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YY 0271.2-2016: Dentistry - Water-based cements - Part 2: Resin-modified cements
YY 0271.2-2016
Dentistry - Water-based cements - Part 2. Resin-modified cements
ICS 11.060.10
People's Republic of China Pharmaceutical Industry Standard
YY 0271.2-2016/ISO 9917-2.2010
Replacing YY 0271.2-2009
Dentistry water-based cement
Part 2. Resin modified cement
Part 2. Resin-modifiedcements
(ISO 9917-2.2010, IDT)
Released on.2016-07-29
2018-06-01 implementation
State Food and Drug Administration issued
Foreword III
Introduction V
1 range 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and Definitions 1
4 Classification and application 2
4.1 Classification 2
4.2 Application 2
5 Requirements 2
5.1 Material 2
5.2 Working hours 2
5.3 Curing time - only for Class 1 and Class 3 cement 2
5.4 Film thickness - only for cemented cement (see 4.2) 2
5.5 Flexural strength 2
5.6 X-ray resistance 2
5.7 Color and color stability - only for repairing cement 3
6 sampling 3
7 Test conditions and sample preparation 3
7.1 Test conditions 3
7.2 Harmonic method 3
7.3 Appearance requirements 3
8 Packaging, labeling and information provided by the manufacturer 4
8.1 Packing 4
8.2 Identification and instruction manual 4
Appendix A (Normative) Test of working time and curing time 6
Appendix B (Normative) Film thickness test - only for cemented cement 8
Appendix C (Normative) Test for Flexural Strength 10
Appendix D (Normative) X-ray resistance test 14
Appendix E (Normative) Test for color and color stability - only for repair and cementing 17
Reference 18
YY 0271.2-2016/ISO 9917-2.2010
The full technical content of this standard is mandatory.
YY 0271 "Dental Science Water-based Cement" is divided into two parts.
--- Part 1. Powder/liquid acid and alkali cement;
--- Part 2. Resin modified cement.
This part is the second part of YY 0271.
This part is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This section replaces YY 0271.2-2009 "Dental Water-Based Cement Part 2. Photocuring Cement".
Compared with YY 0271.2-2009, the main changes in this section are as follows.
---The standard name was changed from "Dental Water-Based Cement Part 2. Light-Cured Cement" to "Dental Science Water-Based Cement" No. 2
Part. Resin modified cements;
--- Added standard introduction;
--- Changed Chapter 1 "Scope";
--- Changed Chapter 2 "Regulatory References";
--- Added the terminology of the term "terms and definitions" in Chapter 3, changed the definition of "cure time", and deleted the "initial hardening time"
--- Changed Chapter 4 "Classification";
--- Increased the requirements and test methods for 5.2 "working hours";
--- Added 5.4 "film thickness" requirements and test methods;
--- Added Table 1 "Dental Cement Requirements";
--- Added Table 2 "Requirements for Identification and Instruction Manual";
--- Appendix C added the test of flexural strength Figure C.2, exemplifying another mold for preparing flexural strength specimens;
--- Appendix digital DX radiation resistance test has been added to the digital device method;
--- Removed the "initial hardening time" requirements and test methods;
--- Removed the "cure depth" requirements and test methods;
--- Removed the requirements and test methods for "opacity".
This section is equivalent to ISO 9917-2.2010 "dental science water-based cement part 2. resin modified cement".
The documents of our country that have a consistent correspondence with the international documents referenced in this part are as follows.
---GB/T 6682-2008 Analytical laboratory water specifications and test methods (ISO 3696.1987, MOD);
---GB/T 7408-2005 Data element and exchange format information exchange date and time representation (ISO 8601.2000,
---GB/T 9937 (all parts) Oral vocabulary (all parts) (ISO 1942, IDT);
---YY/T 0631-2008 Determination of colour stability of dental materials (ISO 7491.2000, IDT).
Please note that some of the contents of this document may involve patents. The issuing organization of this document is not responsible for identifying these patents.
This part is proposed by the State Food and Drug Administration.
