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YS/T 3005-2011: Methods for sampling and sample preparation of flotation gold concentrates
YS/T 3005-2011
ICS 73.060.99
H 60
Methods for sampling and sample preparation
of flotation gold concentrates
Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 4
4 Basic requirements ... 5
5 Sampling ... 7
6 Sample preparation ... 11
7 Storage of chemical composition specimen and identification of specimen 15
Appendix A (Normative) Method for determination of moisture of gold
concentrates ... 16
Appendix B (Normative) Gold concentrate - Test method for assessment of
quality fluctuation ... 19
Appendix C (Normative) Gold concentrate - Test method for calibrating
sampling precision ... 23
Methods for sampling and sample preparation
of flotation gold concentrates
1 Scope
This standard specifies the methods for sampling and sample preparation of
flotation gold concentrate, methods for determination of moisture, test methods
for the quality fluctuation of gold concentrate assessment, test methods for the
precision of calibration sampling.
This standard is applicable to the sampling and preparation of samples for the
chemical composition and moisture of bulk and bagged flotation gold
concentrates as well as the determination of moisture.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) are applicable to this standard.
GB/T 7739 Methods for chemical analysis of gold concentrates
YS/T 3004 Gold concentrate
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
A lot of gold concentrates to be sampled for testing of quality characteristics.
The mass of the gold concentrate that constitutes a lot is the lot mass.
If a lot is divided into several parts, each part is a sub-lot. The mass of the
5.5 Sampling method
5.5.1 Systematic sampling In the course of movement of bulk gold concentrates during handling or
weighing, take increment based on certain mass interval or time interval. Use the formula (1) to calculate the mass interval of sampling.
Δm - The quantitative sampling interval value between two increments, in
tons (t), which retains an integer;
m - The mass of the lot, in tons (t);
Nmin - The minimum number of increment as specified in Table 1. Use the formula (2) to calculate the time interval of sampling.
ΔT - Time interval of sampling, in minutes (min), which retains an integer;
m - Lot mass, in tons (t);
Nmin - The number of increments as specified in the standard;
Gmax - The maximum flow rate of gold concentrate, in tons/hour (t/h). At any point within the first sampling interval, take the first increment.
The subsequent increments shall be taken at fixed interval, until finishing the
movement process of the entire lot of gold concentrates. It shall select the sampling device of appropriate size to collect the full-
width, full-thickness gold concentrate stream.
5.5.2 Truck sampling From the motor vehicles, trains, bins which are loaded with gold
concentrates, take the increment. The material surface of the gold concentrate shall be flat. Based on the The number of bags of the lot of gold concentrate is more than the
number of increments as specified in Table 1. In the course of handling, take
increment at the interval of a certain number of bags. The sampling interval is
calculated according to the formula (4). From the selected packaging bag, take
ΔN - Interval of sampling bag, in bags, which takes an integer;
N1 - Number of bags in a lot;
Nmin - Number of increments specified in Table 1. If the number of bags of the lot of gold concentrate is less than the
number of increments as specified in Table 1, from each packaging bag, use
the brazing bar for sampling to take the increment. The minimum number of
increments to be taken is calculated according to formula (5).
nb - The minimum number of increments to be taken per bag, where the
decimal fraction is rounded off to an integer;
Nmin - The number of increments as specified in Table 1;
N1 - The number of packaging bags in a lot. For the bagged gold concentrates, it may also use the method of 5.5.3
to take increment.
6 Sample preparation
6.1 Sample preparation equipment and tools
6.1.1 Grinder or rod mill.
6.1.2 Constant-temperature drying oven.
6.1.3 Non-absorbent division plates, stainless-steel cross-split plates, baffles,
6.3 Sample preparation procedure
6.3.1 Weigh and check the mass of the lot sample and subsample.
6.3.2 Establish the sample preparation plane, which shall include the following:
a) Clarify the use of the specimen;
b) Select a mixing method and a division method of the sample;
c) Equipment and tools for sample preparation;
d) Whether to retain the subsample;
e) Date of completion.
6.3.3 Check the cleaning facilities and equipment.
6.3.4 According to the plan, prepare specimen and make record.
6.3.5 Preparation of moisture specimen
Mix the sample in a sealed container and plastic bag. Use the increment division
method to prepare moisture specimen. Use the lot sample to prepare two
parallel moisture specimens. Use each subsample to prepare one moisture
specimen. The mass of moisture specimen is not less than 1000 g. Contain it
in a sealed container or plastic bag. It shall carry out moisture determination as
soon as possible according to Appendix A.
