35
B 91
Basic Parameters and Technical
Requirements for Irrigation Filters
Issued by. Ministry of Water Resource of the People’s Republic of China
The Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China
Announcement on Approval of Issuing Professional Standard for
Irrigation Works
[2010] No. 6
The Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China approves "Basic
Parameters and Technical Requirements for Irrigation Filters" (SL 470-2010) as the
professional standard for irrigation works and herein publish.
SN Standard name Standard
Alternate standard
1 Basic Parameters and
Technical Requirements for
Irrigation Filters
2010.02.02 20l0.05.02
Table of Contents
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative References ... 5
3 Terms and Definitions ... 5
4 Classification ... 8
5 Model ... 8
6 Marking ... 9
7 Basic Requirements ... 10
7.1 Appearance ... 10
7.2 Material ... 10
7.3 Technology ... 10
8 Sampling and Acceptance Rules ... 11
8.1 Sampling Method ... 11
8.2 Acceptance Rule ... 11
9 Test Conditions ... 13
10 Test Methods and Technical Requirements ... 13
10.1 Screen Filter ... 13
10.2 Centrifugal Filter (Hydro-cyclone Sand Separator) ... 16
10.3 Sand Media Filter ... 16
10.4 Disc Filter ... 17
10.5 Self-flushing Property Test for Self Cleaning Filter ... 17
This standard is prepared according to the provisions specified in "Directives for
Standardization - Part 1. Structure and Drafting of Standards" (GB/T 1.1-2009).
This standard was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of The Ministry of Water
Resources of the People's Republic of China.
This standard was approved by. The Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of
This standard was presided by. Department of Rural Water Resources for the Ministry of
Water Resources of the People's Republic of China.
This standard shall be interpreted by. Department of Rural Water Resources for the Ministry
of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China.
Chief development organization of this standard. China Irrigation and Drainage Development
Participating development organizations of this standard. China Institute of Water Resources
and Hydropower Research, China Agricultural University, Farmland Irrigation Research
Institute of The Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China, Wuhan
University, and Beijing Water Resources and Hydropower Technique Center.
Publishing and issuing organization of this standard. China Water Power Press.
Chief drafting staffs of this standard. Yao Bin, Gong Shihong, Li Guangyong, Zhai Guoliang,
Guo Zhixin, Wang Liuyun, Dong Wenchu, and Tian Jinxia.
Review conference technical principal of this standard. Xu Maoyun.
Stylistic rules and layout format examiner of this standard. Cao Yang.
Basic Parameters and Technical Requirements for
Irrigation Filters
1 Scope
This standard specifies basic parameters and technical requirements for screen filters,
centrifugal filters (hydro-cyclone sand separators), sand media filters and disc filters.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.
For dated reference, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the normative document (including any amendment) applies.
GB 150 "Steel Pressure Vessels"
GB/T 2828 "Sampling Procedures and Tables for Lot-by-lot Inspection by Attributes
(Apply to Inspection of Successive Lots or Batches)"
GB/T 7306.1 Pipe Threads with 55 Degree Thread Angle Where Pressure-tight Joints
Are Made on the Threads - Part 1. Parallel Internal and Taper External Threads (eqv
ISO 7-1. 1994)
GB/T 7306.2 Pipe Threads with 55 Degree Thread Angle Where Pressure-tight Joints
Are Made on the Threads - Part 2. Taper Internal and External Threads (eqv ISO 7-1.
GB/T 9112~9124 "Steel Pipe Flanges"
GB/T 18690.2 "Agricultural Irrigation Equipment - Filters - Strainer-type Filters"
GB/T 18690.3 "Agricultural Irrigation Equipment - Filters - Automatic Self-cleaning
Strainer-type Filters"
JB/T 2932 "Specification for Water Treatment Equipment"
3 Terms and Definitions
The process to remove impurities possibly blocking the irrigation system from water.
Filter media
Porous and penetrable substances or materials for intercepting impurities in water.
Filter element
The assembly installed in the filter and used for intercepting and separating impurities in
Filter housing
The container for containing filter media or filter element.
Screen filter
The filter regarding screen as the filter media.
Hydro-cyclone sand separator centrifugal separation
Also known as hydro-cyclone sand separator, i.e. the filter for separating solid particles from
water by way of cyclone.
Sand media filter
The filter regarding naturally or artificially synthesized sand or gravel as the filter media.
