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GB 14102-2005: Fire resistant shutter
GB 14102-2005
ICS 13.220.20
C 82
Replacing GB 14102-1993
Fire Resistant Shutter
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 6
2 Normative References ... 6
3 Terms and Definitions ... 7
4 Structural Diagram, Name Symbols and Codes ... 8
5 Classification ... 9
6 Requirements ... 11
7 Test Methods ... 18
8 Inspection Rules ... 26
9 Marking, Packing, Transportation and Storage ... 28
Appendix A (Normative) Requirements and Test Methods for Door Roller of
Fire Resistant Shutter ... 30
Appendix B (Normative) Requirements and Test Methods for Control Box of
Fire Resistant Shutter ... 36
Fire Resistant Shutter
1 Scope
This standard specifies definitions, classifications, requirements, test methods and
inspection rules as well as marking, packing, transportation and storage of fire
resistant shutter.
This standard is applicable to smoke-proof fire resistant shutters in industrial and civil
Inorganic fiber composite fire resistant shutter specified in this standard is only
applicable to indoor well-ventilated dry place.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, by reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this national standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments
(excluding amending errors) to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply.
However, all parties coming to an agreement according to this standard are
encouraged to study whether the latest editions of these documents are applicable.
For any undated references, the latest editions of the documents referred to apply.
GB/T 1243 Short Pitch Transmission Precision Roller Chains and Chain Wheels
(GB/T 1243-1997, eqv ISO 606: 1994)
GB/T 2828.1 Sampling Procedures for Inspection by Attributes - Part 1: Sampling
Schemes Indexed by Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) for Lot-by-lot Inspection (GB/T
2828.1-2003, ISO 2859-1:1999, IDT)
GB/T 3923.1 Textiles - Tensile Properties of Fabrics - Part 1: Determination of
Breaking Force and Elongation at Breaking Force - Strip Method (GB/T 3923.1-1997,
neq ISO/DIS 13934-1:1994)
GB 4717-1993 General Technical Conditions for Fire Alarm Control Units
GB/T 5454 Textiles - Burning behavior - Oxygen Index Method (GB/T 5454-1997,
neq ISO 4589:1984)
GB/T 5455 Textiles - Burning Behavior - Vertical Method
GB/T 5464 Non-combustibility Test Method of Building Materials (GB/T 5464-1999,
idt ISO 1182:1990)
GB/T 7633 Fire Resistance Tests - Door and Shutter Assemblies (GB/T 7633-1987,
eqv ISO 3008:1976)
GB 8624-1997 Classification for Burning Behavior of Building Materials and
GB 9969.1 General Principles for Preparation of Instructions for Use of Industrial
GB/T 14436 General Principles of Industrial Product Guarantee Documents
GB 15930-1995 Fire Dampers - Tests
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purpose of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
Steel fire resistant shutter
A kind of shutter, consisted of curtain plate, guide rail, riser plate, lintel, box that are all
made of steel materials as well as matched door roller and control box, which meets
requirements on fire integrity
Inorganic fiber composite fire resistant shutter
A kind of shutter, consisted of curtain surface (with stainless steel wire or stainless
wire rope matched inside) made of inorganic fiber materials and clamp plate, guide
rail, riser plate, lintel and box that are all made of steel materials as well as matched
door roller and control box, which meets requirements on fire integrity
Special type fire resistant shutter
A kind of shutter, consisted of curtain surface made of inorganic fiber materials or
steel materials and guide rail, riser plate, clamp plate, lintel and box that are all made
6 Requirements
6.1 Appearance quality
6.1.1 Surface of metal parts of fire resistant shutter shall be free from crack,
indentation and obvious concave-convex, hammered mark, bur, missing hole and
other defects, and shall be evenly coated and plated for rust prevention; and shall be
free from peeling and flowing.
6.1.2 Inorganic fiber composite curtain surface of fire resistant shutter shall be free
from crack, broken corner, remedy, hole, inclination, jumper, breakage, visible
unevenness in density of wrap and weft, color difference and other defects; the clamp
plate shall be straight and fastened; warp direction of base cloth shall be the forced
direction of curtain surface that shall be beautiful, straight and tidy.
