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GB 14536.10-2008: [GB/T 14536.10-2008] Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -- Particular requirements for temperature sensing controls
GB 14536.10-2008
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use.Particular requirements for temperature sensing controls
ICS 29.130
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Replacing GB 14536.10-1996
Household and similar electrical automatic controller
Particular requirements for temperature sensing controls
(IEC 60730-2-9.2004 (Ed2.2), IDT)
Posted 2008-09-19
2009-06-01 implementation
Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China
Standardization Administration of China released
Table of Contents
Introduction ???
IEC Introduction ???
1 Scope and normative references 1
2 Definitions 1
3 3 General requirements
4 General notes 3
Rating 4 5
6 Category 4
Profile 4 7
8 5 Protection against electric shock
9 ground protection measures 5
10 Terminals and terminations 6
11 structural requirements 6
8 12 moisture and dust
13 Electric strength and insulation resistance 8
Fever 14 9
15 Manufacturing deviation and drift 9
16 10 Environmental Stress
17 10 Durability
Mechanical strength 18 13
19 Threaded parts and connections 14
20 creepage distances, clearances and distances through solid insulation through 14
21 heat, fire and tracking-resistant 14
Corrosion 22 15
23 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) emission requirements --- 15
24 assembly 15
25 normal operation 15
26 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements --- Immunity 15
27 non-normal operation 15
28 Guidelines for the use of electronic disconnecting 15
Appendix 16
Annex C (normative) mercury switch test cotton 16
Annex D (informative) heat, fuel and tracking 16
Requirements Annex H (normative) electronic controller 16
Requirements Appendix J (normative) thermistor controller 19
Annex AA (informative) Maximum manufacturing deviation and drift 20
Appendix BB (informative) time constant 21
Number 23 Annex CC (informative) controller and standalone installations with wire controller cycle
Appendix DD (normative) agricultural greenhouses by the controller 24
All technical content in this section is mandatory.
GB 14536 "Household and similar electrical automatic controller" is divided into two parts.
Part 1.
GB 14536.1 General requirements
Part 2.
GB 14536.3 - Particular requirements for thermal motor protectors
Particular requirements GB 14536.4 tubular fluorescent lamp ballasts thermal protectors
GB 14536.5 sealed and semi-hermetic motor compressor motor - Particular requirements for thermal protectors
GB 14536.6 Particular requirements for automatic electrical burner control systems
GB 14536.7 pressure sensitive Particular requirements for electrical controls
GB 14536.8 Particular requirements for timers and time switches
GB 14536.9 Particular requirements for electrically operated water valves (including mechanical requirements)
GB 14536.10 - Particular requirements for temperature sensing controls
GB 14536.11 Particular requirements for motor starting relays
GB 14536.12 - Particular requirements for energy regulators
GB 14536.13 Particular requirements for electrically operated door locks
GB 14536.14 - Particular requirements for household washing machine controller
GB 14536.15 Particular requirements for humidity sensing controls
GB 14536.16 Particular requirements for electric actuators
Special requirements of the float or electrode-sensitive automatic electrical water level sensing controller GB 14536.17 in boiler used
GB 14536.18 float type for household and similar use Particular requirements for water level controller
GB 14536.19 Particular requirements for electrically operated gas valves, including mechanical requirements
This section is equivalent to using the International Electrotechnical Commission IEC 60730-2-9.2004 (Version 2.2) "household and similar use automatic control
Part is 2-9. Particular requirements for temperature sensing controls. "
For ease of use, this section made the following editorial changes.
a) "The 2-9" be replaced by "this section";
b) use a decimal point instead of a decimal comma ",". ",";
c) increase the national standard foreword.
This Part replaces GB 14536.10-1996 "household and similar use Particular requirements for electrical controls for temperature sensing controls"
(Idt IEC 60730-2-9.1992).