6.3.6 Preparation of chemical composition specimen
Select the mixing method to mix the lot sample or the lot sample which is
composed of subsamples. Select the division method to reduce the sample to
not less than 1000 g. Place it in a drying tray. Put it into a constant-temperature
drying oven at 105 °C ± 5 °C. Keep this temperature for not less than 3 h. Place
the dried and naturally cooled sample or the specimen after moisture
determination on the sample mixing rubber. Use the division plate to grind the
bonded concentrate to spread it. Mix it uniformly. Take not less than 500 g of
sample. Use the grinder to grind it to such grain size that it can all pass through
the 74 μm standard sieve. After mixing it uniformly again, divide it into 3 sets of
samples. The mass of each set is not less than 150 g. Divide it into the
specimen bags. These are the acceptance specimen, supplier specimen,
arbitration specimen for the chemical composition.
6.4 Mixing method
6.4.1 Rolling method
Place the sample on a clean sample-mixing rubber. Lift the opposite corners of
Appendix A
Method for determination of moisture of gold concentrates
A.1 Scope
This Appendix specifies the method for determining the moisture of gold
This Appendix applies to the determination of moisture of gold concentrates.
A.2 Requirements
A.2.1 It shall strictly control the drying temperature of the gold concentrate.
A.2.2 After the specimen is dried, it shall not weigh it after placing it in the air to
cool it down.
A.2.3 The enamel drying tray shall have a smooth surface, be heat-resistant
and corrosion-resistant, be able to accommodate a specimen layer of 30 mm
A.2.4 The drying tray which contains the moisture specimen shall not be
stacked. The markings on the tray shall be clear.
A.3 Equipment
A.3.1 Balance, which has an accuracy of 0.01 g.
A.3.2 Constant-temperature drying oven.
A.4 Specimen
A.4.1 When using the lot sample to prepare moisture specimen, it shall prepare
two moisture specimens. The mass of each specimen shall be not less than
1000 g.
A.4.2 If the moisture of the lot changes significantly or the lot mass increases
due to rainfall, it shall use the subsample to prepare the moisture specimen.
Record the mass of each sub-lot.
A.4.3 When the drying tray which contains the moisture specimen is placed in
the oven in layers high-and-low, the bottom of the sample tray shall be clean.
A.5 Determination steps
Appendix B
Gold concentrate - Test method for assessment of quality fluctuation
B.1 Scope
This Appendix specifies the test methods, assessment methods and calculation
of results for the assessment of quality fluctuations of gold concentrate.
This Appendix applies to the assessment of the quality fluctuations of gold
B.2 General provisions
B.2.1 The quality fluctuation of the gold concentrate, that is, the degree of
unevenness, is determined by the standard deviation of the gold’s mass fraction
of the increments in the lot, expressed by (σw).
B.2.2 The quality fluctuation of gold concentrate is affected by the conditions of
production, storage, transportation. It shall carry out the quality fluctuation test
B.2.3 The test with large lot size shall use not less than 10 lots of the same type
of concentrate; the test with small lot size shall be not less than 5 lots.
B.2.4 Follow the sampling and sample preparation requirements as specified
in this standard to prepare the sample.
B.3 Test method
B.3.1 For test of large lot size, it shall divide this lot of gold concentrate into at
least 10 parts of approximately equal quantity (as shown in Figure B.1).
Sequentially number the increments as taken from each part. Then combine
the odd-numbered increments of each part as the specimen-A. Combine the
even-numbered increments of each part as the specimen-B. Form a pair of
analysis specimen, to carry out determination respectively.
Figure B.1 -- Test method for large lot size
B.3.2 For the test of small lot size, it shall sequentially number all increments of
a lot. Combine the adjacent two increments or more than two sets of adjacent
Appendix C
Gold concentrate - Test method for calibrating sampling precision
C.1 Scope
This Appendix specifies the test method for the calibration of sampling precision
of gold concentrate.
This Appendix is applicable to the calibration of sampling precision of gold
C.2 General provisions
C.2.1 Select more than 20 lots of gold concentrate of the same type and
different grades for testing. When the tested gold concentrate is less than 20
lots but not less than 10 lots, the large lot shall be divided into several small lots;
each small lot shall be tested.
C.2.2 The number of increments required for the test shall be twice the
minimum number of increments as specified in Table 1 of this standard. When
using the routine sampling work for the calibration test, the sample A and
sample B are composed of n/2 increments.
C.2.3 The increment mass shall meet the requirements of the standard.
C.2.4 Sampling method shall be arbitrarily selected from 5.6 for testing.
C.2.5 Determine and analyze the mass fraction of gold in the analytical sample.
C.3 Test method
C.3.1 Sequentially number all increments as taken from the same lot. Combine
all odd-numbered increments into sample A. Combined all even-numbered
increments into sample B.
C.3.2 Select one of the following two division methods to conduct the test.
