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YY/T 1702-2020: Dentistry--Additive manufacturing--Selective laser melting metallic materials for fixed and removable restorations and appliances
YY/T 1702-2020
ICS 11.060.10
C 33
Dentistry - Additive Manufacturing - Selective Laser
Melting Metallic Materials for Fixed and Removable
Restorations and Appliances
Issued by: National Medical Products Administration
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
Introduction ... 4
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative References ... 5
3 Terms and Definitions ... 6
4 Classification ... 8
5 Requirements ... 9
6 sampling ... 12
7 Preparation of Sample ... 12
8 Test Method ... 15
9 Information and Instruction Manual ... 20
10 Marking and Label ... 22
Bibliography ... 23
Dentistry - Additive Manufacturing - Selective Laser
Melting Metallic Materials for Fixed and Removable
Restorations and Appliances
1 Scope
This Standard classifies and specifies the performance requirements and test methods
of additive manufacturing metal materials for dental fixation and removable restoration,
including those used for porcelain or not for porcelain, or both. It also stipulates the
requirements for the package accompanying documents, instructions manual, marking
and labeling of the product.
This Standard is applicable to cobalt-chromium alloy, pure titanium and titanium alloy
metal powders for selective laser melting of additive manufacturing processes.
2 Normative References
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the
dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this
document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the
amendments) is applicable to this document.
GB/T 1479.1-2011 Metallic Powders - Determination of Apparent Density - Part 1:
Funnel Method
GB/T 1482-2010 Metallic Powders - Determination of Flow Time by Means of a
Calibrated Funnel (Hall Flowmeter)
GB/T 3851-2015 Hard Metals - Determination of Transverse Rupture Strength
GB/T 4340.1-2009 Metallic Materials - Vickers Hardness Test - Part 1: Test Method
GB/T 5162-2006 Metallic Powders - Determination of Tap Density
GB/T 5314-2011 Powders for Powder Metallurgical Purposes – Sampling
GB/T 10610-2009 Geometrical Product Specifications(GPS) - Surface Texture:
Profile Method - Rules and Procedures for the Assessment of Surface Texture
GB/T 13298-2015 Inspection Methods of Microstructure for Metals
NOTE 2: Except as specified by the equipment manufacturer, the positive direction of x-axis is
the direction from left to right when viewing from the front side of the equipment and facing the
origin of the forming space.
NOTE 3: Usually the x-axis is in the horizontal position.
[GB/T 35351-2017, definition 2.3.20]
3.4 y-axis
The axis that is perpendicular to the x-axis and z-axis in the coordinate system of the
NOTE 1: Unless otherwise specified by the equipment manufacturer, it usually refers to the y-
axis of the equipment.
NOTE 2: Except as specified by the equipment manufacturer, the definition of positive direction
of the y-axis follows the right-hand rule of the coordinate system in GB/T 19660. Usually, when
the z-axis is positively upwards, at this time, when viewing from the front side of the equipment,
the direction from the front to the back of the equipment is the positive direction of the y-axis.
When the z-axis is positively downwards, at this time, when viewing from the front side of the
equipment, the direction from the back to the front of the equipment is the positive direction of
the y-axis.
NOTE 3: Usually the y-axis is in the horizontal position.
[GB/T 35351-2017, definition 2.3.21]
3.5 z-axis
The coordinate axis that is perpendicular to the x-axis and y-axis (the plane formed by
them) in coordinate system of the equipment.
NOTE 1: Unless otherwise specified by the equipment manufacturer, it usually refers to the z-
axis of the equipment.
NOTE 2: Except as specified by the equipment manufacturer, the definition of the positive
direction of z-axis follows the right-hand rule of the coordinate system in GB/T 19660. For a
process that uses planes and materials to superimpose layer by layer, the normal direction of
the layer is the positive direction of the z-axis. For the process that uses planes and materials
to superimpose layer by layer, the positive direction of z-axis points from the first layer to the
subsequent layer.
NOTE 3: When materials are superimposed from different directions [e.g.: in a directional
energy deposition system], the z-axis may be determined according to rotation or rolling in GB/T
snap rings.
5 Requirements
5.1 Metal powder
5.1.1 Chemical composition
Test according to 8.1.1, it shall comply with the provisions of 5.1 in ISO 22674-2016.
