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GB 19593-2015: Fireworks -- Batteries and combinations
GB 19593-2015
ICS 71.100.30
Y 88
Replacing GB 19593-2004
Fireworks - Batteries and combinations
???????????? ????????????
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration Committee.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3??
1 Scope ... 5??
2 Normative references ... 5??
3 Terms and definitions ... 5??
4 Classification ... 6??
5 Safety and quality requirements ... 7??
6 Inspection methods ... 12??
7 Inspection rules ... 14??
8 Transport and storage ... 15??
Annex A (Normative) Subdivisions of defect categories ... 16??
Annex B (Normative) Warning and setting-off instructions (personal fireworks)
examples ... 18??
Annex C (Normative) Setting-off safety diagrams ... 19??
All technical content of this Standard is mandatory.
This Standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
GB 10631 Fireworks and firecracker - Safety and quantity, the general
requirements for fireworks products, is applicable to this Standard.
This Standard replaces GB 19593-2004 Fireworks and firecracker -
Combination fireworks.
This revision is based on GB10631-2013 Fireworks and firecracker - Safety and
quantity. The main content of this revision are as follows.
- modified and added terms and definitions;
- modified the drug, the dose;
- improved the requirements for the ignition device;
- revised the specifications of the cylinder and added the requirements for
materials and processes;
- revised the requirements for the stability of the main body and the
inspection rules;
- made a clearer specification for product mark;
- added safety distance during setting off and requirements for firework-
setting-off personnel;
- added Annex B, Annex C.
This Standard was proposed by China Light Industry Federation.
This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee
on Firecrackers of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC149).
The main drafting organizations of this Standard. Hunan Fireworks Products
Safety And Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, Liuyang Yihe Long
Fireworks Group Co., Ltd., Panda Fireworks Group Co., Ltd., Liuyang Dongfang
Hong Fireworks Manufacturing Art Discharge Limited, Laiwu Kao Export
Fireworks Factory, Jiangxi Li Du Fireworks Group Co., Ltd., Liuyang Eagle
Fireworks Co., Ltd., Anhui Xiangying Fireworks Co., Ltd., Liuyang Jinchi Export
Fireworks Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Zhejaing Tonglu Fireworks Factory, Liuyang
Meidan Yanhua Co., Ltd., Hunan Qingtai Fireworks Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Big
Yao Tang Flower Export Fireworks Factory, Sichuan Shifang Qingyou Fireworks
Fireworks - Batteries and combinations
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the terms and definitions, classification, safety and
quality requirements, inspection methods, inspection rules, transport and
storage of batteries and combinations.
This Standard is applicable to the manufacture and acceptance of batteries and
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
GB 10631, Fireworks and firecracker - Safety and quantity;
GB/T 10632, Rules of sampling and inspection for fireworks;
GB/T 15814.1, Fireworks and firecracker - Qualitative determination of
pyrotechnic compositions;
GB/T 21242, Methods of qualitative determination of prohibitive and limitative
reagent of fireworks and firecrackers;
GB 24426, Fireworks and firecracker - Labeling;
GB 31368, Packing for fireworks.
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions specified in GB 10631 apply to this Standard.
3.1 batteries and combinations
a combination of two or more small fireworks, spray fireworks, spit fireworks, or
different types of fireworks
3.2 batteries
4.4 The combination of small fireworks is divided into cylinder type, sphere
type, grain type, meal powder type and saturn missiles according to rising effect
structure, shape and form of emission.
5 Safety and quality requirements
5.1 Marking, packaging
5.1.1 Transport packaging mark
In addition to the implementation according to GB 10631 and GB 24426, it
should also mark warning or warning sign as ?€?inversion is not allowed?€?.
5.1.2 Sales packaging mark
In addition to the implementation according to GB 10631 and GB 24426, it
should also mark.
a) combination type, combined launching number, setting-off effect (text or
b) total drug content and single cylinder drug content (single cylinder drug
content of different batteries and combinations shall be respectively marked);
minimum age required for firework setting off. at least 18 years of age;
c) for the product with external packaging box for ignition, the top cover can
not be opened OR the warning or warning mark as ?€?the product should be
removed from the box after setting off?€? if the rising of effect piece is affected
during setting off;
d) the instructions and warnings on firework setting off should be contained
in Annex B;
e) the diagram shown in Annex C or the diagram equivalent to illustrate the
effect should be marked for the purpose of warning and instruction.
5.1.3 Packaging
In accordance with GB 10631 and GB 31368.
5.2 Appearance
In accordance with GB 10631.
5.3 Parts
5.3.1 Base, plug
In accordance with GB 10631.
5.3.2 Ignition device
In addition to GB 10631, it shall also meet the following requirements.
a) the insulation line surface should be clean, dry, without damage, without
leakage medicine, without mildew;
b) the ignition line should be green safety lead wire; the installation location
must be eye-catching or with obvious mark, with care device;
c) for personal setting-off products, the ignition flame should be installed on
the side of the fireworks main body, excluding the products with external
packaging box for ignition or the product of which the first launch is spraying,
d) the ignition time for personal setting-off products of which the first launch
is small firework effect. 5 s ~ 8 s; the ignition time for other types of products
shall meet requirements of GB 10631.
