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DB35/T 1304-2017: Technical specification for LED panels
DB35/T 1304-2017
ICS 31.120
L 53
Replacing DB35/T 1304-2012
Technical specification for LED panels
ISSUED ON. MAY 05, 2017
Issued by. Fujian Provincial Administration for Market Regulation
Table of Contents
Foreword... 3
1 Scope... 5
2 Normative references... 5
3 Terms and definitions... 6
4 Classification... 6
5 Requirements... 7
6 Inspection and test methods... 17
7 Inspection rules... 23
8 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage... 27
Technical specification for LED panels
1 Scope
This Specification specifies the terms and definitions, classification, inspection
methods, inspection rules, as well as marking, packaging, transportation and storage
requirements for LED panels.
This Specification applies to flat-panel LED panels with a dot pitch of 0.7 mm or more.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 191, Packaging -- Pictorial marking for handling of goods
GB/T 2423.1, Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2.
Test methods - Tests A. Cold
GB/T 2423.2, Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2.
Test methods - Tests B. Dry heat
GB/T 2423.3, Environmental testing - Part 2.Testing method - Test Cab. Damp heat,
steady state
GB/T 2423.17, Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2.
Test method - Test Ka. Salt mist
GB/T 4208, Degrees of protection provided by enclosure (IP code)
GB 4943.1, Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment -
Part 1.Safety requirements
GB/T 5080.7, Equipment reliability testing. Compliance test plans for failure rate
and mean time between failures assuming constant failure rate
GB/T 6388, Transport package shipping mark
GB/T 6587-2012, General specification for electronic measuring instruments
GB/T 9254, Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics
- Limits and methods of measurement
GB/T 17618, Information technology equipment -- Immunity characteristics --
Limits and methods of measurement
SJ/T 11141-2012, Generic specification for LED displays
SJ/T 11281-2007, Measure methods of light emitting diode (LED) displays
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions defined in SJ/T 11141,
SJ/T 11281 as well as the followings apply.
3.1 LED Screen
It is composed of one or several display modules and can be controlled by a display
control system to complete the picture display.
3.2 Display Control System
It is usually composed of a video processor, a signal conditioning transmitter, a signal
receiving distributor, and related playback control and display software. It can also
include various signal sources and a matrix switcher.
3.3 Transmission System
In the display system, the signal to be displayed is transmitted to the signal transmission
part of each panel unit.
3.4 Auxiliary System
Supporting equipment for LED panels. Usually, it includes power supply and
distribution system, audio system, temperature control system, lightning protection
system and security system, etc.
3.5 Small Pitch LED Displays
LED indoor (outdoor) panels with a dot pitch of no more than 2.5 mm (4.0 mm) are
collectively referred to as indoor (outdoor) small pitch displays.
3.6 Standard Pitch LED Displays
LED panels with pitches other than small pitch displays, i.e. LED indoor (outdoor)
panels with dot pitches greater than 2.5 mm (4.0 mm).
4 Classification
4.1 Classification by use environment
It is divided into indoor LED panels and outdoor LED panels.
4.2 Classification by display color
It is divided into monochrome, dual-color and full-color LED panels.
4.3 Classification by LED packaging method
It is divided into direct-insertion (DIP) LED panels, surface-mount LED panels and dot
matrix module panels.
4.4 Classification by display function
It is divided into text LED panels, graphic LED panels, video LED panels and special
application LED panels.
4.5 Classification by pixel pitch
It is divided into standard pitch LED displays, small pitch LED displays, etc.
5 Requirements
5.1 Design and structure
5.1.1 Hardware
When designing LED panels, reliability, environmental adaptability, safety, and
electromagnetic compatibility shall be designed. The design of serialized products shall
comply with the provisions of relevant standards.
5.1.2 Software
The configured software shall be compatible with the hardware resources of the
hardware system. In addition to meeting the application functions, it shall also be
equipped with corresponding maintenance and testing procedures. The character set
encoding and fonts shall comply with the relevant national standards.