6.1.3 Relative moving parts in the process of cutting, bending and sinker drilling
shall be free from burrs.
6.1.4 Assembling and splicing points of all parts shall be free from misalignment;
welding point shall be fastened; and the appearance shall be flat and smooth, free
from slag inclusion, solder skips and loosening.
6.1.5 All fasteners shall be tightened and free from loosening.
6.2 Materials
6.2.1 Raw materials for inorganic fiber composite fire resistant shutter shall meet
requirements on health and environmental protection, and materials explicitly
prohibited by the State shall not be put into use.
6.2.2 Raw materials for main parts of fire resistant shutter shall meet the
requirements of corresponding national standards or professional standards.
6.2.3 Thickness of raw materials for main parts of fire resistant shutter should be
adopted in accordance with Table 5.
Table 5 -- Thickness of Raw Materials (Unit: mm)
Parts Thickness of raw materials
Curtain plate Thickness (ordinary type): ???1.0; thickness of any curtain sheet
Clamp plate ???3.0
Riser plate ???3.0
Guide rail Buried type: ???1.5; exposed type: ???3.0 Surfaces of driving mechanism, bearing and chain shall be free from rust
and shall be added with proper amount of lubricant as required. Deflection of shaft of vertical shutter under normal operation shall be less
than 1/400 of shaft length. Shaft of side shutter shall be installed and vertical to foundation surface.
Error of verticality shall be less than 1.5 mm/m. The total length shall be less than
6.3.8 Door roller
Door roller for fire resistant shutter shall be approved product qualified in the test
conducted by national fire detection organization and its performance shall be in
accordance with Appendix A.
6.3.9 Control box
Control box for fire resistant shutter shall be approved product qualified in the test
conducted by national fire detection organization and its performance shall be in
accordance with Appendix B.
6.4 Performance requirements
6.4.1 Air pressure resistance Curtain plate of steel fire resistant shutter shall be of certain air pressure
resistant strength. At specified load, the curtain plate shall not fall off from the guide
rail and its deflection shall be in accordance with Table 8. Anti-derail device may be arranged between the curtain surface and the
guide rail to prevent the plate from derailing.
6.4.2 Smoke-proof performance Smoke control device for guide rail and lintel of fire resistant and smoke
control shutter shall be in accordance with and If differential pressure on both sides of curtain surface of fire resistant and
smoke control shutter is 20 Pa, smoke leakage amount of the surface shall not be
greater than 0.2m3/(m2???min) under standard condition (20 , 101325Pa).
6.4.3 Operation stability
After the assembling of fire resistant shutter, the curtain surface shall operate stably in
the guide rail without being derailed and obviously inclined; two curtain surfaces of
double-curtain surface shutter shall be lifted simultaneously, and their height
difference shall not be greater than 50mm.
Table 8 -- Deflection of Curtain Plate
Air pressure Deflection/mm
B???2.5 m B=3 m B=4 m B=5 m B=6 m B>6 m
50 490 25 30 40 50 60 90
80 784 37.5 45 60 75 90 135
120 1177 50 60 80 100 120 180
Note: air pressure resistance test may not be conducted for indoor steel fire resistant shutter and inorganic fiber
6.4.4 Noise
Average noise caused by the startup/shutdown of fire resistant shutter shall not be
greater than 85dB.
6.4.5 Electric startup/shutdown speed and deadweight descending speed
The speed during electric startup/shutdown of vertical shutter shall be
2m/min~7.5m/min. And its deadweight descending speed shall not be greater than
9.5m/min, while the speed during electric startup/shutdown of side shutter shall not be
less than 7.5m/min. And that during electric startup/shutdown of horizontal shutter
shall be 2m/min~7.5m/min.
6.4.6 Two-step shutdown performance
Fire resistant shutter installed at evacuation exit shall be provided with two-step
closing performance which means that the control box automatically shuts down to
the mid-position of fire resistant shutter and stops after receiving the alarm signal,
then continues to shut down to a complete close after a 5s~60s delay; or after
receiving the alarm signal for the first time, the control box shuts down to the
mid-position of fire resistant shutter and stops, and continues to shuts down to a
complete close after receiving the alarm signal for the second time.
