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Q/CT 2299-2010: Technical Requirements for Field-mountable Optical Connector of China Telecom
Q/CT 2299-2010 Technical Requirements for Field-mountable Optical Connector of
China Telecom
Page 1 of 29
Confidentiality level: public release
Q/CT 2299-2010
Technical Requirements for Field-mountable Optical
Connector of China Telecom
Issued by: China Telecom Corporation
China Telecom
Page 2 of 29
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 4
1 Scope ... 6
2 Normative references ... 6
3 Noun terms and abbreviations ... 7
3.1 Noun terms ... 7
3.2 Abbreviations ... 7
4 Classification of optical field connectors ... 7
4.1 Classify by connector structure ... 7
4.2 Classify according to the internal connection method of the plug ... 8
4.3 Classify according to the end face of the pin body ... 10
4.4 Classify according to matching fiber or cable type ... 10
5 General requirements for optical field connectors ... 10
5.1 Requirements for optical field connector size and pin body end face ... 10
5.2 Field mounting requirements for optical field connectors ... 12
5.3 Working environment requirements ... 13
5.4 Material requirements... 13
6 Performance requirements for optical field connectors ... 14
6.1 Optical performance requirements ... 14
6.2 Environmental performance requirements ... 14
6.3 Mechanical performance requirements ... 15
7 Test standards and methods ... 16
7.1 Measurement and test conditions ... 16
7.2 Appearance and size inspection ... 17
7.3 Insertion loss measurement ... 17
7.4 Echo wave loss measurement ... 19
7.5 High temperature ... 19
7.6 Low temperature ... 19
7.7 Temperature cycle ... 20
7.8 Damp heat ... 21
7.9 Water immersion ... 22
7.10 Repeatable assembly ... 22
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7.11 Vibration (sinusoidal) ... 23
7.12 Drop ... 24
7.13 Repeatability ... 25
7.14 Mechanical durability ... 25
7.15 Tensile ... 26
7.16 Torsion ... 27
8 Marks, packaging, transportation and storage ... 28
8.1 Marks ... 28
8.2 Packaging, transportation ... 28
8.3 Storage ... 29
China Telecom
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Technical Requirements for Field-mountable Optical
Connector of China Telecom
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the classification, general requirements, performance
requirements, test standards and methods, marks, packaging, transportation
and storage requirements of field-mountable optical fiber connectors (optical
field connectors for short, or quick connectors for short).
This Standard applies to the single-mode fiber optic field connector series
2 Normative references
The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this Standard
through reference in this Standard. For dated references, the subsequent
amendments (excluding corrigendum) or revisions do not apply to this Standard,
however, parties who reach an agreement based on this Standard are
encouraged to study if the latest versions of these documents are applicable.
For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies.
GB/T 16529.4-1997, Splices for optical fibers and cables. Part 4: Sectional
specification. Mechanical splices for optical fibers and cables
GB/T 12507.1-2000, Connectors for optical fibers and cables. Part 1:
Generic specification
GB/T 2421.1-2008, Environmental testing for electric and electronic products
- General and guidance
GB/T 5169.5-2008, Fire hazard testing for electric and electronic products -
Part 5: Test flames - Needle test method - Apparatus, confirmatory
arrangement and guidance
YD/T 1272.1-2003, Optical fiber connector. Part 1: Type LC
YD/T 1272.3-2005, Optical fiber connector Part 3: Type SC connector family
YD/T 778-2006, Optical fiber distribution frames
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YD/T 1997-2009, Bow-type drop cables for access network
YD/T ××××-20××, Reliability requirements and test methods of optical fiber
movable connectors
YD/T ××××-20××, Single-core optical fiber mechanical connector for
3 Noun terms and abbreviations
3.1 Noun terms
3.1.1 field-mountable optical connector
A field-mountable optical connector (optical field connector for short) is a fiber
optic connector that is directly terminated at the construction site and
terminated by mechanical splicing or thermal fusion splicing.