5.1.3 Structure The text, symbols and signs on the surface of the LED panel that describe the
functions shall be clear, correct, firm and comply with the relevant national standards. Commonly used pixel center distances are. 0.7, 1.0, 1.5, 1.667, 1.923, 2.0, 2.5,
3.0, 4.0, 5, 6, 7.62, 8, 10, 16, 20, etc. The unit is millimeter.
5.2 Hardware environment
The hardware part of LED panel includes control part, communication part, display part,
5.10.1 Radio harassment
The radio disturbance limit of LED panels shall comply with the provisions of GB 9254.
The product specification shall clearly specify the use of the radio disturbance limit
specified in Class A or Class B.
5.10.2 Noise immunity
The immunity limit shall comply with the requirements of GB/T 17618.
5.11 Environmental adaptability
5.11.1 General
After each test, the test samples shall be inspected to meet the following requirements.
a) The functional characteristics of the test samples shall comply with the
requirements of 5.5;
b) The ratio of the total number of out-of-control pixels of all test samples in an
inspection batch to the total number of pixels in the batch shall comply with the
requirements for the pixel out-of-control rate of the entire screen in Table 17.
5.11.2 High temperature operation
Recommended high temperature working environment temperature.
a) Indoor LED panel
b) Outdoor LED panel
Power on and work for 8 h.
5.11.3 Low temperature operation
Recommended low temperature working environment temperature.
a) Indoor LED panel
b) Outdoor LED panel
-30???, -20???, -10???, 0???.
Power on and work for 8 h.
The transportation test for display modules is carried out in accordance with the three-
level circulation conditions specified in GB/T 6587-2012. LED panel transportation test
Unless otherwise specified, transportation tests shall be carried out on mobile LED
5.11.9 Corrosion resistance (salt spray test)
For outdoor LED panels, the experimental temperature. 35??2???; NaCl concentration.
(5??0.1)%; pH value. 6.5???7.2; spray volume. 1 mL???2mL/h. Carry out salt spray test.
Test time. 16, 24, 48, 96, 168, 336, 672 h.
After the test, the protective layer of the sample shall not show signs of peeling, rust or
5.12 Mean time between failures
The mean time between failures (MTBF) (m1) of the display modules that make up the
LED panel shall not be less than 5000 h.
6 Inspection and test methods
6.1 Test conditions
6.1.1 Standard atmospheric conditions
Ambient temperature. 15???~35???
Relative humidity. 25%~75%
Atmospheric pressure. 86 kPa~106 kPa
6.1.2 Power-on working conditions
Power-on working conditions shall comply with the provisions of the product
6.2 Structure
Visually inspect the structure of the LED panel to meet the requirements of 5.1.3.
6.3 Hardware environment
Visually inspect the hardware environment of the LED panel and it shall meet the
requirements of 5.2.
6.4 Software environment
Visually check the software environment of the LED panel and it shall meet the
requirements of 5.3.
6.5 Appearance quality and structural requirements
6.5.1 Appearance quality
The appearance quality of the LED panel shall be checked visually and shall comply
with the requirements of 5.4.1.
6.5.2 Enclosure rating
The enclosure rating of the LED panel shall be determined in accordance with the
method specified in GB 4208 and shall meet the requirements of 5.4.2.
6.5.3 Assembly accuracy
The assembly accuracy of the LED panel shall be measured with a universal measuring
tool with an accuracy of 0.02 mm. The relative deviation of the pixel center distance
can also be measured by dividing the total length of the measurement module by the
number of rows or columns, which shall meet the requirements of 5.4.3.
6.6 Functional characteristics of LED panels
According to the different types of LED panels, the functional characteristics of the
LED panels shall be checked and shall meet the requirements of 5.5.
6.6.1 Visually inspect the text LED panel to verify that the text is functional.
6.6.2 Visually inspect the text and graphic display functions of the graphic LED panel.
6.6.3 The video LED panel is visually checked by comparing the LED panel with a
computer monitor to check the text display function, and by comparing the animation
function by projecting computer animation. The video source is also used to check the
ability to project video signals.
