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NB/T 32001-2012: Technical specification for environmental impact assessment of photovoltaic power station
NB/T 32001-2012
ICS 27.160
F 12
Record No.: 37401-2012
Technical Specification for Environmental
Impact Assessment of Photovoltaic Power Station
Issued by: National Energy Administration
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative References ... 4
3 General ... 4
4 Project Overview and Analysis ... 8
5 Investigation and Assessment of Environmental Status... 9
6 Environmental Impact Prediction and Assessment ... 12
7 Public Participation ... 14
8 Environmental Protection Measures and Countermeasures ... 15
9 Preparation of Environmental Impact Report Form ... 15
Appendix A (Informative) Preparation Requirements for Environmental Impact
Report Form of the Photovoltaic Power Station ... 16
Technical Specification for Environmental
Impact Assessment of Photovoltaic Power Station
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the general principles, content, working procedures, methods
and requirements for the environmental impact assessment of new construction,
reconstruction and expansion of photovoltaic power stations.
This Standard is applicable to the new construction, reconstruction and expansion of
the photovoltaic power stations.
2 Normative References
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the
dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this
document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the
amendments) is applicable to this document.
HJ 2.4 Technical Guidelines for Noise Impact Assessment
HJ 19 Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment - Ecological
HJ/T 10.3 Guideline on Management Radioactive Environmental Protection
Environmental Impact Assessment Methods and Standards on Electromagnetic
3 General
3.1 Basic tasks
The basic tasks of the environmental impact assessment of photovoltaic power
stations include: invest and assess the environmental status; predict and assess the
possible direct and indirect impacts of photovoltaic power stations on the environment;
propose environmental protection measures and countermeasures; and provide the
scientific basis for the decision-making of the location of photovoltaic power stations,
engineering design and environmental management.
The environmental impact factors that may be involved in the construction period of
photovoltaic power stations include ambient air, surface water, groundwater, acoustic
environment, solid waste, ecological environment, and soil erosion, etc. The
environmental impact factors that may be involved in the operation period include
acoustic environment, solid waste, surface water, light environment, and
electromagnetic environment, etc.; the environmental impact factors that may be
involved in photovoltaic power stations after the service period expires include solid
waste, ecological environment, etc.
The identification of environmental impact factors may adopt expert judgment method,
matrix method and other qualitative analysis methods.
3.3.2 Assessment factor screening
According to the identification results of environmental impact factors, combined with
the regional environmental function requirements and the determined environmental
protection goals, screen and determine the assessment factors. Assessment factors
shall focus on environmental constraints.
3.4 Environmental impact assessment scale and assessment period
3.4.1 Assessment scale
The assessment scale of the newly-constructed photovoltaic power station is based
on the current capacity; and the planned capacity is also explained. The expansion
and reconstruction of photovoltaic power stations shall be carried out according to the
scale after completion of the expansion and reconstruction.
3.4.2 Assessment period
It includes three periods, such as the construction period, the operation period, and
the service expiration period.
3.5 Working grade, assessment range and implementation standards of the
environmental impact assessment
3.5.1 Classification of assessment work
Environmental factors such as ambient air, surface water, and groundwater may only
be analysed briefly; the environmental impact assessment work level of environmental
factors such as acoustic environment and ecological environment is determined by HJ
2.4 and HJ 19.
3.5.2 Assessment range
The environmental impact assessment range of environmental elements such as
acoustic environment and ecological environment is determined by the corresponding
demolition and resettlement; technical and economic indicators; design service life, etc.
4.1.2 “Three construction sites” (borrow site, spoil site, material stacking and assembly
site) during the construction period, main construction materials, construction methods,
earth-rock work volume, etc.
4.1.3 The number of operating personnel, operation and maintenance methods during
operation period.
4.1.4 For expansion and reconstruction projects, the basic information of the existing
project's capacity, equipment overview, process flow, and general layout should be
4.2 Project analysis
4.2.1 Analyse the main pollution-producing links of the construction project during the
construction period, operation period and service expiration period. For quantifiable
environmental impact factors, the intensity of pollution sources shall be estimated.