6.4.7 Temperature-control release performance
Temperature control release device shall be arranged for fire resistant shutter; if the
ambient temperature of temperature-sensing elements of the release device reaches
73 ??0.5 , then the shutter shall fall off and shut down according to its deadweight.
6.4.8 Fire resistance
The fire resistant rating of fire resistant shutter shall be in accordance with Table 4.
7 Test Methods
7.1 Appearance quality
Appearance quality of fire resistant shutter shall be visually inspected combined with
hand touching.
7.2 Materials
7.2.1 Inspection sheet and quality guarantee list on main materials of fire resistant
shutter shall be provided by the manufacturer. Thickness of the materials is measured
by caliper.
7.2.2 Fold decorative cloth or base cloth of inorganic fiber composite fire resistant
curtain surface in forward and reverse direction 4 times and put it in low temperature
test chamber. Adjust the temperature of the test chamber to 20 ??2 and maintain it
for 30 min?? 5 min, then reduce the temperature to -20 ??2 at the rate not greater
than 5 /min (not greater than the average in 5 min) and maintain it for 48h, then take
out the decorative cloth or base cloth from the low-temperature chamber, observe
whether it's brittle crack and still elastic. Fold decorative cloth or base cloth of
inorganic fiber composite fire resistant curtain surface in forward and reverse direction
4 times and put it in high temperature test chamber. Adjust the temperature of the test
chamber to 20 ??2 and maintain it for 30 min?? 5 min, then increase the temperature
to +50 ??2 at the rate not greater than 5 /min (not greater than the average in 5
min) and maintain it for 48h, then take out the decorative cloth or base cloth from the
low-temperature chamber, observe whether it's adhered.
7.2.3 Combustion performance for decorative cloth of inorganic fiber composite fire
resistant curtain surface shall be inspected according to GB/T 5454 and GB/T 5455,
and that of base cloth shall be inspected according to GB/T 5464.
7.2.4 Breaking strength for various textiles of inorganic fiber composite fire resistant
curtain surface shall be inspected according to GB/T 3923.1.
7.3 Parts
7.3.1 Dimension tolerance Length (L) of steel fire resistant shutter plate is measured with steel tape at
h/2. Width (h) and thickness (s) is measured with a caliper at 50 mm from both ends of
the curtain surface and L/2, from which the average is taken, see Figure 5. Error of perpendicularity of side shaft is measured according to the
requirements of
7.3.8 Door roller
Performances for door roller of fire resistant shutter are measured in accordance with
Appendix A.
7.3.9 Control box
Performances for control box of fire resistant shutter are measured in accordance with
Appendix B.
7.4 Performance requirements
7.4.1 Air pressure resistance Test equipment
Air pressure resistance test equipment of the plate is shown in Figure 7. Test
equipment includes the following parts:
a) Adjustable support: with locking device, air pressure resistance test for
curtain plates with different lengths may be carried out by adjusting support.
b) Sandbag: the mass of each sandbag is 3.0 kg, the sand with loose thickness
of 1500 kg/m3 is filled in for loading of the test piece.
c) Deflectometer: measure and display deflection of the test piece, precision: ??
1.0 mm.
d) Others: ruler, steel tape, caliper and platform scale. Test piece
Randomly take three of the curtain sheets with identical production condition, and
mesh them horizontally into shutter as test piece. Test procedure
a) Measure the mass and dimension of the test piece and calculate the area.
b) Install the test piece in the guide rail groove of the adjustable support with its
windward side upward.
Q0 - the measured smoke leakage of the equipment, [m3/(m2???min)];
T0 - the gas temperature in the measuring pipeline when measuring the smoke
leakage of the equipment, ( );
B0 - the atmospheric pressure when measuring the smoke leakage of the equipment,
P0 - the gas pressure at the flowmeter when measuring the smoke leakage of the
equipment, (Pa).
7.4.3 Operation stability
Visual inspection is carried out for operation stability of fire resistant shutter. Height
difference between two curtain surfaces of the double-curtain surface shutter is
measured with steel tape.
7.4.4 Noise
Noise of the fire resistan...