5.4 Structure and material
5.4.1 The personal setting-off products should not be linked by more than two
pieces (including two).
5.4.2 The cylinder should be made of paper material or other materials that
are safe and environmentally friendly.
5.4.3 The rising effect pieces should not use metal shell and metal
attachments. Except that the saturn missles are allowed to use plastic cylinder,
the rising effect pieces should be made of paper and adhesive agent, soil which
can spread.
5.4.4 The cylinder specifications should meet the following requirements. Small fireworks single cylinder specifications.
Grade A. inner diameter >51 mm, ???76 mm (cylindrical, grain type) or ??? 102 mm
(sphere type, meal powder type), wall thickness ???3.0 mm;
Grade B. inner diameter >30 mm, ???51 mm, wall thickness ???2.5 mm;
Grade C. inner diameter >20 mm, ???30 mm, the main height ???300 mm, wall
thickness ???2.0 mm;
inner diameter ???20 mm, the main height ???260 mm, wall thickness ???1.5 mm. Cylinder specifications of spray fireworks, spit fireworks.
5.5 Main body stability
5.5.1 The product should not be dumped on a slope that is at an angle of 30??
to the horizontal.
5.5.2 The ratio of the height of the product cylinder or body to the minimum
horizontal dimension or diameter of the bottom surface. grade C, D ???1.5; grade
A, B ???2.0.
5.6 Drugs, dose and safety performance
5.6.1 The drugs shall be in accordance with GB 10631.
5.6.2 Requirements for the allowable maximum dose of single product, single
cylinder dose and open drug dose are shown in Table 1. The error between
actual dose and marked dose shall be in accordance with GB 10631.
5.6.3 The safety performance shall be in accordance with GB 10631.
5.7 Setting-off performance
5.7.1 The setting-off effect of the product should meet the design
5.7.2 The launch off-set angle of small fireworks effects contained in the
product (except meal powder type) should be ???22.5??. The off-set angle of
modeling combination fireworks should be ???45?? (only for professional setting-
off fireworks).
5.7.3 Launching height. small fireworks effect (except meal powder type) - 15
m ??? grade C ??? 60 m, grade B ??? 35 m, grade A ??? 45 m; saturn missiles type
should be ??? 10 m; other types should be according to corresponding standards.
5.7.4 The interval time should be ??? 5 s.
5.7.5 There should be no fried cylinder, scattered cylinder, inverted cylinder,
washed bottom, off the fire, burning cylinder during ...
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GB 19593-2015: Fireworks -- Batteries and combinations
GB 19593-2015
ICS 71.100.30
Y 88
Replacing GB 19593-2004
Fireworks - Batteries and combinations
???????????? ????????????
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration Committee.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3??
1 Scope ... 5??
2 Normative references ... 5??
3 Terms and definitions ... 5??
4 Classification ... 6??
5 Safety and quality requirements ... 7??
6 Inspection methods ... 12??
7 Inspection rules ... 14??
8 Transport and storage ... 15??
Annex A (Normative) Subdivisions of defect categories ... 16??
Annex B (Normative) Warning and setting-off instructions (personal fireworks)
examples ... 18??
Annex C (Normative) Setting-off safety diagrams ... 19??
All technical content of this Standard is mandatory.
This Standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
GB 10631 Fireworks and firecracker - Safety and quantity, the general
requirements for fireworks products, is applicable to this Standard.
This Standard replaces GB 19593-2004 Fireworks and firecracker -
Combination fireworks.
This revision is based on GB10631-2013 Fireworks and firecracker - Safety and
quantity. The main content of this revision are as follows.
- modified and added terms and definitions;
- modified the drug, the dose;
- improved the requirements for the ignition device;
- revised the specifications of the cylinder and added the requirements for
materials and processes;
- revised the requirements for the stability of the main body and the
inspection rules;
- made a clearer specification for product mark;
- added safety distance during setting off and requirements for firework-
setting-off personnel;
- added Annex B, Annex C.
This Standard was proposed by China Light Industry Federation.
This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee
on Firecrackers of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC149).
The main drafting organizations of this Standard. Hunan Fireworks Products
Safety And Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, Liuyang Yihe Long
Fireworks Group Co., Ltd., Panda Fireworks Group Co., Ltd., Liuyang Dongfang
Hong Fireworks Manufacturing Art Discharge Limited, Laiwu Kao Export
Fireworks Factory, Jiangxi Li Du Fireworks Group Co., Ltd., Liuyang Eagle
Fireworks Co., Ltd., Anhui Xiangying Fireworks Co., Ltd., Liuyang Jinchi Export
Fireworks Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Zhejaing Tonglu Fireworks Factory, Liuyang
Meidan Yanhua Co., Ltd., Hunan Qingtai Fireworks Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Big
Yao Tang Flower Export Fireworks Factory, Sichuan Shifang Qingyou Fireworks
Fireworks - Batteries and combinations
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the terms and definitions, classification, safety and
quality requirements, inspection methods, inspection rules, transport and
storage of batteries and combinations.