6.6.4 The inspection method for the LED panel's ability to adjust brightness as ambient
illumination changes shall be as specified in the detailed specifications.
6.6.5 For special application LED panels, corresponding test software shall be used to
check their special application display functions.
6.7 Optical properties
6.7.1 Maximum brightness
The maximum brightness measured at the center of the display module of the LED
6.8.2 Frame change frequency
The frame change frequency of the LED panel shall be measured according to the
method specified in 4.3.1 of SJ/T 11281-2007 and shall meet the requirements of 5.7.2.
6.8.3 Refresh frequency
The refresh frequency of the LED panel shall be measured according to the method
specified in 4.3.2 of SJ/T 11281-2007 and shall meet the requirements of 5.7.3.
6.8.4 Display module load change rate
The load change rate of the LED display module shall be measured according to the
method specified in 4.3.4 of SJ/T 11281-2007 and shall meet the requirements of 5.7.4.
6.8.5 Signal-to-noise ratio
The signal-to-noise ratio of the LED panel shall be measured according to the method
specified in 4.3.6 of SJ/T 11281-2007 and shall meet the requirements of 5.7.5.
6.8.6 Pixel out-of-control rate
Check the pixel out-of-control rate of the LED panel according to the method 4.3.7
specified in SJ/T 11281-2007.It shall meet the requirements of 5.7.6.
6.8.7 Maximum power consumption
The maximum input power is the power measured by a wattmeter at the highest gray
scale of the display. The maximum power consumption per unit area shall meet the
requirements of 5.7.7.
6.9 Power supply
The power supply of the LED panel measured by a wattmeter or other equipment shall
meet the requirements of 5.8.
6.10 Safety requirements
6.10.1 General
The safety test method for LED panels shall be carried out in accordance with the
provisions of GB 4943.1.
6.10.2 Grounding
Check the grounding condition of the LED panel by visual inspection and it shall meet
the requirements of 5.9.2.
6.10.3 Earth leakage current At 1.1 times the rated power supply voltage, test the ground leakage current
between the power line and the metal frame of the display module that constitutes the
LED panel. The ground leakage current of the display module is equal to the tested
leakage current value divided by the display module area. The ground leakage current
value shall meet the requirements of 5.9.3. It is obvious from the circuit analysis that for panels with ground leakage
current exceeding 3.5 mA/m2 but not exceeding 5% of the input current, the ground
leakage current test of randomly selected display module units shall meet the
requirements of 5.9.3.
6.10.4 Dielectric strength
For display modules or LED panels, 50 Hz, 1500 V (AC effective value) is applied
between the AC power input terminal and the metal frame or accessible metal structural
parts for 1 min. The requirements of 5.9.4 shall be met.
6.10.5 Temperature rise
The temperature rise test method shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions
of GB 4943.1 and shall meet the requirements of 5.9.5.
6.11 Electromagnetic compatibility
6.11.1 Radio disturbance
The test of radio disturbance limits of LED panels shall be carried out according to the
method specified in GB 9254 and shall meet the requirements of 5.10.1.
6.11.2 Immunity
The test of the immunity limit of LED panel shall be carried out according to the method
specified in GB/T 17618 and shall meet the requirements of 5.10.2.
6.12 Environmental adaptability
6.12.1 High temperature operation
The high temperature working test is carried out on the display module according to the
provisions of GB/T 2423.2.The test is carried out once every hour. The requirements
of 5.11.0 shall be met.
6.12.2 Low temperature operation
The low temperature working test is carried out on the display module according to the
provisions of GB/T 2423.1.The test is carried out once every hour. The requirements
of 5.11.0 shall be met.
6.12.3 High temperature storage
For LED panels that are used in vehicles, on-site transportation tests shall be carried
out or in accordance with th...
