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TSG D7002-2023: Pressure Piping Components Type Test Regulation
TSG D7002-2023
Pressure piping components type test regulation
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation
July 07, 2023
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 2
1 General provisions ... 5
2 Type test procedures and requirements ... 7
3 Supervision and administration ... 14
4 Supplementary provisions ... 16
Appendix A Type test product list of pressure piping component ... 18
Appendix B Type test application form of pressure piping component ... 21
Appendix C Type test items and their contents, methods and requirements of pressure
piping ... 22
Appendix D Type test items and their contents, methods, requirements for pressure
pipeline fittings ... 38
Appendix E Type test items and their contents, methods, requirements of pressure
pipeline valve ... 46
Appendix F Type test items and their contents, methods and requirements of pressure
pipeline flange ... 62
Appendix G Type test items and their contents, methods and requirements for pressure
piping compensator ... 64
Appendix H Type test items and their contents, methods and requirements for pressure
pipeline sealing element ... 71
Appendix J Type test items and their contents, methods and requirements for anti-
corrosion piping components of pressure pipelines ... 80
Appendix K Type test items and their contents, methods and requirements for pressure
piping component combination device ... 84
Appendix L Contact sheet for technical document review of pressure piping component
... 92
Appendix M Type test sampling sheet for special equipment ... 93
Appendix N Type test report of special equipment ... 94
Appendix P Type test certificate of special equipment (pressure piping components)
... 101
Pressure piping components type test regulation
1 General provisions
1.1 Purposes
In order to standardize the type test of pressure piping components, this “Regulation”
is formulated, in accordance with the "Special Equipment Safety Law of the People's
Republic of China", "Special Equipment Safety Supervision Regulations", as well as
other relevant laws and regulations.
1.2 Type test
Type test of pressure piping components (hereinafter referred to as type test) is carried
out by an approved inspection agency, that is responsible for type test (hereinafter
referred to as type testing agency), based on the quality inspection and test pass of the
pressure piping component manufacturer (hereinafter referred to as the manufacturer),
in accordance with the provisions of this “Regulation”, to verify its safety and reliability,
by checking whether the product complies with the safety technical specification,
through technical data review, safety performance inspection and test.
1.3 Scope of application
This “Regulation” applies to pressure piping components within the scope of the
"Special Equipment Catalog", which is used within the territory of the People's
Republic of China. For specific products, see Appendix A of this “Regulation”.
1.4 Type testing agency and type testing personnel
1.4.1 Type testing agency
(1) The type testing agency shall obtain corresponding qualifications and engage in
type testing within the approved scope;
(2) The type testing agency shall establish a quality management system and maintain
effective implementation;
(3) After receiving the type test application (or contract), the type testing agency shall
formulate a type test plan in a timely manner and notify the manufacturer to
prepare for the type test;
(4) The type testing agency shall provide the manufacturer with the type testing plan
and the qualifications of the type testing personnel;
(7) When new materials, new technologies, new processes used in manufacturing are
inconsistent with safety technical specifications or there are no requirements that
may have a significant impact on safety performance, review whether the
technical review has been passed and the corresponding approval procedures
have been performed.
2.5.3 Processing of review results
When the design documents and manufacturing process documents comply with
relevant safety technical specifications and the provisions of the based product
standards, the technical documents will be reviewed and determined to be in
compliance. When the technical document review fails to meet the requirements, the
type testing agency shall issue a "Contact sheet for review of technical documents of
pressure piping components" (see Appendix L, hereinafter referred to as "Contact
sheet"), to the manufacturer, to put forward written rectification opinions, AND confirm
the rectification actions of the manufacturer.
2.6 Sampling
2.6.1 Sampling method
Sampling methods shall meet the following requirements:
(1) Type test samples are selected by sampling personnel (type test personnel of the
type testing agency) from the finished product warehouse of the manufacturer
OR the products that have passed the exit-factory inspection and are waiting to
be put into the warehouse at the end of the production line, using random
sampling methods;
(2) Sampling personnel shall be familiar with the structure and manufacturing process
of the samples to be taken. There shall be no less than 2 sampling personnel;
they shall be separated from the personnel responsible for inspection and testing
(except for the items that can be inspected outside the sampling site, in
accordance with the provisions in Appendix C to Appendix K of this
(3) Sampling personnel shall verify the production equipment and testing equipment
of the main processes on site; confirm the consistency with the equipment list at
the time of application;
(4) When sampling, the sampling personnel shall review the technical documents,
production records, inspection records and reports of the type test samples; sign
and confirm the reviewed materials.