This part is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Dental Materials and Devices (SAC/TC99).
This section drafted by. State Food and Drug Administration Peking University Medical Device Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, Minnesota Mining Manufacturing
YY 0271.2-2016/ISO 9917-2.2010
(Shanghai) International Trade Co., Ltd., Rijin Dental Materials (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this section. Li Yuan, Yuan Shenpo, Zhang Xiaohui, Xu Zhengguo, Zhang Dianyun, Min Min, Shen Xizhen, Lin Hong, Zheng Gang.
The previous versions of the standards replaced by this section are.
---YY 0271.2-2009.
YY 0271.2-2016/ISO 9917-2.2010
This part of YY 0271 specifies the requirements and test methods for resin modified cements. The curing of these cements is caused by acid-base reaction
It is completed together with the polymerization reaction. The polymer-based component of the reaction can be activated by mixing different components or by external energy.
The test method used in this part of the YY 0271 standard should be as close as possible to ISO 4049 (YY 1042-2011/ISO 4049.2009, MOD)
Consistent with the ISO 9917-1 (YY 0271.1-2016/ISO 9917-1, IDT) standard.
This section of YY 0271 does not contain qualitative and quantitative requirements for product biological hazards, but is recommended for assessing possible biological risks.
When it is harmful, please refer to GB/T 16886.1 "Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 1. Evaluation and testing in the process of risk management" and
YY/T 0268 "Evaluation and Test of Unit 1 of Biological Evaluation of Dental Medical Devices for Dentistry".
YY 0271.2-2016/ISO 9917-2.2010
Dentistry water-based cement
Part 2. Resin modified cement
1 Scope
This part of YY 0271 specifies the requirements and test methods for dental resin modified cements for cementing, underlaying or lining and repair.
law. These cements are water-based materials that cure by multiple reactions including acid-base reactions and polymerization reactions.
For example, traditional polyalkate glass ionomer cements are usually made up of ion-dissolving aluminosilicate glass and polyalkenoic acid in water.
The reaction is generated in the environment. The cements referred to in this part of YY 0271 are usually capable of curing by this water-based acid-base reaction, but in addition
It can also be cured by polymerization.
Note. Manufacturers and inspection agencies should pay close attention to the closely related international standards ISO 4049 (YY 1042-2011/ISO 4049.2009, MOD) and ISO 9917-1
(YY 0271.1-2016/ISO 9917-1, IDT). The most appropriate international standards mentioned above should be considered when evaluating any particular product.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only dated versions apply to this article.
Pieces. For undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) applies to this document.
ISO 1942 (all parts) Oral vocabulary (Dentistry-Vocabulary)
ISO 3665.1996 Technical specification for dental radiographic film in photography (Photography-Intra-oraldentalra-
ISO 3696 Analytical Laboratory Water Specifications and Test Methods (Waterforanalyticallaboratoryuse-Specification)
ISO 7491 Determination of the color stability of dental materials (Dentalmaterials-Determination ofcolourstability)
ISO 8601 data element and exchange format information exchange date and time representation (Dataelementsandinterchange
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions defined by ISO 1942 apply to this document.
Reconciliation time mixingtime
The components are brought to this part of the working time required for thorough mixing.
Note. Cements included in the scope of this section of YY 0271 include single component cements that need to be blended and do not require blending.
Working time workingtime
A period of time from the time of reconciliation (if needed), during which the cement material can be manipulated without adversely affecting its performance
Note. For Class 3 cements that require photoactivation (see 4), their working time is determined without photoactivation.
Curing time settingtime
The time from the start of the blending to the completion of the cure. The curing is accomplished by the ability of the cement to withstand a fixed load head.
YY 0271.2-2016/ISO 9917-2.2010
Outer package outerpack
A package in which several single dose containers or capsules are packed together.
Outermost packaging
A package in which the cement and accessories are packed together, the accessories include instructions for use and any gages supplied with the cement or
Reconciliation equipment.
4 Classification and application
4.1 Classification
In this section, the cements are classified according to their curing characteristics as follows.
