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GB 23440-2009: Inorganic waterproof and leakage-preventing materials
GB 23440-2009
ICS 91.120.30
Q 17
Inorganic waterproof and leakage-preventing
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the PRC;
Standardization Administration of the PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3??
1 Scope ... 4??
2 Normative references ... 4??
3 Terms and definitions ... 4??
4 Classification ... 5??
5 Requirements ... 5??
6 Test methods ... 6??
7 Inspection rules ... 10??
8 Packaging, marking, transportation, and storage ... 11??
Inorganic waterproof and leakage-preventing
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the terms and definitions, classification, requirements,
test methods, inspection rules, packaging, marking, transportation, and storage
of inorganic waterproof and leakage-preventing materials.
This Standard is applicable to inorganic waterproof and leakage-preventing
materials for waterproofing, impermeability, and leakage-preventing of
construction engineering and civil engineering.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this
Standard, constitute provisions of this Standard. For the dated references, their
subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to
this Standard. However, the parties who enter into agreement based on this
Standard are encouraged to investigate whether the latest editions of these
documents are applicable. For undated reference documents, the latest
editions apply to this Standard.
GB 175-2007 Common Portland Cements
GB/T 1346 Test methods for water requirement of normal consistency,
setting time and soundness of the portland cement
GB/T 17671 Method of testing cements - Determination of strength (ISO
GBJ 82 Testing methods for long-term and long-lasting performance of
ordinary concrete
JC/T 985-2005 Cementitious self-leveling floor mortar
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this Standard.
Inorganic waterproof and leakage-preventing materials
6.4 Compressive strength and flexural strength
FORM according to the method specified in GB/T 17671. When slow-setting
type product is formed, WEIGH 2000 g of sample. According to the amount of
added water recommended by the manufacturer, ADD water. FORM a set of
three 40 mm??40 mm??160 mm test pieces each time. For fast-setting type
product, WEIGH 1000 g of sample each time. According to the amount of added
water recommended by the manufacturer, ADD water. FORM two sets, a total
of six 40 mm??40 mm??160 mm test pieces each time. For the demolding time,
Type I is demolded after formed for (24??2)h; Type II is demolded within 1 h after
forming. After demolding, it is cured according to 6.1.2. Determine the
compressive and flexural strength of the corresponding age. The test results
are evaluated in accordance with GB/T 17671.
6.5 Impermeability pressure
6.5.1 Impermeability pressure of coating Preparation of reference mortar test piece
USE standard sand and 42.5 grade ordinary Portland cement ingredients in
accordance with GB 175-2007. WEIGH 350 g of cement and 1350 g of standard
sand; after stirring well, ADD 350 mL of water. After the above materials are
stirred in a cement mortar mixer for 3 min, they are loaded into a truncated
conical bottom metal impermeability test mold with an upper aperture diameter
of 70 mm, a lower aperture of 80 mm, and a height of 30 mm for forming. Vibrate
on the vibration table for 20 s. After 5 min, USE the scraper to scrape off the
excess slurry and smooth it. The number of molded test pieces is 12 (For six of
them, when forming, the thickness of the test piece is reduced by about 2 mm
on the corresponding upstream face or downstream face by adding cushion or
scraping). DEMOLD after curing according to 6.1.2 for (24??2)h; then CURE
according to 6.1.3. If it is not clear that the product is used for the upstream face
or the downstream face, according to the upstream face and the downstream
face respectively, three test pieces are formed. Otherwise, according to the
upstream face or the downstream face, six test pieces are formed. Impermeability pressure of reference mortar test piece
TAKE six reference mortar test pieces which are prepared according to
and have been cured to 14 d. After the surface is dried, USE a sealing material
to seal and place in a permeameter for a water permeability test. The water
pressure starts from 0.2 MPa, is held for 2 h, and increased to 0.3 MPa. Every
1 h thereafter, the water pressure is increased by 0.1 MPa. When the end face
of three of the six test pieces shows water seepage, the test may be stopped.
RECORD the current water pressure value. When four of the six test pieces do
P0 - The impermeability pressure of reference mortar test piece, in megapascals
P1 - The impermeability pressure of coating plus reference mortar test piece, in
megapascals (MPa).
6.5.2 Impermeability pressure of test piece Preparation of test piece
MIX the ingredients according to 6.4 and fill the impermeability test mold once.
Vibrate on a vibration table for forming. Slow-setting type is vibrated for 2 min.
Fast-setting type is vibrated for 20 s. SCRAPE off the excess slurry and smooth
it. Prepare six test pieces. First, according to 6.1.2, moisturize and cure for
(24??2)h; then according to 6.1.3, CURE to the prescribed age. Test procedure
The test piece is cured to 7 d age. According to and, carry out
the test. USE the maximum pressure value when four of the six test pieces in
each group do not show water seepage as the impermeability pressure of the
test piece.
6.6 Bond strength
USE the concrete slab conforming to 6.3 of JC/T 985-2005 and the tensile bond
strength forming frame specified in 6.4.5. The concrete slab, after being
immersed in water for 24 h according to the conditions of 6.1.3, is taken out.