Optical field connectors can be widely used in the occasions of fast termination
and interconnection of optical fibers or cables. They possess the same
connection performance as standard SC/LC connectors. They are compatible
with standard SC/LC connectors and sockets.
3.2 Abbreviations
The following abbreviations apply to this Standard:
FTTH Fiber To The Home
ODN Optical Distribution Network
4 Classification of optical field connectors
4.1 Classify by connector structure
According to the connector structure, it can be classified into the following types:
a) Plug type: including SC type, LC type, FC type;
b) Socket type: including straight (SC type, LC type, FC type), curved (SC
type, LC type, FC type).
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field connectors shall be within 3 minutes.
5.2.2 Assembly success rate
The one-time assembly success rate of the optical field connector shall not be
less than 95% (for example, if 100 samples are assembled, the assembly failure
of up to 5 samples is allowed).
5.2.3 Repeatable assembly
The pre-installed optical mechanical splicing and straight-through optical field
connectors shall have repeatable assembly. Ensure that after an assembly
failure, it can be reworked and assembled again. And when repeated assembly,
it shall be easy to turn on.
Repeated assembly refers to turning on the assembled connector, remaking
the fiber end face according to the assembly procedure, and reassembling the
connector. Repeatable assembly shall be more than 5 times.
5.3 Working environment requirements
The environmental requirements for optical field connectors are as follows:
a) Working temperature: -40°C~+85°C;
b) Storage temperature: -40°C~+85°C;
c) Relative humidity: ≤95% (at +30°C);
d) Atmospheric pressure: 62kPa~106kPa.
5.4 Material requirements
The materials used for optical field connectors shall meet the following
a) The refractive index of the refractive index matching material needs to be
close to the core. The material shall be stable and reliable for 25 years;
b) The combustion performance of plastic parts used in optical field
connectors shall meet the requirements of GB/T 5169.5-2008. The
duration of applying the test flame is 10s;
c) They shall comply with RoHS standards, no pollution to the environment,
and comply with relevant environmental protection standards;
d) When the finished product is damaged, its parts are not allowed to cause
harm to people.
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measurement is carried out under the standard atmospheric pressure
conditions specified in GB/T 2421.1-2008. The accuracy of the measuring
instruments and meters shall meet the requirements and be calibrated regularly.
7.1.2 Test light source and tail fiber
LD light source is used for measurement. Its peak wavelength is
The tail fiber connected to the light source shall be a single-mode fiber. To
eliminate the influence of the cladding mode on the measurement, a small circle
of Φ30mm is marked on the tail fiber.
7.1.3 Standard connectors
When testing the optical performance of SC optical field connectors, the
standard connectors used shall meet the requirements of 4.3 in YD/T 1272.3-
2005. When testing the optical performance of LC-type optical field connectors,
the standard connectors used shall meet the requirements of 4.3 in YD/T
7.1.4 Preparation before measurement
Before measurement, use lint-free fiber paper or absorbent cotton to wipe and
clean the pin body and the end surface and the inner surface of the adapter
sleeve. Use absolute alcohol to scrub if necessary.
7.1.5 Specimen
The samples for mechanical performance test and environmental performance
test shall be the samples that pass the insertion loss and return loss test after
the on-site assembly test.
7.2 Appearance and size inspection
The appearance of the assembled optical field connector shall be smooth, clean,
free of oil and burrs, without scars and cracks, with bright colors, and good
consistency. Each component combination needs to be flat. The insertion and
removal of the adapter needs to be smooth and easy. The connection is strong.
The switch works normally.
Measure the length of the assembled fiber optic field connector with a caliper.
The length shall meet the requirements of 5.1.1.
7.3 Insertion loss measurement
The insertion loss of the optical field connector is measured according to one
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In the formula: The unit of P1 and P0 is mw, and the unit of insertion loss is
7.4 Echo wave loss measurement
Measure according to the method specified in 6.5 of YD/T 1272.3-2005. The
indicators shall meet the requirements of Table 2b.
