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JT/T 1076-2016: GNSS system for operating vehicles - Technical specification for onboard video terminals
JT/T 1076-2016
ICS 03.220.20; 33.160.99
M 32
Registration No..
GNSS System for Operating Vehicles -
Technical Specifications for Vehicle Video Terminal
Issued by. Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 4
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative References ... 5
3 Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations ... 6
3.1 Terms and Definitions ... 6
3.2 Abbreviations ... 6
4 General Requirements ... 7
4.1 Basic Requirements ... 7
4.2 Terminal Composition ... 7
5 Functional Requirements ... 8
5.1 Basic Requirements ... 8
5.2 Requirements of Audio and Video Recording ... 8
5.3 Requirements of Local Search, Playback and Data Backup ... 13
5.4 Requirements of alarm ... 13
5.5 Requirements of data security ... 14
5.6 Requirements of network function ... 15
5.7 Requirements of image analysis ... 16
5.8 Functional Requirement of Reading SIM Card Number ... 17
5.9 Functional Requirement of TCP Link Timeout Value Setting ... 17
5.10 Technical Requirements of Camera ... 17
5.11 Technical Requirements of Pickup ... 18
6 Performance Requirements ... 19
6.1 Requirements of Electrical Performance ... 19
6.2 Requirements of Environmental Adaptability ... 19
6.3 Requirements of Electromagnetic Compatibility ... 19
7 Installation Requirements ... 19
8 Test Methods ... 19
8.1 Test Conditions ... 19
8.2 Functional Test ... 20
8.3 Electrical Performance Test ... 25
8.4 Environmental Adaptability Test ... 25
8.5 Electromagnetic Compatibility Test ... 25
Appendix A (Normative) Interface Form of Simulated Camera Audio-video
Connector and Disaster Backup Storage Device Connector on the Video
Terminal ... 26
Appendix B (Normative) Minimum Performance Requirements and Test
Methods for Disaster Protection of Disaster Backup Storage Device ... 29
Appendix C (Normative) Mechanical Environment Adaptability Test under the
Operating State when Main Storage Device is Hardware ... 31
GNSS System for Operating Vehicles -
Technical Specifications for Vehicle Video Terminal
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the general requirements, functional requirements,
performance requirements, installation requirements and test methods of vehicle video
terminal of GNSS system for operating vehicles.
This Standard is applicable to the design, manufacture, inspection and installation of
main engine, camera and other external equipment of vehicle video terminal of GNSS
system for operating vehicles.
2 Normative References
The following documents are indispensable to the application of this Standard. In terms
of references with a specified date, only versions with a specified date are applicable
to this Standard. The latest version (including all the modifications) of references
without a specified date is applicable to this Standard.
GB/T 2423.5 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products - Part 2.
Test Methods - Test Ea and Guidance. Shock
GB/T 2423.10 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products - Part 2.
Test Methods - Test Fc and Guidance. Vibration (Sinusoidal)
GB/T 15865 Video Cameras (PAL/SECAM/NTSC) - Methods of Measurement -
Part 1. Non-broadcast Single-sensor Cameras
GB/T 19056-2012 Vehicle Travelling Data Recorder
GB/T 20090.2 Information Technology - Advanced Coding of Audio and Video -
Part 2. Video
GB 20815-2006 Digital Video Record Equipment of Video Surveillance System in
Security and Protection Systems
GB/T 25724 Technical Specifications for Surveillance Video and Audio Coding for
Public Security
GJB 367A General Specifications for Military Communication Equipment
JT/T 325-2013 Type Dividing and Class Rating for Commercial Motor - Vehicles
f) Disaster backup storage device interface for real-time mirror image recording;
g) USB Host 2.0 or above standard interface.
The main engine should include Ethernet interface and WIFI module.
4.2.2 External equipment
External equipment shall comply with the stipulation in 4.1.2 in JT/T 794-2011; it shall
also include the following devices.
a) Vehicle-mounted camera;
b) Pickup;
c) Main storage device, which is removable.
