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QC/T 533-2020: Commercial Vehicle Drive Axles Assembly
QC/T 533-2020
ICS 43.040.50
T 21
Replacing QC/T 533-1999, QC/T 534-1999
Commercial Vehicle Drive Axles Assembly
Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 6
1 Scope ... 9
2 Normative References ... 9
3 Terms and Definitions ... 9
4 Technical Requirements ... 11
5 Test Methods ... 12
Commercial Vehicle Drive Axles Assembly
1 Scope
This document specifies the technical requirements and bench test methods for
commercial vehicle drive axle assembly.
This document is applicable to commercial vehicle drive axle assembly, and passenger
vehicle drive axle assembly and electric drive axle assembly can be implemented with
reference to this document.
2 Normative References
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the
dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this
document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the
amendments) is applicable to this document.
QC/T 1126 Automotive Drive Axle Terminology and Definition
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions given in QC/T
1126 Automotive Drive Axle Terminology and Definition apply.
3.1 Axle housing vertical bending static strength safety factor
The ratio of the vertical bending failure load to the fully loaded axle load of the axle
Kn – vertical bending static strength safety factor;
Pn – vertical bending failure load, in N;
P – fully loaded axle load, in N.
3.7 Saturated temperature difference
The difference between the saturated temperature and the ambient temperature
measured at the corresponding moment.
3.8 Drive axle assembly static torsional strength safety factor
The ratio of the static torsional strength failure torque of the drive axle assembly to the
maximum test torque, Min, of the drive axle assembly.
Kk – drive axle assembly static torsional strength safety factor;
Mk – drive axle assembly static torsional failure torque, in N • m;
Min – drive axle assembly maximum test torque, in N • m.
4 Technical Requirements
4.1 Axle housing vertical bending rigidity
When fully loaded with axle load, the maximum deformation per meter of wheelbase
shall be no greater than 1.4mm.
4.2 Axle housing vertical bending static strength
Axle housing vertical bending static strength safety factor Kn: tractors shall be greater
than 5, trucks and passenger cars shall be greater than 6.
4.3 Axle housing fatigue
The minimum vertical bending fatigue life: The tractor shall be no less than 8×105 times;
and the truck and passenger car shall be no less than 6×105 times.
The minimum brake fatigue life shall be no less than 8.8×104 cycles.
The minimum lateral bending fatigue life shall be no less than 2×105 times.
4.4 Drive axle assembly temperature-rise
The upper limit of the saturation temperature difference is shown in Table 1; and the
lubricating oil temperature-time relationship curve shall be smooth without sudden
quantity shall be no less than 1 piece. During the test, the drive axle housing of the full-floating half-shaft structure
shall be equipped with a matching reducer housing, and the rear cover and
accessories (welding accessories of the axle housing, oil drain plug, etc.) shall also be
retained or installed on the axle housing. During the test, the drive axle housing of the
semi-floating half-shaft structure, in addition to installing and retaining the above-
mentioned related parts and accessories, the half-shaft and other components shall
also be installed on the axle housing in accordance with the actual working conditions.
5.1.2 Test equipment and devices
Hydraulic servo test system or other devices capable of applying loads, as well as
deformation measuring devices, force sensors, etc. The error of deformation
measurement shall be within ±0.01mm; the relative error of force measurement shall
be within ±1%.
5.1.3 Test method Install the sample according to the actual load state, the loading position is the
centre of the stress point where the axle housing bears the weight of the vehicle, and
the fulcrum is the corresponding position of the axle housing wheel track. After installation, it shall be ensured that the direction of the applied load is
perpendicular to the centreline of the axle tube of the axle housing; and the degree of
freedom of the fulcrum along the centreline of the axle tube of the axle housing is not
limited; so as to adapt to the test loading deformation without movement interference. After the sample is installed, it is preloaded to the fully loaded axle load for 2~3
times; and then the formal measurement is carried out after unloading. After unloading to zero, adjust the deformation measuring device to the zero
position; and the measuring point position shall be no less than 9 points. The locations
of the measuring points are shown in Figures 1 and 2.
measured at each measuring point, thereof, the maximum value is selected as the final
deformation value of the measuring point. Calculate the ratio of the maximum amount of deformation of the axle housing
(mm) to the wheel track (m) under fully loaded axle load. Draw the deformation amount of each measuring point under the fully loaded
axle load and the specified load (all need to subtract the error value caused by the
fulcrum), and connect them into a line.
5.2 Axle housing vertical bending static strength
5.2.1 Test sample
The same as 5.1.1.