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DB35/T 1304-2017: Technical specification for LED panels
DB35/T 1304-2017
ICS 31.120
L 53
Replacing DB35/T 1304-2012
Technical specification for LED panels
ISSUED ON. MAY 05, 2017
Issued by. Fujian Provincial Administration for Market Regulation
Table of Contents
Foreword... 3
1 Scope... 5
2 Normative references... 5
3 Terms and definitions... 6
4 Classification... 6
5 Requirements... 7
6 Inspection and test methods... 17
7 Inspection rules... 23
8 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage... 27
Technical specification for LED panels
1 Scope
This Specification specifies the terms and definitions, classification, inspection
methods, inspection rules, as well as marking, packaging, transportation and storage
requirements for LED panels.
This Specification applies to flat-panel LED panels with a dot pitch of 0.7 mm or more.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 191, Packaging -- Pictorial marking for handling of goods
GB/T 2423.1, Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2.
Test methods - Tests A. Cold
GB/T 2423.2, Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2.
Test methods - Tests B. Dry heat
GB/T 2423.3, Environmental testing - Part 2.Testing method - Test Cab. Damp heat,
steady state
GB/T 2423.17, Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2.
Test method - Test Ka. Salt mist
GB/T 4208, Degrees of protection provided by enclosure (IP code)
GB 4943.1, Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment -
Part 1.Safety requirements
GB/T 5080.7, Equipment reliability testing. Compliance test plans for failure rate
and mean time between failures assuming constant failure rate
GB/T 6388, Transport package shipping mark
GB/T 6587-2012, General specification for electronic measuring instruments
GB/T 9254, Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics
- Limits and methods of measurement
GB/T 17618, Information technology equipment -- Immunity characteristics --
Limits and methods of measurement
SJ/T 11141-2012, Generic specification for LED displays
SJ/T 11281-2007, Measure methods of light emitting diode (LED) displays
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions defined in SJ/T 11141,
SJ/T 11281 as well as the followings apply.
3.1 LED Screen
It is composed of one or several display modules and can be controlled by a display
control system to complete the picture display.
3.2 Display Control System
It is usually composed of a video processor, a signal conditioning transmitter, a signal
receiving distributor, and related playback control and display software. It can also
include various signal sources and a matrix switcher.
3.3 Transmission System
In the display system, the signal to be displayed is transmitted to the signal transmission
part of each panel unit.
3.4 Auxiliary System
Supporting equipment for LED panels. Usually, it includes power supply and
distribution system, audio system, temperature control system, lightning protection
system and security system, etc.
3.5 Small Pitch LED Displays
LED indoor (outdoor) panels with a dot pitch of no more than 2.5 mm (4.0 mm) are
collectively referred to as indoor (outdoor) small pitch displays.
3.6 Standard Pitch LED Displays
LED panels with pitches other than small pitch displays, i.e. LED indoor (outdoor)
panels with dot pitches greater than 2.5 mm (4.0 mm).
4 Classification
4.1 Classification by use environment
It is divided into indoor LED panels and outdoor LED panels.
4.2 Classification by display color
It is divided into monochrome, dual-color and full-color LED panels.
4.3 Classification by LED packaging method
It is divided into direct-insertion (DIP) LED panels, surface-mount LED panels and dot
matrix module panels.
4.4 Classification by display function
It is divided into text LED panels, graphic LED panels, video LED panels and special
application LED panels.
4.5 Classification by pixel pitch
It is divided into standard pitch LED displays, small pitch LED displays, etc.
5 Requirements
5.1 Design and structure
5.1.1 Hardware
When designing LED panels, reliability, environmental adaptability, safety, and
electromagnetic compatibility shall be designed. The design of serialized products shall
comply with the provisions of relevant standards.
5.1.2 Software
The configured software shall be compatible with the hardware resources of the
hardware system. In addition to meeting the application functions, it shall also be
equipped with corresponding maintenance and testing procedures. The character set
encoding and fonts shall comply with the relevant national standards.