Real-time mirror image disaster backup storage device, passenger counting device
and driving behavioral analysis device are optional external equipment.
4.2.3 Form of interface
Please refer to A.1 for the form of audio and video connector interface of video terminal.
Please refer to A.2 for the form of connector interface of disaster backup storage device.
5 Functional Requirements
5.1 Basic Requirements
5.1.1 The functions of the terminal shall satisfy stipulations in Chapter 5, other than
5.4.8 and 5.4.9 in JT/T 794-2011; specifically speaking, the mode of communication
should also support TD-LTE or FDD-LTE, etc.
5.1.2 The overall performance of the terminal shall comply with the stipulation in 6.1 in
JT/T 794-2011.
5.1.3 The performance of the terminal’s satellite positioning module shall comply with
the stipulation in 6.2 in JT/T 794-2011.
5.1.4 The performance of the terminal’s wireless communication module shall comply
with the stipulation in 6.3 in JT/T 794-2011.
5.2 Requirements of Audio and Video Recording
5.2.1 Audio and video signal compression mode
The adopted audio and video signal compression mode shall be clearly indicated in
Image resolution (pixel) shall at least be 704 x 576 (D1). One route shall adopt 1,280
x 720 (720P) or above; horizontal resolution shall be more than or equals to 400 TVL.
5.2.4 Requirements of playback image quality Subjective evaluation indexes
The playback image screen information shall not manifest obvious defects, frozen
pictures or frame losses. When an object is moving, the edges of the image shall not
manifest obvious jags, trailing, mosaics or breakages, etc. Objective evaluation indexes
In terms of system with multi-channel audio and video acquisition, the resolution of
playback video of various channels shall be clearly indicated in product’s technical
documents. The local playback image’s horizontal resolution of corresponding
resolution shall comply with the following requirements.
a) In terms of playback image whose resolution (pixel) is 704 x 576 (D1), the
horizontal resolution shall be more than or equals to 400 TVL;
b) In terms of playback image whose resolution (pixel) is 960 x 576, the horizontal
resolution shall be more than or equals to 500 TVL;
c) In terms of playback image whose resolution (pixel) is 1,280 x 720, the
horizontal resolution shall be more than or equals to 650 TVL;
d) In terms of playback image whose resolution (pixel) is 1,920 x 1,080, the
horizontal resolution shall be more than or equals to 800 TVL.
5.2.5 Requirements of total resources of video recording
Under the circumstance when all cameras and one route pickup that the equipment
practically supports are initiated for recording, the vehicle-mounted terminal shall have
the capability of at least 150 h of video recording. In addition, the image playback shall
comply with the stipulation in and
Total resources of video recording have the following specific requirements.
a) Be equipped with multi-channel audio and video acquisition system; the coded
video frame rate of Channel 2 shall at least be 25 frame/second; the coded
video frame rate of the remaining channels shall at least be 15 frame/second.
Meanwhile, this shall be clearly indicated in product’s technical documents;
b) All channels shall be able to simultaneously reach the requirement of frame rate
and playback quality.
5.2.6 Data recording mode
b) Storage device failure. trigger an alarm when it detects failure of the main
storage device or storage device for disaster backup, for example, storage
medium cannot be written, etc.;
c) Particular alarm storage overrun. trigger an alarm when it detects that particular
alarm video data’s occupation of the capacity of the main storage device has
reached the set value; remind users to deal with it in time;
d) Failure of other video equipment. trigger an alarm when it detects failure of other
video equipment, for example, failure of cloud platform, etc.
5.4.2 Alarm linkage
When it detects alarm event, it shall be able to add alarm marker to the audio and
video data stored in all the channels. The marking shall be divided into two states,
namely, particular alarm and common alarm. The marking of particular alarm shall start
at least 1 min before the triggering of the alarm, and last till the alarm is over or till it
reaches the set conditions.
5.5 Requirements of data security
5.5.1 Data coverage
It shall support the function of automatic video coverage. When the storage device
reaches its maximum capacity, the oldest video data shall be automatically covered.
