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GB 11291.1-2011 English PDF (GB11291.1-2011)

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GB 11291.1-2011: Robots for industrial environments -- Safety requirements -- Part 1: Robot
GB 11291.1-2011
Robots for industrial environments.Safety requirements.Part 1. Robot
ICS 25.040.30
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Replacing GB 11291-1997
Robots for industrial environments - Safety requirements
Part 1. Robots
Part 1. Robot
(ISO 10218-1.2006, ISO 10218-1/Cor.1.2007, IDT)
Issued on. 2011-05-12
2011-10-01 implementation
Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China
Standardization Administration of China released
Table of Contents
Preface ???
Introduction ???
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and definitions
Hazard identification and risk assessment 4 5
5 design requirements and protection measures 6
6 15 use the information
Appendix A (normative) lists 17 major risk
Appendix B (normative) Stop time/distance metric 19
Annex C (informative) 3-position enabling device features 20
Annex D (informative) Optional Features 21
Methods Appendix E (normative) mode of operation mark 22
References 23
All technical content in this section is mandatory.
GB 11291 "Robots for industrial environments - Safety requirements" is divided into the following sections.
--- Part 1. Robot;
--- Part 2. Robot systems and integration.
This is Part 1 GB 11291's.
This section drafted in accordance with GB/T 1.1-2009 given rules.
This Part replaces GB 11291-1997 "industrial robot safety norms."
This section of the main changes compared to GB 11291-1997 are as follows.
--- This section updated some files to make them more in line with GB/T 15706-2007 and comply with the requirements of the use of Class C standard check
Testing requirements and corresponding hazards.
--- This section increased (but not limited to) new technical requirements, including those related to security control system performance, the robot stop work
You can enable the device, program verification, wireless teach pendant guidelines, joint control, collaborative robots guidelines, and the latest design safety
This section identical with the international standard ISO 10218-1.2006 "Safety requirements for industrial environments - Part 1 robot. robot"
(English version) and ISO 10218-1/Cor.1.2007 (revised English edition).
For ease of use, this part of the editorial changes as follows.
--- Uppercase acronym in English formerly reserved to remove ISO foreword;
--- ISO 10218 will be changed to "GB 11291" and "" Robots for industrial environments - Safety requirements '; will the "international standards" and
ISO 10218-1 words "this section" and "GB 11291.1";
--- The Normative documents have been translated into national standards with international standards Renumber national standard number, and the corresponding national
International standards adopted standard version number placed in parentheses after the number of national standards, ease of use and access; unconverted international standards
Approved leave;
--- Deletion of the original text does not meet the standard of written words.
Correspondence between the consistency of the standards of international documents and normative references of the following documents.
--- GB/T 12642-2001 industrial robot performance specifications and test methods (eqvISO 9283.1998);
--- GB 16754-2008 Safety of machinery - Emergency stop design principles (ISO 13850.2006, IDT);
--- GB/T 19876-2005 Safety of machinery and parts of the body close to the speed of the positioning of protective equipment (ISO 13855.
2002, MOD).
This part is proposed by China Machinery Industry Federation.
This part of the automation systems and integration by the National Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC159) centralized.
This section is drafted. Beijing Machinery Industry Automation, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
The main drafters of this section. Young book reviews, Yun Chao, Wang Sisi.
This part of the standard replaces the previous editions are.
--- GB 11291-1997.
GB 11291 is based on the recognition of industrial robots and industrial robot systems can lead to specific risks basis.
GB 11291 is GB/T 15706.1-2007 standard Class C said.
Note the machine, the level of risk, hazard and incident involved have been described in the context of GB 11291.
Class C and Class A standard Class B standard or standards are different. For Class C in accordance with the standard design and manufacture of machinery, Class C standard terms
Precedence over other standard terms.
Related dangerous robot has been widely recognized. However, the use of different sources of danger robot system is often different, so the type of risk
The automation process is directly related to the number and complexity of the robot installation. Depending on the type of robot use, purpose of use of the robot,
Risks associated with the robot installation, programming, operation and maintenance of different ways, leading to the danger of these are different.
Note 1. Not all danger described in GB 11291 are applicable to each robot. Similarly, the level of risk of a particular dangerous situations in different machine
It is the world may differ. Thus, the provisions in GB 11291 safety requirements and/or protective measures for different robots may vary
With, then it can carry out a risk assessment to determine what protective measures.
In recognition of industrial robots for different purposes have different hazardous properties, GB 11291 is divided into two parts; Part 1 provides
Security assurances guidance recommends that when designing and manufacturing the robot. Since the industrial robot application security by a particular robotic system integration
Influence in the design and application, Part 2 will provide the robot integration, installation, functional testing, programming, operation, maintenance and repair of the people engaged in
Members of security guidelines.
Note 2. Since the industrial environment, noise is generally considered to be a hazard, in line with the provisions of 3.18 robot can not be considered the final product. The accord
3.20 robot system is defined taking into account noise hazard machine. Thus, in Section 2 GB 11291 of the regulations at the noise hazard
Management measures.
Robots for industrial environments - Safety requirements
Part 1. Robots
1 Scope
GB 11291 of the provisions of this part of the industrial robot (defined in Chapter 3) of the basic security design, protection measures and the use of information
The requirements and guidelines. Describe industrial robots basic hazard related, and proposes to eliminate or substantially reduce the risk of these requirements.
Noise as a potential hazard in this section do not relate, but are included in Section 2 GB 11291's.
