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GB 18483-2001: Emission standard of cooking fume
GB 18483-2001
ICS 13.030.01
Z 60
Replacing GWPB 5-2000
Emission standard of cooking fume
Issued by: State Environmental Protection Administration;
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3??
1 Subject content and scope of application ... 4??
2 Normative references ... 4??
3 Definition ... 4??
4 Standard limit ... 5??
5 Other requirements ... 6??
6 Monitoring ... 7??
7 Implementation of standard... 8??
Appendix A (Normative) Sampling method and analysis method of cooking
fume from catering industry ... 9??
Appendix B (Normative) Technical specification for cooking fume sampler ... 13??
Appendix C (Normative) Method for determining cooking fume's removal
efficiency ... 14??
Emission standard of cooking fume
1 Subject content and scope of application
1.1 Subject content
This standard specifies the maximum allowable emission concentration of
cooking fume of the catering industry and the minimum removal efficiency of
cooking fume's purification facilities.
1.2 Scope of application
1.2.1 This standard applies to urban built-up areas.
1.2.2 This standard is applicable to the emission management of cooking fume
from existing catering business organizations, as well as the management of
the cooking fume emission during the design, environmental impact
assessment, completion acceptance and operation period of environmental
protection facility of newly established catering business organizations. The
food processing organizations and the internal staff canteens of non-profit
organizations that emit cooking fume shall refer to this standard.
1.2.3 This standard does not apply to emission of household cooking fume.
2 Normative references
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute provisions of this
standard through quotation in this standard:
GB 3095-1996 Ambient air quality standard
GB/T 16157-1996 The determination of particulates and sampling methods
of gaseous pollutants emitted from exhaust gas of stationary source
GB 14554-1993 Emission standards for odor pollutants
3 Definition
This standard uses the following definitions.
3.1 Standard status
It refers to the state when the temperature is 273 K and the pressure is 101325
Pa. The standard concentration value as specified in this standard is the value
of dry cooking fume under standard conditions.
3.2 Cooking fume
It refers to the volatile oil, organic matter and its thermally decomposed or
pyrolysis products during food cooking and processing, collectively referred to
as cooking fume.
3.3 City
It is the same as the definition of city in the Urban Planning Law of the People's
Republic of China, that is, municipalities, cities, towns established by the state
in accordance with the administrative system.
3.4 Catering business organizations
All fume exhausting stoves, that are in the same building and belong to the
same legal person, are counted as one catering business organization.
3.5 Unorganized emission
Emission of cooking fume that has not been purified by any cooking fume's
purification facility.
3.6 Cooking fume's removal efficiency
It refers to, after the cooking fume is processed by the purification facility, the
percentage OF the mass of the cooking fume that has been removed AND the
mass of cooking fume before the purification.
P = [(c before x Q before - c after x Q after) / c before x Q before] x 100%
P - Removal efficiency of cooking fume, %;
c before - Concentration of cooking fume in front of treatment facility, mg/m3;
Q before - The exhaust air volume in front of the treatment facility, m3/h;
c after - Concentration of cooking fume behind the treatment facilities, mg/m3;
Q after - The exhaust air volume behind the treatment facility, m3/h.
4 Standard limit
4.1 The limit of minimum removal efficiency of the cooking fume's purification
5.5 When the catering industry produces special odors, it shall follow the index
of odor concentration index in the "Emission standard for odor pollutants".
6 Monitoring
6.1 Sampling position
The sampling position shall be preferentially selected in the vertical pipe
segment. It shall avoid flue elbows and sharply changing cross-sections. The
sampling position shall be that, in the downstream direction of the elbow and
the reducer, it is not less than 3 times the diameter; meanwhile in the upstream
direction of the above components, it is not less than 1.5 times the diameter.
For a rectangular flue, the equivalent diameter D = 2AB/(A + B ), where A and
B are side lengths.
6.2 Sampling point
When the cross-sectional area of the exhaust pipe is less than 0.5 m2, it
measures only one point, which takes the median value of the dynamic
pressure. When the cross-sectional area exceeds the above-mentioned cross-
sectional area, follow the relevant provisions of GB/T 16157-1996.
6.3 Sampling time and frequency
When implementing the emission limit index system as specified in this
standard, the sampling shall be performed during the normal operation of the
organization which emits cooking fume; the sampling number shall be 5
consecutive samplings, 10 minutes for each sampling.
6.4 Sampling conditions
Sample collection shall be carried out during the peak hour of the operation of
the organization which emits cooking fume (cooking, food processing or other
operations that produce cooking fume).