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GB 14102-2005: Fire resistant shutter
GB 14102-2005
ICS 13.220.20
C 82
Replacing GB 14102-1993
Fire Resistant Shutter
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 6
2 Normative References ... 6
3 Terms and Definitions ... 7
4 Structural Diagram, Name Symbols and Codes ... 8
5 Classification ... 9
6 Requirements ... 11
7 Test Methods ... 18
8 Inspection Rules ... 26
9 Marking, Packing, Transportation and Storage ... 28
Appendix A (Normative) Requirements and Test Methods for Door Roller of
Fire Resistant Shutter ... 30
Appendix B (Normative) Requirements and Test Methods for Control Box of
Fire Resistant Shutter ... 36
Fire Resistant Shutter
1 Scope
This standard specifies definitions, classifications, requirements, test methods and
inspection rules as well as marking, packing, transportation and storage of fire
resistant shutter.
This standard is applicable to smoke-proof fire resistant shutters in industrial and civil
Inorganic fiber composite fire resistant shutter specified in this standard is only
applicable to indoor well-ventilated dry place.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, by reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this national standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments
(excluding amending errors) to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply.
However, all parties coming to an agreement according to this standard are
encouraged to study whether the latest editions of these documents are applicable.
For any undated references, the latest editions of the documents referred to apply.
GB/T 1243 Short Pitch Transmission Precision Roller Chains and Chain Wheels
(GB/T 1243-1997, eqv ISO 606: 1994)
GB/T 2828.1 Sampling Procedures for Inspection by Attributes - Part 1: Sampling
Schemes Indexed by Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) for Lot-by-lot Inspection (GB/T
2828.1-2003, ISO 2859-1:1999, IDT)
GB/T 3923.1 Textiles - Tensile Properties of Fabrics - Part 1: Determination of
Breaking Force and Elongation at Breaking Force - Strip Method (GB/T 3923.1-1997,
neq ISO/DIS 13934-1:1994)
GB 4717-1993 General Technical Conditions for Fire Alarm Control Units
GB/T 5454 Textiles - Burning behavior - Oxygen Index Method (GB/T 5454-1997,
neq ISO 4589:1984)
GB/T 5455 Textiles - Burning Behavior - Vertical Method
GB/T 5464 Non-combustibility Test Method of Building Materials (GB/T 5464-1999,
idt ISO 1182:1990)
GB/T 7633 Fire Resistance Tests - Door and Shutter Assemblies (GB/T 7633-1987,
eqv ISO 3008:1976)
GB 8624-1997 Classification for Burning Behavior of Building Materials and
GB 9969.1 General Principles for Preparation of Instructions for Use of Industrial
GB/T 14436 General Principles of Industrial Product Guarantee Documents
GB 15930-1995 Fire Dampers - Tests
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purpose of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
Steel fire resistant shutter
A kind of shutter, consisted of curtain plate, guide rail, riser plate, lintel, box that are all
made of steel materials as well as matched door roller and control box, which meets
requirements on fire integrity
Inorganic fiber composite fire resistant shutter
A kind of shutter, consisted of curtain surface (with stainless steel wire or stainless
wire rope matched inside) made of inorganic fiber materials and clamp plate, guide
rail, riser plate, lintel and box that are all made of steel materials as well as matched
door roller and control box, which meets requirements on fire integrity
Special type fire resistant shutter
A kind of shutter, consisted of curtain surface made of inorganic fiber materials or
steel materials and guide rail, riser plate, clamp plate, lintel and box that are all made
6 Requirements
6.1 Appearance quality
6.1.1 Surface of metal parts of fire resistant shutter shall be free from crack,
indentation and obvious concave-convex, hammered mark, bur, missing hole and
other defects, and shall be evenly coated and plated for rust prevention; and shall be
free from peeling and flowing.
6.1.2 Inorganic fiber composite curtain surface of fire resistant shutter shall be free
from crack, broken corner, remedy, hole, inclination, jumper, breakage, visible
unevenness in density of wrap and weft, color difference and other defects; the clamp
plate shall be straight and fastened; warp direction of base cloth shall be the forced
direction of curtain surface that shall be beautiful, straight and tidy.