7.5 High temperature
Perform high temperature measurement of optical field connectors as follows:
a) Conditions
- Temperature: +85°C;
- Duration: 96h.
b) Procedures
- Pretreat the specimen at room temperature. Measure the insertion loss
value and echo wave loss value of the specimen as the original value
before the test;
- Place the specimen in a thermostatic oven with an accuracy of ±2°C.
The temperature is 85°C. Keep constant temperature for 96 hours. During
the test, test and record the insertion loss and echo wave loss of the
specimen. After the test is over, take the specimen out and place it in a
room temperature environment for 2 hours. Test and record the insertion
loss and echo wave loss values.
c) Test results
- The test results of insertion loss and echo wave loss of the specimen
during and after the test shall meet the requirements of Table 2. The test
results of the change in input loss and the change in shape shall meet the
requirements of Table 3a.
7.6 Low temperature
Perform low temperature measurement of optical field connectors as follows:
a) Conditions
- Temperature: -40°C;
- Duration: 96h.
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b) Procedures
- Pretreat the specimen at room temperature. Measure the insertion loss
value and echo wave loss value of the specimen as the original value
before the test;
- Place the specimen in a thermostatic oven with an accuracy of ±2°C.
The temperature is -40°C. Keep constant temperature for 96 hours.
During the test, test and record the insertion loss and echo wave loss of
the specimen. After the test is over, take the specimen out and place it in
a room temperature environment for 2 hours. Test and record the insertion
loss and echo wave loss values.
c) Test results
- The test results of insertion loss and echo wave loss of the specimen
during and after the test shall meet the requirements of Table 2. The test
results of insertion loss change and shape change shall meet the
requirements of Table 3b.
7.7 Temperature cycle
Perform temperature cycle measurement of optical field connectors as follows:
a) Conditions
- Extreme high-temperature temperature: Ta=+85°C;
- Limit low-temperature temperature: Tb=-40°C;
- Cycle times: 21 cycles (8 hours for 1 cycle), 168 hours in total.
b) Procedures
- Pretreat the specimen at room temperature. Measure the insertion loss
value and echo wave loss value of the specimen as the original value
before the test;
- Place the specimen in a constant temperature high and low temperature
circulating box with an accuracy of ±2°C. According to the temperature
change curve shown in Figure 12, the temperature is increased from room
temperature to 23°C for 1 hour and then at a constant rate for 1 hour to
Ta temperature. After 1 hour at the constant temperature in Ta, cool down
at a constant rate for 1 hour to 23°C. Keep at the constant temperature for
1 hour. After 1 hour at the Tb constant temperature, the temperature is
increased to room temperature of 23°C at a constant speed. That will be
the end of a cycle. It lasts 21 cycles for a total of 168 hours. During the
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Set the temperature and humidity as required. Maintain constant
temperature and humidity for 96 hours. During the test, test and record
the insertion loss and echo wave loss of the specimen. After the test is
over, take the specimen out and place it in a room temperature
environment for 2 hours. Test and record the insertion loss value and echo
wave loss value.
c) Test results
- The insertion loss and return loss test results of the specimen in and after
the test shall meet the requirements of Table 2. The test results of insertion
loss change and shape change shall meet the requirements of 3d.
7.9 Water immersion
Perform the water immersion measurement of the optical field connector as
a) Conditions
- Water tank environment: tap water at room temperature;
- Duration: 168 hours.
b) Procedures
- Pretreat the specimen at room temperature. Measure the insertion loss
value and echo wave loss value of the specimen as the original value
before the test;
- Put the specimen in a tap water tank at room temperature. Keep for 168
hours. Take the specimen out and place it in a room temperature
environment for 24 hours. Test and record the insertion loss and echo
wave loss values.
c) Test results
- After the test, the insertion loss and echo wave loss test results of the
specimen shall meet the requirements of Table 2. The test results of
insertion loss change and shape change shall meet the requirements of
Table 3e.