6.5 Processing of analytical results
Among the five sampling analysis results, compare any one of the data with the
maximum value. If the data is less than a 1/4 of the maximum value, the data
is invalid and cannot be used in the average calculation. After the data are
rounded off, at least three data will participate in the average calculation. If the
data does not meet the above conditions, it requires sampling again.
6.6 When monitoring the emission concentration, the measured emission
concentration shall be converted into the emission concentration at the
reference air volume:
Appendix A
Sampling method and analysis method of cooking fume from catering
Sampling and analysis method for determine of cooking fume by metal filter
cartridge absorption and infrared spectrophotometry
A.1 Principles
Use the isokinetic sampling method to extract the gas in the fume exhaust pipe.
Absorb the cooking fume in the cooking fume collection head. Put the collection
filter element that has collected the cooking fume in a PTFE sleeve which is
equipped with a cover. After returning to the laboratory, use carbon tetrachloride
as a solvent for ultrasonic cleaning. Move it into a colorimetric tube to make the
volume reach to the mark. Use infrared spectrophotometry to determine the
content of the cooking fume.
The content of cooking fume is calculated, respectively, by the absorbance A2930,
A2960, A3030 at the band where the wave numbers is 2930 cm-1 (the stretching
vibration of the C-H bond in the CH2 group), 2960 cm-1 (the stretching vibration
of the C-H bond in the CH3 group), 3030 cm-1 (the stretching vibration of the C-
H bond in the aromatic ring).
A.2 Reagents
A.2.1 Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4): The scanning absorbance value within the
range of 2600 cm-1 ~ 3300 cm-1 does not exceed 0.03 (4cm cuvette). Under
normal circumstances, the analytically pure carbon tetrachloride can meet the
requirements after only one distillation.
A.2.2 High-temperature reflux edible peanut oil (or rapeseed oil, blended oil,
etc.). The method of refluxing oil at high temperature: Add 300 ml of edible oil
into a 500 ml three-necked bottle; insert a thermometer which has a range of
500 ??C; first control the temperature at 120 ??C; heat it with the opening
uncapped for 30 minutes; then, install an air condenser right above it; raise the
temperature to 300 ??C; perform reflux for 2 h, to obtain standard oil.
A.3 Apparatus and equipment
A.3.1 Instrument: Infrared spectrometer, which can scan the absorbance value
between 3400 cm-1 and 2400 cm-1; it is cooperated with a 4 cm quartz cuvette
sampling flow, negative pressure of the meter, temperature and sampling
time. Record the filter cartridge number.
(8) The cooking fume sampler collects cooking fume.
A.4.2 Sample storage: The filter cartridge that has collected cooking fume shall
be immediately transferred to the PTFE cleaning cup. Tightly close the cup lid,
If the sample cannot be determined within 24 hours, it can be stored in the
freezer of the refrigerator (??? 4 ??C) for 7 days.
A.5 Test conditions
A.5.1 After cleaning, the filter cartridge shall be placed in a ventilated and dust-
free place to dry it naturally;
A.5.2 Before and after sampling, ensure that no other oily items contaminate
the filter cartridge.
A.6 Determination procedures of samples
(1) For the filter cartridge after sampling, use 12 ml of re-steamed carbon
tetrafluoride solvent to soak it in the PTFE cleaning cup; apply the cleaning
cup's lid;
(2) Put the cleaning cup in the ultrasonic instrument, to ultrasonically clean it
for 10 min;
(3) Transfer the cleaning solution to a 25 ml colorimetric tube;
(4) Then in the cleaning cup, add 6 ml of carbon tetrachloride, to perform
ultrasonic cleaning for 5 minutes;
(5) Transfer the cleaning solution into the above 25 ml colorimetric tube as
(6) Then, use a little carbon tetrachloride to clean the filter cartridge and
PTFE cup twice; transfer them together into the above 25 ml colorimetric
tube; add carbon tetrachloride to dilute it to the graduation mark;
(7) Determination by infrared spectrophotometry: Warm up the infrared tester
for more than 1 hour before determination; adjust the zero point and full
scale; fix a certain set of correction factors;
(8) Preparation of standard series: Accurately weigh 1 g of the standard
sample of corresponding refluxed edible oil on a balance, which has an
accuracy of 1/100000, into a 50 ml volumetric flask. Then, use the re-
steamed (control temperature 70 ~ 74 ??C) analytically pure CCl4 to dilute
it to the mark, to obtain a high-concentration standard solution A. Take
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GB 18483-2001: Emission standard of cooking fume
GB 18483-2001
ICS 13.030.01
Z 60
Replacing GWPB 5-2000
Emission standard of cooking fume
Issued by: State Environmental Protection Administration;
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3??
