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GB 18484-2020: Standard for pollution control on hazardous waste incineration
GB 18484-2020
ICS 13.030.30
Z 70
Replacing GB 18484-2001
Standard for Pollution Control on Hazardous Waste Incineration
Issued by: Ministry of Ecology and Environment;
State Administration for Market Regulation.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 4
1 Scope ... 6
2 Normative References ... 6
3 Terms and Definitions ... 9
4 Requirements for Site Selection ... 14
5 Technical Requirements for Pollution Control ... 14
6 Requirements for Emission Control ... 16
7 Operation Environment Management Requirements ... 18
8 Environmental Monitoring Requirements ... 19
9 Implementation and Supervision ... 23
Appendix A (Normative) Toxic Equivalency Factor (TEF) of PCDDs/PCDFs ... 25
Standard for Pollution Control on Hazardous Waste Incineration
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the requirements for ecological and environmental protection during
the site selection, operation, monitoring, waste storage, mixing and incineration disposal of
hazardous waste incineration facilities, as well as implementation and supervision.
This Standard applies to pollution control and environmental management of existing
hazardous waste incineration facilities (excluding special PCB waste and medical waste
incineration facilities), as well as environmental impact assessment of new hazardous waste
incineration facility construction projects, design and construction of hazardous waste
incineration facilities, completion acceptance, pollution discharge permit management, and
pollution control and environmental management during operation after completion.
Special standard implemented by hazardous waste incineration facilities of the published
special national pollution control standards or environmental protections standards.
The pollutant emission limits of high-temperature heat treatment facilities such as hazardous
waste melting, pyrolysis, and gasification, if there are no special national pollution control
standards or environmental protection standards, it shall be implemented in accordance with
this Standard.
This Standard does not apply to the coordinated disposal of hazardous waste using boilers and
industrial furnaces.
2 Normative References
The following documents are essential to the application of this Document. For the dated
documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this Document; for the
undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is applicable to this
GB 8978 Integrated wastewater discharge standard
GB 12348 Standard of noise at boundary of industrial enterprises
GB 14554 Emission standards for odor pollutants
GB 16297 Integrated emission standard of air pollutants
The process by which hazardous waste undergoes combustion and other reactions under high
temperature conditions to achieve harmlessness and reduction.
3.3 Incineration facility
A device that disposes of hazardous waste by incineration to reduce its quantity, size and
eliminate its hazardous characteristics, including a feeding device, incinerator, flue gas
purification device and control system, etc.
3.4 Incineration capacity
The design capacity of an incineration facility to incinerate hazardous waste per unit time.
3.5 Incineration residues
Incineration residues, fly ash and wastewater treatment sludge discharged after the incineration
of hazardous waste.
3.6 Loss of ignition
The percentage of the mass reduction of the incineration residue after burning to the original
mass of the incineration residue. It is calculated according to Formula (1):
P ?€? loss of ignition, in %;
A - the mass of the original incineration residue at room temperature after drying at (105 ??
25)??C for 1 h, in g;
B - the mass of the incineration residue after being calcined at (600 ?? 25)??C for 3h and then
cooled to room temperature, in g.
3.7 High temperature section of incinerator
At the outlet of the incinerator combustion chamber and upstream of the outlet, the flue gas
temperature generated by combustion is in the range of ???1100??C.
3.8 Flue gas residence time
The duration that the flue gas generated by combustion is in the high temperature section
(???1100??C) can be calculated by the ratio of the effective volume of the high temperature section
of incinerator to the flue gas flow rate.
3.13 Toxic equivalency factor (TEF)
The ratio of the affinity properties of dioxin congeners and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
for aromatic receptors (Ah receptors). Please see Appendix A for the toxic equivalence factors
of typical dioxin congeners.
3.14 Toxic equivalent quantity (TEQ)
The concentration of each dioxin congener is converted into an equivalent concentration equal
to the toxicity of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. The toxic equivalent quantity is the
product of the measured concentration by the toxic equivalent factor of the isomer. It is
calculated according to Formula (4):
TEQ ?€? toxic equivalent quantity;
TEF ?€? toxic equivalency factor.
3.15 Standard conditions
The gas state at a temperature of 273.15 K and a pressure of 101.325 kPa. The concentration
limits of atmospheric pollutant emissions specified in this Standard are based on dry gas under
standard conditions.
3.16 Average value
The arithmetic mean of the test values of pollutant concentration in a certain number of samples
collected within a certain period of time. The monitoring of dioxins shall complete the
collection of no less than 3 samples within 6h to 12h; the monitoring of heavy metal pollutants
shall complete the collection of no less than 3 samples within 0.5h to 8h.
3.17 1-hour average value
The arithmetic mean of any pollutant concentration within 1 h; or the arithmetic mean of the
test values of 3 to 4 samples collected at equal time intervals within 1 h.
3.18 24-hour average value
The arithmetic mean of the 1-hour average values within 24 consecutive hours. The number of
valid hourly average values shall be no less than 20.
3.19 Daily average value
The daily average mass concentration of pollutants is calculated using the 1-hour average value
(concentration of dioxin toxic congener ?? TEF)
3.22 New incineration facility
New construction, reconstruction and expansion of hazardous waste incineration facilities with
approved environmental impact assessment documents after the implementation date of this
4 Requirements for Site Selection
4.1 The site selection of hazardous waste incineration facilities shall comply with the laws and
regulations on ecological and environmental protection and relevant statutory planning
requirements, and comprehensively consider the basic factors such as the service area of the
facilities, transportation, geological environment, etc., to ensure that the facilities are in a
relatively stable environment in the long term. Hazardous waste incineration facilities are
encouraged to be located in concentrated areas of municipal facilities such as circular economy
parks. The functional layout of each facility in this area can be adjusted according to the
environmental impact assessment documents.
