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GB 14287.1-2014: Alarm system for electric fire prevention -- Part 1: Alarm control units for electric fire prevention
GB 14287.1-2014
ICS 13.220.20
C 81
Replacing GB 14287.1-2005
Electrical fire monitoring system -
Part 1. Electrical fire monitoring equipment
ISSUED ON. JULY 24, 2014
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People's Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Terms and definitions ... 6
4 Requirements ... 6
5 Tests ... 13
6 Inspection rules ... 24
7 Markings ... 25
Clauses 4, 6 and 7 of this Part of GB 14287 are mandatory and the rest is
GB 14287 ?€?Electric fire monitoring system?€? consists of the following parts.
- Part 1. Electrical fire monitoring equipment;
- Part 2. Residual current electrical fire monitoring detectors;
- Part 3. Temperature sensing electrical fire monitoring detectors;
This Part is Part 1 of GB 14287.
This Part is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This Part replaces GB 14287.1-2005 ?€?Electrical fire monitoring system - Part 1.
Electrical fire monitoring equipment?€?; compared with GB 14287.1- 2005, main technical
modifications are as follows.
- ADD the requirements for receiving and displaying residual current value and
temperature value of monitoring equipment (see 4.3.4);
- ADD information display and query function (see 4.6);
- ADD leakage current test (see 5.8);
- ADD immunity test for radio frequency electromagnetic field radiation (see 5.10);
- ADD immunity test for radio frequency field conducted harassment (see 5.11);
- ADD electrostatic discharge immunity test (see 5.12);
- ADD electrical fast transient burst immunity test (see 5.13);
- ADD surge (impact) immunity test (see 5.14);
- ADD immunity test for voltage sags, short interruptions and voltage variations (see
- ADD power transient test (see 5.16);
- ADD voltage fluctuation test (see 5.17);
Electrical fire monitoring system ?€?
Part 1. Electrical fire monitoring equipment
1 Scope
This Part of GB 14287 specifies terms and definitions, requirements, tests, inspection
rules and marking of electrical fire monitoring equipment.
This Part applies to electrical fire monitoring equipment in electrical fire monitoring
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the dated edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including all amendments)
GB 4706.1 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 1. General
GB/T 9969 General principles for preparation of instructions for use of industrial
GB12978 Rules for test of fire electronic products
GB 16838 Environmental test methods and severities for fire electronic products
GB/T 17626.2 Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques
- Electrostatic discharge immunity test
GB/T 17626.3 Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques
- Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test
GB/T 17626.4 Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques
- Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test
GB/T 17626.5 Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques
- Surge immunity test
GB/T 17626.6 Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques
- Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields
GB/T 17626.11 Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement
techniques - Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests
GB 23757 Protection requirements for fire electronic products
3 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
electrical fire monitoring system
A system capable of sending out alarm signals, control signals and indicating the alarm
position when the detected parameters in the protected electrical circuit exceed the
alarm set value, consisting of electric fire monitoring equipment and electric fire
monitoring detector.
electrical fire monitoring equipment
Equipment capable of receiving the alarm signal from the electrical fire monitoring
detector, sending out sound and light alarm signals and control signals, indicating the
alarm position, recording, saving and sending the alarm information.
electrical fire monitoring detector
Detector used to detect changes in electrical fire hazard parameters such as residual
current, temperature, fault arcs, etc. in the protected circuit, changes in smoke due to
electrical faults and static and changes in insulation parameters that may cause
electrical fires.
4 Requirements
4.1 General
Electrical fire monitoring equipment (hereinafter referred to as monitoring equipment)
shall be tested in accordance with the specifications of Clause 5, the test results shall
meet the corresponding requirements in Clause 4.
4.2 General requirements
under the following atmospheric conditions.
- temperature. 15 ??C ~ 35 ??C;
- relative humidity. 25 % ~ 75 %;
- atmospheric pressure. 86 kPa ~ 106 kPa.
5.1.2 Unless otherwise stated in the relevant provisions, the tolerance of the test data
shall be ??5 %; the deviation of the environmental condition parameters shall meet the
requirements of GB 16838.
5.1.3 The manufacturer shall provide two monitoring equipment as test samples
(hereinafter referred to as samples) and the matched detectors.
5.1.4 The monitoring equipment shall be checked before the test as follows.
a) the surface shall be free of corrosion, falling off and blistering of coating, obvious
scratches, cracks, burrs and other mechanical damages;
b) the fastening parts shall be free of loosening;
c) the general requirements of the sample shall comply with the specifications of
d) the operation level of the sample shall meet the requirements of 4.8;
e) the performance of the main components shall meet the requirements of 4.9;
f) the use instruction shall meet the requirements of 4.19.
5.1.5 The test procedure of the monitoring equipment is shown in Table 4.
Table 4 Test procedures
No. Clause No. Test items
1 5.1.4 Check before test ???b ???
2 5.2 Monitoring alarm function test ??? ???
3 5.3 Fault alarm function test ??? ???
4 5.4 Self-inspection function test ??? ???
5 5.5 Information display and query function test ??? ???
6 5.6 Power supply function test ??? ???
7 5.7 Insulation resistance test ???
8 5.8 Leakage current test ???
9 5.9 Electrical strength test ???
5.2.8 MAKE the sample be in the normal monitoring state. When the fire alarm signal
is sent out by the linear temperature-sensing fire detector with the function of indicating
the alarm position and connected with the sample, observe the state of the sample.
5.3 Fault alarm function test
5.3.1 MAKE the samples be in the fault state described in a) to d) of 4.4.1, respectively,
and observe the state of the sample and the information display condition.
5.3.2 When the sample is in the fault state, manually mute, and then set another fault
state, observe the working state of the sample and the information display condition.
5.3.3 When the sample is in the fault state, remove the fault and observe the working
state of the sample and the information display condition.
5.3.4 When the sample is in any fault state, check the working state of non-faulty parts.
5.4 Self-inspection function test
5.4.1 Manually operate the sample?€?s self-inspection mechanism, observe and record
the state of the sample; for samples with self-inspection time exceeding 1 min or with
the self-inspection function unable to stop automatically, during the self-inspection,
make any non-self-inspection circuit be in the alarm state, observe the state of the
5.4.2 Manually operate the self-inspection function of the sample?€?s audio components,
indicator lights and display screens, observe the state of the sample.
5.5 Information display and query function test
5.5.1 SET the fault state and monitoring alarm state in different order, observe the state
of the sample and the information display condition.
5.5.2 In the high-level information display state, manually operate the query function,
observe the low-level information display condition of the sample.
5.6 Power supply function test
5.6.1 MAKE the sample operate continuously for 4 hours under the circuit condition
specified by the manufacturer and the following load conditions.
a) when the monitoring equipment capacity does not exceed 10 circuits that
constitute a separate part number (hereinafter referred to as circuits), all circuits
are in alarm state;
b) when the monitoring...

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