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CQC-C0302-2024: China Compulsory Certification Implementation Detailed-Rules - Low voltage electrical components
China Compulsory Certification Implementation Detailed-
Rules - Low voltage electrical components
Issued by: China Quality Certification Center
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 4
0 Terms and definitions ... 5
1. Scope of application ... 5
2. Certification basis standards ... 6
3. Certification mode ... 6
4. Division of certification units ... 7
5. Certification entrustment ... 7
5.1 Submission and Acceptance of Certification Entrustment ... 7
5.2 Certification entrustment information ... 8
5.3 Implementation arrangements ... 9
6 Certification implementation ... 9
6.1 Type test ... 9
6.2 Certification evaluation and decision ... 10
6.3 Certification time limit ... 11
6.4 Initial factory inspection ... 11
7. Post-certification supervision ... 13
7.1 Follow-up inspection after certification ... 14
7.2 Sampling testing or inspection at the production site ... 14
7.3 Market and/or user sampling testing or inspection ... 15
7.4 Frequency and time of post-certification supervision ... 15
7.5 Records of post-certification supervision ... 15
7.6 Evaluation of post-certification supervision results ... 16
8. Certification certificate ... 16
8.1 Maintenance of certification certificate ... 16
8.2 Changes to products covered by the certification certificate ... 16
8.3 Extension of products covered by the certification certificate ... 19
8.4 Cancellation, suspension, revocation of certification certificate ... 19
8.5 Use of certification certificate... 19
9. Certification mark ... 19
China Compulsory Certification Implementation Detailed-
Rules - Low voltage electrical components
0 Terms and definitions
Testing at Manufacturers Premises (TMP method for short)
Engineers from a qualified designated laboratory sent by a designated certification body
use the testing equipment of the factory laboratory for testing; the factory shall send
testing personnel to assist. The test report shall be reviewed and approved by the
relevant designated laboratory.
Witnessed Manufacturer?€?s Testing (WMT Method)
Engineers from designated laboratories dispatched by designated certification bodies
witness the factory laboratory testing conditions; the factory laboratory completes all
tests using its own equipment or submits the certification body's testing plan for the
factory, witnessing part of the testing conditions and testing items. Factory laboratory
testing personnel are responsible for issuing original records and drafting the testing
report in the prescribed format together with the witnessing designated laboratory
engineer. The testing report is reviewed and approved by the relevant designated
1. Scope of application
The Detailed-Rules for Low-voltage electrical components (hereinafter referred to as
the Detailed-Rules) are compiled, in accordance with the requirements of the
"Implementation Rules for Compulsory Product Certification Low-voltage apparatus
Low-voltage components?€? (CNCA-C03-02:2024) (hereinafter referred to as the
Implementation Rules) as a supporting document for the certification implementation
rules, which is used together with the implementation rules.
The scope of products and certification basis applicable to this Detailed-Rules shall be
consistent with the relevant provisions in the implementation rules; they shall be
adjusted in accordance with the announcements on catalog definition and catalog
adjustment, as issued by the National Certification and Accreditation Administration
(hereinafter referred to as the NCAA).
CQC formulates and publishes this Detailed-Rules in accordance with the provisions
of the certification implementation rules, based on the principles of maintaining the
effectiveness of product certification, improving product quality, serving certified
(3) Laboratory information (when testing is required), including laboratory address,
contact person and other information;
(4) The required certification process and time limit;
(5) The estimated certification fee or charging criteria;
(6) The responsibility division of the certification parties in each link of the
certification implementation;
(7) The contact information of relevant CQC staff;
(8) Other matters that need to be explained.
For applications that require testing, the certification client shall submit the relevant
materials to the corresponding laboratory. After completing the preliminary review of
the materials, CQC will determine the test plan and notify the certification client; for
applications that do not require testing, the certification client shall submit the relevant
materials to CQC.
5.2 Certification entrustment information
After the application is accepted, the certification client shall provide relevant
certification entrustment information and technical materials to CQC and/or the
laboratory in accordance with the requirements of the certification scheme, which shall
(1) Certification application (signed by the authorized signatory and stamped with
the company seal);
(2) Registration certificate of the certification client, manufacturer, production
enterprise (such as business license, etc.);
(3) Factory inspection questionnaire (applicable to situations where factory
inspection is required);
(4) Relevant agreements or contracts signed between the certification client,
manufacturer and production enterprise;
(5) Product description information, mainly including: technical parameters,
structure, model description, list of key components and/or materials, electrical
schematics (if necessary), general assembly drawings (if necessary), differences
between products of different specifications contained in the same certification
unit, etc. (fill in according to the fixed format file provided by CQC);
(6) For change applications, supporting documents of relevant change items;
samples and fill in the sample receipt to CQC. If the laboratory has doubts about the
authenticity of the samples, it shall explain the situation to CQC and make
corresponding treatment.
For key components and materials within the scope of compulsory product certification
purchased domestically, the manufacturer shall provide a compulsory product
certification certificate.
6.1.3 Type test inspection items
Same as implementation rules 6.1.3. Special circumstances shall be implemented in
accordance with the resolution of the TC06 expert group of the National Certification
and Accreditation Administration. Specific inspection items are shown in Appendix 3
of this Detailed-Rules.