GB 11291 This part is suitable for industrial robots. Although the "Robots for industrial environments - Safety requirements" established safety principles can
Other types of robots can be used, but this does not apply to non-industrial robots. Examples of non-industrial robot including (but not limited to
In). Underwater, military and space robots, robot remote control assistive devices, prosthetics and other physically handicapped persons, micro-robots (displacement range
Wai < 1mm), surgery or rehabilitation robots, and service and consumer robots.
Note 1. The industrial robot system integration and installation requirements are contained in Part 2.
Note 2. The special applications (welding, laser cutting, machining, etc.) may produce additional hazards in these dangerous design of the robot may need to be considered.
2 Normative references
The following documents for the application of this document is essential. For dated references, only the dated version suitable for use herein
Member. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document.
GB 5226.1-2008 Safety of machinery - Electrical machinery and electrical equipment - Part 1. General requirements (IEC 60204-1.2005,
GB/T 15706.1-2007 Safety of machinery - Basic concepts, general principles for design - Part 1. Basic terminology, methodology
(ISO 12100-1.2003, IDT)
GB/T 15706.2-2007 Safety of machinery - Basic concepts, general principles for design - Part 2. Technical principles (ISO 12100-2.
2003, IDT)
GB/T 16855.1-2008 Safety of machinery - Safety-related control system components - Part 1. General principles for design (ISO 13849-1.
2006, IDT)
GB/T 17799.2-2003 Electromagnetic compatibility - Generic standards - Immunity for industrial environments (IEC 61000-6-2.1999,
GB 17799.4-2001 Electromagnetic compatibility - Generic standards Emission standard for industrial environments (IEC 61000-6-4.1997, IDT)
ISO 9283.1998 Industrial robots - Performance criteria and test methods (Manipulatingindustrialrobots-Perfor-
ISO 14121.1999 Safety of machinery - Risk assessment principles (Safetyofmachinery-Principlesofriskassessment)
ISO 13850 Safety of machinery - Emergency stop design principles (Safetyofmachinery-Emergencystop-Principlesfor
ISO 13855 Safety of machinery and parts of the body close to the speed of the positioning of protective equipment (Safetyofmachinery-Positio-
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Actuation control actuatingcontrol
a) control device in the body.
Example. Open the contact link.
b) Start a lock (or unlock) device program.
Example. dedicated key.
Automatic mode automaticmode
One mode of operation the robot control system operating in accordance with the task program.
[See GB/T 12643-1997, the definition]
Automatic operation automaticoperation
Robot according to a predetermined program to perform its task program state.
[See GB/T 12643-1997, the definition 6.5]
Cooperating colaborativeoperation
Specially designed robots and people work together directly within the specified operating space states.
Collaborative Workspace colaborativeworkspace
The workspace security space within the robot work cell, the robot in production activities and can complete tasks simultaneously.
Coordinated Motion coordinatedmotion
Each robot axes reach the end of their smooth movement, or control the movement of each axis of the tool center point (TCP) specified
(Line, circle, or other) path.
Cycle cycle
Perform a task program.
[See GB/T 12643-1997, the definition 7.22]
Driving source drivepower
Energy robot drive or power source.
End effector endeffector
In order to fulfill its mandate robot specifically designed and installed in the mechanical device at the interface.
Example. holder, wrenches, torches, guns and the like.
[See GB/T 12643-1997, the definition 4.11]
Energy energysource
Any electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, thermal, potential energy, kinetic energy or other forms of power sources.
Dangerous movement hazardousmotion
Any movement could cause personal injury.
Limiter limitingdevice
By stopping or cause the robot to stop all movement restrictions (robot) means the maximum workspace, and the control device
Procedures and tasks unrelated to the program.
Local control localcontrol
In the system, only the machine's own control panel or teach pendant to the system or part of the system status of the operation.
Manually manualmode
It enables location data points generated, control storage and reproduction.
[See GB/T 12643-1997, the definition]
Teach pendant pendant, teachpendant
It can be used to program the robot or the robot motion, and the handheld unit is connected with the control system.
[See GB/T 12643-1997, the definition 6.8]
Program programme
Control program controlprogramme
Ability to define robotic systems, motion control and response inherent in the instruction set.
Note. This program is fixed, and the user generally can not be modified.
[See GB/T 12643-1997, the definition 6.1.2]
Task program taskprogramme
Instruction for the movement and auxiliary functions to define specific tasks the robot system compiled set.
Note 1. This program is usually compiled by the user.
Note 2. The use refers to the general scope of work, the task refers to the specific part of the use of inside.
[See GB/T 12643-1997, the definition 6.1.1]
Task programming taskprogramming
Preparation task program (see 3.16.2) behavior.
[See GB/T 12643-1997, the definition 6.2.1]
Programmer programmer
The preparation of the designated person task program.
[See GB/T 12643-1997, the definition 3.17]
Program path programmepath
When the mission program, TCP (tool center point) tracking path.
Program verification programmeverification
To confirm the robot path and process performance while executing a task program.
NOTE. Verify that the program path may include all or part of the path. You can execute a single instruction or training sequence. New applications and fine adjustment/edit
To validate the program.
Protective stop protectivestop
In order to allow safe movement and maintain an orderly termination of the program logic for operating a restart of interrupted form.
Robots, industrial robots robot, industrialrobot
An operating machine is automatically controlled, reprogrammable, multipurpose, and three and three or more axes to be programmed. It may be fixed
Or mobile for use in industrial automation.
Note 1. The robot comprises.
--- Manipulator (including driver);
--- Controllers, including the teaching box and any communication interface (hardware and software).
Note 2. It includes any additional axes controlled by the robot controller.
Note 3. In this section, the following equipment may be considered as industrial robots.
a) manually-guided robot;
b) the mobile robot manipulator;
c) cooperating robots.
[See GB/T 12643-1997, the definition 3....
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