When users are reminded to deal with video data with the marking of particular alarm,
and such data is not deleted, the data shall be covered if necessary.
5.5.2 Requirements of main storage device
The main storage device shall support manual assembly and disassembly in a non-
disassembled mode; there shall be protective measures. It can only be disassembled
after being opened with exclusive instruments.
When the core component of the main storage device is hardware, the disassembled
main storage device shall have the function of preventing from falls or collisions.
Meanwhile, it shall have USB Device 2.0 or above interface; when USB interface’s
power supply capability is insufficient to support power consumption of the main
storage device, the main storage device shall have a standard power supply interface.
DC005 interface, 5V/2A.
5.5.3 Real-time mirror image recording and disaster backup storage function
The disaster backup storage device shall support real-time image’s function of
recording audio and video data of all the channels. The mode of recording shall comply
with the stipulation in 5.2.6.
The disaster backup storage device shall have the function of protecting from fire,
The system shall support the surveillance center to retrieve appointed video in
accordance with certain conditions, such as date, channel number, alarm type and
search result, etc. When video is retrieved in accordance with time, the range of time
error of the retrieved video shall be not more than 10 s. The retrieval of videos on the
terminal shall support the function of breakpoint transmission; video files that are
retrieved to the surveillance center shall be in the format of AVI or MP4. Remote setting of audio and video parameters
The system shall support remote setting of audio and video parameters, including code
rate, frame rate, resolution, key frame interval and subtitle overlaying, etc.
5.7 Requirements of image analysis
5.7.1 Passenger counting function
Passenger counting device shall implement the following functions.
a) Through video analysis technology, distinguish and conduct statistics of the
number of passengers getting on and getting off the vehicle;
b) Under the circumstance when passengers line up to get on the vehicle, the
accuracy of single count shall be more than or equals to 95%;
c) When there are 10 or more passenger counts, the accuracy of total count shall
be more than or equals to 90%;
d) In accordance with the parameter setting of the number of loads, the alarm
function for overloading shall be implemented.
The test method for the passenger counting device shall be clearly indicated in
product’s technical documents.
5.7.2 Driving behavioral analysis function
Driver’s driving behavioral analysis device shall implement the following functions.
a) Through video analysis technology, determine whether the driver is
physiologically fatigue; the accuracy shall be more than or equals to 90%;
b) Through video analysis technology, determine whether the vehicle is driving in
accordance with the stipulation traffic lanes; the accuracy shall be more than or
equals to 90%;
c) In accordance with the parameter setting of abnormal driving behaviors, the
alarm function for abnormal driving behaviors shall be implemented.
The test method for the driver’s driving behavioral analysis device shall be clearly
8.2 Functional Test
8.2.1 Video and sound recording test Audio and video compression mode
The test method for audio and video compression mode is as follows.
a) Adopt standard decoding software, which is corresponding with the equipment’s
compression mode; it shall be able to normally play corresponding video data;
b) Adopt general software for playing, consult audio coding standard; it shall
comply with product’s technical documents and the stipulation in 5.2.1. Playback image quality
Conduct the test in accordance with the method in 10.2.2 and 10.2.3 in GB 20815-
2006. Test result shall comply with the stipulation in 5.2.4. Total video resource
Have all the audio and video channels simultaneously in the recording state; operate
them continuously for 0.5 h; inspect the resolution and frame rate of each channel. The
test result shall comply with the stipulation in 5.2.3 and 5.2.5. Information recording mode
The test method for audio and video information recording mode is as follows.
a) The synchronous recording function of audio and video shall comply with the
stipulation in 8.5 in GB 20815-2006;
b) Take down the storage medium of the terminal’s main engine, then, assemble
it onto another terminal’s main engine of the same model; it shall be able to
normally play back data;
c) Take down the storage medium of the terminal’s main engine, then, connect it
to a computer. Through matching computer software, it shall be able to normally
play back data and comply with the stipulation in 5.2.4. Video recording mode
The test method for video recording mode is as follows.
a) After the ...