Compared with GB 14536.10-1996 part of the main changes are as follows.
a) The addition of appendix J, Appendix DD;
b) In Chapter 17, the Chinese used instead of the overload test pressure test;
c) In Chapter 23, Chapter 26, Appendix H changed greatly;
d) "in some countries" to name specific countries.
This section should be GB 14536.1-2008 (identical with IEC 60730-1.2003) with the use, if the version of the difference may be due
Can cause problems when used in this section, you should refer to the appropriate version of the original IEC standard.
This part of the Appendix C, Appendix H, Appendix J, Appendix DD normative appendix; Appendix D, Appendix AA, Appendix BB, CC is owned Appendix
Material appendix.
This part is proposed by the China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association.
This part of the National Standardization Technical Committee household automatic control (SAC/TC212) centralized.
This section drafted by. China Electric Apparatus Research Institute, Ltd. Foshan Tongbao.
Participated in the drafting of this section. Strix (Guangzhou) Electric Co., Ltd., Shunde District of Foshan City Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. Miharu, Guangzhou
Household appliances detection, Jiangsu Baoying electrical plant, Zhejiang Yan Thermostat Ltd., Guangdong Kelon Electrical Holdings Company Limited, Emerson Electric
(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Zhuhai Gree Electric Appliance Co., Ltd., Foshan City, Kowloon machine (thermostat) Factory, China Games Po (Headquarters) laboratory, rather
CIQ wave electrical safety testing center, Shanghai Exit Inspection and Quarantine.
Drafters of this section. Huang Kaiyun, wheat harvest, Cheung your left, Shao Zhicheng, hole Rui Xun, Yang wind and thunder, Chen Yonglong, HUANG Xiao-feng, Li Qin Wei, Zhang and Zhu
Zhou Yang, Xu Shaohui, Sun Guangjiong, Gan Hongsheng.
This part of the standard replaces the previous editions are.
--- GB 14536.10-1996.
IEC Foreword
1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC ) is a worldwide standardization group composed of all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees)
Organizations. The object of IEC is to promote international cooperation in the countries electricians and standardized electronic field all questions. For this purpose
IEC addition to other activities, but also publishes International Standards, technical specifications, technical reports and guidelines (hereinafter referred to as "IEC
Publications "). The formulation of these publications is entrusted to technical committees to complete any IEC National Committee, as long as
Interested in this technique, may participate in this preparatory work. Liaising with the IEC international, governmental and non-governmental organizations
Also participate in this work. IEC and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO ) in accordance with the conditions specified in the agreement, close cooperation.
2) IEC IEC National Committees on technical issues formal decisions or agreements of particular concern on this issue with all the skills to participate
Technique developed by the Commission and, where possible expressed consensus on the issues involved in the international arena.
3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use, and in this sense recognized by the National Committees, should make every effort to ensure
Paul IEC standard technology content is correct, IEC for any incorrect translation in use end-user irresponsible.
4) In order to promote international unification, IEC National Committees should clearly maximize the IEC international standards into the country
Standard or region. In case of any difference between the standard and the corresponding national or regional standard IEC , should be national standards or
Regional standards clearly stated.
5) IEC not developed any sign of approval procedures. If a device when its declaration of conformity with an IEC standard, IEC this
Assumes no responsibility.
6) All users should ensure that they have the latest version of this publication.
7) IEC or its managers, employees, agents or employees including experts, members of the Technical Committee and the National Commission on the use of IEC
Any personal injury caused by the IEC publication, property damage or any loss directly or indirectly caused by natural disasters and fees
Use (including legal fees) and expenses exceed IEC publication irresponsible.
8) Note that the standard references mentioned in this publication. Publication reference standard for the correct application of this standard is indispensable.
9) Some standards of international publications will involve patents, IEC these patent rights will not be responsible.
IEC 60730-2-9 international standard by the IEC /T C72. home automation controller Technical Committee.
IEC 60730-2-9 second edition (2000) [documents 72/431/FDIS and 72/449/RVD], Rev. 1 (2002) [documents 72 /
544/FDIS and 72/551/RVD] and Rev. 2 (2004) [documents 72/643/FDIS and 72/655/RVD] basis.