6.1.3 Relative moving parts in the process of cutting, bending and sinker drilling
shall be free from burrs.
6.1.4 Assembling and splicing points of all parts shall be free from misalignment;
welding point shall be fastened; and the appearance shall be flat and smooth, free
from slag inclusion, solder skips and loosening.
6.1.5 All fasteners shall be tightened and free from loosening.
6.2 Materials
6.2.1 Raw materials for inorganic fiber composite fire resistant shutter shall meet
requirements on health and environmental protection, and materials explicitly
prohibited by the State shall not be put into use.
6.2.2 Raw materials for main parts of fire resistant shutter shall meet the
requirements of corresponding national standards or professional standards.
6.2.3 Thickness of raw materials for main parts of fire resistant shutter should be
adopted in accordance with Table 5.
Table 5 -- Thickness of Raw Materials (Unit: mm)
Parts Thickness of raw materials
Curtain plate Thickness (ordinary type): ???1.0; thickness of any curtain sheet
Clamp plate ???3.0
Riser plate ???3.0
Guide rail Buried type: ???1.5; exposed type: ???3.0 Surfaces of driving mechanism, bearing and chain shall be free from rust
and shall be added with proper amount of lubricant as required. Deflection of shaft of vertical shutter under normal operation shall be less
than 1/400 of shaft length. Shaft of side shutter shall be installed and vertical to foundation surface.
Error of verticality shall be less than 1.5 mm/m. The total length shall be less than
6.3.8 Door roller
Door roller for fire resistant shutter shall be approved product qualified in the test
conducted by national fire detection organization and its performance shall be in
accordance with Appendix A.
6.3.9 Control box
Control box for fire resistant shutter shall be approved product qualified in the test
conducted by national fire detection organization and its performance shall be in
accordance with Appendix B.
6.4 Performance requirements
6.4.1 Air pressure resistance Curtain plate of steel fire resistant shutter shall be of certain air pressure
resistant strength. At specified load, the curtain plate shall not fall off from the guide
rail and its deflection shall be in accordance with Table 8. Anti-derail device may be arranged between the curtain surface and the
guide rail to prevent the plate from derailing.
6.4.2 Smoke-proof performance Smoke control device for guide rail and lintel of fire resistant and smoke
control shutter shall be in accordance with and If differential pressure on both sides of curtain surface of fire resistant and
smoke control shutter is 20 Pa, smoke leakage amount of the surface shall not be
greater than 0.2m3/(m2???min) under standard condition (20 , 101325Pa).
6.4.3 Operation stability
After the assembling of fire resistant shutter, the curtain surface shall operate stably in
the guide rail without being derailed and obviously inclined; two curtain surfaces of
double-curtain surface shutter shall be lifted simultaneously, and their height
difference shall not be greater than 50mm.
Table 8 -- Deflection of Curtain Plate
Air pressure Deflection/mm
B???2.5 m B=3 m B=4 m B=5 m B=6 m B>6 m
50 490 25 30 40 50 60 90
80 784 37.5 45 60 75 90 135
120 1177 50 60 80 100 120 180
Note: air pressure resistance test may not be conducted for indoor steel fire resistant shutter and inorganic fiber
6.4.4 Noise
Average noise caused by the startup/shutdown of fire resistant shutter shall not be
greater than 85dB.
6.4.5 Electric startup/shutdown speed and deadweight descending speed
The speed during electric startup/shutdown of vertical shutter shall be
2m/min~7.5m/min. And its deadweight descending speed shall not be greater than
9.5m/min, while the speed during electric startup/shutdown of side shutter shall not be
less than 7.5m/min. And that during electric startup/shutdown of horizontal shutter
shall be 2m/min~7.5m/min.
6.4.6 Two-step shutdown performance
Fire resistant shutter installed at evacuation exit shall be provided with two-step
closing performance which means that the control box automatically shuts down to
the mid-position of fire resistant shutter and stops after receiving the alarm signal,
then continues to shut down to a complete close after a 5s~60s delay; or after
receiving the alarm signal for the first time, the control box shuts down to the
mid-position of fire resistant shutter and stops, and continues to shuts down to a
complete close after receiving the alarm signal for the second time.
