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TB/T 2765.2-2015: Train monitoring device - Part 2: Recording
TB/T 2765.2-2015
ICS 29.280
S 35
Training Monitoring Device – Part 2. Recording
Issued by. National Railway Administration of PRC
3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically and
immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative References ... 4
3 Record Mode ... 4
4 Record Items ... 4
5 Record Item Points ... 5
6 Record Generation Conditions ... 6
7 Dumping of the Recording ... 7
8 Data Processing of the Recording ... 7
Appendix A (Informative) Device Recording ... 8
Table A.1 -- Overhaul Parameter Information ... 8
Table A.2 -- Setting Relevant Parameter Information ... 9
Table A.3 -- Locomotive/Bullet Train Condition Information ... 9
Table A.4 -- Bullet Train Information ... 11
Table A.5 -- Other ATP Information ... 12
Table A.6 -- GPS Relevant Information ... 14
Table A.7 -- Other Collecting Information ... 15
Table A.8 -- Key Information ... 15
Table A.9 -- Brake Test State Information ... 17
Table A.10 -- Running State Information ... 17
Table A.11 -- Software Version Information ... 22
TB/T 2765 Train Monitoring Device can be divided into 5 parts.
--- Part 1. Technical Conditions;
--- Part 2. Recording;
--- Part 3. Regulations on Voice and Electronic Beeping;
--- Part 4. Special IC Card;
--- Part 5. Adjusting Light Display Interface Box.
This Part belongs to Part 2 of TB/T 2765 Train Monitoring Device.
This Part was drafted as per the rules specified in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This Part shall be under the jurisdiction of CRRC Zhuzhou Institute Co., Ltd.
Chief Drafting organizations of this Part. CRRC Zhuzhou Institute Co., Ltd.
Participating drafting organizations of this Part. Henan Thinker Automatic Equipment
Co., Ltd.
Chief drafting staffs of this Part. Shen Zhulin, and Zhang Jiahuan.
Participating drafting staffs of this Part. Yang Qingxiang, and Yang Lijun.
Training Monitoring Device – Part 2. Recording
1 Scope
This Part of TB/T 2765 specifies the record mode, record items, record item points,
record generated conditions, dumping and data processing of recording of the train
monitoring device (can be expressed by LKJ).
This Part is applicable to the train monitoring device (hereinafter referred to as device)
on the locomotive, bullet train and self-rotating wheel running equipment.
2 Normative References
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the
dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this
document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the
amendments) are applicable to this document.
TB/T 2765.1-2015 Train Monitoring Device – Part 1. Technical Conditions
3 Record Mode
3.1 The recording shall be stored and managed in the document mode.
3.2 Software information collection adopts variable record mode; when the
information collected reaches specified condition, the corresponding record shall be
3.3 When the variation of information collected during one record period exceeds the
specified interval, only record once change of the information collected. The record
period shall be no greater than 2s.
4 Record Items
4.1 Input information
The input information indicates the overhaul parameters inputted to the device, setting
relevant parameters and the like information; which mainly include locomotive model,
locomotive number, wheel diameter, driver number, train number, train marshalling,
g) Train tube pressure, equalizing reservoir pressure, locomotive brake cylinder
pressure, accuracy of 10kPa;
h) Locomotive running condition information (traction/brake position, zero position,
forward/backward position and diesel engine speed, etc.).
5.2 The recording shall record the item points beyond 5.1, it can supplement other
item points, such as input contents, software version, etc.
5.3 When the transportation requirements change, it shall increase or decrease the
record items and item points through the negotiation between the supplier and the
6 Record Generation Conditions
6.1 For the record items of the input information, when detecting the input information
is changed, corresponding records shall be generated.
6.2 For the record items of the information collection, when the change of information
collection reaches the specified conditions, it shall generate corresponding records;
thereof the mainly specified conditions are as follows.
a) Each time when the collected speed changes greater than or equal to 2km/h or
declines to 0km/h;
b) In the stopping state, each time when the collected pressure changes greater
than or equal to 40kPa; in the non-stopping state, each time when the collected
pressure changes greater than or equal to 20kPa; the collected pressure
declines to 0kPa.
c) Each time when the collected rotation speed of diesel engine changes greater
than or equal to 40r/min.
d) When the collected locomotive signal status changes.
e) When the collected locomotive running conditions (traction/brake position, zero
position, forward/backward position) change.