4.2.2 For expansion and reconstruction projects, the pollution discharge and
compliance status of the existing projects, the existing environmental protection
problems and the rectification measures to be taken shall be explained.
5 Investigation and Assessment of Environmental
5.1 Principles of investigation and assessment
5.1.1 The investigation and assessment of the environmental status of photovoltaic
power stations shall follow the principle of combining data collection and on-site
5.1.2 The depth of the investigation and assessment of the environmental status of the
photovoltaic power station shall meet the requirements of the corresponding
environmental impact assessment work level. When the existing data cannot meet the
requirements, on-site monitoring shall be organized.
5.2 Investigation range
5.2.1 Basic requirements
The scope of the investigation and assessment of the environmental protection of the
photovoltaic power station is based on the principle that it can explain the basic
conditions of the surrounding environment of the photovoltaic power station, and shall
meet the requirements of environmental impact prediction and assessment.
5.3.6 Investigation of ecological environment and soil erosion status Collect information on the nature of the land, vegetation types and distribution,
and animal species in the area where the project is located; and understand whether
there are any animals and plants that need special protection. If necessary, conduct
an on-site investigation. The current status of soil erosion in the area where the project is located.
5.3.7 Monitoring of electromagnetic environment status
Photovoltaic power stations with an output voltage level of 110kV and above shall carry
out current monitoring of the power frequency electric field and power frequency
magnetic field of the environmental protection targets around the site and within the
assessment range.
5.3.8 Social environment investigation
Collect social, economic, and cultural information in the county-level administrative
area where the project is located.
5.3.9 Investigation of environmental protection objectives
Investigate the environmentally sensitive areas within the assessment range, and
explain the specific situation of the environmental protection objectives and the relative
positional relationship with the project such as distance and orientation.
5.4 Assessment of environmental status
5.4.1 Assessment of acoustic environment status
According to the status monitoring results, the method of direct comparison with the
assessment standard (single factor method) is adopted to analyse whether the
environmental protection target noise level around the site and within the assessment
range meets the requirements of the corresponding standards, indicating the affecting
degree of existing main sound sources on the acoustic environment function area
where the site is located.
5.4.2 Assessment of electromagnetic environment status
According to the status monitoring results, the method of direct comparison with the
assessment standard (single factor method) is adopted to analyse whether the power
frequency electric field and power frequency magnetic field of the environmental
protection target around the site and within the assessment scope meet the
requirements of the corresponding standards, indicating the affecting degree of
existing electromagnetic interference source on them.
Disposal of building foundation and ecological restoration, etc. The key points of
selection shall include the recycling and disposal of solid waste such as solar panels,
storage batteries and booster station transformers, the disposal of building foundations,
and ecological restoration, etc.
6.1.4 Prediction method Briefly analyse the possible loss of surface vegetation due to earth excavation
and filling and foundation construction during the construction period; water and soil
loss shall be quantitatively predicted by models. Ecological impacts are qualitatively or quantitatively predicted according to the
level of assessment work. The noise impact is calculated by the prediction model specified in HJ 2.4.
According to the calculation results, predict whether the noise emission at the
boundary of the photovoltaic power station and the acoustic environment of the
environmental protection target after the completion of the photovoltaic power station
meet the corresponding standard limit. The analogy prediction method specified in HJ/T 10.3 is adopted for the
electromagnetic environment impact. The various parameters of the analogy booster
station (substation) and the booster station of the construction project are as consistent
as possible. According to the analogy monitoring results, predict whether the power
frequency electric field and the power frequency magnetic field of the station boundary
and environmental protection targets after the completion of the photovoltaic power
station meet the corresponding standard limits value. Quantitative prediction is adopted for domestic sewage and industrial waste
water. Quantitative prediction is adopted for solid wastes such as domestic garbage
and used batteries.
6.2 Environmental impact assessment
6.2.1 Assessment principles
Based on the environmental status investigation results and the environmental impact
prediction results, assess the environmental impacts under different site-selection plan,
and different protection measures at each assessment periods (construction period,
operation period, and service expiration period) of photovoltaic power station; and
recommend the plan with the minimum environmental impact through comparing the
assessment results.
6.2.2 Assessment range
The assessment range is the same as the prediction range in 6.1.1.