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JT/T 1076-2016: GNSS system for operating vehicles - Technical specification for onboard video terminals
JT/T 1076-2016
ICS 03.220.20; 33.160.99
M 32
Registration No..
GNSS System for Operating Vehicles -
Technical Specifications for Vehicle Video Terminal
Issued by. Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 4
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative References ... 5
3 Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations ... 6
3.1 Terms and Definitions ... 6
3.2 Abbreviations ... 6
4 General Requirements ... 7
4.1 Basic Requirements ... 7
4.2 Terminal Composition ... 7
5 Functional Requirements ... 8
5.1 Basic Requirements ... 8
5.2 Requirements of Audio and Video Recording ... 8
5.3 Requirements of Local Search, Playback and Data Backup ... 13
5.4 Requirements of alarm ... 13
5.5 Requirements of data security ... 14
5.6 Requirements of network function ... 15
5.7 Requirements of image analysis ... 16
5.8 Functional Requirement of Reading SIM Card Number ... 17
5.9 Functional Requirement of TCP Link Timeout Value Setting ... 17
5.10 Technical Requirements of Camera ... 17
5.11 Technical Requirements of Pickup ... 18
6 Performance Requirements ... 19
6.1 Requirements of Electrical Performance ... 19
6.2 Requirements of Environmental Adaptability ... 19
6.3 Requirements of Electromagnetic Compatibility ... 19
7 Installation Requirements ... 19
8 Test Methods ... 19
8.1 Test Conditions ... 19
8.2 Functional Test ... 20
8.3 Electrical Performance Test ... 25
8.4 Environmental Adaptability Test ... 25
8.5 Electromagnetic Compatibility Test ... 25
Appendix A (Normative) Interface Form of Simulated Camera Audio-video
Connector and Disaster Backup Storage Device Connector on the Video
Terminal ... 26
Appendix B (Normative) Minimum Performance Requirements and Test
Methods for Disaster Protection of Disaster Backup Storage Device ... 29
Appendix C (Normative) Mechanical Environment Adaptability Test under the
Operating State when Main Storage Device is Hardware ... 31
GNSS System for Operating Vehicles -
Technical Specifications for Vehicle Video Terminal
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the general requirements, functional requirements,
performance requirements, installation requirements and test methods of vehicle video
terminal of GNSS system for operating vehicles.
This Standard is applicable to the design, manufacture, inspection and installation of
main engine, camera and other external equipment of vehicle video terminal of GNSS
system for operating vehicles.
2 Normative References
The following documents are indispensable to the application of this Standard. In terms
of references with a specified date, only versions with a specified date are applicable
to this Standard. The latest version (including all the modifications) of references
without a specified date is applicable to this Standard.
GB/T 2423.5 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products - Part 2.
Test Methods - Test Ea and Guidance. Shock
GB/T 2423.10 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products - Part 2.
Test Methods - Test Fc and Guidance. Vibration (Sinusoidal)
GB/T 15865 Video Cameras (PAL/SECAM/NTSC) - Methods of Measurement -
Part 1. Non-broadcast Single-sensor Cameras
GB/T 19056-2012 Vehicle Travelling Data Recorder
GB/T 20090.2 Information Technology - Advanced Coding of Audio and Video -
Part 2. Video
GB 20815-2006 Digital Video Record Equipment of Video Surveillance System in
Security and Protection Systems
GB/T 25724 Technical Specifications for Surveillance Video and Audio Coding for
Public Security
GJB 367A General Specifications for Military Communication Equipment
JT/T 325-2013 Type Dividing and Class Rating for Commercial Motor - Vehicles
f) Disaster backup storage device interface for real-time mirror image recording;
g) USB Host 2.0 or above standard interface.
The main engine should include Ethernet interface and WIFI module.
4.2.2 External equipment
External equipment shall comply with the stipulation in 4.1.2 in JT/T 794-2011; it shall
also include the following devices.
a) Vehicle-mounted camera;
b) Pickup;
c) Main storage device, which is removable.