5.1.2 Hazardous ingredients
Test according to 8.1.1, it shall comply with the provisions of 5.2 in ISO 22674-2016.
5.1.3 Powder appearance
Test according to 8.1.2, the powder is even, and there are no visible impurities.
5.1.4 Roundness
Test according to 8.1.3, the roundness shall be no less than the claimed value of the
5.1.5 Powder size and distribution
Test according to 8.1.4, D10≥12µm; D90≤65µm.
5.1.6 Powder flowability
Test according to 8.1.5, cobalt-chromium alloy powder: no more than 40s/50g; titanium
and titanium-alloy powder: no more than 50s/50g.
5.1.7 Bulk density of powder
Test according to 8.1.6, cobalt-chromium alloy powder: no less than 4.0g/cm3; titanium
and titanium alloy powder: no less than 2.2g/cm3.
5.1.8 Tap density of powder
Test according to 8.1.7, cobalt-chromium alloy powder: no less than 4.5g/cm3; titanium
and titanium alloy powder: no less than 2.5g/cm3.
5.1.9 Solidus and liquidus temperature (alloy) or melting point (commercial pure
Test according to 8.1.8, it shall meet the requirements of 5.9 in ISO 22674-2016.
5.1.10 Package accompanying documents, instructions manual, marking and
See introduction.
6 sampling
The powder sampling by the manufacturer shall comply with GB/T 5314-2011.
The sample amount shall be able to meet the requirements of 7.3 preparation of
samples; and the taken samples should be of the same batch. In addition, packaging
information, instructions manual, markings and labels shall meet the requirements of
Clauses 9 and 10.
7 Preparation of Sample
7.1 Overview
Prepare all samples in accordance with the documents attached to the product
package (see 9.1) and the manufacturer’s instruction manual (see 9.2).
The effect of printing direction on performance shall be fully considered. For the tensile
performance, bending performance, corrosion resistance, anti-tarnish performance,
linear expansion coefficient and metal-porcelain system performance, two sets of
samples shall be prepared; that is, the long axis of the sample is parallel to the printing
growth direction (z-axis direction) and the long axis of the sample is perpendicular to
the printing growth direction (x-axis or y-axis direction). The performances of the two
sets of specimens in the two printing directions shall both meet the requirements of the
corresponding clauses.
Replace all samples with visible defects.
The sample preparer shall provide relevant information and main printing parameters
(including at least: laser power, scanning speed, printing distance, spot diameter, and
powder layer thickness) of the used printing equipment.
The relevant information and main printing parameters of the printing equipment
provided by the manufacturer shall be confirmed; and the printed product performance
shall meet all the requirements of this Standard. If the printing equipment and main
printing parameters are changed, the printed product performance shall be
reconfirmed according to 5.2.
7.2 Heat treatment
7.2.1 Metal materials recommended for heat treatment in the manufacturer’s
instruction manual
If the manufacturer recommends heat treatment [9.2c)], the heat treatment shall be
carried out in accordance with the heat treatment conditions specified in the
manufacturer’s instruction manual, including for stress relief heat treatment and
softening and hardening heat treatment, etc.
7.2.2 Metal materials for metal-porcelain restorations
It shall be carried out according to the provisions of 7.2.3 in ISO 22674-2016.
7.3 Specimen
The number of samples in this part does not include the metal materials that are used
for metal-porcelain restorations. If the product is used for metal-porcelain restorations,
the number of samples shall be doubled, and sample processing shall be carried out
according to 7.2.2.
7.3.1 Surface roughness, hardness, density, inclusions and porosity
Prepare a cube sample with a side length of at least 10mm (e.g. 10mm×10mm×10mm)
according to the manufacturer’s instruction manual; mark and print the positive
direction of z-axis on the surface of the specimen (see 3.5); and perform heat treatment
in accordance with 7.2.1; and prepare 6 specimens.
The above 4 tests share 1 set of specimens. The specimen shall maintain the original
printed surface, and shall not be subjected to any metal processing such as grinding
or turning, etc.
7.3.2 Dimension and warpage deformation
A single-sided cantilever beam specimen with a thickness of 1mm is used and
prepared according to the size in Figure 1. The shape of the support is designed by
the manufacturer and is consistent with the actual production process.