5.2.2 Test equipment and devices
Hydraulic servo test system or other devices capable of applying loads, force sensors,
etc. The relative error of force measurement shall be within ±1%.
5.2.3 Test methods Perform in accordance with Continuously and slowly load until the sample is broken, without repeating it in
between. Record the failure (fracture or severe plastic deformation) load.
5.2.4 Data processing
Calculate the axle housing vertical bending static strength safety factor according to
formula (1).
5.3 Axle housing fatigue test
5.3.1 Test sample
The number of fatigue samples for each axle housing shall be no less than 3, and the
other requirements are the same as 5.1.1.
5.3.2 Test equipment and devices
Hydraulic servo test system or other devices capable of applying loads, force sensors,
etc. The relative error of force measurement shall be in the range of ±1%; and the
relative error of force control shall be in the range of ±1%.
5.3.3 Test methods
5.4.2 Test equipment and devices
Oil flow temperature-rise test bench or similar test device, temperature sensor, etc.
The error of speed measurement shall be within the range of ±2r/min; and the error of
temperature measurement shall be within the range of ±0.5°C.
5.4.3 Test methods Add lubricating oil according to the technical requirements of the product. The installation inclination angle of the drive axle is consistent with the no-load
state of the actual vehicle. Install the temperature sensor on the oil drain plug. For wheel-side reduction
drive axles, temperature sensors shall be installed in the left and right wheel-side
reducers at the same time. Under no-load conditions, the sample shall be operated continuously at an
input speed equivalent to (80±2) km/h forward vehicle speed (when the maximum
vehicle speed is lower than 80km/h, the maximum vehicle speed is taken). When the
lubricating oil temperature does not change more than 0.5 °C within 60min, the test
shall end. Record the sample lubricating oil temperature and ambient temperature at least
once every 30min.
5.4.4 Data processing
Draw the temperature-time relationship curve of the sample lubricating oil, and
calculate the saturated temperature difference.
5.5 Drive axle assembly lubrication test
5.5.1 Test sample
The same as 5.4.1.
5.5.2 Test equipment and devices
Oil flow temperature rise test bench or similar test device. The error of speed
measurement shall be within ±2r/min; and the error of temperature measurement shall
be within the range of ±1°C.
5.5.3 Test methods Ensure that the lubrication of the sample bearing, and gear meshing is visible. The samples are installed in the no-load state of the actual vehicle. Operate at no-load at a test input speed equivalent to 50km/h forward speed
for 2h; and control the lubricating oil temperature within 90°C. The sample is operated under the following conditions, and the noise is
measured at each measuring point at the same time. The temperature of the lubricating oil is controlled within the range of 85°C ~
90°C. Load: No-load, 5%Min, 10%Min, ..., 40%Min. The operating point that exceeds
the rated power of the drive axle shall be exempted from being tested.
NOTE: Only no-load noise measurement is allowed. Test input speed: Equivalent to 30km/h, 50km/h, 80km/h (when the maximum
speed is lower than 80km/h, take the maximum speed) forward speed. The reverse
speed is not included. When the difference between the background noise and the noise of the
measurement sample is greater than or equal to 10dB (A), no correction is necessary.
When it is less than 10dB (A), correct it according to Table 2.
Table 2 --Noise Correction Value of Drive Axle Assembly Unit: dB (A)
5.7 Drive axle assembly transmission efficiency test
5.7.1 Test sample The test sample shall meet the requirements of the design drawing, and the
quantity shall be no less than 1 piece. During the through axle assembly test, the inter-axle differential shall not be
5.7.2 Test equipment and devices
Transmission efficiency test bench or similar device, torque, speed sensor, etc. The
relative error of torque measurement shall be in the range of ±0.2%; the error of speed
measurement shall be in the range of ±1r/min; the error of temperature measurement
shall be in the range of ±1°C.
5.7.3 Test methods Add lubricating oil according to the technical requirements of the product.
Noise difference value
Correction value Load slowly in the forward direction; and record the torque-angle relationship
curve until any one part fails. Record the torque and rotation angle when the sample
fails, and the damaged part of the sample.
5.8.4 Data processing
Take the lowest value of the torque when the three samples fail, and calculate the static
torsional strength safety coefficient according to Formula (3).
5.9 Drive axle assembly gear fatigue test
5.9.1 Test sample
The number of samples is no less than 6; and the others are the same as 5.7.1.
5.9.2 Test equipment and devices
Gear fatigue test bench, deformation measuring device and installation ring, etc. The
mounting ring shall not be deformed during the test. The relative error of torque
measurement shall be in the range of ±1%; the error of speed measurement shall be
in the range of ±2r/min; and the error of deformation measurement shall be in the range
of ±0.01mm.
