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DZ/T 0175-2014: Specifications for geological mapping of coal
DZ/T 0175-2014
ICS 07.060
A 44
Replacing DZ/T 0175-1997
Specifications for Geological Mapping of Coal
(1:50000 1:25000 1:10000 1:5000)
Issued by: Ministry of Land and Resources of the People?€?s Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3??
Introduction ... 5??
1 Scope ... 6??
2 Normative References ... 6??
3 General Rules ... 7??
4 Requirements of Working Level ... 8??
5 Data Collection and Geological Reconnaissance ... 11??
6 Design Formulation and Review ... 12??
7 Work Content and Precision Requirement ... 13??
8 Original Catalog and Data Organization ... 24??
9 Field Quality Inspection and Acceptance Inspection ... 25??
10 Report Formulation and Submission ... 26??
Appendix A (normative) Outline of Coalfield Geological Mapping Design
Formulation ... 28??
Appendix B (informative) Original Catalog Table ... 30??
Appendix C (normative) Field Acceptance Inspection Content and Quality
Assessment ... 37??
Appendix D (normative) Outline of Coalfield Geological Mapping Report
Formulation ... 39??
Appendix E (normative) Report Review Content and Quality Assessment ... 41??
Bibliography ... 43??
Specifications for Geological Mapping of Coal
(1:50000 1:25000 1:10000 1:5000)
1 Scope
This Standard stipulates the technical requirements of coalfield geological mapping
work (1:50000 1:25000 1:10000 1:5000), such as working level requirements,
data collection and geological survey, design formulation and review, work content and
precision requirements, original catalog and data organization, field quality inspection
and acceptance, report formulation and submission, etc.
This Standard is applicable to coalfield geological mapping (1:50000 1:25000
1:10000 1:5000) in the various stages of coal resource survey and coalfield
geological survey in exposed and semi-exposed bedrock areas. It is the main basis for
the design, construction, quality control, achievement submission and acceptance
2 Normative References
The following documents are indispensable to the application of this document. In
terms of references with a specified date, only versions with a specified date are
applicable to this document. In terms of references without a specified date, the latest
version (including all the modifications) is applicable to this document.
GB/T 18341 Specifications of Survey for Geological and Mineral Resources
GB/T 25283 Specification for Comprehensive Exploration and Evaluation of Mineral
DZ/T 0078 Procedures for Original Geological Record of Solid Mineral Exploration;
DZ/T 0079 Solid Mineral Exploration Report Requirements for Comprehensive
Arrangement and Study of Geological Data;
DZ/T 0080 Specifications for Geophysical Logging of Coal;
DZ 0141 Probing Specification of Geological Exploration;
DZ/T 0215 Specifications for Coal, Peat Exploration;
MT/T 1042 Quality Standard of Drill for Coal Geology Exploration;
e) Prospecting stage 1:10000 or 1:5000.
4 Requirements of Working Level
4.1 1:50000 Coalfield Geological Mapping
4.1.1 Preliminarily identify stratigraphic sequence. In accordance with the requirement
of multiple stratigraphic division, divide rock stratigraphic unit and chronostratigraphic
unit. If conditions allow, divide bio-stratigraphic unit. Mapping unit shall be divided into
?€?group?€?, if necessary and if possible, key seams1 shall be divided into ?€?section?€?. The
quaternary system shall be divided in accordance with the actual demand.
4.1.2 Preliminarily identify coal-bearing stratum era; understand the thickness and
distribution range of coal-bearing stratum; understand the number and the thickness
of coal seam. Preliminarily establish regional contrast signs. If conditions allow,
conduct preliminary contrast of the main coal seams.
4.1.3 Preliminarily understand geological structure. Preliminarily identify the ground
location and the nature of fault with the stratigraphic separation of more than 100 m,
or, with the exposed length of more than 1,000 m. Preliminarily identify the ground
location of pleated crankshaft with the length of more than 2,000 m.
4.1.4 Preliminarily understand the distribution of various types of production mines and
old kilns.