Real-time mirror image disaster backup storage device, passenger counting device
and driving behavioral analysis device are optional external equipment.
4.2.3 Form of interface
Please refer to A.1 for the form of audio and video connector interface of video terminal.
Please refer to A.2 for the form of connector interface of disaster backup storage device.
5 Functional Requirements
5.1 Basic Requirements
5.1.1 The functions of the terminal shall satisfy stipulations in Chapter 5, other than
5.4.8 and 5.4.9 in JT/T 794-2011; specifically speaking, the mode of communication
should also support TD-LTE or FDD-LTE, etc.
5.1.2 The overall performance of the terminal shall comply with the stipulation in 6.1 in
JT/T 794-2011.
5.1.3 The performance of the terminal’s satellite positioning module shall comply with
the stipulation in 6.2 in JT/T 794-2011.
5.1.4 The performance of the terminal’s wireless communication module shall comply
with the stipulation in 6.3 in JT/T 794-2011.
5.2 Requirements of Audio and Video Recording
5.2.1 Audio and video signal compression mode
The adopted audio and video signal compression mode shall be clearly indicated in
Image resolution (pixel) shall at least be 704 x 576 (D1). One route shall adopt 1,280
x 720 (720P) or above; horizontal resolution shall be more than or equals to 400 TVL.
5.2.4 Requirements of playback image quality Subjective evaluation indexes
The playback image screen information shall not manifest obvious defects, frozen
pictures or frame losses. When an object is moving, the edges of the image shall not
manifest obvious jags, trailing, mosaics or breakages, etc. Objective evaluation indexes
In terms of system with multi-channel audio and video acquisition, the resolution of
playback video of various channels shall be clearly indicated in product’s technical
documents. The local playback image’s horizontal resolution of corresponding
resolution shall comply with the following requirements.
a) In terms of playback image whose resolution (pixel) is 704 x 576 (D1), the
horizontal resolution shall be more than or equals to 400 TVL;
b) In terms of playback image whose resolution (pixel) is 960 x 576, the horizontal
resolution shall be more than or equals to 500 TVL;
c) In terms of playback image whose resolution (pixel) is 1,280 x 720, the
horizontal resolution shall be more than or equals to 650 TVL;
d) In terms of playback image whose resolution (pixel) is 1,920 x 1,080, the
horizontal resolution shall be more than or equals to 800 TVL.
5.2.5 Requirements of total resources of video recording
Under the circumstance when all cameras and one route pickup that the equipment
practically supports are initiated for recording, the vehicle-mounted terminal shall have
the capability of at least 150 h of video recording. In addition, the image playback shall
comply with the stipulation in and
Total resources of video recording have the following specific requirements.
a) Be equipped with multi-channel audio and video acquisition system; the coded
video frame rate of Channel 2 shall at least be 25 frame/second; the coded
video frame rate of the remaining channels shall at least be 15 frame/second.
Meanwhile, this shall be clearly indicated in product’s technical documents;
b) All channels shall be able to simultaneously reach the requirement of frame rate
and playback quality.
5.2.6 Data recording mode
b) Storage device failure. trigger an alarm when it detects failure of the main
storage device or storage device for disaster backup, for example, storage
medium cannot be written, etc.;
c) Particular alarm storage overrun. trigger an alarm when it detects that particular
alarm video data’s occupation of the capacity of the main storage device has
reached the set value; remind users to deal with it in time;
d) Failure of other video equipment. trigger an alarm when it detects failure of other
video equipment, for example, failure of cloud platform, etc.
5.4.2 Alarm linkage
When it detects alarm event, it shall be able to add alarm marker to the audio and
video data stored in all the channels. The marking shall be divided into two states,
namely, particular alarm and common alarm. The marking of particular alarm shall start
at least 1 min before the triggering of the alarm, and last till the alarm is over or till it
reaches the set conditions.
5.5 Requirements of data security
5.5.1 Data coverage
It shall support the function of automatic video coverage. When the storage device
reaches its maximum capacity, the oldest video data shall be automatically covered.