7.10 Repeatable assembly
This test only applies to mechanical optical field connectors. Repeatable
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Q/CT 2299-2010: Technical Requirements for Field-mountable Optical Connector of China Telecom
Q/CT 2299-2010 Technical Requirements for Field-mountable Optical Connector of
China Telecom
Page 1 of 29
Confidentiality level: public release
Q/CT 2299-2010
Technical Requirements for Field-mountable Optical
Connector of China Telecom
Issued by: China Telecom Corporation
China Telecom
Page 2 of 29
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 4
1 Scope ... 6
2 Normative references ... 6
3 Noun terms and abbreviations ... 7
3.1 Noun terms ... 7
3.2 Abbreviations ... 7
4 Classification of optical field connectors ... 7
4.1 Classify by connector structure ... 7
4.2 Classify according to the internal connection method of the plug ... 8
4.3 Classify according to the end face of the pin body ... 10
4.4 Classify according to matching fiber or cable type ... 10
5 General requirements for optical field connectors ... 10
5.1 Requirements for optical field connector size and pin body end face ... 10
5.2 Field mounting requirements for optical field connectors ... 12
5.3 Working environment requirements ... 13
5.4 Material requirements... 13
6 Performance requirements for optical field connectors ... 14
6.1 Optical performance requirements ... 14
6.2 Environmental performance requirements ... 14
6.3 Mechanical performance requirements ... 15
7 Test standards and methods ... 16
7.1 Measurement and test conditions ... 16
7.2 Appearance and size inspection ... 17
7.3 Insertion loss measurement ... 17
7.4 Echo wave loss measurement ... 19
7.5 High temperature ... 19
7.6 Low temperature ... 19
7.7 Temperature cycle ... 20
7.8 Damp heat ... 21
7.9 Water immersion ... 22
7.10 Repeatable assembly ... 22
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7.11 Vibration (sinusoidal) ... 23
7.12 Drop ... 24
7.13 Repeatability ... 25
7.14 Mechanical durability ... 25
7.15 Tensile ... 26
7.16 Torsion ... 27
8 Marks, packaging, transportation and storage ... 28
8.1 Marks ... 28
8.2 Packaging, transportation ... 28
8.3 Storage ... 29
China Telecom
Page 6 of 29
Technical Requirements for Field-mountable Optical
Connector of China Telecom
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the classification, general requirements, performance
requirements, test standards and methods, marks, packaging, transportation
and storage requirements of field-mountable optical fiber connectors (optical
field connectors for short, or quick connectors for short).
This Standard applies to the single-mode fiber optic field connector series
2 Normative references
The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this Standard
through reference in this Standard. For dated references, the subsequent
amendments (excluding corrigendum) or revisions do not apply to this Standard,
however, parties who reach an agreement based on this Standard are
encouraged to study if the latest versions of these documents are applicable.
For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies.
GB/T 16529.4-1997, Splices for optical fibers and cables. Part 4: Sectional
specification. Mechanical splices for optical fibers and cables
GB/T 12507.1-2000, Connectors for optical fibers and cables. Part 1:
Generic specification
GB/T 2421.1-2008, Environmental testing for electric and electronic products
- General and guidance
GB/T 5169.5-2008, Fire hazard testing for electric and electronic products -
Part 5: Test flames - Needle test method - Apparatus, confirmatory
arrangement and guidance
YD/T 1272.1-2003, Optical fiber connector. Part 1: Type LC
YD/T 1272.3-2005, Optical fiber connector Part 3: Type SC connector family
YD/T 778-2006, Optical fiber distribution frames
China Telecom
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YD/T 1997-2009, Bow-type drop cables for access network
YD/T ××××-20××, Reliability requirements and test methods of optical fiber
movable connectors
YD/T ××××-20××, Single-core optical fiber mechanical connector for
3 Noun terms and abbreviations
3.1 Noun terms
3.1.1 field-mountable optical connector
A field-mountable optical connector (optical field connector for short) is a fiber
optic connector that is directly terminated at the construction site and
terminated by mechanical splicing or thermal fusion splicing.
