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GB 15235-2007 English PDF

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GB 15235-2007: Photometric characteristics of reversing lamps for power-driven vehicles
GB 15235-2007
ICS 43.040.20
T 38
Replacing GB 15235-1994
Photometric Characteristics of Reversing Lamps
for Power-driven Vehicles and Their Trailers
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People's Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Application Scope ... 5
2 Normative References ... 5
3 Terms and Definitions ... 5
4 Reversing Lamps of Different Types... 5
5 Specifications ... 6
6 Measurement Methods ... 7
7 Inspection Rules ... 8
All technical content of this Standard is compulsory.
This Standard is corresponding to the United Nations Economic Commission for
Europe ECE R23-2002, Uniform Provisions Concerning the Approval of Reversing
Lamps for Power-driven Vehicles and Their Trailers. The degree of consistency is non-
equivalent, with the major differences as follows.
-- the administrative articles are deleted;
-- the annex ?€?Minimum requirements for conformity of production control procedures?€?
is deleted;
-- the annex ?€?Minimum requirements for sampling by an inspector?€? is deleted;
-- the inspection rules are added.
The main specifications, including general specifications, photometric performance,
light colour and test methods, are consistent with the above-mentioned Regulation.
This Standard replaces GB 15235-1994, Photometric Characteristics of Reversing
Lamps for Motor Vehicles and Their Trailers; and compared with the previous edition,
the major changes of this Standard are as follows.
-- the standard name is changed from the previous edition Photometric
Characteristics of Reversing Lamps for Motor Vehicles and Their Trailers into the
current edition Photometric Characteristics of Reversing Lamps for Power-driven
Vehicles and Their Trailers.
-- the Normative References and Terms of Article 2 of the previous edition are
-- ?€?Prescriptions on lamps of the same type?€? of Article 4 of the previous edition is
modified into ?€?Lamps of different types?€? of Article 4 of this Standard.
-- ?€?Requirements for the lamps used in reversing lamps?€? of Article 6 of the previous
edition is deleted, and ?€?Requirements for the lamps used in reversing lamps?€? is
modified and included in 5.3 of the new edition.
-- Article 7 of the previous edition is modified, adding the content as follows.
1) In the case where the reversing lamp is intended to be installed on a vehicle
exclusively, the photometric intensity may be verified only up to an angle of 30??
inwards (the position of a photometric value of 25 cd in Figure 1);
2) In directions below the horizontal plane, the intensity of light emitted shall not
exceed 8 000 candelas below 5?? D;
3) the requirements for lamps equipped with several light sources and lamps
equipped with non-replaceable light sources are added.
-- ?€?Measurement Methods?€? of Article 8 and ?€?Inspection Rules?€? of Article 9 of the
previous edition are modified.
-- the content concerning light source module(s) is added.
From the date of implementation of this Standard, GB 15235-1994 is abolished. The
reversing lamps of power-driven vehicles and their trailers submitted for new
application of type approval shall conform to this Standard.
The transitional requirements for the implementation of this Standard. for the reversing
lamps of power-driven lamps and their trailers which have passed the type approval
before the implementation of this Standard, a transitional period of 24 months is given.
This Standard was proposed by the National Development and Reform Commission.
This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee of
Auto Standardization.
This Standard was drafted by Shanghai Research Institute of Auto Lamps.
The main drafters of this Standard. Chen Geming, Bu Weili.
The editions of the previous editions of the standard replaced by this Standard are as
-- JB 4151-1985;
-- GB 15235-1994.
Photometric Characteristics of Reversing Lamps for
Power-driven Vehicles and Their Trailers
1 Application Scope
This Standard specifies the photometric characteristics, test methods and inspection
rules of reversing lamps for power-driven vehicles and their trailers.
This Standard applies to all types of reversing lamps for vehicles of categories M, N
and O.
2 Normative References
The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this Standard through
reference in this Standard. For dated references, the subsequent amendments
(excluding corrigendum) or revisions do not apply to this Standard, however, parties
who reach an agreement based on this Standard are encouraged to study if the latest
versions of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the latest edition
of the referenced document applies.
GB 4599, Motor Vehicle Headlamps Equipped with Filament Lamps
GB 4785, Prescription for Installation of the External Lighting and Light-signalling
Devices for Motor Vehicles and Their Trailers
GB 15766.1, Lamps for Road Vehicles ?€? Dimensional, Electrical and Luminous
ECE R37, Uniform Provisions Concerning the Approval of Filament Lamps for Use
in Approved Lamp Units of Power Driven Vehicles and of Their Trailers
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this Standard, the terms and definitions defined in GB 4599, GB
4785 and GB 15766.1 apply.
4 Reversing Lamps of Different Types
Reversing lamps which differ in such essential respects as.
(a) the trade name or mark;
(b) the characteristics of the optical system, (levels of intensity, light distribution
angles, category of filament lamp, light source module, etc.);
A change of the colour of the filament lamp or the colour of any filter does not constitute
a change of type.
5 Specifications
5.1 General specifications. Reversing lamps shall be so designed and constructed
that in normal use, despite the vibration to which they may then be subjected, they
continue to function satisfactorily and retain the characteristics prescribed by this
5.2 The colour of the light emitted by reversing lamps inside the field shown in Figure
1 shall be white and its colorimetric characteristics shall be as prescribed in GB 4785.
Outside this field no sharp variation of colour shall be observed.
5.3 Lamps equipped with replaceable light sources shall be equipped with filament
lamps as prescribed in GB 15766.1 or ECE R 37.
5.4 Light source module
5.4.1 The design of the light source module(s) shall be such that even in darkness
the light source module(s) can be fitted in no other position, but the correct one.
5.4.2 There shall be certain structures or devices to fix the light source module(s) to
ensure they are tamperproof.
5.5 Photometric performance
5.5.1 The minimum light intensity of reversing lamps in different directions on and
outside their reference axis shall not be less than the value (expressed in cd) shown
in Figure 1.
5.5.2 In the case where the reversing lamp is intended to be installed on a vehicle
exclusively, the photometric intensity may be verified only up to an angle of 30?? inwards
(the position of a photometric value of 25 cd in Figure 1).
5.5.3 The intensity of the light emitted on and above the h-h plane in all directions in
which the light can be observed shall not exceed.
300 candelas in directions in or above the horizontal plane;
and, in directions below the horizontal plane.
600 candelas between h-h and 5?? D and
8,000 candelas below 5?? D.
5.5.4 In the field shown in Figure 1, there is no substantial local variations of light
intensity, i.e. no intensity measured between two of the directions of measurement is
below 50% of the lower minimum intensity of the two prescribed for these directions of
Figure 1 ?€? Light Intensity Distribution Range
5.5.5 In the case of a single lamp containing more than one light source, the lamp
shall comply with the minimum intensity required when any one light source has failed
and when all light sources are illuminated the maximum intensities shall not be
6 Measurement Methods
6.1 The test darkroom, apparatus and equipment shall be as prescribed in GB 4599.
6.2 The photometric performance measurement shall be conducted using the
standard filament lamps of corresponding types and the measurement shall be
conducted under the prescribed test luminous flux. If results of the test described do
not meet the requirements, tests on lamps shall be repeated using another standard
filament lamp.
6.3 Before the photometric performance measurement, the light sources shall be
illuminated at the voltage of measurement to make their optical performance become
6.4 All measurements for the photometric performance shall be made at 13.5 V or
28.0 V respectively, for the reversing lamps equipped with non-replaceable light
6.5 Photometric measurement of lamps equipped with several light sources
The ph...

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