6.2.3 Assessment factor
The assessment factor is the same as predictive factor in 6.1.3.
6.2.4 Assessment method
The noise impact assessment of photovoltaic power station adopts the method in HJ
2.4; the electromagnetic impact assessment adopts the method in HJ/T 10.3; the
ecological environment impact assessment adopts the method in HJ 19.
6.2.5 Assessment requirements
For assessment factors whose predicted results cannot meet the corresponding
environmental protection requirements, specific reasons shall be explained; and
feasible environmental protection measures and countermeasures shall be proposed.
On this basis, the prediction and assessment of the corresponding assessment factors
shall be carried out again until the corresponding environmental protection
requirements are met.
7 Public Participation
7.1 Principles of public participation
7.1.1 The construction of photovoltaic power stations located in areas with residence
as the main function shall be consulted and reflect the wishes of the public and relevant
social organizations in the affected areas to construct photovoltaic power stations.
7.1.2 Public participation shall be extensive and representative. In areas inhabited by
ethnic minorities, representatives of ethnic minorities shall participate.
7.2 Forms of public participation
Public participation may be carried out by visiting and issuing public opinion
investigation forms, listening to group opinions, and holding hearings, symposiums,
and coordination meetings.
7.3 Range of public participation
The range of public participation shall focus on the public and relevant social
organizations within the range of the assessment.
7.4 Statistics and processing of public comments
The solicited public and organization opinions shall be summarized and counted. Clear
Appendix A
Preparation Requirements for Environmental Impact Report Form
of the Photovoltaic Power Station
A.1 General
A.1.1 Preparation basis
It shall include relevant laws and regulations, relevant policies and plans, relevant
guidelines and technical specifications, relevant technical documents and working
documents that should be implemented by the photovoltaic power station, as well as
the materials cited in the preparation of the environmental impact report form.
A.1.2 Assessment factors and assessment criteria
The status assessment factors and prediction assessment factors are listed separately;
and the environmental quality standards, emission standards, other relevant standards
and specific limits implemented by each assessment factor are...
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NB/T 32001-2012: Technical specification for environmental impact assessment of photovoltaic power station
NB/T 32001-2012
ICS 27.160
F 12
Record No.: 37401-2012
Technical Specification for Environmental
Impact Assessment of Photovoltaic Power Station
Issued by: National Energy Administration
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative References ... 4
3 General ... 4
4 Project Overview and Analysis ... 8
5 Investigation and Assessment of Environmental Status... 9
6 Environmental Impact Prediction and Assessment ... 12
7 Public Participation ... 14
8 Environmental Protection Measures and Countermeasures ... 15
9 Preparation of Environmental Impact Report Form ... 15
Appendix A (Informative) Preparation Requirements for Environmental Impact
Report Form of the Photovoltaic Power Station ... 16
Technical Specification for Environmental
Impact Assessment of Photovoltaic Power Station
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the general principles, content, working procedures, methods
and requirements for the environmental impact assessment of new construction,
reconstruction and expansion of photovoltaic power stations.
This Standard is applicable to the new construction, reconstruction and expansion of
the photovoltaic power stations.
2 Normative References
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the
dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this
document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the
amendments) is applicable to this document.
HJ 2.4 Technical Guidelines for Noise Impact Assessment
HJ 19 Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment - Ecological
HJ/T 10.3 Guideline on Management Radioactive Environmental Protection
Environmental Impact Assessment Methods and Standards on Electromagnetic
3 General
3.1 Basic tasks
The basic tasks of the environmental impact assessment of photovoltaic power
stations include: invest and assess the environmental status; predict and assess the
possible direct and indirect impacts of photovoltaic power stations on the environment;
propose environmental protection measures and countermeasures; and provide the
scientific basis for the decision-making of the location of photovoltaic power stations,
engineering design and environmental management.
The environmental impact factors that may be involved in the construction period of
photovoltaic power stations include ambient air, surface water, groundwater, acoustic
environment, solid waste, ecological environment, and soil erosion, etc. The
environmental impact factors that may be involved in the operation period include
acoustic environment, solid waste, surface water, light environment, and
electromagnetic environment, etc.; the environmental impact factors that may be
involved in photovoltaic power stations after the service period expires include solid
waste, ecological environment, etc.