After printing is completed, perform heat treatment according to 7.2.1. Prepare 5
Prepare the specimen with size of (25±2)mm × (2.0±0.1)mm × (2.0±0.1)mm according
to the manufacturer’s instruction manual; respectively prepare 6 specimens with the
long axis of the specimen parallel to the printing growth direction (z-axis direction) and
with the long axis of the specimen perpendicular to the printing growth direction (x-axis
or y-axis direction). Perform heat treatment on the specimen according to 7.2.1.
7.3.4 Corrosion resistance
Prepare sample in accordance with 7.7 in ISO 22674-2016. Respectively prepare 2
specimens with the long axis of the specimen parallel to the printing growth direction
(z-axis direction) and the long axis of the specimen perpendicular to the printing growth
direction (x-axis or y-axis direction). Perform the heat treatment on the specimens
according to 7.2.1.
7.3.5 Anti-tarnish
Prepare sample in accordance with 7.8 in ISO 22674-2016. Respectively prepare 2
specimens with the long axis of the specimen parallel to the printing growth direction
(z-axis direction) and the long axis of the specimen perpendicular to the printing growth
direction (x-axis or y-axis direction). Perform the heat treatment on the specimens
according to 7.2.1.
7.3.6 Linear thermal expansion
Prepare sample in accordance with 7.9 in ISO 22674-2016. Respectively prepare 2
specimens with the long axis of the specimen parallel to the printing growth direction
(z-axis direction) and the long axis of the specimen perpendicular to the printing growth
direction (x-axis or y-axis direction). Perform the heat treatment on the specimens
according to 7.2.1.
7.3.7 Performance of metal-porcelain system – peel/crack initiation strength
Prepare sample in accordance with the provisions of 6.4.2 in YY 0621.1-2016.
Respectively prepare 6 specimens with the long axis of the specimen parallel to the
printing growth direction (z-axis direction) and with the long axis of the specimen
perpendicular to the printing growth direction (x-axis or y-axis direction). Perform heat
treatment on the specimen according to 7.2.1.
8 Test Method
8.1 Metal powder
8.1.1 Chemical composition and hazardous ingredients
Test according to 8.2 in ISO 22674-2016, it shall comply with the provisions of 5.1.1
and 5.1.2.
provisions of 5.1.9.
8.1.9 Package accompanying documents, instruction manual, markings and
Check whether it meets the requirements of Clauses 9 and 10.
8.2 Printout
In the test process of surface roughness, hardness, density, inclusions and porosity, in
order to avoid the economic burden on the sample preparer due to repeated sample
preparation, the same set of samples may be used for multi-item tests. The test
sequence is to conduct surface roughness test first, and then to test hardness, density,
inclusions and porosity.
8.2.1 Surface roughness
Prepare the sample according to 7.3.1; refer to the positive direction of z-axis marked
on the surface of the specimen; and perform the test along the printing growth direction
(z-axis). Test in accordance with the provisions of GB/T10610-2009; and measure the
Ra value of the measured surface. All 6 specimens shall comply with the provisions of
8.2.2 Dimensions
Measure by measuring instruments with an accuracy of at least 0.01mm.
Measure the thickness of the specimen prepared in accordance with 7.3.2; and the
deviation of the thickness of the 5 specimens from the design dimensions shall meet
the requirements of 5.2.2.
8.2.3 Warpage deformation
Prepare the sample according to 7.3.2; and perform heat treatment according to 7.2.1.
Measure the height of the upper surface of the specimen at point A on the centerline
(as shown in Figure 2, the farthest end of the cantilever beam), that is, the distance
between point A on the upper surface of the specimen and the substrate. Pressure
cannot be applied to the sample during the measurement. It is recommended to
choose a non-contact measuring instrument, accurate to 0.01mm.
Then, truncate the 55mm support of the specimen, leaving only the fixed end of 10mm
connected to the substrate (or specimen printing base plate), so that the specimen is
in a cantilever beam state (see Figure 2).
NOTE 1: The height position of the truncated support is not required. The truncation process
shall ensure the integrity of the specimen.
d – support truncated position;
A – Measurement position of warpage deformation.
NOTE 1: The allowable err...
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