5.9.3 Test methods Take a sample for the gear support rigidity test; and record the test results. The
test procedures are as follows. The test input speed shall be no greater than 10r/min The position of the measuring point shall be able to measure the deformation
of the driving and driven bevel gears and cylindrical gears against the drive axle
housing (or reducer housing). After the position is determined, a hole is drilled on the
corresponding housing and the corresponding surface of the tested part is polished to
arrange the measuring device. The measuring point position of the rear drive axle main
reducer is shown in Figure 7. Among them, measuring points 1 and 2 shall indicate the
distance from the drive wheel axis. The through axle main reducer, except for the same
as the rear drive axle main reducer, measuring points 1, 2, …, 12 (points 1 and 2 shall
be arranged on the end face of the driving bevel gear shaft), the additional measuring
point positions are shown in Figure 8. Due to the different structures of various drive
axles, these two layout schemes are only for reference.
gear against the housing at the same time. Each working condition shall be tested 3
times, and the arithmetic mean value shall be taken as the deformation value of each
working condition. Take 1 sample for the gear meshing mark test; and record the meshing marks
in the forward and backward directions under each torque. The test procedures are as
follows. Install the drive axle assembly on the test equipment. Divide the driven bevel
gear into 4 equal portions; and use powdery yellow paint (or substitute paint) to lightly
coat 3 driven bevel gear teeth at each equal portion. Before each torque test, the same gear teeth of the driven bevel gear must
be painted repeatedly. The test input speed shall be no greater than 10r/min. According to 0, 25%Min, 50%Min, 75%Min, Min, the five torques are carried out
from small to large; and the driven bevel gear of the main reducer shall run for at least
1 cycle under each torque. Take 5 samples for gear fatigue test. The test procedures are as follows. Add lubricating oil according to the technical requirements of the product. Lubricating oil temperature: During gear bending fatigue and coast gear
fatigue tests, the light and medium drive axles are controlled within the range of
70°C~90°C; and heavy drive axles are controlled within the range of 85°C~120°C. In
the gear contact fatigue test, the light and medium drive axles are controlled within the
range of 100°C~110°C; and the heavy drive axles are controlled within ...
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QC/T 533-2020: Commercial Vehicle Drive Axles Assembly
QC/T 533-2020
ICS 43.040.50
T 21
Replacing QC/T 533-1999, QC/T 534-1999
Commercial Vehicle Drive Axles Assembly
Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 6
1 Scope ... 9
2 Normative References ... 9
3 Terms and Definitions ... 9
4 Technical Requirements ... 11
5 Test Methods ... 12
Commercial Vehicle Drive Axles Assembly
1 Scope
This document specifies the technical requirements and bench test methods for
commercial vehicle drive axle assembly.
This document is applicable to commercial vehicle drive axle assembly, and passenger
vehicle drive axle assembly and electric drive axle assembly can be implemented with
reference to this document.
2 Normative References
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the
dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this
document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the
amendments) is applicable to this document.
QC/T 1126 Automotive Drive Axle Terminology and Definition
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions given in QC/T
1126 Automotive Drive Axle Terminology and Definition apply.
3.1 Axle housing vertical bending static strength safety factor
The ratio of the vertical bending failure load to the fully loaded axle load of the axle
Kn – vertical bending static strength safety factor;
Pn – vertical bending failure load, in N;
P – fully loaded axle load, in N.
3.7 Saturated temperature difference
The difference between the saturated temperature and the ambient temperature
measured at the corresponding moment.
3.8 Drive axle assembly static torsional strength safety factor
The ratio of the static torsional strength failure torque of the drive axle assembly to the
maximum test torque, Min, of the drive axle assembly.
Kk – drive axle assembly static torsional strength safety factor;
Mk – drive axle assembly static torsional failure torque, in N • m;
Min – drive axle assembly maximum test torque, in N • m.
4 Technical Requirements
4.1 Axle housing vertical bending rigidity
When fully loaded with axle load, the maximum deformation per meter of wheelbase
shall be no greater than 1.4mm.
4.2 Axle housing vertical bending static strength
Axle housing vertical bending static strength safety factor Kn: tractors shall be greater
than 5, trucks and passenger cars shall be greater than 6.
4.3 Axle housing fatigue
The minimum vertical bending fatigue life: The tractor shall be no less than 8×105 times;
and the truck and passenger car shall be no less than 6×105 times.
The minimum brake fatigue life shall be no less than 8.8×104 cycles.