6.1.4 Implementation of type test
Type test time generally does not exceed 40 working days (calculated from the receipt
of samples and/or inspection fees that meet the test conditions; it does not include the
time taken by the enterprise to make rectifications and retests due to unqualified
inspection items). When the key components of the whole machine shall be subjected
to random tests, the time required for the test exceeds the test time of the whole machine;
the type test time is calculated according to the longest test time of the safety
When some of the type test items are unqualified, the laboratory shall notify the
certification client in an appropriate manner within 1 working day; report the relevant
situation to the CQC. In principle, rectification and retesting shall be completed within
6 months. If this period is exceeded, the certification shall be deemed terminated.
For the case where the client applies to use the manufacturer's laboratory for testing,
such as the TMP mode and the WMT mode, refer to the specific requirements in the
National Certification and Accreditation Administration document "Compulsory
Product Certification Implementation Rules - Utilization of Manufacturer Testing
Resources and Other Certification Results" (No. CNCA-00C-004) and CQC related
6.1.5 Type test report
Same as Implementation Rules 6.1.5.
6.2 Certification evaluation and decision
Same as Implementation Rules 6.2. CQC will conduct a comprehensive evaluation and
review within 5 working days after receiving the complete certification materials. If the
evaluation is qualified, the certificate will be approved; if the evaluation is unqualified,
the certification application will not be approved.
6.3 Certification time limit
Same as Implementation Rules 6.3
6.4 Initial factory inspection
The initial factory inspection refers to the inspection of the factory entrusted with
certification before the certification is approved, including the first factory inspection,
the category-expanded factory inspection (factory inspection of the expanded factory
definition code), the factory inspection of different production entrustment methods,
the factory inspection of certification changes (such as the relocation of the production
enterprise, the standard version change, and other changes). The content of the initial
factory inspection is the factory quality assurance capability inspection and product
consistency inspection.
6.4.1 Definition of factory inspection objects and factory inspection coverage
The factory definition of compulsory product certification refers to: the place where the
certified products are finally assembled and/or tested and the certification mark is
applied. When the above-mentioned process of the product cannot be completed in one
place, a relatively complete place including at least routine inspection, affixing of
product nameplate and certification mark shall be selected for inspection; the right to
further inspect other places is reserved.
The factory inspection shall involve "application for certification/certified products"
and all their "processing places". "Processing places" refers to all departments, sites,
personnel, activities related to product certification quality; coverage of "application
for certification/certified products" refers to coverage of factory quality assurance
capabilities and product consistency inspections. Under a factory definition code (see
Table 1), if there are products that have obtained CCC certificates and the certificate
status is valid, the factory quality assurance capabilities and product consistency
inspections of other similar products under this factory definition code can be covered,
no repeated inspections are required. If the certification body cannot complete the
factory inspection required by Appendix 1 of this document at the production site, it
can extend the inspection to the certification client, manufacturer, etc.
6.4.3 Product consistency inspection
During the factory inspection, the products applying for certification shall be checked
for consistency at the production site. The consistency check usually includes the
(1) Whether the product name, specification, model, necessary identification marks
on the on-site products are consistent with the samples in the type test report;
(2) Whether the structure of the on-site products is consistent with the description in
the type test report;
(3) Whether the suppliers of key components used in the certified products and their
materials, brands, etc. are consistent with the type test report.
6.4.4 Inspection time
Under normal circumstances, the initial factory inspection shall be carried out after the
type test is qualified. In special circumstances, the type test and factory audit can be
carried out at the same time.
During the initial factory inspection, in principle, the factory shall produce products
within the scope of the application for certification. The time of the initial factory
inspection is determined according to the number of categories of products applied for
certification, appropriately considering the production scale and distribution of the
factory. Generally, each processing site is 1 ~ 5 man-days.
For certification applications that require initial factory inspection, CQC shall issue the
initial factory inspection task and assign the inspector/inspection team, within 3
working days after receiving the type test report or qualified certification materials.
6.4.5 Inspection conclusion
In principle, the inspector/inspection team shall conduct on-site factory inspection
within 10 working days; form a factory inspection report; report the inspection
conclusion to the certification center. Where there are non-conformities in the factory
inspection, the manufacturer shall complete the rectification within the prescribed
period; CQC shall verify the rectification results in an appropriate manner. If the
rectification is not completed on time, the factory inspection conclusion shall be
7. Post-certification supervision
Class A enterprises can choose follow-up inspection or product sampling inspection.
7.1 Follow-up inspection after certification
7.1.1 Principles of follow-up inspection after certification
Same as Implementation Rules 7.1.1.
7.1.2 Contents of follow-up inspection after certification
The contents of follow-up inspection after certification are the factory quality assurance
capability inspection and certified product consistency inspection. The content of the
consistency inspection of certified products is the same as that of 6.4.3 of this Detailed-
Rules. In addition, the use of the CCC certification mark and certification certificate
shall also be checked.
7.2 Sampling testing or inspection at the production site
7.2.1 Principles of sampling testing or inspection at the production site
Same as Implementation Rules 7.2.1
7.2.2 Contents of sampling testing or inspection at the production site
All items specified in the standards adopted for certification inspection can be used as
sampling inspection items.
The sampling activities at the production site are carried out by CQC factory inspectors.
CQC conducts inspections of some or all items based on the quality of different
products and...
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