-- Class-1. The curing reaction of the polymerizable component in the cement is activated by a chemical reaction after mixing the components.
-- Class-2. The curing reaction of the polymerizable component in the cement is activated by light.
--Class-3. The curing reaction of the polymerizable component in the cement is activated by the chemical reaction after mixing the components, and also by light.
4.2 Application
In this section, cement has the following applications in the clinic.
a) cementing;
b) a bottom or lining;
c) Repair.
5 requirements
5.1 Materials
During the test, each component should have no visible foreign matter, and the liquid agent provided separately should not have gelation.
5.2 Working hours
According to the test in Appendix A, the working time should meet the requirements of Table 1, and not less than the value given by the manufacturer (see Table 2, item 24).
5.3 Curing time - only for Class 1 and Class 3 cements
According to Appendix A, the curing time of Class 1 and Class 3 cements should meet the requirements of Table 1 and not greater than the value given by the manufacturer (see
Table 2, item 25).
5.4 Film thickness - only for cemented cements (see 4.2)
According to Appendix B, the film thickness of the cemented cement should meet the requirements of Table 1.
5.5 Flexural strength
According to the test in Appendix C, the flexural strength should meet the requirements of Table 1.
5.6 X-ray resistance
5.6.1 If the manufacturer claims that the cement has X-ray resistance (see Table 2, item 16), it shall be tested according to Appendix D, and its X-ray resistance shall be equal.
YY 0271.2-2016/ISO 9917-2.2010
An aluminum plate at or above the same thickness as the material.
5.6.2 If it is claimed that the cement has strong X-ray resistance, it should not be lower than the manufacturer's claimed value (see Table 2, item 17).
5.7 Color and color stability - only for repairing cement
According to the test in Appendix E, the color of the cement after curing should be consistent with the color plate provided by the manufacturer.
When tested according to Appendix E and ISO 7491, the color after 7d can only change slightly.
Table 1 Requirements for dental cement
membrane thickness
operating hours
Curing time a
Flexural strength
Sticking 25 1.5 8 10
Bottom or lining - 1.5 6 10
Repair - 1.5 6 25
a Only for Class 1 and Class 3 cements. The testing of the three types of cement was carried out without photoactivation.
6 sampling
The same batch of samples is taken from the retail packaging and the amount of sample should be sufficient to complete all tests and the necessary repeat tests.
7 Test conditions and sample preparation
7.1 Test conditions
The environment for all sample preparation and testing should be maintained at a temperature of (23 ± 2) ° C and the relative humidity is always controlled at (50 ± 20)%. If water
The temper was stored refrigerated and the cement was brought to a temperature of (23 ± 2) °C before the test. The test equipment shall be maintained in the environment specified by each test.
For Class 2 and Class 3 cements, working time testing was performed without photoactivation.
All test waters used in this section should use Class 2 water not less than ISO 3696.
For Class 2 and Class 3 cements, reference should be made to the external energy source specified in the manufacturer's instructions (see Table 2, item 26).
The energy source is in an operating state that satisfies the experimental conditions.
7.2 Harmonic method
The cement should be prepared in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. A sufficient amount of cement is reconciled to ensure that each sample is taken from the same blend. One
Only one sample can be prepared for the sub-harmonic.
Note. Capsule type cement, some samples need to reconcile multiple capsules at the same time. Similarly, the cement provided in a single dose package may require more than one sample per sample.
7.3 Appearance requirements
Visual inspection should be performed to see compliance with the requirements of 5.1 and 8.
YY 0271.2-2016/ISO 9917-2.2010
8 Packaging, labeling and information provided by the manufacturer
8.1 Packaging
The components of the cement should be packaged in a suitable sealed container that provides adequate protection to the cement and does not provide quality
Can have adverse effects.
Multiple containers can also be used in one package to make them a single package.
Note. Single paste and powder capsule products can be sold as a package containing multiple unit doses of cement.
8.2 Identification and instruction manual
Where applicable, the information listed in Table 2 should be clearly identified on the outermost packaging or container (mult...
