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YBB 00262004-2015: Test for Infrared Spectrum of Packaging Materials
YBB 00262004-2015
Test for Infrared Spectrum of Packaging Materials
Issued by. China Food and Drug Administration of PRC
Test for Infrared Spectrum of Packaging Materials
Test for infrared spectrum is an effective means for identification and analysis of the chemical
construction of substances. After infrared radiation of compounds, the molecular vibration and
rotational motion jumps from a lower energy level to a higher energy level, which causes the
selective absorption of infrared radiation of certain frequencies and forms an infrared absorption
spectrum with strong characteristics. The intermediate infrared region (4000 ~ 400 cm-1) is a
region in common use.
Test for Infrared Spectrum of Packaging Materials
Include test methods and specimen preparation techniques.
Test methods include transmission and attenuated total reflection (ATR) etc.
Transmission refers to infrared transmission spectrum obtained by the change of infrared
intensity before and after penetrating specimen. Attenuated total reflection refers to reflection
spectrum obtained by multiple reflections of infrared light on the surface of specimen adjoining
crystal after penetrating ATR crystal at a certain incident angle, which can be divided into single-
point attenuated total reflection and plane attenuated total reflection.
Specimen preparation techniques include hot application method, film method, thermal cracking
method, attenuated total reflection method and microscopic infrared method and so on.
Instrument calibration
Use polystyrene film (of thickness about 0.05 mm) to calibrate instruments; plot the spectrum;
use the absorption peaks at 3027 cm-1, 2851 cm-1, 1601 cm-1, 1028 cm-1, 907 cm-1 to calibrate
the wave number of instruments. The error of the wave number of Fourier transform infrared
spectrometer near 3000 cm-1 shall not be greater than ± 5 cm-1; the error of the wave number
near 1000 cm-1 shall not be greater than ± 1 cm-1.
When polystyrene film is used for calibration, the resolution of instruments within 3110 ~ 2850
cm-1 shall ensure that they are capable of distinguishing 7 peaks clearly, that the resolution depth
between peak 2851 cm-1 and valley 2870 cm-1 is not less than 18% light transmission and that
the resolution depth between peak 1583 cm-1 and 1589 cm-1 is not less than 12% light
transmission. Unless specified otherwise, the nominal resolution of instruments shall not be lower
than 2 cm-1.
Environmental condition
Temperature shall be 15 ~ 30°C; relative humidity shall be less than 65%. Appropriate ventilation
means shall be provided to prevent the accumulation of excessive carbon dioxide and organic
solvent vapour.
Methods for determination
Method I – Hot application method
This method applies to the determination for the infrared spectrum of granular materials, plastic
bottles, single-layer film.

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