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MT/T 1091-2008: Standard for exploration and evaluation of hydrogeology, engineering geology and environment geology in coal beds
MT/T 1091-2008
ICS 73.020
D 14
Registration number: 26892-2010
Standard for exploration and evaluation of
hydrogeology, engineering geology and environment
geology in coal beds
Issued by: State Administration of Work Safety
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 4 
1 Scope ... 5 
2 Normative references ... 5 
3 Terms and definitions ... 6 
4 General ... 8 
5 Hydrogeological exploration and evaluation ... 9 
5.1 Degree of work ... 9 
5.2 Classification of hydrogeological exploration types ... 9 
5.3 Problems to be identified for various types of filling deposits ... 11 
5.4 Principles and quantity of exploration project layout ... 13 
5.5 Hydrogeological survey and mapping ... 15 
5.6 Hydrogeological and geophysical prospecting ... 20 
5.7 Simple hydrological and geological observations of borehole ... 23 
5.8 Pumping test ... 25 
5.9 Dynamic observation and water sampling ... 33 
5.10 Estimate of mine yield water ... 37 
6 Engineering geological exploration and evaluation ... 38 
6.1 Exploration types ... 38 
6.2 Basic requirements ... 39 
6.3 Principles for project layout ... 41 
6.4 Technical requirements for exploration ... 42 
6.5 Engineering geological evaluation ... 46 
7 Environmental geological exploration and evaluation ... 47 
7.1 General requirements ... 47 
7.2 Environmental geological investigation ... 48 
7.3 Environmental geological assessment ... 50 
Appendix A (Normative) Grading of water-richness of aquifer ... 53 
Appendix B (Normative) Grading of structural planes ... 54 
Appendix C (Normative) Grading of rock and rock mass quality and rock mass
advantages ... 55 
Appendix D (Informative) Empirical formulas for the maximum height of fall
zone and water-conducting fracture zone ... 56 
Appendix E (Informative) Calculation formula of safe impervious thickness and
water yield coefficient ... 57 
Appendix F (Informative) Classification of rock mass structure ... 58 
Appendix G (Informative) Field identification of weathering degree of rock mass
... 64 
Appendix H (Informative) Indoor test items for rock (soil) samples ... 65 
Appendix I (Informative) Basic work quantity of hydrogeological exploration 66 
Appendix J (Informative) Work quantity of engineering geological exploration
... 70 
Appendix K (Informative) River observation methods and tool making ... 71 
Appendix L (Informative) Common methods and formulas for estimating
underground mine water yield ... 77 
Standard for exploration and evaluation of
hydrogeology, engineering geology and environment
geology in coal beds
1 Scope
This standard specifies the basic guidelines for hydrogeological, engineering,
and environmental geological work in the geological exploration of coal
resources; it focuses on the technical requirements and working methods of the
This standard is applicable to the design and preparation, exploration and
construction, geological research, geological report preparation and review,
resource / reserve evaluation, mining right assessment, feasibility study at each
stage of geological exploration of coal resources.
2 Normative references
The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this Standard
through reference in this Standard. For the dated references, the subsequent
amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to this Standard;
however, parties who reach an agreement based on this Standard are
encouraged to study if the latest versions of these documents are applicable.
For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies.
GB 3838 Environmental quality standards for surface water
GB 12719 Exploration specification of hydrogeology and engineering
geology in mining areas
GB/T 14158 Survey code for regional hydrogeology, engineering geology
and environmental geology
GB/T 14848 Quality standard for ground water
GB 50027 Standard for hydrogeological investigation of water-supply
DZ/T 0080 Specifications for geophysical logging of coal
DZ/T 0215 Specifications for coal, peat exploration
5 Hydrogeological exploration and evaluation
5.1 Degree of work
Pre-exploration stage: Hydrogeological work is generally not carried out.