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YY 0271.2-2016: Dentistry - Water-based cements - Part 2: Resin-modified cements
YY 0271.2-2016
Dentistry - Water-based cements - Part 2. Resin-modified cements
ICS 11.060.10
People's Republic of China Pharmaceutical Industry Standard
YY 0271.2-2016/ISO 9917-2.2010
Replacing YY 0271.2-2009
Dentistry water-based cement
Part 2. Resin modified cement
Part 2. Resin-modifiedcements
(ISO 9917-2.2010, IDT)
Released on.2016-07-29
2018-06-01 implementation
State Food and Drug Administration issued
Foreword III
Introduction V
1 range 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and Definitions 1
4 Classification and application 2
4.1 Classification 2
4.2 Application 2
5 Requirements 2
5.1 Material 2
5.2 Working hours 2
5.3 Curing time - only for Class 1 and Class 3 cement 2
5.4 Film thickness - only for cemented cement (see 4.2) 2
5.5 Flexural strength 2
5.6 X-ray resistance 2
5.7 Color and color stability - only for repairing cement 3
6 sampling 3
7 Test conditions and sample preparation 3
7.1 Test conditions 3
7.2 Harmonic method 3
7.3 Appearance requirements 3
8 Packaging, labeling and information provided by the manufacturer 4
8.1 Packing 4
8.2 Identification and instruction manual 4
Appendix A (Normative) Test of working time and curing time 6
Appendix B (Normative) Film thickness test - only for cemented cement 8
Appendix C (Normative) Test for Flexural Strength 10
Appendix D (Normative) X-ray resistance test 14
Appendix E (Normative) Test for color and color stability - only for repair and cementing 17
Reference 18
YY 0271.2-2016/ISO 9917-2.2010
The full technical content of this standard is mandatory.
YY 0271 "Dental Science Water-based Cement" is divided into two parts.
--- Part 1. Powder/liquid acid and alkali cement;
--- Part 2. Resin modified cement.
This part is the second part of YY 0271.
This part is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This section replaces YY 0271.2-2009 "Dental Water-Based Cement Part 2. Photocuring Cement".
Compared with YY 0271.2-2009, the main changes in this section are as follows.
---The standard name was changed from "Dental Water-Based Cement Part 2. Light-Cured Cement" to "Dental Science Water-Based Cement" No. 2
Part. Resin modified cements;
--- Added standard introduction;
--- Changed Chapter 1 "Scope";
--- Changed Chapter 2 "Regulatory References";
--- Added the terminology of the term "terms and definitions" in Chapter 3, changed the definition of "cure time", and deleted the "initial hardening time"
--- Changed Chapter 4 "Classification";
--- Increased the requirements and test methods for 5.2 "working hours";
--- Added 5.4 "film thickness" requirements and test methods;
--- Added Table 1 "Dental Cement Requirements";
--- Added Table 2 "Requirements for Identification and Instruction Manual";
--- Appendix C added the test of flexural strength Figure C.2, exemplifying another mold for preparing flexural strength specimens;
--- Appendix digital DX radiation resistance test has been added to the digital device method;
--- Removed the "initial hardening time" requirements and test methods;
--- Removed the "cure depth" requirements and test methods;
--- Removed the requirements and test methods for "opacity".
This section is equivalent to ISO 9917-2.2010 "dental science water-based cement part 2. resin modified cement".
The documents of our country that have a consistent correspondence with the international documents referenced in this part are as follows.
---GB/T 6682-2008 Analytical laboratory water specifications and test methods (ISO 3696.1987, MOD);
---GB/T 7408-2005 Data element and exchange format information exchange date and time representation (ISO 8601.2000,
---GB/T 9937 (all parts) Oral vocabulary (all parts) (ISO 1942, IDT);
---YY/T 0631-2008 Determination of colour stability of dental materials (ISO 7491.2000, IDT).
Please note that some of the contents of this document may involve patents. The issuing organization of this document is not responsible for identifying these patents.
This part is proposed by the State Food and Drug Administration.