Disc filter
The filter regarding overlapped plastic sheet with fine groove on the surface as the filter
Flushing control system
The system for controlling filter flushing in accordance with the combination of one or
several physical quantities like pressure drop, filtration time and filtration water volume.
Flushing pressure differential
The artificial pressure differential between upstream and downstream in case of starting filter
flushing cycle.
Minimum working pressure
The minimum working pressure that can ensure the filter to exert normal function.
Flushing water volume
The water volume discharged from the filter in one flushing process.
4 Classification
4.1 Classified by filtration principle
It is divided into screen filter, centrifugal filter (hydro-cyclone sand separator), sand media
filter, and disc filter.
4.2 Classified by nominal pressure grade
It is divided into 5 grades - 0.25MPa, 0.4MPa, 0.6MPa, 1.0Mpa, and 1.6MPa.
5 Model
5.1 The model of screen filter can be expressed as follows.
Basic size of mesh opening (mesh)
Nominal pressure (MPa)
Nominal flow rate of filtration
Nominal size (mm)
Produce name code
f) Effective size of perforation, or its equivalent filtration mesh number;
g) Production date or serial number.
7 Basic Requirements
7.1 Appearance
7.1.1 Both internal and external surfaces of the metal filter housing shall be subjected to rust
prevention treatment. Weld and the surface of its heat affected zone shall be free from defects
like crack, pore, arc crater, and macroscopic slag. The rust prevention layer shall be complete
and scratch-less, and tightly and firmly combined with base metal.
7.1.2 The surface of plastic filter housing shall be uniform in color. Its internal and external
walls shall be level and free from crack, obvious depression and groove. And both sprue and
flash shall be level and even.
7.1.3 The screen filter shall be reliably connected and scratch-less. And the filter screen grid
shall be uniform, level, smooth and clean.
7.2 Material
7.2.1 Filter's plastic parts exposed to the air shall contain anti-ultraviolet additives. And the
filter housing shall be light-tight.
7.2.2 Filter spare parts exposed to water shall be nontoxic. And the filter media shall be
solid, abrasion resistant, corrosion resistant, and capable of adapting to the working
7.3 Technology
7.3.1 The filter shall be such designed to ensure tha...
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SL 470-2010: Basic parameters and technical requirements for irrigation filters
SL 470-2010
ICS 65.060.35
B 91
Basic Parameters and Technical
Requirements for Irrigation Filters
Issued by. Ministry of Water Resource of the People’s Republic of China
The Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China
Announcement on Approval of Issuing Professional Standard for
Irrigation Works
[2010] No. 6
The Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China approves "Basic
Parameters and Technical Requirements for Irrigation Filters" (SL 470-2010) as the
professional standard for irrigation works and herein publish.
SN Standard name Standard
Alternate standard
1 Basic Parameters and
Technical Requirements for
Irrigation Filters
2010.02.02 20l0.05.02
Table of Contents
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative References ... 5
3 Terms and Definitions ... 5
4 Classification ... 8
5 Model ... 8
6 Marking ... 9
7 Basic Requirements ... 10
7.1 Appearance ... 10
7.2 Material ... 10
7.3 Technology ... 10
8 Sampling and Acceptance Rules ... 11
8.1 Sampling Method ... 11
8.2 Acceptance Rule ... 11
9 Test Conditions ... 13
10 Test Methods and Technical Requirements ... 13
10.1 Screen Filter ... 13
10.2 Centrifugal Filter (Hydro-cyclone Sand Separator) ... 16
10.3 Sand Media Filter ... 16
10.4 Disc Filter ... 17
10.5 Self-flushing Property Test for Self Cleaning Filter ... 17
This standard is prepared according to the provisions specified in "Directives for
Standardization - Part 1. Structure and Drafting of Standards" (GB/T 1.1-2009).
This standard was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of The Ministry of Water
Resources of the People's Republic of China.
This standard was approved by. The Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of
This standard was presided by. Department of Rural Water Resources for the Ministry of
Water Resources of the People's Republic of China.
This standard shall be interpreted by. Department of Rural Water Resources for the Ministry
of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China.
Chief development organization of this standard. China Irrigation and Drainage Development
Participating development organizations of this standard. China Institute of Water Resources
and Hydropower Research, China Agricultural University, Farmland Irrigation Research
Institute of The Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China, Wuhan
University, and Beijing Water Resources and Hydropower Technique Center.
Publishing and issuing organization of this standard. China Water Power Press.