1 Subject content and scope of application ... 4??
2 Normative references ... 4??
3 Definition ... 4??
4 Standard limit ... 5??
5 Other requirements ... 6??
6 Monitoring ... 7??
7 Implementation of standard... 8??
Appendix A (Normative) Sampling method and analysis method of cooking
fume from catering industry ... 9??
Appendix B (Normative) Technical specification for cooking fume sampler ... 13??
Appendix C (Normative) Method for determining cooking fume's removal
efficiency ... 14??
Emission standard of cooking fume
1 Subject content and scope of application
1.1 Subject content
This standard specifies the maximum allowable emission concentration of
cooking fume of the catering industry and the minimum removal efficiency of
cooking fume's purification facilities.
1.2 Scope of application
1.2.1 This standard applies to urban built-up areas.
1.2.2 This standard is applicable to the emission management of cooking fume
from existing catering business organizations, as well as the management of
the cooking fume emission during the design, environmental impact
assessment, completion acceptance and operation period of environmental
protection facility of newly established catering business organizations. The
food processing organizations and the internal staff canteens of non-profit
organizations that emit cooking fume shall refer to this standard.
1.2.3 This standard does not apply to emission of household cooking fume.
2 Normative references
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute provisions of this
standard through quotation in this standard:
GB 3095-1996 Ambient air quality standard
GB/T 16157-1996 The determination of particulates and sampling methods
of gaseous pollutants emitted from exhaust gas of stationary source
GB 14554-1993 Emission standards for odor pollutants
3 Definition
This standard uses the following definitions.
3.1 Standard status
It refers to the state when the temperature is 273 K and the pressure is 101325
Pa. The standard concentration value as specified in this standard is the value
of dry cooking fume under standard conditions.
3.2 Cooking fume
It refers to the volatile oil, organic matter and its thermally decomposed or
pyrolysis products during food cooking and processing, collectively referred to
as cooking fume.
3.3 City
It is the same as the definition of city in the Urban Planning Law of the People's
Republic of China, that is, municipalities, cities, towns established by the state
in accordance with the administrative system.
3.4 Catering business organizations
All fume exhausting stoves, that are in the same building and belong to the
same legal person, are counted as one catering business organization.
3.5 Unorganized emission
Emission of cooking fume that has not been purified by any cooking fume's
purification facility.
3.6 Cooking fume's removal efficiency
It refers to, after the cooking fume is processed by the purification facility, the
percentage OF the mass of the cooking fume that has been removed AND the
mass of cooking fume before the purification.
P = [(c before x Q before - c after x Q after) / c before x Q before] x 100%
P - Removal efficiency of cooking fume, %;
c before - Concentration of cooking fume in front of treatment facility, mg/m3;
Q before - The exhaust air volume in front of the treatment facility, m3/h;
c after - Concentration of cooking fume behind the treatment facilities, mg/m3;
Q after - The exhaust air volume behind the treatment facility, m3/h.
4 Standard limit
4.1 The limit of minimum removal efficiency of the cooking fume's purification
5.5 When the catering industry produces special odors, it shall follow the index
of odor concentration index in the "Emission standard for odor pollutants".
6 Monitoring
6.1 Sampling position
The sampling position shall be preferentially selected in the vertical pipe
segment. It shall avoid flue elbows and sharply changing cross-sections. The
sampling position shall be that, in the downstream direction of the elbow and
the reducer, it is not less than 3 times the diameter; meanwhile in the upstream
direction of the above components, it is not less than 1.5 times the diameter.
For a rectangular flue, the equivalent diameter D = 2AB/(A + B ), where A and
B are side lengths.
6.2 Sampling point
When the cross-sectional area of the exhaust pipe is less than 0.5 m2, it
measures only one point, which takes the median value of the dynamic
pressure. When the cross-sectional area exceeds the above-mentioned cross-
sectional area, follow the relevant provisions of GB/T 16157-1996.
6.3 Sampling time and frequency
When implementing the emission limit index system as specified in this
standard, the sampling shall be performed during the normal operation of the
organization which emits cooking fume; the sampling number shall be 5
consecutive samplings, 10 minutes for each sampling.
6.4 Sampling conditions
Sample collection shall be carried out during the peak hour of the operation of
the organization which emits cooking fume (cooking, food processing or other
operations that produce cooking fume).