This part is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Dental Materials and Devices (SAC/TC99).
This section drafted by. State Food and Drug Administration Peking University Medical Device Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, Minnesota Mining Manufacturing
YY 0271.2-2016/ISO 9917-2.2010
(Shanghai) International Trade Co., Ltd., Rijin Dental Materials (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this section. Li Yuan, Yuan Shenpo, Zhang Xiaohui, Xu Zhengguo, Zhang Dianyun, Min Min, Shen Xizhen, Lin Hong, Zheng Gang.
The previous versions of the standards replaced by this section are.
---YY 0271.2-2009.
YY 0271.2-2016/ISO 9917-2.2010
This part of YY 0271 specifies the requirements and test methods for resin modified cements. The curing of these cements is caused by acid-base reaction
It is completed together with the polymerization reaction. The polymer-based component of the reaction can be activated by mixing different components or by external energy.
The test method used in this part of the YY 0271 standard should be as close as possible to ISO 4049 (YY 1042-2011/ISO 4049.2009, MOD)
Consistent with the ISO 9917-1 (YY 0271.1-2016/ISO 9917-1, IDT) standard.
This section of YY 0271 does not contain qualitative and quantitative requirements for product biological hazards, but is recommended for assessing possible biological risks.
When it is harmful, please refer to GB/T 16886.1 "Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 1. Evaluation and testing in the process of risk management" and
YY/T 0268 "Evaluation and Test of Unit 1 of Biological Evaluation of Dental Medical Devices for Dentistry".
YY 0271.2-2016/ISO 9917-2.2010
Dentistry water-based cement
Part 2. Resin modified cement
1 Scope
This part of YY 0271 specifies the requirements and test methods for dental resin modified cements for cementing, underlaying or lining and repair.
law. These cements are water-based materials that cure by multiple reactions including acid-base reactions and polymerization reactions.
For example, traditional polyalkate glass ionomer cements are usually made up of ion-dissolving aluminosilicate glass and polyalkenoic acid in water.
The reaction is generated in the environment. The cements referred to in this part of YY 0271 are usually capable of curing by this water-based acid-base reaction, but in addition
It can also be cured by polymerization.
Note. Manufacturers and inspection agencies should pay close attention to the closely related international standards ISO 4049 (YY 1042-2011/ISO 4049.2009, MOD) and ISO 9917-1
(YY 0271.1-2016/ISO 9917-1, IDT). The most appropriate international standards mentioned above should be considered when evaluating any particular product.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only dated versions apply to this article.
Pieces. For undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) applies to this document.
ISO 1942 (all parts) Oral vocabulary (Dentistry-Vocabulary)
ISO 3665.1996 Technical specification for dental radiographic film in photography (Photography-Intra-oraldentalra-
ISO 3696 Analytical Laboratory Water Specifications and Test Methods (Waterforanalyticallaboratoryuse-Specification)
ISO 7491 Determination of the color stability of dental materials (Dentalmaterials-Determination ofcolourstability)
ISO 8601 data element and exchange format information exchange date and time representation (Dataelementsandinterchange
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions defined by ISO 1942 apply to this document.
Reconciliation time mixingtime
The components are brought to this part of the working time required for thorough mixing.
Note. Cements included in the scope of this section of YY 0271 include single component cements that need to be blended and do not require blending.
Working time workingtime
A period of time from the time of reconciliation (if needed), during which the cement material can be manipulated without adversely affecting its performance
Note. For Class 3 cements that require photoactivation (see 4), their working time is determined without photoactivation.
Curing time settingtime
The time from the start of the blending to the completion of the cure. The curing is accomplished by the ability of the cement to withstand a fixed load head.
YY 0271.2-2016/ISO 9917-2.2010
Outer package outerpack
A package in which several single dose containers or capsules are packed together.
Outermost packaging
A package in which the cement and accessories are packed together, the accessories include instructions for use and any gages supplied with the cement or
Reconciliation equipment.
4 Classification and application
4.1 Classification
In this section, the cements are classified according to their curing characteristics as follows.