The identification of environmental impact factors may adopt expert judgment method,
matrix method and other qualitative analysis methods.
3.3.2 Assessment factor screening
According to the identification results of environmental impact factors, combined with
the regional environmental function requirements and the determined environmental
protection goals, screen and determine the assessment factors. Assessment factors
shall focus on environmental constraints.
3.4 Environmental impact assessment scale and assessment period
3.4.1 Assessment scale
The assessment scale of the newly-constructed photovoltaic power station is based
on the current capacity; and the planned capacity is also explained. The expansion
and reconstruction of photovoltaic power stations shall be carried out according to the
scale after completion of the expansion and reconstruction.
3.4.2 Assessment period
It includes three periods, such as the construction period, the operation period, and
the service expiration period.
3.5 Working grade, assessment range and implementation standards of the
environmental impact assessment
3.5.1 Classification of assessment work
Environmental factors such as ambient air, surface water, and groundwater may only
be analysed briefly; the environmental impact assessment work level of environmental
factors such as acoustic environment and ecological environment is determined by HJ
2.4 and HJ 19.
3.5.2 Assessment range
The environmental impact assessment range of environmental elements such as
acoustic environment and ecological environment is determined by the corresponding
demolition and resettlement; technical and economic indicators; design service life, etc.
4.1.2 “Three construction sites” (borrow site, spoil site, material stacking and assembly
site) during the construction period, main construction materials, construction methods,
earth-rock work volume, etc.
4.1.3 The number of operating personnel, operation and maintenance methods during
operation period.
4.1.4 For expansion and reconstruction projects, the basic information of the existing
project's capacity, equipment overview, process flow, and general layout should be
4.2 Project analysis
4.2.1 Analyse the main pollution-producing links of the construction project during the
construction period, operation period and service expiration period. For quantifiable
environmental impact factors, the intensity of pollution sources shall be estimated.
4.2.2 For expansion and reconstruction projects, the pollution discharge and
compliance status of the existing projects, the existing environmental protection
problems and the rectification measures to be taken shall be explained.
5 Investigation and Assessment of Environmental
5.1 Principles of investigation and assessment
5.1.1 The investigation and assessment of the environmental status of photovoltaic
power stations shall follow the principle of combining data collection and on-site
5.1.2 The depth of the investigation and assessment of the environmental status of the
photovoltaic power station shall meet the requirements of the corresponding
environmental impact assessment work level. When the existing data cannot meet the
requirements, on-site monitoring shall be organized.
5.2 Investigation range
5.2.1 Basic requirements
The scope of the investigation and assessment of the environmental protection of the
photovoltaic power station is based on the principle that it can explain the basic
conditions of the surrounding environment of the photovoltaic power station, and shall
meet the requirements of environmental impact prediction and assessment.
5.3.6 Investigation of ecological environment and soil erosion status Collect information on the nature of the land, vegetation types and distribution,
and animal species in the area where the project is located; and understand whether
there are any animals and plants that need special protection. If necessary, conduct
an on-site investigation. The current status of soil erosion in the area where the project is located.
5.3.7 Monitoring of electromagnetic environment status
Photovoltaic power stations with an output voltage level of 110kV and above shall carry
out current monitoring of the power frequency electric field and power frequency
magnetic field of the environmental protection targets around the site and within the
assessment range.
5.3.8 Social environment investigation
Collect social, economic, and cultural information in the county-level administrative
area where the project is located.
5.3.9 Investigation of environmental protection objectives
Investigate the environmentally sensitive areas within the assessment range, and
explain the specific situation of the environmental protection objectives and the relative
positional relationship with the project such as distance and orientation.
5.4 Assessment of environmental status
5.4.1 Assessment of acoustic environment status
According to the status monitoring results, the method of direct comparison with the
assessment standard (single factor method) is adopted to analyse whether the
environmental protection target noise level around the site and within the assessment
range meets the requirements of the corresponding standards, indicating the affecting
degree of existing main sound sources on the acoustic environment function area
where the site is located.