The version number of 2.2.
Vertical line indicates that the boundary has been revised version member basis Amendment 1 and Amendment 2 pieces.
This section and supporting the use of IEC 60730-1. In the third edition (1999) is based publications. Update of IEC 60730-1 gives consideration
Version or revision member.
This part supplements or modifies the corresponding IEC 60730-1 chapter, to make it into the IEC standard. Safety requirements for temperature sensing controls.
In this section, where marked "increase", "modification" or "replacement" of the Department, GB 14536.1 of the corresponding requirements, test specifications or comments should be
Amended accordingly.
Where the place without modification, in the corresponding section of this chapter or article written for.
In the development of a complete international standard-setting process, we must take into account the different requirements of the actual situation around the world is formed, and the promise
Recognize differences among national electrical systems and wiring rules.
Note. The differences between countries, with explanation given "in some countries" in the form of these differences, see the following articles.
--- 4.1.101;
--- Table 7.2, note 102;
--- 11.4.101;
--- 11.101;
--- 12.101.3;
--- 13.2;
--- 17.16.102;
--- 17.16.105;
--- 18.102.3;
--- 23.101;
--- Appendix C;
--- Appendix D;
--- Appendix AA;
--- CC. 2;
--- DD. 9.2.
In this publication.
1 Use the following fonts.
--- Requirements Body. roman;
--- Test specifications. italic;
--- Note matters. small roman type.
2 GB 14536.1 on the basis of increase of bar charts or note from a number of 101, an increase of appendix AA, BB, etc. Annex.
The Commission has decided to base publication and its amendments in IEC member directory website http. // webstore. iec. Paul announced before ch
Unchanged. In the meantime, the publication will be.
??? re-confirmation;
??? Cancel;
??? The revision replaced or
??? Amendment.
Household and similar electrical automatic controller
Particular requirements for temperature sensing controls
1 Scope and normative references
GB 14536.1-2008 this chapter is applicable except as follows.
1.1 Replacement.
This section applies to household and similar electrical equipment for use in electric automatic temperature sensing controls, or used in conjunction with its electrical automatic
Temperature-sensitive controllers, which are used in heating, air conditioning and similar use electric automatic controller, it can control the electrical equipment
So the use of electricity, gas, oil, solid fuel, solar energy, or a combination thereof.
Automatic electrical controls in this section apply to the use NTC or PTC thermistor, the additional requirements in Appendix J.
1.1.1 This part of the temperature sensing controls inherent safety and security equipment and related operating values apply to operation time and operating procedures,
Also applies to household and similar electrical appliances or those connected with the use of electrical test automatic controller.
Note. Examples of these controllers include boiler thermostat, fan controllers, temperature limiters and thermal cut.
This section does not apply to electrical controls specifically designed for industrial use.
This section applies to the control unit controller as part of the system, but also applies to multi-function controller with no power output
Combined into one group controller unit controller.
This section applies to those non-common household electrical appliances equipment design but the public can still be used in the electrical controls. These devices
Including commercial equipment, light industry and agriculture in the non-professional use.
1.1.2 This section also applies to the safety requirements of the controller with a non-thermal power output, such as refrigeration or gas flow controller.
1.1.3 This section applies to electrical controller within the range used in GB 4706.
Note. Throughout this section the term "device" includes "appliance" and "control."
1.1.4 This section also applies to manual and automatic controllers control electrical or mechanical one.
Note. The manual switch is not formed part of the requirements of automatic controller, see GB 15092.1.
1.1.5 This section applies to a single operation in this section the term means.
1.2 Replacement.
This section applies to the rated voltage not exceeding 690V, rated current not exceeding 63A controller.
1.3 Replacement.
This section does not consider the response of the controller in the device installation methods relating to the operation of the automatic controller. If the response is important
Purpose is to protect the user or the envi...