After the surface water stain is wiped off, according to 6.8 of JC/T 985-2005,
carry out the test.
6.7 Heat resistance
6.7.1 Preparation of test piece
USE standard sand and 42.5 grade ordinary Portland cement conforming to GB
175-2007. In a mass ratio of cement : sand : water=1 : 2 : 0.4, prepare the
ingredients. After stirring in the mortar mixer specified in GB/T 17671 for 3 min,
they are loaded into a 40 mm??160 mm??10 mm test mold, to form three test
pieces. DEMOLD after curing according to 6.1.2 for 24 h; then CURE according
to 6.1.3 to the prescribed age. TAKE the test piece cured to 7 d out. WEIGH
1000 g of sample. According to the amount of added water recommended by
the manufacturer, ADD water. STIR in the paste mixer according to GB/T 17671.
Slow-setting type is stirred for 3 min. Fast-setting type is stirred for 20 s. USE a
scraper to scrape the slurry on the base surface of the test piece by two layers.
When scraping, it shall use a little force and make it a few times back and forth
b) Trial-production pattern evaluation of new products;
c) When the production resumes after suspension of half a year or more;
d) When there is a major change in the formulation, production process, or
raw materials;
e) When the exit-factory inspection is significantly different from the previous
type inspection.
7.2 Lot grouping
30 t of the same category of products produced continuously is one lot. Less
than 30 t is also counted as one lot.
7.3 Sampling
EXTRACT randomly from each lot of products. For those packaged in 5 kg or
more, samples shall be taken from not less than three packages. For those
packaged in less than 5 kg, samples shall be taken from not less than ten
packages. The samples taken are thoroughly mixed well. The total mass of the
samples is 10 kg. DIVIDE the samples into two, one for the inspection and one
for the standby.
7.4 Decision rules
7.4.1 Appearance
If the test piece meets the appearance requirements, its appearance is judged
to be qualified. If the test piece does not meet the appearance requirements,
then this lot of products is judged to be unqualified.
7.4.2 Physical and mechanical properties
On the basis of qualified appearance inspection, carry out the tests for physical
and mechanical properties. If all test results meet the requirements of Clause 5
of this Standard, this lot of products is judged to be qualified. If only one test
result does not meet the standard requirements, it is allowed to use the standby
samples to re-inspect all the items inspected. If the test result meets the
standard requirements, this lot of products is judged to be qualified. If there are
still items in the re-inspection which do not meet the standard requirements,
this lot of products is judged to be unqualified.
8 Packaging, marking, transportation, and storage
8.1 Packaging
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GB 23440-2009: Inorganic waterproof and leakage-preventing materials
GB 23440-2009
ICS 91.120.30
Q 17
Inorganic waterproof and leakage-preventing
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the PRC;
Standardization Administration of the PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3??
1 Scope ... 4??
2 Normative references ... 4??
3 Terms and definitions ... 4??
4 Classification ... 5??
5 Requirements ... 5??
6 Test methods ... 6??
7 Inspection rules ... 10??
8 Packaging, marking, transportation, and storage ... 11??
Inorganic waterproof and leakage-preventing
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the terms and definitions, classification, requirements,
test methods, inspection rules, packaging, marking, transportation, and storage
of inorganic waterproof and leakage-preventing materials.
This Standard is applicable to inorganic waterproof and leakage-preventing
materials for waterproofing, impermeability, and leakage-preventing of
construction engineering and civil engineering.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this
Standard, constitute provisions of this Standard. For the dated references, their
subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to
this Standard. However, the parties who enter into agreement based on this
Standard are encouraged to investigate whether the latest editions of these
documents are applicable. For undated reference documents, the latest
editions apply to this Standard.
GB 175-2007 Common Portland Cements
GB/T 1346 Test methods for water requirement of normal consistency,
setting time and soundness of the portland cement
GB/T 17671 Method of testing cements - Determination of strength (ISO
GBJ 82 Testing methods for long-term and long-lasting performance of
ordinary concrete
JC/T 985-2005 Cementitious self-leveling floor mortar
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this Standard.
Inorganic waterproof and leakage-preventing materials
6.4 Compressive strength and flexural strength
FORM according to the method specified in GB/T 17671. When slow-setting
type product is formed, WEIGH 2000 g of sample. According to the amount of
added water recommended by the manufacturer, ADD water. FORM a set of
three 40 mm??40 mm??160 mm test pieces each time. For fast-setting type
product, WEIGH 1000 g of sample each time. According to the amount of added
water recommended by the manufacturer, ADD water. FORM two sets, a total
of six 40 mm??40 mm??160 mm test pieces each time. For the demolding time,
Type I is demolded after formed for (24??2)h; Type II is demolded within 1 h after
forming. After demolding, it is cured according to 6.1.2. Determine the
compressive and flexural strength of the corresponding age. The test results
are evaluated in accordance with GB/T 17671.