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YS/T 3005-2011: Methods for sampling and sample preparation of flotation gold concentrates
YS/T 3005-2011
ICS 73.060.99
H 60
Methods for sampling and sample preparation
of flotation gold concentrates
Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 4
4 Basic requirements ... 5
5 Sampling ... 7
6 Sample preparation ... 11
7 Storage of chemical composition specimen and identification of specimen 15
Appendix A (Normative) Method for determination of moisture of gold
concentrates ... 16
Appendix B (Normative) Gold concentrate - Test method for assessment of
quality fluctuation ... 19
Appendix C (Normative) Gold concentrate - Test method for calibrating
sampling precision ... 23
Methods for sampling and sample preparation
of flotation gold concentrates
1 Scope
This standard specifies the methods for sampling and sample preparation of
flotation gold concentrate, methods for determination of moisture, test methods
for the quality fluctuation of gold concentrate assessment, test methods for the
precision of calibration sampling.
This standard is applicable to the sampling and preparation of samples for the
chemical composition and moisture of bulk and bagged flotation gold
concentrates as well as the determination of moisture.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) are applicable to this standard.
GB/T 7739 Methods for chemical analysis of gold concentrates
YS/T 3004 Gold concentrate
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
A lot of gold concentrates to be sampled for testing of quality characteristics.
The mass of the gold concentrate that constitutes a lot is the lot mass.
If a lot is divided into several parts, each part is a sub-lot. The mass of the
5.5 Sampling method
5.5.1 Systematic sampling In the course of movement of bulk gold concentrates during handling or
weighing, take increment based on certain mass interval or time interval. Use the formula (1) to calculate the mass interval of sampling.
Δm - The quantitative sampling interval value between two increments, in
tons (t), which retains an integer;
m - The mass of the lot, in tons (t);
Nmin - The minimum number of increment as specified in Table 1. Use the formula (2) to calculate the time interval of sampling.
ΔT - Time interval of sampling, in minutes (min), which retains an integer;
m - Lot mass, in tons (t);
Nmin - The number of increments as specified in the standard;
Gmax - The maximum flow rate of gold concentrate, in tons/hour (t/h). At any point within the first sampling interval, take the first increment.
The subsequent increments shall be taken at fixed interval, until finishing the
movement process of the entire lot of gold concentrates. It shall select the sampling device of appropriate size to collect the full-
width, full-thickness gold concentrate stream.
5.5.2 Truck sampling From the motor vehicles, trains, bins which are loaded with gold
concentrates, take the increment. The material surface of the gold concentrate shall be flat. Based on the The number of bags of the lot of gold concentrate is more than the
number of increments as specified in Table 1. In the course of handling, take
increment at the interval of a certain number of bags. The sampling interval is
calculated according to the formula (4). From the selected packaging bag, take
ΔN - Interval of sampling bag, in bags, which takes an integer;
N1 - Number of bags in a lot;
Nmin - Number of increments specified in Table 1. If the number of bags of the lot of gold concentrate is less than the
number of increments as specified in Table 1, from each packaging bag, use
the brazing bar for sampling to take the increment. The minimum number of
increments to be taken is calculated according to formula (5).
nb - The minimum number of increments to be taken per bag, where the
decimal fraction is rounded off to an integer;
Nmin - The number of increments as specified in Table 1;
N1 - The number of packaging bags in a lot. For the bagged gold concentrates, it may also use the method of 5.5.3
to take increment.
6 Sample preparation
6.1 Sample preparation equipment and tools
6.1.1 Grinder or rod mill.
6.1.2 Constant-temperature drying oven.
6.1.3 Non-absorbent division plates, stainless-steel cross-split plates, baffles,
6.3 Sample preparation procedure
6.3.1 Weigh and check the mass of the lot sample and subsample.
6.3.2 Establish the sample preparation plane, which shall include the following:
a) Clarify the use of the specimen;
b) Select a mixing method and a division method of the sample;
c) Equipment and tools for sample preparation;
d) Whether to retain the subsample;
e) Date of completion.
6.3.3 Check the cleaning facilities and equipment.
6.3.4 According to the plan, prepare specimen and make record.
6.3.5 Preparation of moisture specimen
Mix the sample in a sealed container and plastic bag. Use the increment division
method to prepare moisture specimen. Use the lot sample to prepare two
parallel moisture specimens. Use each subsample to prepare one moisture
specimen. The mass of moisture specimen is not less than 1000 g. Contain it
in a sealed container or plastic bag. It shall carry out moisture determination as
soon as possible according to Appendix A.
