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GB 17927-2024: Safety technical specification of fire retardant for furniture
GB 17927-2024
ICS 97.140
CCS Y 80
Replacing GB 17927.1-2011, GB 17927.2-2011
Safety technical specification of flame resistance for
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 4
4 Requirements ... 5
5 Ignition criteria ... 5
6 Verification methods ... 6
7 Result determination ... 7
8 Marks ... 8
Annex A (normative) Ignition test procedure for cigarette ignition sources ... 9
Annex B (normative) Test procedure for ignition simulation with a match flame ignition
source ... 12
Annex C (normative) Test procedures for ignition of wood stack ignition sources ... 15
This document was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2020
"Directives for standardization - Part 1: Rules for the structure and drafting of
standardizing documents".
This document replaces GB 17927.1-2011 "Upholstered furniture -- Assessment of the
resistance to ignition of mattress and sofa -- Part 1: Smouldering cigarette" and GB
17927.2-2011 "Upholstered furniture -- Assessment of the resistance to ignition of
mattress and sofa -- Part 2: Match flame equivalent". Compared with GB 17927.1-2011
and GB 17927.2-2011, in addition to structural adjustments and editorial changes, the
main technical changes in this document are as follows:
a) Flame-retardant grade III has been added (see Chapter 4 of this Edition);
b) The test method for ignition source of wood pile has been added (see 6.6 of this
c) The length of the cigarette has been changed from (60??5) mm to (55??5) mm (see
A.1 in Annex A of this Edition; 6.2 in GB 17927.1-2011).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be
the subject of patent rights. The issuing authority shall not be held responsible for
identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document was proposed by and shall be under the jurisdiction of Ministry of
Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China.
Main drafting organizations of this document:
The drafting organizations of this document:
Main drafters of this document:
Versions of standard substituted by this document are:
- It was first published in 1999 as GB 17927.1-1999, and first revised in 2011;
- It was first published in 2011 as GB 17927.2-2011;
- This is the first integrated revision.
Safety technical specification of flame resistance for
1 Scope
This document specifies the requirements, inspection rules and marking for the flame
resistance of furniture. It describes the corresponding verification methods.
This document applies to the quality control of upholstered furniture and furniture
upholstered parts.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 28202-2020, Furniture industry terminology
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions defined in GB/T 28202-
2020 and the followings apply to this document.
3.1 flame resistance
The property of inhibiting, slowing down or stopping the spread of flame.
3.2 afterglow
Under specified test conditions, after the fire source is removed or the flaming
combustion is terminated, the specimen will undergo an exothermic oxidation reaction
without flame. After being separated from the fire source, it will spread on its own,
sometimes accompanied by incandescent light.
3.3 flaming
A gaseous combustion process accompanied by luminescence.
3.4 ignition
The specimen appears to be afterglow or flaming under the action of fire source.
e) During the final inspection, no specimen shall not have a char spread other than
discoloration greater than 100 mm within its filling, starting from the position
nearest the initial ignition source, in any direction other than upwards.
5.2 Flaming ignition
The following phenomena are considered as flaming ignition:
a) If there is a gradual increase in flaming ignition on the specimen, so that
continuing the test will endanger safety, effective fire-fighting measures shall be
b) During the test, the soft bag part was basically burned by the flame;
c) During the test, except for the top of the vertical part of the specimen, the flame
front has reached the end of the specimen or penetrated the entire thickness of the
d) For the simulated match flame ignition source: the specimen continues to burn for
more than 2 min after the combustion tube is removed, or the flame front spreads
100 mm beyond the ignition point of the combustion tube; For the wood pile
ignition source: after the wood pile is ignited, any specimen continues to burn for
more than 10 min;
e) For all fire sources, the burning drops of the specimen shall burn alone on the
ground for a period exceeding the time specified in d).
6 Verification methods
6.1 Test safety facilities
6.1.1 Test chamber
The test chamber can be a room with a volume greater than 20 m3 (containing sufficient
oxygen for the test), or a small space with ventilation facilities. The airflow rate around
the test bench is 0.02 m/s~0.2 m/s, which does not interfere with the combustion test.
6.1.2 Fire extinguishing equipment
Taking into account that certain material combinations may produce violent combustion
during testing, adequate and effective fire-fighting facilities shall be provided.
6.2 Test instruments and equipment
6.2.1 Timer
The timer shall have a range of no less than 60 min and an accuracy of 1 s.
6.2.2 Test platform
The surface of the work platform shall be flat and solid to ensure that the specimen can
be placed stably.
6.3 Pretreatment and test environment
6.3.1 Pretreatment environment
Temperature: (23.0??2.0)???. Relative humidity: (50.0??5.0)%. The pretreatment time of
cigarette, wood pile ignition source and specimen is at least 24 h.
6.3.2 Test environment
The test shall be conducted in an environment with a temperature of 10.0???~30.0???
and a relative humidity of 15.0%~80.0%.
6.4 Ignition test of cigarette ignition source
Perform the test in accordance with the provisions of Annex A.
6.5 Ignition test of simulating match flame ignition source
Perform according to the provisions of Annex B.
6.6 Ignition test of wood pile ignition source
Perform according to the provisions of Annex C.
7 Result determination
7.1 Selection of ignition source
Select the corresponding ignition source in Table 1 according to the place where the
furniture is used or the flame-retardant grade requirements.
7.2 Test result determination
Carry out flame-retardant test according to the provisions of Annex A ~ Annex C.
Determine whether the specimen has passed the corresponding flame-retardant grade.
If the test of Annex A is passed, the result is determined to be flame-retardant grade I.
If the test of Annex B is passed, the result is determined to be flame-retardant grade II.
If the test of Annex C is passed, the result is determined to be flame-retardant grade III.