5.1.3 Structure The text, symbols and signs on the surface of the LED panel that describe the
functions shall be clear, correct, firm and comply with the relevant national standards. Commonly used pixel center distances are. 0.7, 1.0, 1.5, 1.667, 1.923, 2.0, 2.5,
3.0, 4.0, 5, 6, 7.62, 8, 10, 16, 20, etc. The unit is millimeter.
5.2 Hardware environment
The hardware part of LED panel includes control part, communication part, display part,
5.10.1 Radio harassment
The radio disturbance limit of LED panels shall comply with the provisions of GB 9254.
The product specification shall clearly specify the use of the radio disturbance limit
specified in Class A or Class B.
5.10.2 Noise immunity
The immunity limit shall comply with the requirements of GB/T 17618.
5.11 Environmental adaptability
5.11.1 General
After each test, the test samples shall be inspected to meet the following requirements.
a) The functional characteristics of the test samples shall comply with the
requirements of 5.5;
b) The ratio of the total number of out-of-control pixels of all test samples in an
inspection batch to the total number of pixels in the batch shall comply with the
requirements for the pixel out-of-control rate of the entire screen in Table 17.
5.11.2 High temperature operation
Recommended high temperature working environment temperature.
a) Indoor LED panel
b) Outdoor LED panel
Power on and work for 8 h.
5.11.3 Low temperature operation
Recommended low temperature working environment temperature.
a) Indoor LED panel
b) Outdoor LED panel
-30???, -20???, -10???, 0???.
Power on and work for 8 h.
The transportation test for display modules is carried out in accordance with the three-
level circulation conditions specified in GB/T 6587-2012. LED panel transportation test
Unless otherwise specified, transportation tests shall be carried out on mobile LED
5.11.9 Corrosion resistance (salt spray test)
For outdoor LED panels, the experimental temperature. 35??2???; NaCl concentration.
(5??0.1)%; pH value. 6.5???7.2; spray volume. 1 mL???2mL/h. Carry out salt spray test.
Test time. 16, 24, 48, 96, 168, 336, 672 h.
After the test, the protective layer of the sample shall not show signs of peeling, rust or
5.12 Mean time between failures
The mean time between failures (MTBF) (m1) of the display modules that make up the
LED panel shall not be less than 5000 h.
6 Inspection and test methods
6.1 Test conditions
6.1.1 Standard atmospheric conditions
Ambient temperature. 15???~35???
Relative humidity. 25%~75%
Atmospheric pressure. 86 kPa~106 kPa
6.1.2 Power-on working conditions
Power-on working conditions shall comply with the provisions of the product
6.2 Structure
Visually inspect the structure of the LED panel to meet the requirements of 5.1.3.
6.3 Hardware environment
Visually inspect the hardware environment of the LED panel and it shall meet the
requirements of 5.2.
6.4 Software environment
Visually check the software environment of the LED panel and it shall meet the
requirements of 5.3.
6.5 Appearance quality and structural requirements
6.5.1 Appearance quality
The appearance quality of the LED panel shall be checked visually and shall comply
with the requirements of 5.4.1.
6.5.2 Enclosure rating
The enclosure rating of the LED panel shall be determined in accordance with the
method specified in GB 4208 and shall meet the requirements of 5.4.2.
6.5.3 Assembly accuracy
The assembly accuracy of the LED panel shall be measured with a universal measuring
tool with an accuracy of 0.02 mm. The relative deviation of the pixel center distance
can also be measured by dividing the total length of the measurement module by the
number of rows or columns, which shall meet the requirements of 5.4.3.
6.6 Functional characteristics of LED panels
According to the different types of LED panels, the functional characteristics of the
LED panels shall be checked and shall meet the requirements of 5.5.
6.6.1 Visually inspect the text LED panel to verify that the text is functional.
6.6.2 Visually inspect the text and graphic display functions of the graphic LED panel.
6.6.3 The video LED panel is visually checked by comparing the LED panel with a
computer monitor to check the text display function, and by comparing the animation
function by projecting computer animation. The video source is also used to check the
ability to project video signals.
