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YS/T 951-2014: Laterite nickel ores. Determination of moisture content of a consignment
YS/T 951-2014
ICS 77.120.01
D 42
Laterite nickel ores - Determination of moisture
content of a consignment
Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the
People's Republic of China
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 4
4 Method summary ... 5
5 Instruments and equipment ... 5
6 Sample ... 6
7 Determination steps ... 6
8 Result calculation and expression ... 7
9 Test report ... 9
Annex A (normative) Determination of moisture content of over-wet or sticky
laterite nickel ore consignment ... 11
Laterite nickel ores - Determination of moisture
content of a consignment
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the determination method of moisture content of a
consignment of laterite nickel ores.
This Standard is applicable to the determination of moisture content of a
consignment of laterite nickel ores.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
YS/T 950, Methods for sampling and sample preparation of laterite nickel
ores in bulk
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 consignment
A certain amount of ores in one delivery. A consignment may consist of a batch,
several batches or partial batches of ores.
3.2 gross sample
A sample that consists of all increments and fully represents all quality
characteristics of a batch.
3.3 partial sample
A sample that is composed of partial increments required to form a gross
3.4 increment
A certain amount of ores that are obtained in one operation by a sampling
device or a sample reduction device.
3.5 sample
Relatively small amount of ores that are representative and are taken from a
batch of ores of which their quality characteristics are to be evaluated.
3.6 test portion
A certain amount of material that are taken from test samples (if the test sample
is the same as the laboratory sample, take it from the laboratory sample) and
used for inspection or observation.
3.7 mass-basis sampling
A sampling method that takes increments at equal mass intervals and tries to
make the increment size consistent.
3.8 time-basis sampling
A sampling method that, from a free-fall material flow or from a conveyor,
collects increments at equal time intervals; that the amount of each increment
is proportional to the material flow of the taken increment.
4 Method summary
In 105°C±5°C air flow, dry the test portion to constant weight. By determining
the mass loss of test portion, calculate its moisture content.
5 Instruments and equipment
5.1 Drying pan: stainless-steel or enamel; about 1000g of test portion are
placed in the pan and the thickness is about 10mm.
5.2 Blast dryer: equipped with temperature indicator and controller; be able to
control the temperature of any point in the cabinet within 105°C±5°C; the air in
the cabinet can conduct cycling and replacement, so as to make test portion
completely dried without any loss.
5.3 Weighing device: the maximum weighing value is not less than 2000g; the
resolution is not greater than 0.1g.
Annex A
Determination of moisture content of over-wet or sticky laterite nickel
ore consignment
A.1 When the moisture sample is too wet or sticky to sieve, break and divide, it
shall pre-dry the moisture sample till it is easy to prepare.
NOTE: It shall carefully distribute the pre-dried test portion, weigh the initial mass of test
portion and the mass of pre-dried test portion, so as to ensure the determination precision
of pre-dried moisture content.
A.2 Weigh the initial mass of test portion.
A.3 Flatten the test portion to the same thickness. Pre-dry it in the air or in a
drying device of which the temperature is not higher than 105°C till it is easy to
NOTE: The temperature and time selected in the pre-drying stage must not exceed the
state when it is easy to re-absorb water in the subsequent processing.
A.4 After pre-drying, re-weigh the mass of test portion.
A.5 The pre-dried moisture content wp in test portion, expressed in mass
fraction, is calculated according to formula (A.1). Keep the result to one digit
after the decimal place.
- Initial mass of test portion, in grams (g);
- Mass of test portion after pre-drying, in grams (g).
A.6 According to the provisions of YS/T 950, use pre-dried test portion to
prepare the test portion for moisture determination.
A.7 According to the provisions of 7.2, determine the dry loss of test portion.
Then according to the provisions of 8.1, calculate the remaining moisture
content of test portion.
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YS/T 951-2014: Laterite nickel ores. Determination of moisture content of a consignment
YS/T 951-2014
ICS 77.120.01
D 42
Laterite nickel ores - Determination of moisture
content of a consignment
Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the
People's Republic of China
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 4
4 Method summary ... 5
5 Instruments and equipment ... 5
6 Sample ... 6
7 Determination steps ... 6
8 Result calculation and expression ... 7
9 Test report ... 9
Annex A (normative) Determination of moisture content of over-wet or sticky
laterite nickel ore consignment ... 11
Laterite nickel ores - Determination of moisture
content of a consignment
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the determination method of moisture content of a
consignment of laterite nickel ores.
This Standard is applicable to the determination of moisture content of a
consignment of laterite nickel ores.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
YS/T 950, Methods for sampling and sample preparation of laterite nickel
ores in bulk
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 consignment
A certain amount of ores in one delivery. A consignment may consist of a batch,
several batches or partial batches of ores.
3.2 gross sample
A sample that consists of all increments and fully represents all quality
characteristics of a batch.
3.3 partial sample
A sample that is composed of partial increments required to form a gross
3.4 increment
A certain amount of ores that are obtained in one operation by a sampling
device or a sample reduction device.
3.5 sample
Relatively small amount of ores that are representative and are taken from a
batch of ores of which their quality characteristics are to be evaluated.
3.6 test portion
A certain amount of material that are taken from test samples (if the test sample
is the same as the laboratory sample, take it from the laboratory sample) and
used for inspection or observation.
3.7 mass-basis sampling
A sampling method that takes increments at equal mass intervals and tries to
make the increment size consistent.
3.8 time-basis sampling
A sampling method that, from a free-fall material flow or from a conveyor,
collects increments at equal time intervals; that the amount of each increment
is proportional to the material flow of the taken increment.
4 Method summary
In 105°C±5°C air flow, dry the test portion to constant weight. By determining
the mass loss of test portion, calculate its moisture content.
5 Instruments and equipment
5.1 Drying pan: stainless-steel or enamel; about 1000g of test portion are
placed in the pan and the thickness is about 10mm.
5.2 Blast dryer: equipped with temperature indicator and controller; be able to
control the temperature of any point in the cabinet within 105°C±5°C; the air in
the cabinet can conduct cycling and replacement, so as to make test portion
completely dried without any loss.
5.3 Weighing device: the maximum weighing value is not less than 2000g; the
resolution is not greater than 0.1g.
Annex A
Determination of moisture content of over-wet or sticky laterite nickel
ore consignment
A.1 When the moisture sample is too wet or sticky to sieve, break and divide, it
shall pre-dry the moisture sample till it is easy to prepare.
NOTE: It shall carefully distribute the pre-dried test portion, weigh the initial mass of test
portion and the mass of pre-dried test portion, so as to ensure the determination precision
of pre-dried moisture content.
A.2 Weigh the initial mass of test portion.
A.3 Flatten the test portion to the same thickness. Pre-dry it in the air or in a
drying device of which the temperature is not higher than 105°C till it is easy to
NOTE: The temperature and time selected in the pre-drying stage must not exceed the
state when it is easy to re-absorb water in the subsequent processing.
A.4 After pre-drying, re-weigh the mass of test portion.
A.5 The pre-dried moisture content wp in test portion, expressed in mass
fraction, is calculated according to formula (A.1). Keep the result to one digit
after the decimal place.
- Initial mass of test portion, in grams (g);
- Mass of test portion after pre-drying, in grams (g).
A.6 According to the provisions of YS/T 950, use pre-dried test portion to
prepare the test portion for moisture determination.
A.7 According to the provisions of 7.2, determine the dry loss of test portion.
Then according to the provisions of 8.1, calculate the remaining moisture
content of test portion.