2.6.2 Sample sealing
After sampling, the sample shall be sealed and meet the following requirements:
(1) The sampling personnel shall fill in the "Special equipment type test sampling
form" (see Appendix M, hereinafter referred to as the "Sampling form"). The
sampling form shall be signed and chopped by both the sampling personnel and
the manufacturer;
(2) The sampling personnel shall seal the samples taken; if necessary, seal copies of
design documents, manufacturing process documents, sample inspection data,
etc., together with the samples;
(3) When samples need to be sent, the date and location of sample delivery shall be
indicated on the "Sampling form".
2.7 Inspection and testing of samples
2.7.1 Basic requirements
The inspection and testing of samples shall meet the following requirements:
(1) The type testing agency shall inspect and test the samples, in accordance with the
type testing plan. Unless otherwise provided in Appendixes C to K of this
“Regulation”, or unless special circumstances require the use of other
professional testing equipment, THEN, the inspection and testing shall be
carried out in the premises where the type testing agency conducts type
inspection and testing.
(2) The type testing agency can recognize the chemical composition and mechanical
properties of the raw materials provided by the manufacturer, as well as the
inspection and test results of non-destructive testing. When there is any doubt,
it shall be inspected and tested.
2.7.2 Test equipment and locations
Test equipment and locations shall meet the following requirements:
(1) Type testing agency need to prepare verification or calibration procedures for
inspection and testing equipment, to ensure that during the testing process, the
instruments and devices used for type testing have been verified or calibrated
and are within the validity period
(2) Control the places that affect the quality of inspection and testing; formulate safety
protection measures, to ensure that environmental conditions will not invalidate
or adversely affect the test results;
(3) Under special circumstances, when other professional test equipment is needed,
type test personnel shall confirm the test equipment; confirm the test process
and test data at the test site.
3 Supervision and administration
3.1 Certificate validity period
The type test certificate is valid for 4 years.
3.2 Certificate extension
3.2.1 Certificate extension application
Six months before the expiration of the type test certificate (and no more than 12
months), the manufacturer can apply for certificate extension to the prototype type
testing agency, by submitting a self-declaration letter of commitment and other
materials. The extension is valid for 4 years. The manufacturer shall not apply for type
test certificate extension twice in a row.
The self-declaration commitment letter of the manufacturer shall at least include its
commitment to comply with laws and regulations related to special equipment; a
description of compliance of resource conditions, production performance (the
production performance of each product during the certification period is no less than
5 batches), product safety performance status with relevant regulations; the description
of quality and safety consistency with the type test prototype (sample); a description of
the continuous and effective implementation of the quality management system; a
description of the absence of administrative penalties, liability accidents, equipment
safety performance issues, unsolved quality complaints related to special equipment.
The type testing agency shall complete the data review within 20 working days after
receiving the application data. If the data does not meet the requirements, it shall notify
the manufacturer in writing and explain the reasons. The certificate extension
conclusion is that it does not meet the requirements. If the data meets the requirements,
it shall formulate an on-site verification plan; notify the manufacturer in writing and
conduct on-site verification in a timely manner.
3.2.2 On-site verification
The type testing agency shall conduct on-site verification of the products, which are
manufactured within the validity period of the manufacturer's certificate, as well as the
technical documents and inspection data of products in manufacturing or in stock. If
necessary, it may conduct product exit-factory inspection at the manufacturer's site. The
main contents of the on-site verification are as follows:
(1) Randomly check whether the product is covered by the type test certificate
(2) Randomly check the compliance of the design, manufacturing process and other
information of the product with the type test report sample:
(3) Randomly check whether the main safety performance of the product is qualified.
The type testing agency shall notify the manufacturer in writing of the on-site
verification conclusions.
3.2.3 Approval of renewal of certificate
If the on-site verification concludes that the certificate is in compliance, the certificate
extension conclusion will be in compliance and a new type test certificate will be issued.
The validity period will be calculated from the expiration date of the original certificate.
If the on-site verification conclusion is non-compliance, the certificate extension
conclusion is non-compliance; it shall report to the provincial and prefecture-level
market regulatory authorities where the manufacturer is located in a timely manner.