6.5 Processing of analytical results
Among the five sampling analysis results, compare any one of the data with the
maximum value. If the data is less than a 1/4 of the maximum value, the data
is invalid and cannot be used in the average calculation. After the data are
rounded off, at least three data will participate in the average calculation. If the
data does not meet the above conditions, it requires sampling again.
6.6 When monitoring the emission concentration, the measured emission
concentration shall be converted into the emission concentration at the
reference air volume:
Appendix A
Sampling method and analysis method of cooking fume from catering
Sampling and analysis method for determine of cooking fume by metal filter
cartridge absorption and infrared spectrophotometry
A.1 Principles
Use the isokinetic sampling method to extract the gas in the fume exhaust pipe.
Absorb the cooking fume in the cooking fume collection head. Put the collection
filter element that has collected the cooking fume in a PTFE sleeve which is
equipped with a cover. After returning to the laboratory, use carbon tetrachloride
as a solvent for ultrasonic cleaning. Move it into a colorimetric tube to make the
volume reach to the mark. Use infrared spectrophotometry to determine the
content of the cooking fume.
The content of cooking fume is calculated, respectively, by the absorbance A2930,
A2960, A3030 at the band where the wave numbers is 2930 cm-1 (the stretching
vibration of the C-H bond in the CH2 group), 2960 cm-1 (the stretching vibration
of the C-H bond in the CH3 group), 3030 cm-1 (the stretching vibration of the C-
H bond in the aromatic ring).
A.2 Reagents
A.2.1 Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4): The scanning absorbance value within the
range of 2600 cm-1 ~ 3300 cm-1 does not exceed 0.03 (4cm cuvette). Under
normal circumstances, the analytically pure carbon tetrachloride can meet the
requirements after only one distillation.
A.2.2 High-temperature reflux edible peanut oil (or rapeseed oil, blended oil,
etc.). The method of refluxing oil at high temperature: Add 300 ml of edible oil
into a 500 ml three-necked bottle; insert a thermometer which has a range of
500 ??C; first control the temperature at 120 ??C; heat it with the opening
uncapped for 30 minutes; then, install an air condenser right above it; raise the
temperature to 300 ??C; perform reflux for 2 h, to obtain standard oil.
A.3 Apparatus and equipment
A.3.1 Instrument: Infrared spectrometer, which can scan the absorbance value
between 3400 cm-1 and 2400 cm-1; it is cooperated with a 4 cm quartz cuvette
sampling flow, negative pressure of the meter, temperature and sampling
time. Record the filter cartridge number.
(8) The cooking fume sampler collects cooking fume.
A.4.2 Sample storage: The filter cartridge that has collected cooking fume shall
be immediately transferred to the PTFE cleaning cup. Tightly close the cup lid,
If the sample cannot be determined within 24 hours, it can be stored in the
freezer of the refrigerator (??? 4 ??C) for 7 days.
A.5 Test conditions
A.5.1 After cleaning, the filter cartridge shall be placed in a ventilated and dust-
free place to dry it naturally;
A.5.2 Before and after sampling, ensure that no other oily items contaminate
the filter cartridge.
A.6 Determination procedures of samples
(1) For the filter cartridge after sampling, use 12 ml of re-steamed carbon
tetrafluoride solvent to soak it in the PTFE cleaning cup; apply the cleaning
cup's lid;
(2) Put the cleaning cup in the ultrasonic instrument, to ultrasonically clean it
for 10 min;
(3) Transfer the cleaning solution to a 25 ml colorimetric tube;
(4) Then in the cleaning cup, add 6 ml of carbon tetrachloride, to perform
ultrasonic cleaning for 5 minutes;
(5) Transfer the cleaning solution into the above 25 ml colorimetric tube as
(6) Then, use a little carbon tetrachloride to clean the filter cartridge and
PTFE cup twice; transfer them together into the above 25 ml colorimetric
tube; add carbon tetrachloride to dilute it to the graduation mark;
(7) Determination by infrared spectrophotometry: Warm up the infrared tester
for more than 1 hour before determination; adjust the zero point and full
scale; fix a certain set of correction factors;
(8) Preparation of standard series: Accurately weigh 1 g of the standard
sample of corresponding refluxed edible oil on a balance, which has an
accuracy of 1/100000, into a 50 ml volumetric flask. Then, use the re-
steamed (control temperature 70 ~ 74 ??C) analytically pure CCl4 to dilute
it to the mark, to obtain a high-concentration standard solution A. Take