6.3 For the record items of operation information, when the device detects the
effective operation information, corresponding records shall be generated.
6.4 For the record items of running status information, when the running status of the
device conforms to the specified record conditions, the corresponding records shall be
6.5 For the record items of the version information, each time the document is
17 Terminal-II beep ending
Device detects the Terminal-
II beep ending information
When device detecting the Terminal-II beep information
from invalid to valid
18 Terminal-I electric horn beep ending
Device detects the Terminal-I
electric horn beep ending
When device detecting the Terminal-I electric horn beep
information from invalid to valid
19 Terminal-II electric horn beep ending
Device detects the Terminal-
II electric horn beep ending
When device detecting the Terminal-II electric horn
beep information from invalid to valid
Main circuit-
Device detects the main
circuit-breaker disconnecting
When device detects the main circuit-breaker state from
connecting to disconnecting
Main circuit-
Device detects the main
circuit-breaker connecting
When device detects the main circuit-breaker state from
disconnecting to connecting
phase separation
Device detects the auto-
passing phase separation
predicted interruption starting
When device detecting the auto-passing phase
separation predicted interruption information starts
phase separation
Device detects the auto-
passing phase separation
predicted interruption ending
When device detecting the auto-passing phase
separation predicted interruption information ends
phase separation
forced interruption
Device detects the auto-
passing phase separation
forced interruption starting
When device detecting the auto-passing phase
separation forced interruption information starts
phase separation
forced interruption
Device detects the auto-
passing phase separation
forced interruption ending
When device detecting the auto-passing phase
separation forced interruption information ends
Table A.4 -- Bullet Train Information
SN Names of Record Items Meanings of Record Items Record Time
1 Communication failure with EMU
Device detects the
communication interruption
with EMU
When device detects the communication failure with
EMU equipment
restoration with
Device detects the
communication restoration
with EMU
When device detects the communication with EMU
equipment is restored normally
3 EMU brake pressure
Device receives the EMU
brake cylinder pressure
When device re...
Need delivered in 3-second? USA-Site: TB/T 2765.2-2015
Get Quotation: Click TB/T 2765.2-2015 (Self-service in 1-minute)
Historical versions (Master-website): TB/T 2765.2-2015
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TB/T 2765.2-2015: Train monitoring device - Part 2: Recording
TB/T 2765.2-2015
ICS 29.280
S 35
Training Monitoring Device – Part 2. Recording
Issued by. National Railway Administration of PRC
3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically and
immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative References ... 4
3 Record Mode ... 4
4 Record Items ... 4
5 Record Item Points ... 5
6 Record Generation Conditions ... 6
7 Dumping of the Recording ... 7
8 Data Processing of the Recording ... 7
Appendix A (Informative) Device Recording ... 8
Table A.1 -- Overhaul Parameter Information ... 8
Table A.2 -- Setting Relevant Parameter Information ... 9
Table A.3 -- Locomotive/Bullet Train Condition Information ... 9
Table A.4 -- Bullet Train Information ... 11
Table A.5 -- Other ATP Information ... 12
Table A.6 -- GPS Relevant Information ... 14
Table A.7 -- Other Collecting Information ... 15
Table A.8 -- Key Information ... 15
Table A.9 -- Brake Test State Information ... 17
Table A.10 -- Running State Information ... 17
Table A.11 -- Software Version Information ... 22
TB/T 2765 Train Monitoring Device can be divided into 5 parts.
--- Part 1. Technical Conditions;
--- Part 2. Recording;
--- Part 3. Regulations on Voice and Electronic Beeping;
--- Part 4. Special IC Card;
--- Part 5. Adjusting Light Display Interface Box.
This Part belongs to Part 2 of TB/T 2765 Train Monitoring Device.
This Part was drafted as per the rules specified in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This Part shall be under the jurisdiction of CRRC Zhuzhou Institute Co., Ltd.
Chief Drafting organizations of this Part. CRRC Zhuzhou Institute Co., Ltd.
Participating drafting organizations of this Part. Henan Thinker Automatic Equipment
Co., Ltd.
Chief drafting staffs of this Part. Shen Zhulin, and Zhang Jiahuan.
Participating drafting staffs of this Part. Yang Qingxiang, and Yang Lijun.