The minimum lateral bending fatigue life shall be no less than 2×105 times.
4.4 Drive axle assembly temperature-rise
The upper limit of the saturation temperature difference is shown in Table 1; and the
lubricating oil temperature-time relationship curve shall be smooth without sudden
quantity shall be no less than 1 piece. During the test, the drive axle housing of the full-floating half-shaft structure
shall be equipped with a matching reducer housing, and the rear cover and
accessories (welding accessories of the axle housing, oil drain plug, etc.) shall also be
retained or installed on the axle housing. During the test, the drive axle housing of the
semi-floating half-shaft structure, in addition to installing and retaining the above-
mentioned related parts and accessories, the half-shaft and other components shall
also be installed on the axle housing in accordance with the actual working conditions.
5.1.2 Test equipment and devices
Hydraulic servo test system or other devices capable of applying loads, as well as
deformation measuring devices, force sensors, etc. The error of deformation
measurement shall be within ±0.01mm; the relative error of force measurement shall
be within ±1%.
5.1.3 Test method Install the sample according to the actual load state, the loading position is the
centre of the stress point where the axle housing bears the weight of the vehicle, and
the fulcrum is the corresponding position of the axle housing wheel track. After installation, it shall be ensured that the direction of the applied load is
perpendicular to the centreline of the axle tube of the axle housing; and the degree of
freedom of the fulcrum along the centreline of the axle tube of the axle housing is not
limited; so as to adapt to the test loading deformation without movement interference. After the sample is installed, it is preloaded to the fully loaded axle load for 2~3
times; and then the formal measurement is carried out after unloading. After unloading to zero, adjust the deformation measuring device to the zero
position; and the measuring point position shall be no less than 9 points. The locations
of the measuring points are shown in Figures 1 and 2.
measured at each measuring point, thereof, the maximum value is selected as the final
deformation value of the measuring point. Calculate the ratio of the maximum amount of deformation of the axle housing
(mm) to the wheel track (m) under fully loaded axle load. Draw the deformation amount of each measuring point under the fully loaded
axle load and the specified load (all need to subtract the error value caused by the
fulcrum), and connect them into a line.
5.2 Axle housing vertical bending static strength
5.2.1 Test sample
The same as 5.1.1.
5.2.2 Test equipment and devices
Hydraulic servo test system or other devices capable of applying loads, force sensors,
etc. The relative error of force measurement shall be within ±1%.
5.2.3 Test methods Perform in accordance with Continuously and slowly load until the sample is broken, without repeating it in
between. Record the failure (fracture or severe plastic deformation) load.
5.2.4 Data processing
Calculate the axle housing vertical bending static strength safety factor according to
formula (1).
5.3 Axle housing fatigue test
5.3.1 Test sample
The number of fatigue samples for each axle housing shall be no less than 3, and the
other requirements are the same as 5.1.1.
5.3.2 Test equipment and devices
Hydraulic servo test system or other devices capable of applying loads, force sensors,
etc. The relative error of force measurement shall be in the range of ±1%; and the
relative error of force control shall be in the range of ±1%.
5.3.3 Test methods
5.4.2 Test equipment and devices
Oil flow temperature-rise test bench or similar test device, temperature sensor, etc.
The error of speed measurement shall be within the range of ±2r/min; and the error of
temperature measurement shall be within the range of ±0.5°C.
5.4.3 Test methods Add lubricating oil according to the technical requirements of the product. The installation inclination angle of the drive axle is consistent with the no-load
state of the actual vehicle. Install the temperature sensor on the oil drain plug. For wheel-side reduction
drive axles, temperature sensors shall be installed in the left and right wheel-side
reducers at the same time. Under no-load conditions, the sample shall be operated continuously at an
input speed equivalent to (80±2) km/h forward vehicle speed (when the maximum
vehicle speed is lower than 80km/h, the maximum vehicle speed is taken). When the
lubricating oil temperature does not change more than 0.5 °C within 60min, the test
shall end. Record the sample lubricating oil temperature and ambient temperature at least
once every 30min.
5.4.4 Data processing
Draw the temperature-time relationship curve of the sample lubricating oil, and
calculate the saturated temperature difference.
5.5 Drive axle assembly lubrication test
5.5.1 Test sample
The same as 5.4.1.
5.5.2 Test equipment and devices
Oil flow temperature rise test bench or similar test device. The error of speed
measurement shall be within ±2r/min; and the error of temperature measurement shall
be within the range of ±1°C.