-- Class-1. The curing reaction of the polymerizable component in the cement is activated by a chemical reaction after mixing the components.
-- Class-2. The curing reaction of the polymerizable component in the cement is activated by light.
--Class-3. The curing reaction of the polymerizable component in the cement is activated by the chemical reaction after mixing the components, and also by light.
4.2 Application
In this section, cement has the following applications in the clinic.
a) cementing;
b) a bottom or lining;
c) Repair.
5 requirements
5.1 Materials
During the test, each component should have no visible foreign matter, and the liquid agent provided separately should not have gelation.
5.2 Working hours
According to the test in Appendix A, the working time should meet the requirements of Table 1, and not less than the value given by the manufacturer (see Table 2, item 24).
5.3 Curing time - only for Class 1 and Class 3 cements
According to Appendix A, the curing time of Class 1 and Class 3 cements should meet the requirements of Table 1 and not greater than the value given by the manufacturer (see
Table 2, item 25).
5.4 Film thickness - only for cemented cements (see 4.2)
According to Appendix B, the film thickness of the cemented cement should meet the requirements of Table 1.
5.5 Flexural strength
According to the test in Appendix C, the flexural strength should meet the requirements of Table 1.
5.6 X-ray resistance
5.6.1 If the manufacturer claims that the cement has X-ray resistance (see Table 2, item 16), it shall be tested according to Appendix D, and its X-ray resistance shall be equal.
YY 0271.2-2016/ISO 9917-2.2010
An aluminum plate at or above the same thickness as the material.
5.6.2 If it is claimed that the cement has strong X-ray resistance, it should not be lower than the manufacturer's claimed value (see Table 2, item 17).
5.7 Color and color stability - only for repairing cement
According to the test in Appendix E, the color of the cement after curing should be consistent with the color plate provided by the manufacturer.
When tested according to Appendix E and ISO 7491, the color after 7d can only change slightly.
Table 1 Requirements for dental cement
membrane thickness
operating hours
Curing time a
Flexural strength
Sticking 25 1.5 8 10
Bottom or lining - 1.5 6 10
Repair - 1.5 6 25
a Only for Class 1 and Class 3 cements. The testing of the three types of cement was carried out without photoactivation.
6 sampling
The same batch of samples is taken from the retail packaging and the amount of sample should be sufficient to complete all tests and the necessary repeat tests.
7 Test conditions and sample preparation
7.1 Test conditions
The environment for all sample preparation and testing should be maintained at a temperature of (23 ± 2) ° C and the relative humidity is always controlled at (50 ± 20)%. If water
The temper was stored refrigerated and the cement was brought to a temperature of (23 ± 2) °C before the test. The test equipment shall be maintained in the environment specified by each test.
For Class 2 and Class 3 cements, working time testing was performed without photoactivation.
All test waters used in this section should use Class 2 water not less than ISO 3696.
For Class 2 and Class 3 cements, reference should be made to the external energy source specified in the manufacturer's instructions (see Table 2, item 26).
The energy source is in an operating state that satisfies the experimental conditions.
7.2 Harmonic method
The cement should be prepared in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. A sufficient amount of cement is reconciled to ensure that each sample is taken from the same blend. One
Only one sample can be prepared for the sub-harmonic.
Note. Capsule type cement, some samples need to reconcile multiple capsules at the same time. Similarly, the cement provided in a single dose package may require more than one sample per sample.
7.3 Appearance requirements
Visual inspection should be performed to see compliance with the requirements of 5.1 and 8.
YY 0271.2-2016/ISO 9917-2.2010
8 Packaging, labeling and information provided by the manufacturer
8.1 Packaging
The components of the cement should be packaged in a suitable sealed container that provides adequate protection to the cement and does not provide quality
Can have adverse effects.
Multiple containers can also be used in one package to make them a single package.
Note. Single paste and powder capsule products can be sold as a package containing multiple unit doses of cement.
8.2 Identification and instruction manual
Where applicable, the information listed in Table 2 should be clearly identified on the outermost packaging or container (mult...