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GB 25327-2017: The norm of energy consumption per unit products of alumina
GB 25327-2017
ICS 27.010
F 01
Replacing GB 25327-2010
The norm of energy consumption
per unit product of alumina
ISSUED ON. MAY 12, 2017
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People's Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically and
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Table of contents
Foreword ... 3??
1 Scope ... 4??
2 Normative references ... 4??
3 Terms and definitions ... 4??
4 Energy consumption norm level ... 4??
5 Technical requirements ... 5??
6 Calculation principle, calculation scope and calculation method ... 5??
Appendix A (Informative) Current standard coal conversion factor of common
energy ... 17??
varieties and energy consuming medium energy equivalent value ... 17??
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T
The standard replaces GB 25327-2010 ?€?The norm of energy consumption per
unit product of alumina enterprise?€?. As compared with GB 25327-2010, the
main changes of this standard are as follows.
- CHANGE the standard name into ?€?The norm of energy consumption per
unit product of alumina?€?;
- ADD the energy consumption norm level;
- DELETE the advanced value of energy consumption AND energy
management and measures;
- MODIFY the energy consumption limits and energy consumption access
value indicators;
- DELETE the requirements as proposed under the conditions that the
energy consumption limits based on the crude ore grade aluminum to
silicon ratio by Bayer method is more than 8.5 AND the crude ore grade
aluminum to silicon ratio by other processes is more than 7.
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Energy Conservation and
Environmental Protection of the National Development and Reform
Commission and the Energy Conservation and Comprehensive Utilization
Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.
This standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the National Energy and Basic
Management Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 20) and the
National Nonferrous Metals Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC
The drafting organizations of this standard. China Aluminum Co., Ltd., Henan
Branch, Nonferrous Metals Technology and Economic Research Institute,
Shandong Nanshan Aluminum Co., Ltd., Luoyang Xiangjiang Wanji Aluminum
Co., Ltd., Guangxi Huayin Aluminum Co., Ltd., China Aluminum Co., Ltd.,
Guizhou Branch, China Aluminum Industry Co., Ltd., Guangxi Branch,
Guangxi Tiandong Jinxin Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., Yunnan Aluminum Co.,
The main drafters of this standard. Xue Ke, Sun Jianfeng, Shi Yafei, Luo Mei,
Jiang Wei, Jiang Rixin, Zhang Yanguo, Huang Xijin, Zhao Zhiqiang, Zhang Hui.
This Standard replaces the standard previously issued as follows.
- GB 25327-2010.
The norm of energy consumption
per unit product of alumina
1 Scope
This standard specifies the requirements, calculation principles, calculation
scope and calculation method of the norm of energy consumption per unit
product of alumina (hereinafter referred to as energy consumption).
This standard applies to the calculation and evaluation of the energy
consumption of alumina production, as well as the energy control for the newly
built, reconstructed, and extended projects.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) are applicable to this Standard.
GB/T 2589 General principles for calculation of the comprehensive energy
GB/T 12723 General principles for establishing allowance of energy
consumption per unit throughput
GB 17167 General principle for equipping and managing of the measuring
instrument of energy in organization of energy using
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions as defined in GB/T 2589 and GB/T 12723 apply to
this document.
4 Energy consumption norm level
The energy consumption norm level per unit alumina of the alumina production
enterprise is as shown in Table 1, wherein the level 1 is the lowest energy
Table 1 -- Energy consumption norm level per unit alumina
Energy consumption
norm level Process classification
Energy consumption
per unit alumina, kgce/t
Level 1 Bayer method
Process energy
consumption ??? 370
Comprehensive energy ??? 400
compressed air, etc.), and waste heat resources. It includes the loss of the
energy and energy consuming medium during the storage inside the enterprise,
transfer, and metered supply (including export), as well as the energy sources
which are used as raw materials, BUT it excludes the energy consumption for
domestic purposes AND the energy consumption for the approved
infrastructure projects.
6.1.2 Enterprise production energy consumption in the reporting period
There are three calculation methods for the production energy consumption in
the reporting period.
Method 1. the production energy consumption of enterprise in the reporting
period = the amount of energy purchased by the enterprise + the amount of
energy stocked at the beginning of the period - the amount of energy exported
by the enterprise - the energy consumed by enterprise infrastructure project -
the energy consumed for domestic purposes of enterprise - the amount of
energy stocked at the end of the period.
Method 2. the production energy consumption of enterprise in the reporting
period = the energy consumed by product processes of enterprise + the
energy consumed by the supporting and auxiliary production system + the
amount of internal energy conversion losses.
Method 3. the production energy consumption of enterprise in the reporting
period = the sum of the comprehensive energy consumption of various
enterprise products.
6.1.3 Measurement of physical energy quantity
The measurement of the physical quantity of energy shall comply with the
provisions of GB 17167.
6.1.4 Conversion principles and metering units of normal energy
(including the energy consumed by producing energy consuming
medium) Energy consumption per unit product is expressed in kilograms of
standard coal (kgce), AND it shall use the low (order) calorific value of the as
received basis equivalent to 29.3076 MJ is called as 1 kg of standard coal
(kgce). The coefficient of conversion of the purchased energy such as coal,
coke, fuel oil and gas consumed by the enterprise shall be analyzed and
determined in accordance with the determination and analysis method
stipulated by the State, AND converted into standard coal based on the
measured value; if it cannot be measured, it shall be converted in accordance
with the low (order) calorific value as provided by the energy source supply
department; once all of these conditions are not available, it may use the
D3 -The unit consumption of steam in the reporting period, in ton per ton (t/t);
e3 ?€? The steam consumption in alumina production in the reporting period,
in ton (t);
M ?€? The physical production of alumina in the reporting period, in ton (t). The unit consumption of coke is calculated in accordance with the
formula (4).
D4 -The unit consumption of coke in the reporting period, in kilograms per
ton (kg/t);
e4 ?€? The coke consumption in alumina production in the reporting period, in
kilogram (kg);
M ?€? The physical production of alumina in the reporting period, in ton (t). The unit consumption of electricity is calculated in accordance with the
formula (5).
D5 -The unit consumption of electricity in the reporting period, in kilowatt
hour per ton (kW ?€? h/t);
e5 ?€? The electricity consumption in alumina production in the reporting
period, in kilowatt hour (kW ?€? h);
M ?€? The physical production of alumina in the reporting period, in ton (t). The unit consumption of fuel oil (gas, natural gas) for calcination is
calculated in accordance with the formula (6).
D6 - Unit consumption of fuel oil (gas, natural gas) for calcination in the
reporting period, in kilogram per ton OR cubic meter per ton (kg/t, m3/t);
e6 - Actual consumption of fuel oil (gas, natural gas) for calcination in the
reporting period, in kilogram OR cubic meter (kg, m3);
E1 - The amount of energy consumed by this procedure in the reporting
period, in kilograms of standard coal (kgce);
M1 ?€? The raw pulp (raw pulp and pipeline pulp) produced in this procedure in
the reporting period, in cubic meters (m3). Lime calcination procedure
It includes the whole process from limestone breaking to the completion of lime
and carbon dioxide. The procedure energy consumption is calculated in
accordance with the for...

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