When users are reminded to deal with video data with the marking of particular alarm,
and such data is not deleted, the data shall be covered if necessary.
5.5.2 Requirements of main storage device
The main storage device shall support manual assembly and disassembly in a non-
disassembled mode; there shall be protective measures. It can only be disassembled
after being opened with exclusive instruments.
When the core component of the main storage device is hardware, the disassembled
main storage device shall have the function of preventing from falls or collisions.
Meanwhile, it shall have USB Device 2.0 or above interface; when USB interface’s
power supply capability is insufficient to support power consumption of the main
storage device, the main storage device shall have a standard power supply interface.
DC005 interface, 5V/2A.
5.5.3 Real-time mirror image recording and disaster backup storage function
The disaster backup storage device shall support real-time image’s function of
recording audio and video data of all the channels. The mode of recording shall comply
with the stipulation in 5.2.6.
The disaster backup storage device shall have the function of protecting from fire,
The system shall support the surveillance center to retrieve appointed video in
accordance with certain conditions, such as date, channel number, alarm type and
search result, etc. When video is retrieved in accordance with time, the range of time
error of the retrieved video shall be not more than 10 s. The retrieval of videos on the
terminal shall support the function of breakpoint transmission; video files that are
retrieved to the surveillance center shall be in the format of AVI or MP4. Remote setting of audio and video parameters
The system shall support remote setting of audio and video parameters, including code
rate, frame rate, resolution, key frame interval and subtitle overlaying, etc.
5.7 Requirements of image analysis
5.7.1 Passenger counting function
Passenger counting device shall implement the following functions.
a) Through video analysis technology, distinguish and conduct statistics of the
number of passengers getting on and getting off the vehicle;
b) Under the circumstance when passengers line up to get on the vehicle, the
accuracy of single count shall be more than or equals to 95%;
c) When there are 10 or more passenger counts, the accuracy of total count shall
be more than or equals to 90%;
d) In accordance with the parameter setting of the number of loads, the alarm
function for overloading shall be implemented.
The test method for the passenger counting device shall be clearly indicated in
product’s technical documents.
5.7.2 Driving behavioral analysis function
Driver’s driving behavioral analysis device shall implement the following functions.
a) Through video analysis technology, determine whether the driver is
physiologically fatigue; the accuracy shall be more than or equals to 90%;
b) Through video analysis technology, determine whether the vehicle is driving in
accordance with the stipulation traffic lanes; the accuracy shall be more than or
equals to 90%;
c) In accordance with the parameter setting of abnormal driving behaviors, the
alarm function for abnormal driving behaviors shall be implemented.
The test method for the driver’s driving behavioral analysis device shall be clearly
8.2 Functional Test
8.2.1 Video and sound recording test Audio and video compression mode
The test method for audio and video compression mode is as follows.
a) Adopt standard decoding software, which is corresponding with the equipment’s
compression mode; it shall be able to normally play corresponding video data;
b) Adopt general software for playing, consult audio coding standard; it shall
comply with product’s technical documents and the stipulation in 5.2.1. Playback image quality
Conduct the test in accordance with the method in 10.2.2 and 10.2.3 in GB 20815-
2006. Test result shall comply with the stipulation in 5.2.4. Total video resource
Have all the audio and video channels simultaneously in the recording state; operate
them continuously for 0.5 h; inspect the resolution and frame rate of each channel. The
test result shall comply with the stipulation in 5.2.3 and 5.2.5. Information recording mode
The test method for audio and video information recording mode is as follows.
a) The synchronous recording function of audio and video shall comply with the
stipulation in 8.5 in GB 20815-2006;
b) Take down the storage medium of the terminal’s main engine, then, assemble
it onto another terminal’s main engine of the same model; it shall be able to
normally play back data;
c) Take down the storage medium of the terminal’s main engine, then, connect it
to a computer. Through matching computer software, it shall be able to normally
play back data and comply with the stipulation in 5.2.4. Video recording mode
The test method for video recording mode is as follows.
a) After the ...