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Historical versions (Master-website): GB 14536.10-2008
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GB 14536.10-2008: [GB/T 14536.10-2008] Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -- Particular requirements for temperature sensing controls
GB 14536.10-2008
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use.Particular requirements for temperature sensing controls
ICS 29.130
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Replacing GB 14536.10-1996
Household and similar electrical automatic controller
Particular requirements for temperature sensing controls
(IEC 60730-2-9.2004 (Ed2.2), IDT)
Posted 2008-09-19
2009-06-01 implementation
Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China
Standardization Administration of China released
Table of Contents
Introduction ???
IEC Introduction ???
1 Scope and normative references 1
2 Definitions 1
3 3 General requirements
4 General notes 3
Rating 4 5
6 Category 4
Profile 4 7
8 5 Protection against electric shock
9 ground protection measures 5
10 Terminals and terminations 6
11 structural requirements 6
8 12 moisture and dust
13 Electric strength and insulation resistance 8
Fever 14 9
15 Manufacturing deviation and drift 9
16 10 Environmental Stress
17 10 Durability
Mechanical strength 18 13
19 Threaded parts and connections 14
20 creepage distances, clearances and distances through solid insulation through 14
21 heat, fire and tracking-resistant 14
Corrosion 22 15
23 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) emission requirements --- 15
24 assembly 15
25 normal operation 15
26 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements --- Immunity 15
27 non-normal operation 15
28 Guidelines for the use of electronic disconnecting 15
Appendix 16
Annex C (normative) mercury switch test cotton 16
Annex D (informative) heat, fuel and tracking 16
Requirements Annex H (normative) electronic controller 16
Requirements Appendix J (normative) thermistor controller 19
Annex AA (informative) Maximum manufacturing deviation and drift 20
Appendix BB (informative) time constant 21
Number 23 Annex CC (informative) controller and standalone installations with wire controller cycle
Appendix DD (normative) agricultural greenhouses by the controller 24
All technical content in this section is mandatory.
GB 14536 "Household and similar electrical automatic controller" is divided into two parts.
Part 1.
GB 14536.1 General requirements
Part 2.
GB 14536.3 - Particular requirements for thermal motor protectors
Particular requirements GB 14536.4 tubular fluorescent lamp ballasts thermal protectors
GB 14536.5 sealed and semi-hermetic motor compressor motor - Particular requirements for thermal protectors
GB 14536.6 Particular requirements for automatic electrical burner control systems
GB 14536.7 pressure sensitive Particular requirements for electrical controls
GB 14536.8 Particular requirements for timers and time switches
GB 14536.9 Particular requirements for electrically operated water valves (including mechanical requirements)
GB 14536.10 - Particular requirements for temperature sensing controls
GB 14536.11 Particular requirements for motor starting relays
GB 14536.12 - Particular requirements for energy regulators
GB 14536.13 Particular requirements for electrically operated door locks
GB 14536.14 - Particular requirements for household washing machine controller
GB 14536.15 Particular requirements for humidity sensing controls
GB 14536.16 Particular requirements for electric actuators
Special requirements of the float or electrode-sensitive automatic electrical water level sensing controller GB 14536.17 in boiler used
GB 14536.18 float type for household and similar use Particular requirements for water level controller
GB 14536.19 Particular requirements for electrically operated gas valves, including mechanical requirements
This section is equivalent to using the International Electrotechnical Commission IEC 60730-2-9.2004 (Version 2.2) "household and similar use automatic control
Part is 2-9. Particular requirements for temperature sensing controls. "
For ease of use, this section made the following editorial changes.
a) "The 2-9" be replaced by "this section";
b) use a decimal point instead of a decimal comma ",". ",";
c) increase the national standard foreword.
This Part replaces GB 14536.10-1996 "household and similar use Particular requirements for electrical controls for temperature sensing controls"
(Idt IEC 60730-2-9.1992).