Chief drafting staffs of this standard. Yao Bin, Gong Shihong, Li Guangyong, Zhai Guoliang,
Guo Zhixin, Wang Liuyun, Dong Wenchu, and Tian Jinxia.
Review conference technical principal of this standard. Xu Maoyun.
Stylistic rules and layout format examiner of this standard. Cao Yang.
Basic Parameters and Technical Requirements for
Irrigation Filters
1 Scope
This standard specifies basic parameters and technical requirements for screen filters,
centrifugal filters (hydro-cyclone sand separators), sand media filters and disc filters.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.
For dated reference, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the normative document (including any amendment) applies.
GB 150 "Steel Pressure Vessels"
GB/T 2828 "Sampling Procedures and Tables for Lot-by-lot Inspection by Attributes
(Apply to Inspection of Successive Lots or Batches)"
GB/T 7306.1 Pipe Threads with 55 Degree Thread Angle Where Pressure-tight Joints
Are Made on the Threads - Part 1. Parallel Internal and Taper External Threads (eqv
ISO 7-1. 1994)
GB/T 7306.2 Pipe Threads with 55 Degree Thread Angle Where Pressure-tight Joints
Are Made on the Threads - Part 2. Taper Internal and External Threads (eqv ISO 7-1.
GB/T 9112~9124 "Steel Pipe Flanges"
GB/T 18690.2 "Agricultural Irrigation Equipment - Filters - Strainer-type Filters"
GB/T 18690.3 "Agricultural Irrigation Equipment - Filters - Automatic Self-cleaning
Strainer-type Filters"
JB/T 2932 "Specification for Water Treatment Equipment"
3 Terms and Definitions
The process to remove impurities possibly blocking the irrigation system from water.
Filter media
Porous and penetrable substances or materials for intercepting impurities in water.
Filter element
The assembly installed in the filter and used for intercepting and separating impurities in
Filter housing
The container for containing filter media or filter element.
Screen filter
The filter regarding screen as the filter media.
Hydro-cyclone sand separator centrifugal separation
Also known as hydro-cyclone sand separator, i.e. the filter for separating solid particles from
water by way of cyclone.
Sand media filter
The filter regarding naturally or artificially synthesized sand or gravel as the filter media.
Disc filter
The filter regarding overlapped plastic sheet with fine groove on the surface as the filter
Flushing control system
The system for controlling filter flushing in accordance with the combination of one or
several physical quantities like pressure drop, filtration time and filtration water volume.
Flushing pressure differential
The artificial pressure differential between upstream and downstream in case of starting filter
flushing cycle.
Minimum working pressure
The minimum working pressure that can ensure the filter to exert normal function.
Flushing water volume
The water volume discharged from the filter in one flushing process.
4 Classification
4.1 Classified by filtration principle
It is divided into screen filter, centrifugal filter (hydro-cyclone sand separator), sand media
filter, and disc filter.
4.2 Classified by nominal pressure grade
It is divided into 5 grades - 0.25MPa, 0.4MPa, 0.6MPa, 1.0Mpa, and 1.6MPa.
5 Model
5.1 The model of screen filter can be expressed as follows.
Basic size of mesh opening (mesh)
Nominal pressure (MPa)
Nominal flow rate of filtration
Nominal size (mm)
Produce name code
f) Effective size of perforation, or its equivalent filtration mesh number;
g) Production date or serial number.
7 Basic Requirements
7.1 Appearance
7.1.1 Both internal and external surfaces of the metal filter housing shall be subjected to rust
prevention treatment. Weld and the surface of its heat affected zone shall be free from defects
like crack, pore, arc crater, and macroscopic slag. The rust prevention layer shall be complete
and scratch-less, and tightly and firmly combined with base metal.
7.1.2 The surface of plastic filter housing shall be uniform in color. Its internal and external
walls shall be level and free from crack, obvious depression and groove. And both sprue and
flash shall be level and even.
7.1.3 The screen filter shall be reliably connected and scratch-less. And the filter screen grid
shall be uniform, level, smooth and clean.
7.2 Material
7.2.1 Filter's plastic parts exposed to the air shall contain anti-ultraviolet additives. And the
filter housing shall be light-tight.
7.2.2 Filter spare parts exposed to water shall be nontoxic. And the filter media shall be
solid, abrasion resistant, corrosion resistant, and capable of adapting to the working
7.3 Technology
7.3.1 The filter shall be such designed to ensure tha...