General exploration stage: Roughly understand the hydrogeological conditions
of the exploration area. Evaluate the economic significance of coal resources
and the possibility of development and construction.
Detailed investigation stage: Basically, identify the hydrogeological conditions
of the exploration area, evaluate the hydrogeological conditions that may affect
the development and construction of the mining area, provide a basis for the
overall development planning of the mining area.
Exploration stage: Detailed identification of the hydrological and geological
conditions of the mine field, evaluation of the mine water-filling factors,
budgeting of water yield at the pre-mined mining area, prediction of the
possibility and location of water yield during the mining process, comment on
possible changes in hydrogeological conditions after mining, evaluation of the
utilization possibility and approach of mining water, provide geological data for
the feasibility study and preliminary design of the mine construction.
5.2 Classification of hydrogeological exploration types
5.2.1 Well engineering coal mine According to the characteristics of the water-containing space of the
directly filling aquifer, the hydrogeological exploration of the coal bed is divided
into three categories:
a) The first category, ore deposits dominated by loose pore aquifers, which
are called pore-filled ore deposits;
b) The second category, ore deposits dominated by clastic rock aquifers,
which are called fissure filling deposits;
c) The third category, ore deposits dominated by carbonate karst aquifers,
which are called karst filling deposits. It is further divided into two sub-
types according to their filling methods:
1) The first sub-category, karst filling deposits dominated by water yield
from roof;
b) The unit water yield of directly filled aquifer is q < 1.0 L / (s·m), without
strong water-rich rock formations that are difficult to drain. Type II has medium hydrogeological conditions and easy to dry out:
a) The unit water yield of directly filled aquifer is 1.0 g / (s·m) ≤ q ≤ 10 L /
(s·m), the aquifer is weak in water-richness;
b) The unit water yield of directly filled aquifer is 10.0 L / (s·m) < q ≤ 20.0 L
/ (s·m), but the recharge source is lacking. Type III deposits have complicated hydrogeological conditions and
difficult to dry out:
a) The unit water yield of directly filled aquifer is q > 10.0 L / (s·m), there is
a large surface water body nearby and it is hydraulically connected to
groundwater; or although the recharge conditions are not good, q > 20.0
L / (s·m);
b) Open-air direct filling aquifers are thick, widely distributed, has strong
water-richness, which are prone to engineering geological problems such
as quicksand and difficult to dry out.
5.3 Problems to be identified for various types of filling
5.3.1 Pore-filled ore deposits
It shall focus on identifying the types of aquifers, distribution, lithology, thickness,
depth, structure, grain size, roundness, sortability, cementation degree, water-
richness, permeability, changes; identify the spatial distribution of quicksand
layers and characteristics, the combined relationship of aquifers (water barriers),
the hydraulic connection between aquifers, aquifers and weakly permeable
layers, and surface water; evaluate the dredging conditions of quicksand layers
and the effects of precipitation and surface water on mining of deposit.
5.3.2 Fissure-filed deposits
It shall emphatically investigate the thickness, depth, fissure properties, scale,
development degree, distribution rules, filling conditions and water-richness of
fractured aquifers; depth and weathering degree of rock weathering zone; the
nature, shape and scale of tectonic fracture zone and its hydraulic connection
with aquifers and surface water; the combined characteristics and proportion of
fractured aquifers and their relative aquifers.
damage of the fault structure on the integrity of floor; analyze and demonstrate
the segment which may produce lots of heaving floor and water yield.