Optical field connectors can be widely used in the occasions of fast termination
and interconnection of optical fibers or cables. They possess the same
connection performance as standard SC/LC connectors. They are compatible
with standard SC/LC connectors and sockets.
3.2 Abbreviations
The following abbreviations apply to this Standard:
FTTH Fiber To The Home
ODN Optical Distribution Network
4 Classification of optical field connectors
4.1 Classify by connector structure
According to the connector structure, it can be classified into the following types:
a) Plug type: including SC type, LC type, FC type;
b) Socket type: including straight (SC type, LC type, FC type), curved (SC
type, LC type, FC type).
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field connectors shall be within 3 minutes.
5.2.2 Assembly success rate
The one-time assembly success rate of the optical field connector shall not be
less than 95% (for example, if 100 samples are assembled, the assembly failure
of up to 5 samples is allowed).
5.2.3 Repeatable assembly
The pre-installed optical mechanical splicing and straight-through optical field
connectors shall have repeatable assembly. Ensure that after an assembly
failure, it can be reworked and assembled again. And when repeated assembly,
it shall be easy to turn on.
Repeated assembly refers to turning on the assembled connector, remaking
the fiber end face according to the assembly procedure, and reassembling the
connector. Repeatable assembly shall be more than 5 times.
5.3 Working environment requirements
The environmental requirements for optical field connectors are as follows:
a) Working temperature: -40°C~+85°C;
b) Storage temperature: -40°C~+85°C;
c) Relative humidity: ≤95% (at +30°C);
d) Atmospheric pressure: 62kPa~106kPa.
5.4 Material requirements
The materials used for optical field connectors shall meet the following
a) The refractive index of the refractive index matching material needs to be
close to the core. The material shall be stable and reliable for 25 years;
b) The combustion performance of plastic parts used in optical field
connectors shall meet the requirements of GB/T 5169.5-2008. The
duration of applying the test flame is 10s;
c) They shall comply with RoHS standards, no pollution to the environment,
and comply with relevant environmental protection standards;
d) When the finished product is damaged, its parts are not allowed to cause
harm to people.
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measurement is carried out under the standard atmospheric pressure
conditions specified in GB/T 2421.1-2008. The accuracy of the measuring
instruments and meters shall meet the requirements and be calibrated regularly.
7.1.2 Test light source and tail fiber
LD light source is used for measurement. Its peak wavelength is
The tail fiber connected to the light source shall be a single-mode fiber. To
eliminate the influence of the cladding mode on the measurement, a small circle
of Φ30mm is marked on the tail fiber.
7.1.3 Standard connectors
When testing the optical performance of SC optical field connectors, the
standard connectors used shall meet the requirements of 4.3 in YD/T 1272.3-
2005. When testing the optical performance of LC-type optical field connectors,
the standard connectors used shall meet the requirements of 4.3 in YD/T
7.1.4 Preparation before measurement
Before measurement, use lint-free fiber paper or absorbent cotton to wipe and
clean the pin body and the end surface and the inner surface of the adapter
sleeve. Use absolute alcohol to scrub if necessary.
7.1.5 Specimen
The samples for mechanical performance test and environmental performance
test shall be the samples that pass the insertion loss and return loss test after
the on-site assembly test.
7.2 Appearance and size inspection
The appearance of the assembled optical field connector shall be smooth, clean,
free of oil and burrs, without scars and cracks, with bright colors, and good
consistency. Each component combination needs to be flat. The insertion and
removal of the adapter needs to be smooth and easy. The connection is strong.
The switch works normally.
Measure the length of the assembled fiber optic field connector with a caliper.
The length shall meet the requirements of 5.1.1.
7.3 Insertion loss measurement
The insertion loss of the optical field connector is measured according to one
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In the formula: The unit of P1 and P0 is mw, and the unit of insertion loss is
7.4 Echo wave loss measurement
Measure according to the method specified in 6.5 of YD/T 1272.3-2005. The
indicators shall meet the requirements of Table 2b.