Compared with GB 14536.10-1996 part of the main changes are as follows.
a) The addition of appendix J, Appendix DD;
b) In Chapter 17, the Chinese used instead of the overload test pressure test;
c) In Chapter 23, Chapter 26, Appendix H changed greatly;
d) "in some countries" to name specific countries.
This section should be GB 14536.1-2008 (identical with IEC 60730-1.2003) with the use, if the version of the difference may be due
Can cause problems when used in this section, you should refer to the appropriate version of the original IEC standard.
This part of the Appendix C, Appendix H, Appendix J, Appendix DD normative appendix; Appendix D, Appendix AA, Appendix BB, CC is owned Appendix
Material appendix.
This part is proposed by the China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association.
This part of the National Standardization Technical Committee household automatic control (SAC/TC212) centralized.
This section drafted by. China Electric Apparatus Research Institute, Ltd. Foshan Tongbao.
Participated in the drafting of this section. Strix (Guangzhou) Electric Co., Ltd., Shunde District of Foshan City Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. Miharu, Guangzhou
Household appliances detection, Jiangsu Baoying electrical plant, Zhejiang Yan Thermostat Ltd., Guangdong Kelon Electrical Holdings Company Limited, Emerson Electric
(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Zhuhai Gree Electric Appliance Co., Ltd., Foshan City, Kowloon machine (thermostat) Factory, China Games Po (Headquarters) laboratory, rather
CIQ wave electrical safety testing center, Shanghai Exit Inspection and Quarantine.
Drafters of this section. Huang Kaiyun, wheat harvest, Cheung your left, Shao Zhicheng, hole Rui Xun, Yang wind and thunder, Chen Yonglong, HUANG Xiao-feng, Li Qin Wei, Zhang and Zhu
Zhou Yang, Xu Shaohui, Sun Guangjiong, Gan Hongsheng.
This part of the standard replaces the previous editions are.
--- GB 14536.10-1996.
IEC Foreword
1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC ) is a worldwide standardization group composed of all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees)
Organizations. The object of IEC is to promote international cooperation in the countries electricians and standardized electronic field all questions. For this purpose
IEC addition to other activities, but also publishes International Standards, technical specifications, technical reports and guidelines (hereinafter referred to as "IEC
Publications "). The formulation of these publications is entrusted to technical committees to complete any IEC National Committee, as long as
Interested in this technique, may participate in this preparatory work. Liaising with the IEC international, governmental and non-governmental organizations
Also participate in this work. IEC and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO ) in accordance with the conditions specified in the agreement, close cooperation.
2) IEC IEC National Committees on technical issues formal decisions or agreements of particular concern on this issue with all the skills to participate
Technique developed by the Commission and, where possible expressed consensus on the issues involved in the international arena.
3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use, and in this sense recognized by the National Committees, should make every effort to ensure
Paul IEC standard technology content is correct, IEC for any incorrect translation in use end-user irresponsible.
4) In order to promote international unification, IEC National Committees should clearly maximize the IEC international standards into the country
Standard or region. In case of any difference between the standard and the corresponding national or regional standard IEC , should be national standards or
Regional standards clearly stated.
5) IEC not developed any sign of approval procedures. If a device when its declaration of conformity with an IEC standard, IEC this
Assumes no responsibility.
6) All users should ensure that they have the latest version of this publication.
7) IEC or its managers, employees, agents or employees including experts, members of the Technical Committee and the National Commission on the use of IEC
Any personal injury caused by the IEC publication, property damage or any loss directly or indirectly caused by natural disasters and fees
Use (including legal fees) and expenses exceed IEC publication irresponsible.
8) Note that the standard references mentioned in this publication. Publication reference standard for the correct application of this standard is indispensable.
9) Some standards of international publications will involve patents, IEC these patent rights will not be responsible.
IEC 60730-2-9 international standard by the IEC /T C72. home automation controller Technical Committee.
IEC 60730-2-9 second edition (2000) [documents 72/431/FDIS and 72/449/RVD], Rev. 1 (2002) [documents 72 /
544/FDIS and 72/551/RVD] and Rev. 2 (2004) [documents 72/643/FDIS and 72/655/RVD] basis.