This Standard is applicable to the manufacture and acceptance of batteries and
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
GB 10631, Fireworks and firecracker - Safety and quantity;
GB/T 10632, Rules of sampling and inspection for fireworks;
GB/T 15814.1, Fireworks and firecracker - Qualitative determination of
pyrotechnic compositions;
GB/T 21242, Methods of qualitative determination of prohibitive and limitative
reagent of fireworks and firecrackers;
GB 24426, Fireworks and firecracker - Labeling;
GB 31368, Packing for fireworks.
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions specified in GB 10631 apply to this Standard.
3.1 batteries and combinations
a combination of two or more small fireworks, spray fireworks, spit fireworks, or
different types of fireworks
3.2 batteries
4.4 The combination of small fireworks is divided into cylinder type, sphere
type, grain type, meal powder type and saturn missiles according to rising effect
structure, shape and form of emission.
5 Safety and quality requirements
5.1 Marking, packaging
5.1.1 Transport packaging mark
In addition to the implementation according to GB 10631 and GB 24426, it
should also mark warning or warning sign as ?€?inversion is not allowed?€?.
5.1.2 Sales packaging mark
In addition to the implementation according to GB 10631 and GB 24426, it
should also mark.
a) combination type, combined launching number, setting-off effect (text or
b) total drug content and single cylinder drug content (single cylinder drug
content of different batteries and combinations shall be respectively marked);
minimum age required for firework setting off. at least 18 years of age;
c) for the product with external packaging box for ignition, the top cover can
not be opened OR the warning or warning mark as ?€?the product should be
removed from the box after setting off?€? if the rising of effect piece is affected
during setting off;
d) the instructions and warnings on firework setting off should be contained
in Annex B;
e) the diagram shown in Annex C or the diagram equivalent to illustrate the
effect should be marked for the purpose of warning and instruction.
5.1.3 Packaging
In accordance with GB 10631 and GB 31368.
5.2 Appearance
In accordance with GB 10631.
5.3 Parts
5.3.1 Base, plug
In accordance with GB 10631.
5.3.2 Ignition device
In addition to GB 10631, it shall also meet the following requirements.
a) the insulation line surface should be clean, dry, without damage, without
leakage medicine, without mildew;
b) the ignition line should be green safety lead wire; the installation location
must be eye-catching or with obvious mark, with care device;
c) for personal setting-off products, the ignition flame should be installed on
the side of the fireworks main body, excluding the products with external
packaging box for ignition or the product of which the first launch is spraying,
d) the ignition time for personal setting-off products of which the first launch
is small firework effect. 5 s ~ 8 s; the ignition time for other types of products
shall meet requirements of GB 10631.
5.4 Structure and material
5.4.1 The personal setting-off products should not be linked by more than two
pieces (including two).
5.4.2 The cylinder should be made of paper material or other materials that
are safe and environmentally friendly.
5.4.3 The rising effect pieces should not use metal shell and metal
attachments. Except that the saturn missles are allowed to use plastic cylinder,
the rising effect pieces should be made of paper and adhesive agent, soil which
can spread.
5.4.4 The cylinder specifications should meet the following requirements. Small fireworks single cylinder specifications.
Grade A. inner diameter >51 mm, ???76 mm (cylindrical, grain type) or ??? 102 mm
(sphere type, meal powder type), wall thickness ???3.0 mm;
Grade B. inner diameter >30 mm, ???51 mm, wall thickness ???2.5 mm;
Grade C. inner diameter >20 mm, ???30 mm, the main height ???300 mm, wall
thickness ???2.0 mm;
inner diameter ???20 mm, the main height ???260 mm, wall thickness ???1.5 mm. Cylinder specifications of spray fireworks, spit fireworks.
5.5 Main body stability
5.5.1 The product should not be dumped on a slope that is at an angle of 30??
to the horizontal.
5.5.2 The ratio of the height of the product cylinder or body to the minimum
horizontal dimension or diameter of the bottom surface. grade C, D ???1.5; grade
A, B ???2.0.
5.6 Drugs, dose and safety performance
5.6.1 The drugs shall be in accordance with GB 10631.
5.6.2 Requirements for the allowable maximum dose of single product, single
cylinder dose and open drug dose are shown in Table 1. The error between
actual dose and marked dose shall be in accordance with GB 10631.
5.6.3 The safety performance shall be in accordance with GB 10631.
5.7 Setting-off performance
5.7.1 The setting-off effect of the product should meet the design
5.7.2 The launch off-set angle of small fireworks effects contained in the
product (except meal powder type) should be ???22.5??. The off-set angle of
modeling combination fireworks should be ???45?? (only for professional setting-
off fireworks).
5.7.3 Launching height. small fireworks effect (except meal powder type) - 15
m ??? grade C ??? 60 m, grade B ??? 35 m, grade A ??? 45 m; saturn missiles type
should be ??? 10 m; other types should be according to corresponding standards.
5.7.4 The interval time should be ??? 5 s.
5.7.5 There should be no fried cylinder, scattered cylinder, inverted cylinder,
washed bottom, off the fire, burning cylinder during ...