3.3 Changes to type test certificates
3.3.1 Meaning of change
Certificate change means that during the validity period of the certificate, one of the
following situations occurs in the manufacturer:
(1) Change of organization name;
(2) Change of name of residence and manufacturing address (hereinafter collectively
referred to as address name change).
3.3.2 Change application
If a manufacturer changes its name or address, it shall submit a change application to
the prototype testing agency, within 30 working days after obtaining a new business
license from the market supervision and administration authority; meanwhile submit
the following materials:
(1) Application for change of special equipment type test certificate;
(2) Prototype test certificate (original);
(3) Business license before and after the change (when it cannot be verified online);
(4) Other materials that need explanation.
3.3.3 Certificate changes
The type testing agency shall make a decision on whether to approve the change within
20 working days from the date of receipt of the change application data. If the change
is approved, a new type test certificate will be issued and the original type test certificate
will be withdrawn. If the change is not approved, it shall notify the manufacturer in
written and describe the reasons.
Appendix C
Type test items and their contents, methods and requirements of pressure piping
C1 Seamless steel pipe
C1.1 Type test items
C1.1.1 Technical document review
(1) Quality control of raw materials (pipe blanks), including manufacturing standards,
manufacturing methods, acceptance requirements, etc.;
(2) Process documents such as steel pipe forming and heat treatment;
(3) Inspection and testing technology, including non-destructive testing, physical and
chemical testing, process performance testing, hydraulic testing, etc.
C1.1.2 Inspection and testing
(1) Appearance and geometric dimensions;
(2) Chemical composition;
(3) Mechanical properties, including tensile test, normal temperature impact test, low
temperature impact test (group IV materials in Table C-1), hardness test, etc.;
(4) Steel pipe process performance tests, including flaring tests, flattening tests,
bending tests, etc.;
(5) Metallographic examination, including low-magnification structure, grain size,
non-metallic inclusions, microstructure, etc.;
(6) Intergranular corrosion of stainless steel and pitting corrosion of duplex stainless
(7) Non-destructive testing or hydraulic testing;
(8) High-temperature tensile test, which has a temperature interval of 50 °C...
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TSG D7002-2023: Pressure Piping Components Type Test Regulation
TSG D7002-2023
Pressure piping components type test regulation
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation
July 07, 2023
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 2
1 General provisions ... 5
2 Type test procedures and requirements ... 7
3 Supervision and administration ... 14
4 Supplementary provisions ... 16
Appendix A Type test product list of pressure piping component ... 18
Appendix B Type test application form of pressure piping component ... 21
Appendix C Type test items and their contents, methods and requirements of pressure
piping ... 22
Appendix D Type test items and their contents, methods, requirements for pressure
pipeline fittings ... 38
Appendix E Type test items and their contents, methods, requirements of pressure
pipeline valve ... 46
Appendix F Type test items and their contents, methods and requirements of pressure
pipeline flange ... 62
Appendix G Type test items and their contents, methods and requirements for pressure
piping compensator ... 64
Appendix H Type test items and their contents, methods and requirements for pressure
pipeline sealing element ... 71
Appendix J Type test items and their contents, methods and requirements for anti-
corrosion piping components of pressure pipelines ... 80
Appendix K Type test items and their contents, methods and requirements for pressure
piping component combination device ... 84
Appendix L Contact sheet for technical document review of pressure piping component
... 92
Appendix M Type test sampling sheet for special equipment ... 93
Appendix N Type test report of special equipment ... 94
Appendix P Type test certificate of special equipment (pressure piping components)
... 101
Pressure piping components type test regulation
1 General provisions
1.1 Purposes
In order to standardize the type test of pressure piping components, this “Regulation”
is formulated, in accordance with the "Special Equipment Safety Law of the People's
Republic of China", "Special Equipment Safety Supervision Regulations", as well as
other relevant laws and regulations.
1.2 Type test
Type test of pressure piping components (hereinafter referred to as type test) is carried
out by an approved inspection agency, that is responsible for type test (hereinafter
referred to as type testing agency), based on the quality inspection and test pass of the
pressure piping component manufacturer (hereinafter referred to as the manufacturer),
in accordance with the provisions of this “Regulation”, to verify its safety and reliability,
by checking whether the product complies with the safety technical specification,
through technical data review, safety performance inspection and test.