4.1.5 Preliminarily understand the type and the quality of coal.
4.1.6 Preliminarily understand the condition of other mineral products.
4.1.7 Preliminarily understand the type, nature and basic distribution range of
magmatic rocks.
4.1.8 Preliminarily understand the features of surface hydrogeology, engineering
geology, environmental geology and disaster geology.
4.2 1:25000 Coalfield Geological Mapping
4.2.1 Identify stratigraphic sequence. In accordance with the requirement of multiple
stratigraphic division, specifically divide stratum; the unit of geological mapping shall
be divided into ?€?group?€?. If conditions allow, key seams shall be divided into ?€?section?€?.
The quaternary system shall be divided in accordance with the actual demand.
4.2.2 Identify coal-bearing stratum era; specifically understand the thickness and
distribution range of coal-bearing stratum; understand the number, position, thickness,
structure and possible variation of main coal seams. Establish whole-region coal seam
1 Contain coal stratum, overlaid key seam and other seams that are worth paying attention to.
rocks. Preliminary understand the influence of magmatic rocks on coal seams and coal
4.3.8 Understand the features of surface hydrogeology, engineering geology,
environmental geology and disaster geology. Preliminarily identify the location of
flooding line of main rivers.
4.4 1:5000 Coalfield Geological Mapping
4.4.1 In accordance with the requirement of multiple stratigraphic division, specifically
divide the stratum. The unit of geological mapping shall be divided into ?€?group?€?; key
seams shall be divided into ?€?section?€? or ?€?sub-section?€? (or ?€?seam?€?, ?€?belt?€?). Other stratums
may be divided in accordance with the actual demand.
4.4.2 Specifically study coal-rock seam contrast; preliminary identify the number,
position, thickness, structure and surface variation rule of exploitable coal seams.
Establish contrast signs (including regional signs) of various coal seams; whole-
regional exploitable coal seams shall be clearly contrasted; mostly exploitable coal
seams and partially exploitable coal seams shall be basically contrasted. Estimate the
main exploitable coal seams of resources/reserves. In principle, the exposure site of
coal seam shall be actually measured. If conditions allow, the main marker seam shall
be actually measured.
4.4.3 Preliminary identify the features of geological structure. Preliminarily identify the
ground location and the nature of fault with the stratigraphic separation that equals to
or is more than 20 m (15 m ~ 10 m under good geological conditions), and, pleated
crankshaft with the exposed length of more than 100 m. Fault whose stratigraphic
separation is less than 20 m (10 m under good geological conditions) in work shall be
added to geological map; try to identify its ground location and nature. In terms of small
structures (joints and cracks, etc.), conduct observation and description.
4.4.4 Specifically survey the distribution and exploitation of various types of production
mines and old kilns; understand the range and water accumulation of old worked-out
4.4.5 Specifically survey the coal quality features and surface variation of exploitable
coal seams. Preliminary determine the type of coal.
4.4.6 Specifically understand the surface reserves of other mineral products.
4.4.7 Understand the type, nature, occurrence and distribution range of magmatic
rocks. Preliminary understand the influence of magmatic rocks on coal seams and coal
4.4.8 Understand the features of surface hydrogeology, engineering geology,
environmental geology and disaster geology. Identify the location of flooding line of
main rivers. Preliminarily identify the type, location and range of disaster geology.
geological interpretable degree.
5.2.6 Preliminarily determine the type and location of mountain engineering; estimate
the amount of work in construction.
6 Design Formulation and Review
6.1 Design Formulation
6.1.1 Coalfield geological mapping design shall be formulated based on the collected
previous data and geological reconnaissance, and in accordance with work tasks
determined in project task book or project contract book, and the outline of coalfield
geological mapping design formulation (Appendix A). It shall be requested in the
design that targets and tasks are clarified, technical routes and methods are feasible,
engineering layout and appropriation budget are reasonable, and key points are
6.1.2 In coalfield geological mapping design, preliminarily establish the stratigraphic
sequence; preliminarily determine the organization and the method of geological
mapping, the route of geological observation, and the arrangement of observation
6.1.3 After the design of coalfield geological mapping is completed by the project
construction organization, it shall pass the initial review conducted by the project
undertaking organization, which shall issue written opinion on the initial review.
