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NY/T 1174-2006: Quality management practice for broiler slaughtering
NY/T 1174-2006
ICS 67.120.20
X 18
Quality management practice for broiler slaughtering
ISSUED ON. JULY 10, 2006
Issued by. Ministry of Agriculture of People’s Republic of China
Table of contents
Foreword ... 3 
1 Scope ... 4 
2 Normative references ... 4 
3 Terms and definitions ... 5 
4 Factory and workshop requirements ... 5 
5 Quarantine inspection requirements ... 7 
6 Production process requirements ... 8 
7 Packaging, marking and transport requirements ... 14 
8 Quality inspection requirements ... 15 
9 Staff health, hygiene management and training requirements ... 15 
10 Quality management system requirements ... 16 
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's
Republic of China.
This standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the National Animal Husbandry
Standardization Technical Committee.
The drafting organization of this standard unit. Beijing Huadu Group Limited
Liability Company.
The drafters of this standard. Zhang Lichang, Li Jiankui, She Feng, Ji
Xiaochun, Liu Wei, Yang Binglin, Tian Bencai, Xin Li, Han Shiguo.
Quality management practice for broiler slaughtering
1 Scope
This standard specifies the equipment requirements, hygienic quality
requirements and quarantine inspection requirements for broiler slaughtering
and processing.
This standard applies to broiler slaughtering and processing enterprises to
organize production AND conduct quality management level evaluation.
2 Normative references
The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this Standard
through reference in this Standard. For the dated references, the subsequent
amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to this Standard;
however, parties who reach an agreement based on this Standard are
encouraged to study if the latest versions of these documents are applicable.
For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies.
GB/T 4456 Polyethylene blown film for packaging
GB 5749 Sanitary standard for drinking water
GB/T 6543 Single and double corrugated boxes for transport packages
GB 7718 General standard for the labeling of prepackaged foods
GB 14881 General hygienic regulation for food enterprises
GB 16548 Code for the bio-safety disposal of carcasses and by-products
from diseased livestock and poultry
GB 16549 Quarantine requirements for livestock and poultry at the places of
GB 16869 Fresh and frozen poultry product
NY/T 330 Technology of the chick processing
JJF 1070 Rules of metrological testing for net quantity of products in
prepackages with fixed content
4.2.8 The factory shall have the harmless processing facilities in accordance
with the requirements of GB 16548.
4.2.9 The factory shall set up a special area for cleaning and disinfecting of the
live broiler transportation vehicles and tools as well as the related equipment.
4.2.10 The transportation vehicles and containers of live broilers shall be
thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before leaving the factory.
4.3 Factory design and facility hygienic requirements
4.3.1 Plant construction shall be durable, easy to repair, clean and disinfection,
AND has a good thermal insulation and fire performance.
4.3.2 The height of the parapet wall of the workshop shall not be less than 2 m,
AND the height of the parapet wall at the bloodletting area shall not be less
than 3 m. The parapet wall shall use non-toxic, harmless, easy to clean, light
color and bright building materials.
4.3.3 The design of the trench in the factory shall be smooth AND easy to
clean and disinfection, and equipped with a device to prevent the entry of solid
waste, odor overflow, and rodents access.
4.3.4 The design of other facilities such as dressing room, bathroom, shower
and so on in the factory shall comply with the requirements of GB 14881.
5 Quarantine inspection requirements
5.1 The pre-slaughtering and post-slaughtering quarantine inspection in
the slaughtering plant shall be conducted by the animal quarantine
officers stationed or dispatched by animal epidemic prevention
supervision institutes.
5.2 Pre-slaughter quarantine inspection
5.2.1 The live broiler shall, before entering into factory, have the animal
quarantine certificate and animal and animal products delivery disinfection
certificate as issued by the animal husbandry epidemic prevention supervision
5.2.2 It shall stop feeding the live broiler 12 h before slaughtering AND feed
sufficient water until 3 h before slaughtering.
5.2.3 The quarantine officer shall first check and collect the quarantine
certificate and the disinfection certificate of the animal and animal product
6.2 Chicken hanging and bleeding
6.2.1 Equipment requirements for bleeding and dripping room It shall provide the bloodletting equipment, except otherwise there are
relevant requirements of religious customs. It shall provide a blood collection tank which is impermeable AND easy
to clean and disinfection. It shall provide the equipment to clean and disinfect the bleeding tools. The indoor illumination shall be kept below 50 lx. The dripping room shall be kept dark during production.
6.2.2 Hygienic quality requirements It shall gently grasp and hang the live broiler to avoid mechanical
damage AND hang the both legs of the chicken on the hook at the same time. The bloodletting equipment voltage control shall be maintained at 30 V
~ 50 V. Chickens entering the slaughtering room shall immediately be
subjected to bleeding after faint, except otherwise there are relevant
requirements of religious customs. During bleeding, it shall accurately cut off the carotid artery, AND the
dripping duration shall be maintained at 3 min ~ 5 min. The bleeding tools in the production shall be cleaned and disinfected in
accordance with the specified frequency. It shall establish the cleaning procedures AND the production tools
shall be kept clean and well maintained. The pre-slaughtering room, bleeding room, and dripping room shall be
thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after production.
6.3 Immersion and feather removal
6.3.1 Equipment requirements It shall have the immersion tank compatible with the production
capacity which has automatic temperature control facilities.
6.4.1 Equipment and operational requirements All operations for visceral removal shall be performed in the visceral
removal room. When opening, the size of the opening shall be such as able to be
inserted with hand, manipulator or other tools; AND it shall avoid damaging the
internal organ by knife. When using the automatic visceral removal machine or special tools to
remove the internal organs, it shall avoid the device from hurting the digestive
tract. In the mechanical or manual removal of the anus, it shall avoid the
contents of the digestive tract from contaminating the carcass. The removal of head, neck and claw shall comply with the
requirements of NY/T 330.
6.4.2 Hygienic quality requirements When cutting off the neck skin and separating the skin, it shall avoid
damaging the muscles. It shall completely remove the crop and esophagus, AND the
carcasses contaminated with crop contents, bile and feces shall be removed
from the production line for separate cleaning and processing. The tools used for visceral removal shall be cleaned every time after
use or after each hand operation before the follow-up operation. The tools used for bleeding and visceral removal shall be cleaned and
disinfected with hot water of more than 83 °C at least once per hour. The tools used for bleeding and visceral removal shall not contact the
ground or wall. The disinfectant in disinfection tanks used for the disinfection of the
operator's hand, shoes and boots shall be kept at an effective concentration. Hygiene cleaning tools for three different areas of bleeding, visceral
removal, and chilling shall be dedicated AND stored separately in a suitable
6.5 Rinse
6.5.1 Equipment requirements The temperature of the chilling water in the carcass chilling tank shall
be kept below 4 °C. When chilling the carcass, it shall accurately measure the consumption
of the chilling water, with the water replacement for each chicken not less than
2.5 L. The cooling time shall be not less than 30 min, AND after cooling the
carcass center temperature shall reach below 10 °C. It shall reasonably control the consumption of disinfectant; when using
sodium hypochlorite for disinfection, the concentration of the disinfectant in the
pre-cooling water shall be kept at 50 mg/kg ~ 100 mg/kg. After moving the carcass out of the chilling tank, it shall completely
drain the free water from the body surface and body cavity...

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