5.4.2 Assessment of electromagnetic environment status
According to the status monitoring results, the method of direct comparison with the
assessment standard (single factor method) is adopted to analyse whether the power
frequency electric field and power frequency magnetic field of the environmental
protection target around the site and within the assessment scope meet the
requirements of the corresponding standards, indicating the affecting degree of
existing electromagnetic interference source on them.
Disposal of building foundation and ecological restoration, etc. The key points of
selection shall include the recycling and disposal of solid waste such as solar panels,
storage batteries and booster station transformers, the disposal of building foundations,
and ecological restoration, etc.
6.1.4 Prediction method Briefly analyse the possible loss of surface vegetation due to earth excavation
and filling and foundation construction during the construction period; water and soil
loss shall be quantitatively predicted by models. Ecological impacts are qualitatively or quantitatively predicted according to the
level of assessment work. The noise impact is calculated by the prediction model specified in HJ 2.4.
According to the calculation results, predict whether the noise emission at the
boundary of the photovoltaic power station and the acoustic environment of the
environmental protection target after the completion of the photovoltaic power station
meet the corresponding standard limit. The analogy prediction method specified in HJ/T 10.3 is adopted for the
electromagnetic environment impact. The various parameters of the analogy booster
station (substation) and the booster station of the construction project are as consistent
as possible. According to the analogy monitoring results, predict whether the power
frequency electric field and the power frequency magnetic field of the station boundary
and environmental protection targets after the completion of the photovoltaic power
station meet the corresponding standard limits value. Quantitative prediction is adopted for domestic sewage and industrial waste
water. Quantitative prediction is adopted for solid wastes such as domestic garbage
and used batteries.
6.2 Environmental impact assessment
6.2.1 Assessment principles
Based on the environmental status investigation results and the environmental impact
prediction results, assess the environmental impacts under different site-selection plan,
and different protection measures at each assessment periods (construction period,
operation period, and service expiration period) of photovoltaic power station; and
recommend the plan with the minimum environmental impact through comparing the
assessment results.
6.2.2 Assessment range
The assessment range is the same as the prediction range in 6.1.1.
6.2.3 Assessment factor
The assessment factor is the same as predictive factor in 6.1.3.
6.2.4 Assessment method
The noise impact assessment of photovoltaic power station adopts the method in HJ
2.4; the electromagnetic impact assessment adopts the method in HJ/T 10.3; the
ecological environment impact assessment adopts the method in HJ 19.
6.2.5 Assessment requirements
For assessment factors whose predicted results cannot meet the corresponding
environmental protection requirements, specific reasons shall be explained; and
feasible environmental protection measures and countermeasures shall be proposed.
On this basis, the prediction and assessment of the corresponding assessment factors
shall be carried out again until the corresponding environmental protection
requirements are met.
7 Public Participation
7.1 Principles of public participation
7.1.1 The construction of photovoltaic power stations located in areas with residence
as the main function shall be consulted and reflect the wishes of the public and relevant
social organizations in the affected areas to construct photovoltaic power stations.
7.1.2 Public participation shall be extensive and representative. In areas inhabited by
ethnic minorities, representatives of ethnic minorities shall participate.
7.2 Forms of public participation
Public participation may be carried out by visiting and issuing public opinion
investigation forms, listening to group opinions, and holding hearings, symposiums,
and coordination meetings.
7.3 Range of public participation
The range of public participation shall focus on the public and relevant social
organizations within the range of the assessment.
7.4 Statistics and processing of public comments
The solicited public and organization opinions shall be summarized and counted. Clear
Appendix A
Preparation Requirements for Environmental Impact Report Form
of the Photovoltaic Power Station
A.1 General
A.1.1 Preparation basis
It shall include relevant laws and regulations, relevant policies and plans, relevant
guidelines and technical specifications, relevant technical documents and working
documents that should be implemented by the photovoltaic power station, as well as
the materials cited in the preparation of the environmental impact report form.
A.1.2 Assessment factors and assessment criteria
The status assessment factors and prediction assessment factors are listed separately;
and the environmental quality standards, emission standards, other relevant standards
and specific limits implemented by each assessment factor are...