6.2 Design Review
6.2.1 The design review of coalfield geological mapping shall be completed by a design
review expert team organized by the project management organization or the funder
(or the funder?€?s principal). In addition, written opinion on the design approval shall be
6.2.2 The design review of coalfield geological mapping shall be conducted in
accordance with relevant national and industrial standards, and project task book or
project contract book.
6.2.3 After the written opinion on the design approval of coalfield geological mapping
is issued, the project party may implement it. During the implementation of project,
when there are large changes in the geological condition, project undertaking
organization shall propose a design alternation application in time, and after receiving
the design approval organization?€?s review, the project may be implemented. In terms
of relatively small design adjustment, the design approval organization may authorize
the project construction organization to independently make adjustment. However, this
shall be reported to the design approval organization for reference.
marker seam, important fossil seam, mineral seam, interlayers with special
components and causes of formation, regardless of the thickness, shall all be
independently stratified; try to directly measure the true thickness. If necessary, zoom
in to express it on the map. Trunk geological section shall systematically adopt rock,
minerals and fossil samples for indoor identification. The description of coal mainly includes the physical properties of coal (color,
gloss, striation, stiffness, brittleness, fracture, breakage and block, etc.); the structures
of coal (uniform structure, strip structure, lineation structure, leaf-shaped structure and
granular structure, etc.); weathering of shallow coal seam; oxidization features and
rough weathering and oxidization depth; components, shape, size and distribution of
coal seam concretion and inclusion, etc. In terms of coal seam around intrusive rocks,
coal quality variation features and zoning features shall also be described. In addition,
the range of influence of intrusive rocks on coal seam and coal quality shall also be
7.2 Mountain Engineering
7.2.1 General requirements of mountain engineering application Coalfield geological mapping shall adopt mountain engineering to understand
the geological condition of bedrock under the cover layer. Through the exposure of
bedrock, geological information like geological boundary, stratigraphic sequence,
lithology, geological conformation and concealed coal seam exposure can be obtained;
geological catalog can be completed. Thus, the quality of coalfield geological mapping
can be enhanced. Mountain engineering shall be reasonably selected in accordance with the
nature and thickness of the cover layer, the construction conditions and environmental
protection requirements. Generally speaking, mountain engineering shall be focused
on stripping, trenching, shallow well and shallow hole. Unless it is really necessary,
level workings, inclined shaft, vertical shaft and deep hole shall not be used. The depth of mountain engineering should reach 0.5 m ~ 2 m in bedrock. When
sampling is not conducted, the satisfaction with geological catalog shall be considered
as the principle. When sampling is conducted, the demand for sampling shall be
satisfied. Mountain engineering shall be reasonably arranged; the key points shall be
emphasized. The settlement of geological problems shall be the principle. Trenching,
shallow shaft and shallow hole shall be accepted as individual engineering grading
7.2.2 Stripping (or Luoyang shovel drilling)
Stripping (or Luoyang shovel drilling) is mainly applied to the exposure of the nature
and location of bedrock. It shall merely be considered as geological observation point
7.3.4 When the safety of mines to be constructed will be affected, geophysical
exploration or other effective means may be adopted, so as to understand the worked-
out area and water accumulation of old kilns.
7.4 Coal Quality Sampling and Analytical Test
7.4.1 The various scales of coalfield geological mapping shall all comply with the
requirements of different stages of coal quality assessment in DZ/T 0215; utilize
mountain engineering, natural exposure and production mines, match with
corresponding reconnaissance stage and conduct coal quality sampling. The type and
quantity of sampling shall be comprehensively arranged, well-connected and
reasonably allocated.
7.4.2 In accordance with the physical property, st...
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