6.6.4 The inspection method for the LED panel's ability to adjust brightness as ambient
illumination changes shall be as specified in the detailed specifications.
6.6.5 For special application LED panels, corresponding test software shall be used to
check their special application display functions.
6.7 Optical properties
6.7.1 Maximum brightness
The maximum brightness measured at the center of the display module of the LED
6.8.2 Frame change frequency
The frame change frequency of the LED panel shall be measured according to the
method specified in 4.3.1 of SJ/T 11281-2007 and shall meet the requirements of 5.7.2.
6.8.3 Refresh frequency
The refresh frequency of the LED panel shall be measured according to the method
specified in 4.3.2 of SJ/T 11281-2007 and shall meet the requirements of 5.7.3.
6.8.4 Display module load change rate
The load change rate of the LED display module shall be measured according to the
method specified in 4.3.4 of SJ/T 11281-2007 and shall meet the requirements of 5.7.4.
6.8.5 Signal-to-noise ratio
The signal-to-noise ratio of the LED panel shall be measured according to the method
specified in 4.3.6 of SJ/T 11281-2007 and shall meet the requirements of 5.7.5.
6.8.6 Pixel out-of-control rate
Check the pixel out-of-control rate of the LED panel according to the method 4.3.7
specified in SJ/T 11281-2007.It shall meet the requirements of 5.7.6.
6.8.7 Maximum power consumption
The maximum input power is the power measured by a wattmeter at the highest gray
scale of the display. The maximum power consumption per unit area shall meet the
requirements of 5.7.7.
6.9 Power supply
The power supply of the LED panel measured by a wattmeter or other equipment shall
meet the requirements of 5.8.
6.10 Safety requirements
6.10.1 General
The safety test method for LED panels shall be carried out in accordance with the
provisions of GB 4943.1.
6.10.2 Grounding
Check the grounding condition of the LED panel by visual inspection and it shall meet
the requirements of 5.9.2.
6.10.3 Earth leakage current At 1.1 times the rated power supply voltage, test the ground leakage current
between the power line and the metal frame of the display module that constitutes the
LED panel. The ground leakage current of the display module is equal to the tested
leakage current value divided by the display module area. The ground leakage current
value shall meet the requirements of 5.9.3. It is obvious from the circuit analysis that for panels with ground leakage
current exceeding 3.5 mA/m2 but not exceeding 5% of the input current, the ground
leakage current test of randomly selected display module units shall meet the
requirements of 5.9.3.
6.10.4 Dielectric strength
For display modules or LED panels, 50 Hz, 1500 V (AC effective value) is applied
between the AC power input terminal and the metal frame or accessible metal structural
parts for 1 min. The requirements of 5.9.4 shall be met.
6.10.5 Temperature rise
The temperature rise test method shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions
of GB 4943.1 and shall meet the requirements of 5.9.5.
6.11 Electromagnetic compatibility
6.11.1 Radio disturbance
The test of radio disturbance limits of LED panels shall be carried out according to the
method specified in GB 9254 and shall meet the requirements of 5.10.1.
6.11.2 Immunity
The test of the immunity limit of LED panel shall be carried out according to the method
specified in GB/T 17618 and shall meet the requirements of 5.10.2.
6.12 Environmental adaptability
6.12.1 High temperature operation
The high temperature working test is carried out on the display module according to the
provisions of GB/T 2423.2.The test is carried out once every hour. The requirements
of 5.11.0 shall be met.
6.12.2 Low temperature operation
The low temperature working test is carried out on the display module according to the
provisions of GB/T 2423.1.The test is carried out once every hour. The requirements
of 5.11.0 shall be met.
6.12.3 High temperature storage
For LED panels that are used in vehicles, on-site transportation tests shall be carried
out or in accordance with th...