5.5.3 Test methods Ensure that the lubrication of the sample bearing, and gear meshing is visible. The samples are installed in the no-load state of the actual vehicle. Operate at no-load at a test input speed equivalent to 50km/h forward speed
for 2h; and control the lubricating oil temperature within 90°C. The sample is operated under the following conditions, and the noise is
measured at each measuring point at the same time. The temperature of the lubricating oil is controlled within the range of 85°C ~
90°C. Load: No-load, 5%Min, 10%Min, ..., 40%Min. The operating point that exceeds
the rated power of the drive axle shall be exempted from being tested.
NOTE: Only no-load noise measurement is allowed. Test input speed: Equivalent to 30km/h, 50km/h, 80km/h (when the maximum
speed is lower than 80km/h, take the maximum speed) forward speed. The reverse
speed is not included. When the difference between the background noise and the noise of the
measurement sample is greater than or equal to 10dB (A), no correction is necessary.
When it is less than 10dB (A), correct it according to Table 2.
Table 2 --Noise Correction Value of Drive Axle Assembly Unit: dB (A)
5.7 Drive axle assembly transmission efficiency test
5.7.1 Test sample The test sample shall meet the requirements of the design drawing, and the
quantity shall be no less than 1 piece. During the through axle assembly test, the inter-axle differential shall not be
5.7.2 Test equipment and devices
Transmission efficiency test bench or similar device, torque, speed sensor, etc. The
relative error of torque measurement shall be in the range of ±0.2%; the error of speed
measurement shall be in the range of ±1r/min; the error of temperature measurement
shall be in the range of ±1°C.
5.7.3 Test methods Add lubricating oil according to the technical requirements of the product.
Noise difference value
Correction value Load slowly in the forward direction; and record the torque-angle relationship
curve until any one part fails. Record the torque and rotation angle when the sample
fails, and the damaged part of the sample.
5.8.4 Data processing
Take the lowest value of the torque when the three samples fail, and calculate the static
torsional strength safety coefficient according to Formula (3).
5.9 Drive axle assembly gear fatigue test
5.9.1 Test sample
The number of samples is no less than 6; and the others are the same as 5.7.1.
5.9.2 Test equipment and devices
Gear fatigue test bench, deformation measuring device and installation ring, etc. The
mounting ring shall not be deformed during the test. The relative error of torque
measurement shall be in the range of ±1%; the error of speed measurement shall be
in the range of ±2r/min; and the error of deformation measurement shall be in the range
of ±0.01mm.
5.9.3 Test methods Take a sample for the gear support rigidity test; and record the test results. The
test procedures are as follows. The test input speed shall be no greater than 10r/min The position of the measuring point shall be able to measure the deformation
of the driving and driven bevel gears and cylindrical gears against the drive axle
housing (or reducer housing). After the position is determined, a hole is drilled on the
corresponding housing and the corresponding surface of the tested part is polished to
arrange the measuring device. The measuring point position of the rear drive axle main
reducer is shown in Figure 7. Among them, measuring points 1 and 2 shall indicate the
distance from the drive wheel axis. The through axle main reducer, except for the same
as the rear drive axle main reducer, measuring points 1, 2, …, 12 (points 1 and 2 shall
be arranged on the end face of the driving bevel gear shaft), the additional measuring
point positions are shown in Figure 8. Due to the different structures of various drive
axles, these two layout schemes are only for reference.
gear against the housing at the same time. Each working condition shall be tested 3
times, and the arithmetic mean value shall be taken as the deformation value of each
working condition. Take 1 sample for the gear meshing mark test; and record the meshing marks
in the forward and backward directions under each torque. The test procedures are as
follows. Install the drive axle assembly on the test equipment. Divide the driven bevel
gear into 4 equal portions; and use powdery yellow paint (or substitute paint) to lightly
coat 3 driven bevel gear teeth at each equal portion. Before each torque test, the same gear teeth of the driven bevel gear must
be painted repeatedly. The test input speed shall be no greater than 10r/min. According to 0, 25%Min, 50%Min, 75%Min, Min, the five torques are carried out
from small to large; and the driven bevel gear of the main reducer shall run for at least
1 cycle under each torque. Take 5 samples for gear fatigue test. The test procedures are as follows. Add lubricating oil according to the technical requirements of the product. Lubricating oil temperature: During gear bending fatigue and coast gear
fatigue tests, the light and medium drive axles are controlled within the range of
70°C~90°C; and heavy drive axles are controlled within the range of 85°C~120°C. In
the gear contact fatigue test, the light and medium drive axles are controlled within the
range of 100°C~110°C; and the heavy drive axles are controlled within ...