1.3 Scope of application
This “Regulation” applies to pressure piping components within the scope of the
"Special Equipment Catalog", which is used within the territory of the People's
Republic of China. For specific products, see Appendix A of this “Regulation”.
1.4 Type testing agency and type testing personnel
1.4.1 Type testing agency
(1) The type testing agency shall obtain corresponding qualifications and engage in
type testing within the approved scope;
(2) The type testing agency shall establish a quality management system and maintain
effective implementation;
(3) After receiving the type test application (or contract), the type testing agency shall
formulate a type test plan in a timely manner and notify the manufacturer to
prepare for the type test;
(4) The type testing agency shall provide the manufacturer with the type testing plan
and the qualifications of the type testing personnel;
(7) When new materials, new technologies, new processes used in manufacturing are
inconsistent with safety technical specifications or there are no requirements that
may have a significant impact on safety performance, review whether the
technical review has been passed and the corresponding approval procedures
have been performed.
2.5.3 Processing of review results
When the design documents and manufacturing process documents comply with
relevant safety technical specifications and the provisions of the based product
standards, the technical documents will be reviewed and determined to be in
compliance. When the technical document review fails to meet the requirements, the
type testing agency shall issue a "Contact sheet for review of technical documents of
pressure piping components" (see Appendix L, hereinafter referred to as "Contact
sheet"), to the manufacturer, to put forward written rectification opinions, AND confirm
the rectification actions of the manufacturer.
2.6 Sampling
2.6.1 Sampling method
Sampling methods shall meet the following requirements:
(1) Type test samples are selected by sampling personnel (type test personnel of the
type testing agency) from the finished product warehouse of the manufacturer
OR the products that have passed the exit-factory inspection and are waiting to
be put into the warehouse at the end of the production line, using random
sampling methods;
(2) Sampling personnel shall be familiar with the structure and manufacturing process
of the samples to be taken. There shall be no less than 2 sampling personnel;
they shall be separated from the personnel responsible for inspection and testing
(except for the items that can be inspected outside the sampling site, in
accordance with the provisions in Appendix C to Appendix K of this
(3) Sampling personnel shall verify the production equipment and testing equipment
of the main processes on site; confirm the consistency with the equipment list at
the time of application;
(4) When sampling, the sampling personnel shall review the technical documents,
production records, inspection records and reports of the type test samples; sign
and confirm the reviewed materials.
2.6.2 Sample sealing
After sampling, the sample shall be sealed and meet the following requirements:
(1) The sampling personnel shall fill in the "Special equipment type test sampling
form" (see Appendix M, hereinafter referred to as the "Sampling form"). The
sampling form shall be signed and chopped by both the sampling personnel and
the manufacturer;
(2) The sampling personnel shall seal the samples taken; if necessary, seal copies of
design documents, manufacturing process documents, sample inspection data,
etc., together with the samples;
(3) When samples need to be sent, the date and location of sample delivery shall be
indicated on the "Sampling form".
2.7 Inspection and testing of samples
2.7.1 Basic requirements
The inspection and testing of samples shall meet the following requirements:
(1) The type testing agency shall inspect and test the samples, in accordance with the
type testing plan. Unless otherwise provided in Appendixes C to K of this
“Regulation”, or unless special circumstances require the use of other
professional testing equipment, THEN, the inspection and testing shall be
carried out in the premises where the type testing agency conducts type
inspection and testing.
(2) The type testing agency can recognize the chemical composition and mechanical
properties of the raw materials provided by the manufacturer, as well as the
inspection and test results of non-destructive testing. When there is any doubt,
it shall be inspected and tested.
2.7.2 Test equipment and locations
Test equipment and locations shall meet the following requirements:
(1) Type testing agency need to prepare verification or calibration procedures for
inspection and testing equipment, to ensure that during the testing process, the
instruments and devices used for type testing have been verified or calibrated
and are within the validity period
(2) Control the places that affect the quality of inspection and testing; formulate safety
protection measures, to ensure that environmental conditions will not invalidate
or adversely affect the test results;
(3) Under special circumstances, when other professional test equipment is needed,
type test personnel shall confirm the test equipment; confirm the test process
and test data at the test site.
3 Supervision and administration
3.1 Certificate validity period
The type test certificate is valid for 4 years.