6.4.7 Temperature-control release performance
Temperature control release device shall be arranged for fire resistant shutter; if the
ambient temperature of temperature-sensing elements of the release device reaches
73 ??0.5 , then the shutter shall fall off and shut down according to its deadweight.
6.4.8 Fire resistance
The fire resistant rating of fire resistant shutter shall be in accordance with Table 4.
7 Test Methods
7.1 Appearance quality
Appearance quality of fire resistant shutter shall be visually inspected combined with
hand touching.
7.2 Materials
7.2.1 Inspection sheet and quality guarantee list on main materials of fire resistant
shutter shall be provided by the manufacturer. Thickness of the materials is measured
by caliper.
7.2.2 Fold decorative cloth or base cloth of inorganic fiber composite fire resistant
curtain surface in forward and reverse direction 4 times and put it in low temperature
test chamber. Adjust the temperature of the test chamber to 20 ??2 and maintain it
for 30 min?? 5 min, then reduce the temperature to -20 ??2 at the rate not greater
than 5 /min (not greater than the average in 5 min) and maintain it for 48h, then take
out the decorative cloth or base cloth from the low-temperature chamber, observe
whether it's brittle crack and still elastic. Fold decorative cloth or base cloth of
inorganic fiber composite fire resistant curtain surface in forward and reverse direction
4 times and put it in high temperature test chamber. Adjust the temperature of the test
chamber to 20 ??2 and maintain it for 30 min?? 5 min, then increase the temperature
to +50 ??2 at the rate not greater than 5 /min (not greater than the average in 5
min) and maintain it for 48h, then take out the decorative cloth or base cloth from the
low-temperature chamber, observe whether it's adhered.
7.2.3 Combustion performance for decorative cloth of inorganic fiber composite fire
resistant curtain surface shall be inspected according to GB/T 5454 and GB/T 5455,
and that of base cloth shall be inspected according to GB/T 5464.
7.2.4 Breaking strength for various textiles of inorganic fiber composite fire resistant
curtain surface shall be inspected according to GB/T 3923.1.
7.3 Parts
7.3.1 Dimension tolerance Length (L) of steel fire resistant shutter plate is measured with steel tape at
h/2. Width (h) and thickness (s) is measured with a caliper at 50 mm from both ends of
the curtain surface and L/2, from which the average is taken, see Figure 5. Error of perpendicularity of side shaft is measured according to the
requirements of
7.3.8 Door roller
Performances for door roller of fire resistant shutter are measured in accordance with
Appendix A.
7.3.9 Control box
Performances for control box of fire resistant shutter are measured in accordance with
Appendix B.
7.4 Performance requirements
7.4.1 Air pressure resistance Test equipment
Air pressure resistance test equipment of the plate is shown in Figure 7. Test
equipment includes the following parts:
a) Adjustable support: with locking device, air pressure resistance test for
curtain plates with different lengths may be carried out by adjusting support.
b) Sandbag: the mass of each sandbag is 3.0 kg, the sand with loose thickness
of 1500 kg/m3 is filled in for loading of the test piece.
c) Deflectometer: measure and display deflection of the test piece, precision: ??
1.0 mm.
d) Others: ruler, steel tape, caliper and platform scale. Test piece
Randomly take three of the curtain sheets with identical production condition, and
mesh them horizontally into shutter as test piece. Test procedure
a) Measure the mass and dimension of the test piece and calculate the area.
b) Install the test piece in the guide rail groove of the adjustable support with its
windward side upward.
Q0 - the measured smoke leakage of the equipment, [m3/(m2???min)];
T0 - the gas temperature in the measuring pipeline when measuring the smoke
leakage of the equipment, ( );
B0 - the atmospheric pressure when measuring the smoke leakage of the equipment,
P0 - the gas pressure at the flowmeter when measuring the smoke leakage of the
equipment, (Pa).
7.4.3 Operation stability
Visual inspection is carried out for operation stability of fire resistant shutter. Height
difference between two curtain surfaces of the double-curtain surface shutter is
measured with steel tape.
7.4.4 Noise
Noise of the fire resistan...