4.2 The site selection of incineration facilities shall not be located in the ecological protection
red line areas, permanent basic farmland concentration areas and other areas requiring special
protection designated by the State Council and relevant competent departments of the State
Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities
directly under the Central Government.
4.3 The site of the incineration facility shall be set at a certain protective distance from sensitive
targets. The protective distance shall be determined comprehensively based on the site
conditions, incineration disposal technology and process, pollutant emission characteristics and
their diffusion factors; and shall meet the requirements of the environmental impact assessment
documents and approval opinions.
5 Technical Requirements for Pollution Control
5.1 Storage
5.1.1 Storage facilities shall meet the requirements specified in GB 18597.
5.1.2 Storage facilities shall be equipped with temporary storage facilities and partitions for
incineration residues.
5.2 Compatibility
5.2.1 Hazardous wastes entering the furnace shall meet the design requirements of the
incinerator. Hazardous wastes with explosive properties are prohibited from being incinerated.
5.2.2 Before entering the furnace, hazardous wastes shall be taken compatibility according to
the performance requirements of the incinerator so that their calorific value, main harmful
component content, combustible chlorine content, metal content, combustible sulfur content,
moisture and ash content meet the design requirements of the incineration disposal facilities;
and the physical and chemical properties of the waste entering the furnace shall be stable.
5.2.3 Pollution control measures in the pretreatment and compatibility workshops shall meet
the requirements specified in GB 18597. The generated waste gas shall be collected and
introduced into the waste gas treatment device; and the generated waste water shall be collected
and introduced into the waste water treatment device.
5.3 Incineration
5.3.1 General provisions Incineration facilities shall adopt negative pressure design or other technical measures
to prevent the escape of harmful gases during operation. Incineration facilities shall be equipped with feeding devices with automatic online and
shutdown functions, flue gas purification devices, and operation monitoring devices integrated
with online automatic flue gas monitoring, online monitoring of operating conditions and other
functions. Before the environmental protection acceptance of the completed incineration facilities,
technical performance tests shall be carried out. The test methods shall be implemented in
accordance with HJ 561. Only after the performance test is qualified can it pass the acceptance.
5.3.2 Feeding device The feeding device shall ensure smooth and uniform feeding, and adopt anti-blocking
and clearing design. The liquid waste feeding device shall be set up separately, and shall have filtering
function and flow regulation function, and the corrosion-resistant material shall be selected. The feeding port shall be designed to be airtight and anti-backfire.
5.3.3 Incinerator The technical performance indicators of hazardous waste incinerators shall meet the
requirements of Table 1.
utilization and disposal shall comply with the relevant national and local hazardous waste
6.6 Wastewater discharge from incineration facilities shall meet the requirements of GB 8978.
6.7 Noise at factory boundaries shall meet the control requirements of GB 12348.
7 Operation Environment Management Requirements
7.1 General provisions
7.1.1 Hazardous waste incineration organizations shall collect, store and transport hazardous
wastes in accordance with the requirements of HJ 2025.
7.1.2 During the operation of the incineration facility, an operation record system shall be
established to truthfully record the operation management situation. The operation record shall
at least include the source, type, quantity, storage and disposal information of hazardous wastes;
the physical and chemical characteristics analysis results and compatibility plan of the waste
entering the furnace; the facility operation and process parameter information; environmental
monitoring data; the quality and amount of activated carbon; the destination and quantity of
incineration residues, etc.
7.1.3 The incineration organization shall establish all the archives of the incineration facility,
including design, construction, acceptance, operation, monitoring and emergency response, etc.
The archives shall be sorted and filed in accordance with the relevant national laws and
regulations on archive management.
7.1.4 The incineration organizations shall prepare an environmental emergency plan and
organize emergency drills regularly.
7.1.5 Incineration organizations shall establish a soil and groundwater pollution risk detection
and control system in accordance with relevant national and local requirements; and conduct
regular risk detection. If risks are found, timely measures shall be taken to eliminate them and
archives shall be established.
7.2 Operation requirements for incineration facility
7.2.1 When starting up a hazardous waste incineration facility, the temperature in the furnace
shall be raised to the temperature specified in Table 1 before adding hazardous waste. After the
incineration facility is started and hazardous waste is added, the amount of input shall be
gradually increased, and a stable operating condition shall be reached within 6 h.
7.2.2 When the incineration facility is shut down, the combustion-supporting device shall be
used to ensure that the temperature in the furnace meets the requirements specified in Table 1
until the remaining hazardous waste in the furnace is completely burned.
7.2.3 When a failure occurs during the operation of the incineration facility and cannot be
eliminated in time, the feeding of hazardous waste shall be stopped immediately and the furnace
shall be shut down in accordance with the requirements of 7.2.2. The duration of pollutant
emissions from a single incineration facility due to start-up, shutdown, failure and accident
shall not exceed 60 h in total per natural year. The heating period of the furnace before the
hazardous waste is added to the furnace is not included in the start-up time, and the shutdown
and cooling period after the hazardous waste in the furnace is burned out is not included in the
shutdown time.
7.2.4 During the time specified in 7.2.1, 7.2.2 and 7.2.3, the online automatic monitoring data
shall not be used as the basis for assessing whether the emission limit of this Standard is met,
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