If the flame-retardant test is not passed, it is determined to be failed to pass the
corresponding flame-retardant grade.
Annex A
Ignition test procedure for cigarette ignition sources
A.1 Cigarette ignition source
The cigarettes are cylindrical cigarettes without filters, or without filters and interface
packaging, and meet the following requirements:
- Length: (55??5) mm;
- Diameter: (8??0.5) mm;
- Mass per unit length: (0.6??0.1) g/50 mm;
- Cigarette burning time: (12??3) min/50 mm.
From the same type of cigarettes, 10 cigarettes form a group. Randomly select one of
them and measure the burning time of the cigarette in the test room according to the
following method: After pre-treatment of the cigarette, take out one cigarette and mark
it 5 mm~50 mm from the ignition end. Insert a thin steel needle horizontally into the
non-ignition end of the cigarette. The insertion length shall not exceed 11 mm. The test
records the time it takes for the cigarette to burn between the two marks.
A.2 Test procedure
A.2.1 Specimen placement
After the specimen is taken out from the pretreatment environment, it shall be placed
stably on the test platform and the test shall start within 20 min.
A.2.2 Preparation of ignition source
Light a cigarette that meets the requirements of A.1 until the cigarette tip is burning and
glowing. During the lighting process, the cigarette shall burn between 5 mm~8 mm.
A.2.3 Ignition source placement
A.2.3.1 Mattresses and soft furniture parts
Place a lit cigarette horizontally on a mattress or a flat surface of a furniture upholstered
part, at least 100 mm away from the nearest edge or traces left by previous tests. If the
specimen is rolled or edged, or quilted or nailed with buttons, the cigarette shall be
placed on the edge, in the groove of the quilting line, and on the buttons for testing. At
the same time, start the timer. Products declared to be used on both sides shall be tested
on both sides.
A.2.3.2 Sofas and soft chairs
Place a lit cigarette along the joint between the seat and backrest of a sofa or soft chair,
with the cigarette close to the vertical surface. Or place it in other places that are most
likely to ignite, such as the inside of the seam edge and the pits of the quilting line.
Make sure that the distance between the lit cigarette and the two ends of the specimen
or the distance from the traces left by the previous test is at least 50 mm. At the same
time, start the timer to start timing.
A.2.4 Observation and recording of combustion process
Observe the ignition of the specimen within 60 min after the lit cigarette is placed. If
there is flaming, or heat, smoke and light appear, making it unsafe to continue the test,
it means that the specimen has not passed the cigarette ignition test. The test shall be
stopped immediately and the fire shall be extinguished.
If the specimen is found to be afterglow beyond the limit at any time within 60 min
after the lit cigarette is placed, it indicates that the specimen has failed the cigarette
ignition test. The test shall be stopped immediately and the fire shall be extinguished.
Record the time from the placement of the cigarette to the extinguishing of the ignited
specimen. Complete the test report.
If no internal afterglow is observed after 60 min, or if the cigarette extinguishes before
burning to its full length, these phenomena shall be recorded. Repeat the above test in
other positions that meet the requirements. If no afterglow is observed, this shall be
recorded. Perform a final inspection of the specimen.
A.2.5 Final inspection
Carefully check the surface and interior of the specimen for any undetected afterglow
or flaming. If so, immediately extinguish the fire on the specimen. Measure the extent
of the burnt area and record the extent (maximum length, width and depth) of the burnt
area (horizontally and vertically) in millimeters (mm).
The test personnel shall ensure that the specimen is completely extinguished before
A.2.6 Flame resistance assessment
When testing and inspection are carried out according to the provisions of A.2.1~A.2.5,
as well as the final inspection, if no afterglow or flaming phenomenon is observed on
the surface or inside of the specimen, the specimen is evaluated as flame-retardant level
I and can be ignited by a cigarette; otherwise, the specimen is evaluated as not ignited
by a cigarette. The scope of the burned area is recorded.
A.3 Test flow chart
Annex B
Test procedure for ignition simulation with a match flame ignition source
B.1 Simulation with a match flame ignition source
The ignition source is butane (99.9% purity) which simulates the flame of a match. The
ignition source is designed to provide heat equivalent to that of a burning match. The
ignition source system includes:
a) 1 stainless steel combustion tube: outer diameter is (8.0??0.1) mm, inner diameter
is (6.5??0.1) mm, length is (200??5) mm;
b) 1 hose: 2.5 m~3 m in length, inner diameter is (7??1) mm, connected to the
stainless-steel combustion tube;
c) Flow control system: including flow meter, fine adjustment valve, switch valve
and pressure regulating valve, connected to butane cylinder. The flow meter
calibrated flow rate shall be able to meet the need to measure the flow rate of
butane gas at 25??? (45??2) mL/min. The nominal output pressure provided by the
system is 2.8 kPa.
NOTE 1: If a stainless-steel combustion tube with similar dimensions to a) is used, the inner and
outer diameters shall be machined to the original dimensions within 50 mm of the combustion tube
opening (flame port).
NOTE 2: To ensure that the flow rate in the combustion tube meets the specified requirements, the
gas is passed through a metal pipe immersed in water maintained at 20??C (one of the temperatures
specified as the fixed gas flow) before measuring the flow rate.
B.2 Test procedure
B.2.1 Specimen placement
After the specimen is taken out from the pre-treatment environment, it shall be placed
stably on the test platform and the test shall be started within 20 min.
B.2.2 Preparation of ignition source
Prepare the ignition source system according to B.1. Ignite the gas ejected from the
combustion tube. Adjust the flow control system so that the flow reaches the specified
value. Keep it burning stably for at least 2 min.
B.2.3 Ignition source placement
B.2.3.1 Mattresses and furniture upholstery
Place the combustion tube horizontally on a mattress or a flat part of the surface of a
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