6.5 Impermeability pressure
6.5.1 Impermeability pressure of coating Preparation of reference mortar test piece
USE standard sand and 42.5 grade ordinary Portland cement ingredients in
accordance with GB 175-2007. WEIGH 350 g of cement and 1350 g of standard
sand; after stirring well, ADD 350 mL of water. After the above materials are
stirred in a cement mortar mixer for 3 min, they are loaded into a truncated
conical bottom metal impermeability test mold with an upper aperture diameter
of 70 mm, a lower aperture of 80 mm, and a height of 30 mm for forming. Vibrate
on the vibration table for 20 s. After 5 min, USE the scraper to scrape off the
excess slurry and smooth it. The number of molded test pieces is 12 (For six of
them, when forming, the thickness of the test piece is reduced by about 2 mm
on the corresponding upstream face or downstream face by adding cushion or
scraping). DEMOLD after curing according to 6.1.2 for (24??2)h; then CURE
according to 6.1.3. If it is not clear that the product is used for the upstream face
or the downstream face, according to the upstream face and the downstream
face respectively, three test pieces are formed. Otherwise, according to the
upstream face or the downstream face, six test pieces are formed. Impermeability pressure of reference mortar test piece
TAKE six reference mortar test pieces which are prepared according to
and have been cured to 14 d. After the surface is dried, USE a sealing material
to seal and place in a permeameter for a water permeability test. The water
pressure starts from 0.2 MPa, is held for 2 h, and increased to 0.3 MPa. Every
1 h thereafter, the water pressure is increased by 0.1 MPa. When the end face
of three of the six test pieces shows water seepage, the test may be stopped.
RECORD the current water pressure value. When four of the six test pieces do
P0 - The impermeability pressure of reference mortar test piece, in megapascals
P1 - The impermeability pressure of coating plus reference mortar test piece, in
megapascals (MPa).
6.5.2 Impermeability pressure of test piece Preparation of test piece
MIX the ingredients according to 6.4 and fill the impermeability test mold once.
Vibrate on a vibration table for forming. Slow-setting type is vibrated for 2 min.
Fast-setting type is vibrated for 20 s. SCRAPE off the excess slurry and smooth
it. Prepare six test pieces. First, according to 6.1.2, moisturize and cure for
(24??2)h; then according to 6.1.3, CURE to the prescribed age. Test procedure
The test piece is cured to 7 d age. According to and, carry out
the test. USE the maximum pressure value when four of the six test pieces in
each group do not show water seepage as the impermeability pressure of the
test piece.
6.6 Bond strength
USE the concrete slab conforming to 6.3 of JC/T 985-2005 and the tensile bond
strength forming frame specified in 6.4.5. The concrete slab, after being
immersed in water for 24 h according to the conditions of 6.1.3, is taken out.
After the surface water stain is wiped off, according to 6.8 of JC/T 985-2005,
carry out the test.
6.7 Heat resistance
6.7.1 Preparation of test piece
USE standard sand and 42.5 grade ordinary Portland cement conforming to GB
175-2007. In a mass ratio of cement : sand : water=1 : 2 : 0.4, prepare the
ingredients. After stirring in the mortar mixer specified in GB/T 17671 for 3 min,
they are loaded into a 40 mm??160 mm??10 mm test mold, to form three test
pieces. DEMOLD after curing according to 6.1.2 for 24 h; then CURE according
to 6.1.3 to the prescribed age. TAKE the test piece cured to 7 d out. WEIGH
1000 g of sample. According to the amount of added water recommended by
the manufacturer, ADD water. STIR in the paste mixer according to GB/T 17671.
Slow-setting type is stirred for 3 min. Fast-setting type is stirred for 20 s. USE a
scraper to scrape the slurry on the base surface of the test piece by two layers.
When scraping, it shall use a little force and make it a few times back and forth
b) Trial-production pattern evaluation of new products;
c) When the production resumes after suspension of half a year or more;
d) When there is a major change in the formulation, production process, or
raw materials;
e) When the exit-factory inspection is significantly different from the previous
type inspection.
7.2 Lot grouping
30 t of the same category of products produced continuously is one lot. Less
than 30 t is also counted as one lot.
7.3 Sampling
EXTRACT randomly from each lot of products. For those packaged in 5 kg or
more, samples shall be taken from not less than three packages. For those
packaged in less than 5 kg, samples shall be taken from not less than ten
packages. The samples taken are thoroughly mixed well. The total mass of the
samples is 10 kg. DIVIDE the samples into two, one for the inspection and one
for the standby.
7.4 Decision rules
7.4.1 Appearance
If the test piece meets the appearance requirements, its appearance is judged
to be qualified. If the test piece does not meet the appearance requirements,
then this lot of products is judged to be unqualified.
7.4.2 Physical and mechanical properties
On the basis of qualified appearance inspection, carry out the tests for physical
and mechanical properties. If all test results meet the requirements of Clause 5
of this Standard, this lot of products is judged to be qualified. If only one test
result does not meet the standard requirements, it is allowed to use the standby
samples to re-inspect all the items inspected. If the test result meets the
standard requirements, this lot of products is judged to be qualified. If there are
still items in the re-inspection which do not meet the standard requirements,
this lot of products is judged to be unqualified.
8 Packaging, marking, transportation, and storage
8.1 Packaging