7.5 High temperature
Perform high temperature measurement of optical field connectors as follows:
a) Conditions
- Temperature: +85°C;
- Duration: 96h.
b) Procedures
- Pretreat the specimen at room temperature. Measure the insertion loss
value and echo wave loss value of the specimen as the original value
before the test;
- Place the specimen in a thermostatic oven with an accuracy of ±2°C.
The temperature is 85°C. Keep constant temperature for 96 hours. During
the test, test and record the insertion loss and echo wave loss of the
specimen. After the test is over, take the specimen out and place it in a
room temperature environment for 2 hours. Test and record the insertion
loss and echo wave loss values.
c) Test results
- The test results of insertion loss and echo wave loss of the specimen
during and after the test shall meet the requirements of Table 2. The test
results of the change in input loss and the change in shape shall meet the
requirements of Table 3a.
7.6 Low temperature
Perform low temperature measurement of optical field connectors as follows:
a) Conditions
- Temperature: -40°C;
- Duration: 96h.
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b) Procedures
- Pretreat the specimen at room temperature. Measure the insertion loss
value and echo wave loss value of the specimen as the original value
before the test;
- Place the specimen in a thermostatic oven with an accuracy of ±2°C.
The temperature is -40°C. Keep constant temperature for 96 hours.
During the test, test and record the insertion loss and echo wave loss of
the specimen. After the test is over, take the specimen out and place it in
a room temperature environment for 2 hours. Test and record the insertion
loss and echo wave loss values.
c) Test results
- The test results of insertion loss and echo wave loss of the specimen
during and after the test shall meet the requirements of Table 2. The test
results of insertion loss change and shape change shall meet the
requirements of Table 3b.
7.7 Temperature cycle
Perform temperature cycle measurement of optical field connectors as follows:
a) Conditions
- Extreme high-temperature temperature: Ta=+85°C;
- Limit low-temperature temperature: Tb=-40°C;
- Cycle times: 21 cycles (8 hours for 1 cycle), 168 hours in total.
b) Procedures
- Pretreat the specimen at room temperature. Measure the insertion loss
value and echo wave loss value of the specimen as the original value
before the test;
- Place the specimen in a constant temperature high and low temperature
circulating box with an accuracy of ±2°C. According to the temperature
change curve shown in Figure 12, the temperature is increased from room
temperature to 23°C for 1 hour and then at a constant rate for 1 hour to
Ta temperature. After 1 hour at the constant temperature in Ta, cool down
at a constant rate for 1 hour to 23°C. Keep at the constant temperature for
1 hour. After 1 hour at the Tb constant temperature, the temperature is
increased to room temperature of 23°C at a constant speed. That will be
the end of a cycle. It lasts 21 cycles for a total of 168 hours. During the
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Set the temperature and humidity as required. Maintain constant
temperature and humidity for 96 hours. During the test, test and record
the insertion loss and echo wave loss of the specimen. After the test is
over, take the specimen out and place it in a room temperature
environment for 2 hours. Test and record the insertion loss value and echo
wave loss value.
c) Test results
- The insertion loss and return loss test results of the specimen in and after
the test shall meet the requirements of Table 2. The test results of insertion
loss change and shape change shall meet the requirements of 3d.
7.9 Water immersion
Perform the water immersion measurement of the optical field connector as
a) Conditions
- Water tank environment: tap water at room temperature;
- Duration: 168 hours.
b) Procedures
- Pretreat the specimen at room temperature. Measure the insertion loss
value and echo wave loss value of the specimen as the original value
before the test;
- Put the specimen in a tap water tank at room temperature. Keep for 168
hours. Take the specimen out and place it in a room temperature
environment for 24 hours. Test and record the insertion loss and echo
wave loss values.
c) Test results
- After the test, the insertion loss and echo wave loss test results of the
specimen shall meet the requirements of Table 2. The test results of
insertion loss change and shape change shall meet the requirements of
Table 3e.
7.10 Repeatable assembly
This test only applies to mechanical optical field connectors. Repeatable