5.4 Principles and quantity of exploration project layout
5.4.1 Layout principles of exploration project Hydrogeological exploration in the exploration area (well) shall be
carried out in combination with geological exploration. Hydrogeological
exploration work shall, based on the study of geological and regional
hydrogeological conditions, consider the thickness of aquifers, water-richness,
water conductivity, recharge and drainage conditions, the way to fill the mine as
a whole for investigation and research. For large water mining areas with
complex hydrogeological conditions (well-fields that flood more than 100000 m3
every day and night), the scope of work should be expanded to a complete
hydrological unit. The hydrogeological exploration must be based on the type of coal mine
hydrogeology and the specific conditions of the exploration area. It shall clarify
the issues that shall be focused on in this work, comprehensively use various
exploration techniques (including drilling simple hydrogeology-engineering
geological observation, hydrogeological survey and mapping, hydrogeological
exploration, hydrogeological drilling, pumping test, long-term observation and
sampling, other effective means) according to local conditions. In general, dynamic observation shall be carried out for various filling
deposits. Large water well fields (mining areas) with complex hydrogeological
conditions shall establish a long-term observation network for groundwater
dynamics. Pumping test drilling during the exploration stage shall, based on the
needs of the mine construction, be arranged in the initial mining area or in the
early mining area, close to the segment wherein the direct filling aquifer is
strong in water-richness and the fracture is well developed or close to the
recharge boundary. Pumping tests for groups of wells (interference well) with large flow rates
and large drop depths shall be arranged in strong water-richness segments
under the conditions that the natural flow field of groundwater has been
controlled. The layout of the observation holes shall control different boundary
conditions, incoming water directions, strong runoff zones, each runoff zoning,
pay attention to regional control. The pumping test of the fault zone shall, based on the development of
the fault structure and the hydrogeological characteristics of the well field
5.5 Hydrogeological survey and mapping
Hydrogeological survey and mapping is divided into region and exploration
areas. The scope of regional hydrogeological survey and mapping shall include
a complete hydrogeological unit, focusing on identifying regional groundwater
recharge, runoff, drainage conditions. Mining areas with simple hydrogeological
conditions may not require regional hydrogeological survey and mapping.
Hydrogeological survey and mapping of the mining area shall include the scope
of the potential impact of the dredging of the deposit and the boundary of the
recharge; the focus shall be on identifying the water-filling factors of the deposit
and the hydrogeological boundary of the mining area. Regional hydrogeological
survey and mapping is performed in accordance with GB/T 14158.
5.5.1 General requirements The scale of hydrogeological survey and mapping shall be determined
according to the stage of coal resource exploration and the complexity of
hydrogeological conditions. Generally, it is 1:50000 to 1:25000 in the pre-
exploration stage, general exploration stage, detailed exploration stage;
1:10000 to 1:5000 in the exploration stage. Hydrogeological survey and mapping shall be based on the
comprehensive collection of hydrological and meteorological data over the
years in the mining area and adjacent areas, to carry out the following
hydrogeological survey and mapping work:
a) Topographic features of the mining area, genetic types, lithological
characteristics and distribution of Quaternary sediments;
b) The number of layers of aquifers (water barriers), lithology, thickness,
occurrence, distribution range; the development of aquifer cracks, karst
caves, water-richness, water resistance property of water barriers;
c) Groundwater recharge, runoff, drainage conditions, physical properties
and chemical composition of groundwater, the hydraulic connections
between aquifers and with surface water, delineation of hydrogeological
boundaries of the mining area;
d) The elevation, stratum, lithology, way of exposure of springs and wells; the
measured flow, water level, water temperature, physical and chemical
properties of water, their dynamic changes;
e) The distribution of surface water, the elevation of flat water level and flood
level, the extent and duration of flood inundation, the depth, area and
storage capacity of surface water (such as reservoirs, ponds, etc.) that
have an impact on mining;
extremely developed and prone to water leakage, it shall conduct statistics of
the fissure rate; for fissure filling deposits which use where atmospheric
precipitation and old well water as the main recharge sources, it shall collect
the detailed data of the rainfall and rainfall intensity, pay attention to investigate
the lithology, mechanical properties, groundwater level elevation of the coal
seam’s roof cover, whether there is a thick plastic aquifer cover (such as clay,
kaolin, mudstone), the development of surface vegetation, the size of the slope
angle, the cut degree of the ditch and...
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