3.2 Certificate extension
3.2.1 Certificate extension application
Six months before the expiration of the type test certificate (and no more than 12
months), the manufacturer can apply for certificate extension to the prototype type
testing agency, by submitting a self-declaration letter of commitment and other
materials. The extension is valid for 4 years. The manufacturer shall not apply for type
test certificate extension twice in a row.
The self-declaration commitment letter of the manufacturer shall at least include its
commitment to comply with laws and regulations related to special equipment; a
description of compliance of resource conditions, production performance (the
production performance of each product during the certification period is no less than
5 batches), product safety performance status with relevant regulations; the description
of quality and safety consistency with the type test prototype (sample); a description of
the continuous and effective implementation of the quality management system; a
description of the absence of administrative penalties, liability accidents, equipment
safety performance issues, unsolved quality complaints related to special equipment.
The type testing agency shall complete the data review within 20 working days after
receiving the application data. If the data does not meet the requirements, it shall notify
the manufacturer in writing and explain the reasons. The certificate extension
conclusion is that it does not meet the requirements. If the data meets the requirements,
it shall formulate an on-site verification plan; notify the manufacturer in writing and
conduct on-site verification in a timely manner.
3.2.2 On-site verification
The type testing agency shall conduct on-site verification of the products, which are
manufactured within the validity period of the manufacturer's certificate, as well as the
technical documents and inspection data of products in manufacturing or in stock. If
necessary, it may conduct product exit-factory inspection at the manufacturer's site. The
main contents of the on-site verification are as follows:
(1) Randomly check whether the product is covered by the type test certificate
(2) Randomly check the compliance of the design, manufacturing process and other
information of the product with the type test report sample:
(3) Randomly check whether the main safety performance of the product is qualified.
The type testing agency shall notify the manufacturer in writing of the on-site
verification conclusions.
3.2.3 Approval of renewal of certificate
If the on-site verification concludes that the certificate is in compliance, the certificate
extension conclusion will be in compliance and a new type test certificate will be issued.
The validity period will be calculated from the expiration date of the original certificate.
If the on-site verification conclusion is non-compliance, the certificate extension
conclusion is non-compliance; it shall report to the provincial and prefecture-level
market regulatory authorities where the manufacturer is located in a timely manner.
3.3 Changes to type test certificates
3.3.1 Meaning of change
Certificate change means that during the validity period of the certificate, one of the
following situations occurs in the manufacturer:
(1) Change of organization name;
(2) Change of name of residence and manufacturing address (hereinafter collectively
referred to as address name change).
3.3.2 Change application
If a manufacturer changes its name or address, it shall submit a change application to
the prototype testing agency, within 30 working days after obtaining a new business
license from the market supervision and administration authority; meanwhile submit
the following materials:
(1) Application for change of special equipment type test certificate;
(2) Prototype test certificate (original);
(3) Business license before and after the change (when it cannot be verified online);
(4) Other materials that need explanation.
3.3.3 Certificate changes
The type testing agency shall make a decision on whether to approve the change within
20 working days from the date of receipt of the change application data. If the change
is approved, a new type test certificate will be issued and the original type test certificate
will be withdrawn. If the change is not approved, it shall notify the manufacturer in
written and describe the reasons.
Appendix C
Type test items and their contents, methods and requirements of pressure piping
C1 Seamless steel pipe
C1.1 Type test items
C1.1.1 Technical document review
(1) Quality control of raw materials (pipe blanks), including manufacturing standards,
manufacturing methods, acceptance requirements, etc.;
(2) Process documents such as steel pipe forming and heat treatment;
(3) Inspection and testing technology, including non-destructive testing, physical and
chemical testing, process performance testing, hydraulic testing, etc.
C1.1.2 Inspection and testing
(1) Appearance and geometric dimensions;
(2) Chemical composition;
(3) Mechanical properties, including tensile test, normal temperature impact test, low
temperature impact test (group IV materials in Table C-1), hardness test, etc.;
(4) Steel pipe process performance tests, including flaring tests, flattening tests,
bending tests, etc.;
(5) Metallographic examination, including low-magnification structure, grain size,
non-metallic inclusions, microstructure, etc.;
(6) Intergranular corrosion of stainless steel and pitting corrosion of duplex stainless
(7) Non-destructive testing or hydraulic testing;
(8) High-temperature tensile test, which has a temperature interval of 50 °C...