6.3.6 Preparation of chemical composition specimen
Select the mixing method to mix the lot sample or the lot sample which is
composed of subsamples. Select the division method to reduce the sample to
not less than 1000 g. Place it in a drying tray. Put it into a constant-temperature
drying oven at 105 °C ± 5 °C. Keep this temperature for not less than 3 h. Place
the dried and naturally cooled sample or the specimen after moisture
determination on the sample mixing rubber. Use the division plate to grind the
bonded concentrate to spread it. Mix it uniformly. Take not less than 500 g of
sample. Use the grinder to grind it to such grain size that it can all pass through
the 74 μm standard sieve. After mixing it uniformly again, divide it into 3 sets of
samples. The mass of each set is not less than 150 g. Divide it into the
specimen bags. These are the acceptance specimen, supplier specimen,
arbitration specimen for the chemical composition.
6.4 Mixing method
6.4.1 Rolling method
Place the sample on a clean sample-mixing rubber. Lift the opposite corners of
Appendix A
Method for determination of moisture of gold concentrates
A.1 Scope
This Appendix specifies the method for determining the moisture of gold
This Appendix applies to the determination of moisture of gold concentrates.
A.2 Requirements
A.2.1 It shall strictly control the drying temperature of the gold concentrate.
A.2.2 After the specimen is dried, it shall not weigh it after placing it in the air to
cool it down.
A.2.3 The enamel drying tray shall have a smooth surface, be heat-resistant
and corrosion-resistant, be able to accommodate a specimen layer of 30 mm
A.2.4 The drying tray which contains the moisture specimen shall not be
stacked. The markings on the tray shall be clear.
A.3 Equipment
A.3.1 Balance, which has an accuracy of 0.01 g.
A.3.2 Constant-temperature drying oven.
A.4 Specimen
A.4.1 When using the lot sample to prepare moisture specimen, it shall prepare
two moisture specimens. The mass of each specimen shall be not less than
1000 g.
A.4.2 If the moisture of the lot changes significantly or the lot mass increases
due to rainfall, it shall use the subsample to prepare the moisture specimen.
Record the mass of each sub-lot.
A.4.3 When the drying tray which contains the moisture specimen is placed in
the oven in layers high-and-low, the bottom of the sample tray shall be clean.
A.5 Determination steps
Appendix B
Gold concentrate - Test method for assessment of quality fluctuation
B.1 Scope
This Appendix specifies the test methods, assessment methods and calculation
of results for the assessment of quality fluctuations of gold concentrate.
This Appendix applies to the assessment of the quality fluctuations of gold
B.2 General provisions
B.2.1 The quality fluctuation of the gold concentrate, that is, the degree of
unevenness, is determined by the standard deviation of the gold’s mass fraction
of the increments in the lot, expressed by (σw).
B.2.2 The quality fluctuation of gold concentrate is affected by the conditions of
production, storage, transportation. It shall carry out the quality fluctuation test
B.2.3 The test with large lot size shall use not less than 10 lots of the same type
of concentrate; the test with small lot size shall be not less than 5 lots.
B.2.4 Follow the sampling and sample preparation requirements as specified
in this standard to prepare the sample.
B.3 Test method
B.3.1 For test of large lot size, it shall divide this lot of gold concentrate into at
least 10 parts of approximately equal quantity (as shown in Figure B.1).
Sequentially number the increments as taken from each part. Then combine
the odd-numbered increments of each part as the specimen-A. Combine the
even-numbered increments of each part as the specimen-B. Form a pair of
analysis specimen, to carry out determination respectively.
Figure B.1 -- Test method for large lot size
B.3.2 For the test of small lot size, it shall sequentially number all increments of
a lot. Combine the adjacent two increments or more than two sets of adjacent
Appendix C
Gold concentrate - Test method for calibrating sampling precision
C.1 Scope
This Appendix specifies the test method for the calibration of sampling precision
of gold concentrate.
This Appendix is applicable to the calibration of sampling precision of gold
C.2 General provisions
C.2.1 Select more than 20 lots of gold concentrate of the same type and
different grades for testing. When the tested gold concentrate is less than 20
lots but not less than 10 lots, the large lot shall be divided into several small lots;
each small lot shall be tested.
C.2.2 The number of increments required for the test shall be twice the
minimum number of increments as specified in Table 1 of this standard. When
using the routine sampling work for the calibration test, the sample A and
sample B are composed of n/2 increments.
C.2.3 The increment mass shall meet the requirements of the standard.
C.2.4 Sampling method shall be arbitrarily selected from 5.6 for testing.
C.2.5 Determine and analyze the mass fraction of gold in the analytical sample.
C.3 Test method
C.3.1 Sequentially number all increments as taken from the same lot. Combine
all odd-numbered increments into sample A. Combined all even-numbered
increments into sample B.
C.3.2 Select one of the following two division methods to conduct the test.