The version number of 2.2.
Vertical line indicates that the boundary has been revised version member basis Amendment 1 and Amendment 2 pieces.
This section and supporting the use of IEC 60730-1. In the third edition (1999) is based publications. Update of IEC 60730-1 gives consideration
Version or revision member.
This part supplements or modifies the corresponding IEC 60730-1 chapter, to make it into the IEC standard. Safety requirements for temperature sensing controls.
In this section, where marked "increase", "modification" or "replacement" of the Department, GB 14536.1 of the corresponding requirements, test specifications or comments should be
Amended accordingly.
Where the place without modification, in the corresponding section of this chapter or article written for.
In the development of a complete international standard-setting process, we must take into account the different requirements of the actual situation around the world is formed, and the promise
Recognize differences among national electrical systems and wiring rules.
Note. The differences between countries, with explanation given "in some countries" in the form of these differences, see the following articles.
--- 4.1.101;
--- Table 7.2, note 102;
--- 11.4.101;
--- 11.101;
--- 12.101.3;
--- 13.2;
--- 17.16.102;
--- 17.16.105;
--- 18.102.3;
--- 23.101;
--- Appendix C;
--- Appendix D;
--- Appendix AA;
--- CC. 2;
--- DD. 9.2.
In this publication.
1 Use the following fonts.
--- Requirements Body. roman;
--- Test specifications. italic;
--- Note matters. small roman type.
2 GB 14536.1 on the basis of increase of bar charts or note from a number of 101, an increase of appendix AA, BB, etc. Annex.
The Commission has decided to base publication and its amendments in IEC member directory website http. // webstore. iec. Paul announced before ch
Unchanged. In the meantime, the publication will be.
??? re-confirmation;
??? Cancel;
??? The revision replaced or
??? Amendment.
Household and similar electrical automatic controller
Particular requirements for temperature sensing controls
1 Scope and normative references
GB 14536.1-2008 this chapter is applicable except as follows.
1.1 Replacement.
This section applies to household and similar electrical equipment for use in electric automatic temperature sensing controls, or used in conjunction with its electrical automatic
Temperature-sensitive controllers, which are used in heating, air conditioning and similar use electric automatic controller, it can control the electrical equipment
So the use of electricity, gas, oil, solid fuel, solar energy, or a combination thereof.
Automatic electrical controls in this section apply to the use NTC or PTC thermistor, the additional requirements in Appendix J.
1.1.1 This part of the temperature sensing controls inherent safety and security equipment and related operating values apply to operation time and operating procedures,
Also applies to household and similar electrical appliances or those connected with the use of electrical test automatic controller.
Note. Examples of these controllers include boiler thermostat, fan controllers, temperature limiters and thermal cut.
This section does not apply to electrical controls specifically designed for industrial use.
This section applies to the control unit controller as part of the system, but also applies to multi-function controller with no power output
Combined into one group controller unit controller.
This section applies to those non-common household electrical appliances equipment design but the public can still be used in the electrical controls. These devices
Including commercial equipment, light industry and agriculture in the non-professional use.
1.1.2 This section also applies to the safety requirements of the controller with a non-thermal power output, such as refrigeration or gas flow controller.
1.1.3 This section applies to electrical controller within the range used in GB 4706.
Note. Throughout this section the term "device" includes "appliance" and "control."
1.1.4 This section also applies to manual and automatic controllers control electrical or mechanical one.
Note. The manual switch is not formed part of the requirements of automatic controller, see GB 15092.1.
1.1.5 This section applies to a single operation in this section the term means.
1.2 Replacement.
This section applies to the rated voltage not exceeding 690V, rated current not exceeding 63A controller.
1.3 Replacement.
This section does not consider the response of the controller in the device installation methods relating to the operation of the automatic controller. If the response is important
Purpose is to protect the user or the envi...