Training Monitoring Device – Part 2. Recording
1 Scope
This Part of TB/T 2765 specifies the record mode, record items, record item points,
record generated conditions, dumping and data processing of recording of the train
monitoring device (can be expressed by LKJ).
This Part is applicable to the train monitoring device (hereinafter referred to as device)
on the locomotive, bullet train and self-rotating wheel running equipment.
2 Normative References
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the
dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this
document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the
amendments) are applicable to this document.
TB/T 2765.1-2015 Train Monitoring Device – Part 1. Technical Conditions
3 Record Mode
3.1 The recording shall be stored and managed in the document mode.
3.2 Software information collection adopts variable record mode; when the
information collected reaches specified condition, the corresponding record shall be
3.3 When the variation of information collected during one record period exceeds the
specified interval, only record once change of the information collected. The record
period shall be no greater than 2s.
4 Record Items
4.1 Input information
The input information indicates the overhaul parameters inputted to the device, setting
relevant parameters and the like information; which mainly include locomotive model,
locomotive number, wheel diameter, driver number, train number, train marshalling,
g) Train tube pressure, equalizing reservoir pressure, locomotive brake cylinder
pressure, accuracy of 10kPa;
h) Locomotive running condition information (traction/brake position, zero position,
forward/backward position and diesel engine speed, etc.).
5.2 The recording shall record the item points beyond 5.1, it can supplement other
item points, such as input contents, software version, etc.
5.3 When the transportation requirements change, it shall increase or decrease the
record items and item points through the negotiation between the supplier and the
6 Record Generation Conditions
6.1 For the record items of the input information, when detecting the input information
is changed, corresponding records shall be generated.
6.2 For the record items of the information collection, when the change of information
collection reaches the specified conditions, it shall generate corresponding records;
thereof the mainly specified conditions are as follows.
a) Each time when the collected speed changes greater than or equal to 2km/h or
declines to 0km/h;
b) In the stopping state, each time when the collected pressure changes greater
than or equal to 40kPa; in the non-stopping state, each time when the collected
pressure changes greater than or equal to 20kPa; the collected pressure
declines to 0kPa.
c) Each time when the collected rotation speed of diesel engine changes greater
than or equal to 40r/min.
d) When the collected locomotive signal status changes.
e) When the collected locomotive running conditions (traction/brake position, zero
position, forward/backward position) change.
6.3 For the record items of operation information, when the device detects the
effective operation information, corresponding records shall be generated.
6.4 For the record items of running status information, when the running status of the
device conforms to the specified record conditions, the corresponding records shall be
6.5 For the record items of the version information, each time the document is
17 Terminal-II beep ending
Device detects the Terminal-
II beep ending information
When device detecting the Terminal-II beep information
from invalid to valid
18 Terminal-I electric horn beep ending
Device detects the Terminal-I
electric horn beep ending
When device detecting the Terminal-I electric horn beep
information from invalid to valid
19 Terminal-II electric horn beep ending
Device detects the Terminal-
II electric horn beep ending
When device detecting the Terminal-II electric horn
beep information from invalid to valid
Main circuit-
Device detects the main
circuit-breaker disconnecting
When device detects the main circuit-breaker state from
connecting to disconnecting
Main circuit-
Device detects the main
circuit-breaker connecting
When device detects the main circuit-breaker state from
disconnecting to connecting
phase separation
Device detects the auto-
passing phase separation
predicted interruption starting
When device detecting the auto-passing phase
separation predicted interruption information starts
phase separation
Device detects the auto-
passing phase separation
predicted interruption ending
When device detecting the auto-passing phase
separation predicted interruption information ends
phase separation
forced interruption
Device detects the auto-
passing phase separation
forced interruption starting
When device detecting the auto-passing phase
separation forced interruption information starts
phase separation
forced interruption
Device detects the auto-
passing phase separation
forced interruption ending
When device detecting the auto-passing phase
separation forced interruption information ends
Table A.4 -- Bullet Train Information
SN Names of Record Items Meanings of Record Items Record Time
1 Communication failure with EMU
Device detects the
communication interruption
with EMU
When device detects the communication failure with
EMU equipment
restoration with
Device detects the
communication restoration
with EMU
When device detects the communication with EMU
equipment is restored normally
3 EMU brake pressure
Device receives the EMU
brake cylinder pressure
When device re...